Pentecost in Arnhem Land, by Djiniyini Gondarra

Pentecost in Arnhem Land, Australia

Djiniyini Gondarra

See Australian Aboriginal Revival from 1979

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Pentecost in Arnhem Land, by Djiniyini Gondarra:

Article in Renewal Journal 1: Revival
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Also in Renewal Journals, Bound Volume 1, Issues 1-5
Renewal Journal Vol 1 (1-5) – PDF

Revivals Index – revivals into the 21st century


Djiniyini Gondarra

The Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra is a Uniting Church minister and former Moderator of the Northern Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia.


mission is to include every aspect of the work

which the church is sent into the world to do


This is a very brief outline of the revival which took place in Arnhem Land in the Uniting Church parishes, beginning in Galiwin’ku on Elcho Island, 400 miles east of Darwin, with a population of 1500 to 1600.

In the early years, Galiwin’ku Community was the mission station established by the Methodist Overseas Mission back in 1942 under the leadership of Rev. Harold Shepherdson. He was accepted by the Methodist Mission Board in 1927 as a lay missionary, engineer and saw-miller. Because of his long outstanding Christian leadership and humility he was ordained at Galiwin’ku, Elcho Island, on 19th October, 1954. He and his wife Ella Shepherdson would have been the last pioneer missionaries to leave their beloved home and people in Arnhem Land.

The missionary movement in Arnhem Land has taken as its mandate the great commission in Matthew 28:19-20 which says: ‘Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age.’

I understand that mission is to include every aspect of the work which the church is sent into the world to do, and I understand evangelism in a different sense which is called holistic evangelism. It is a means of communication of the good news about Jesus Christ as it affects the whole of life.

You will remember very well the story in Acts 1:68 when Jesus and his disciples met together before the ascension took place. The disciples asked whether God’s reign was now come in full. Jesus told them it was not their business to worry about that, but they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them and they would be his witnesses beginning in Jerusalem and going outwards into Judea, Samaria and on to the ends of the earth.

There is something quite unpredictable, unexpected and mysterious about the way that God’s rule is realized in communities and in the lives of individuals. So the disciples were told to wait for the Holy Spirit and then they would be witnesses when Pentecost came. Something quite unplanned and unexpected happened. They began to babble in other strange languages and people asked what is this that is happening? What is going on?

Difficult times

Galiwin’ku, Elcho Island, experienced the revival on 14th March, 1979. That year was a very hard year because the churches in Arnhem Land were going through very difficult times. There was suffering, hardship and even persecution.

Many people left the church and the Christian gospel no longer had interest and value in their lives. Many began to speak against Christianity or even wanted to get rid of the church.

This attitude was affected by the changes that were happening. Money and other things were coming into the community from the government. The people became more rich and were handling lots of things such as motor cars, T.V., motorboats, and good houses. The responsibilities were in the hands of the Aboriginal people and no longer in the missionaries’ hands.

The earthly values became the centre of Aboriginal life. There was more liquor coming into the communities every day, and more fighting was going on. There were more families hurt, and more deaths and incidents happening which were caused by drinking.

Whole communities in Arnhem Land were in great chaos. The people were in confusion and without direction. The Aboriginal people were listening to many voices. The government was saying you are free people and you must have everything you want, just like the other Australians. And there were promises from one to another.

To me, the Aboriginal people in Arnhem Land were like the Israelites in Egypt being slaves in bondage because of all the changes that were brought into the community. They were like the vacuum suction which was sucking in everything that comes without knowing that many of the things that came into communities were really unpleasant and only destroyed the harmony and the good relationship with the people and the communities.

I thank God that I was being called back to serve my own people in Arnhem Land, especially to Galiwin’ku. In 1975 I had just completed my theological training in Papua New Guinea in Raronga Theological College and was appointed to Galiwin’ku parish. My ordination took place in 1976 in Galiwin’ku parish, and I was ordained by the Arnhem Land Presbytery. I was appointed then to Galiwin’ku parish as parish minister.

This celebration took place when there were lots of changes happening and when the church was challenged by the power of evil which clothes itself in greed, selfishness, drunkenness, and in wealth. As I went on my daily pastoral visitation around the camp I would hear the drunks swearing and bashing up their wives and throwing stones on the houses, and glass being broken in the houses. And sometimes the drunks would go into the church and smoke cigarettes in the holy house of God. This was really terrible. The whole of Arnhem Land was being held by the hands of satan.

I remember one day I woke up early in the morning and went for a walk down the beach and started talking to myself. I said, ‘Lord, why have you called me to the ministry? Why have you called me back to my own people? Why not to somewhere else, because there is so much suffering and hardship?’

I then returned to the manse where Gelung, my wife, and the children were. This was our last day before we left for our holidays to the south, visiting old missionary friends and also taking part in the lovely wedding held in Sydney for Barry and Barbara Bullick, one of our missionary workers still remaining in Galiwin’ku Community.

It was almost 6.30 am and it was my turn to lead the morning devotions. The bell had already rung and I had rushed into the church. When I got there, there were only four people inside the church. We used to have our morning devotions every day early in the morning because this system had been formed by the missionaries in the early years.

God had given me the Word to read and share with those four people who were present in the church with me. The reading I selected was from the Old Testament, Ezekiel 37:1-14, the valley of dry bones. Most of you know the story very well, how God Yahweh commanded the prophet Ezekiel to prophecy to the dry bones, and how that the dry bones represent the whole house of Israel, how they were just like bones dried up and their hope had perished. They were completely cut off.

After the morning prayers, Gelung, the children and I were ready to leave for Gove and then go on to Cairns in North Queensland. We were away for four weeks and returned on 14th March, 1979.

20th century Pentecost

To me and all the Galiwin’ku Community, both the Aboriginal Christians and the white Christians, these dates and the month were very important because this is the mark of the birth of the Pentecost experience in the Arnhem Land churches or the birth of the Arnhem Land churches. To us it was like Pentecost in this 20th Century.

It happened when Gelung, the children and I arrived very late in the afternoon from our holidays through Gove on the late Missionary Aviation Fellowship aircraft to Galiwin’ku. When we landed at Galiwin’ku airport we were welcomed and met by many crowds of people.

They all seemed to be saying to us, ‘We would like you to start the Bible Class fellowship once again.’ It seemed to me that God, after our leaving, had been walking on and preparing many people’s lives to wait upon the outpouring of his Holy Spirit that would soon come upon them. Gelung and I were so tired from the long trip from Cairns to Gove and then from Gove to Galiwin’ku that we expected to rest and sort out some of the things and unpack. But we just committed ourselves to the needs of our brothers and sisters who had welcomed and met us at the airport that afternoon.

After the evening dinner, we called our friends to come and join us in the Bible Class meeting. We just sang some hymns and choruses translated into Gupapuynu and into Djambarrpuynu. There were only seven or eight people who were involved or came to the Bible Class meeting, and many of our friends didn’t turn up. We didn’t get worried about it.

I began to talk to them that this was God’s will for us to get together this evening because God had planned this meeting through them so that we will see something of his great love which will be poured out on each one of them. I said a word of thanks to those few faithful Christians who had been praying for renewal in our church, and I shared with them that I too had been praying for the revival or the renewal for this church and for the whole of Arnhem Land churches, because to our heavenly Father everything is possible. He can do mighty things in our churches throughout our great land.

These were some of the words of challenge I gave to those of my beloved brothers and sisters. Gelung, my wife, also shared something of her experience of the power and miracles that she felt deep down in her heart when she was about to die in Darwin Hospital delivering our fourth child. It was God’s power that brought the healing and the wholeness in her body.

I then asked the group to hold each other’s hands and I began to pray for the people and for the church, that God would pour out his Holy Spirit to bring healing and renewal to the hearts of men and women, and to the children.

Suddenly we began to feel God’s Spirit moving in our hearts and the whole form of our prayer suddenly changed and everybody began to pray in the Spirit and in harmony. And there was a great noise going on in the room and we began to ask one another what was going on.

Some of us said that God had now visited us and once again established his kingdom among his people who have been bound for so long by the power of evil. Now the Lord is setting his church free and bringing us into the freedom of happiness and into reconciliation and to restoration.

In that same evening the word just spread like the flames of fire and reached the whole community in Galiwin’ku. Gelung and I couldn’t sleep at all that night because people were just coming for the ministry, bringing the sick to be prayed for, for healing. Others came to bring their problems. Even a husband and wife came to bring their marriage problem, so the Lord touched them and healed their marriage.

Next morning the Galiwin’ku Community once again became the new community. The love of Jesus was being shared and many expressions of forgiveness were taking place in the families and in the tribes. Wherever I went I could hear people singing and humming Christian choruses and hymns! Before then I would have expected to hear only fighting and swearing and many other troublesome things that would hurt your feelings and make you feel sad.

Many unplanned and unexpected things happened every time we went from camp to camp to meet with the people. The fellowship was held every night and more and more people gave their lives to Christ, and it went on and on until sometimes the fellowship meeting would end around about midnight. There was more singing, testimony, and ministry going on. People did not feel tired in the morning, but still went to work.

Many Christians were beginning to discover what their ministry was, and a few others had a strong sense of call to be trained to become Ministers of the Word. Now today these ministers who have done their training through Nungilinya College have been ordained. These are some of the results of the revival in Arnhem Land. Many others have been trained to take up a special ministry in the parish.

The spirit of revival has not only affected the Uniting Church communities and the parishes, but Anglican churches in Arnhem Land as well, such as in Angurugu, Umbakumba, Roper River, Numbulwar and Oenpelli. These all have experienced the revival, and have been touched by the joy and the happiness and the love of Christ.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Arnhem Land has swept further to the Centre in Pitjantjatjara and across the west into many Aboriginal settlements and communities. I remember when Rev. Rronang Garrawurra, Gelung and I were invited by the Warburton Ranges people and how we saw God’s Spirit move in the lives of many people. Five hundred people came to the Lord and were baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

There was a great revival that swept further west. I would describe these experiences like a wild bush fire burning from one side of Australia to the other side of our great land. The experience of revival in Arnhem Land is still active in many of our Aboriginal parishes and the churches.

We would like to share these experiences in many white churches where doors are closed to the power of the Holy Spirit. It has always been my humble prayer that the whole of Australian Christians, both black and white, will one day be touched by this great and mighty power of the living God.


(c) Djiniyini Gondarra’s, Let my people go. Published by Bethel Presbytery of the Northern Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia. Used with permission. 

Some photos from Australian Aboriginal Revival from 1979:


Prayer meeting in the church

Meetings outside the crowded church

Mission meetings

Renewal Journal 1: Revival(c) Renewal Journal 1: Revival (1993, 2011), pages 29-36
Reproduction is allowed with the copyright intact with the text.

Now available in updated book form (republished 2011)
Renewal Journal 1: Revival

Praying the Price, by Stuart Robinson

Prayer and Revival, by J Edwin Orr

Pentecost in Arnhem Land, by Djiniyini Gondarra

Power from on High: The Moravian Revival, by John Greenfield

Revival Fire, by Geoff Waugh


RJ Vol 1 (1-5) 1Also in Renewal Journals, Bound Volume 1, Issues 1-5

Renewal Journal Vol 1 (1-5) – PDF

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Pentecost in Arnhem Land, by Djiniyini Gondarra:

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Revivals Index – revivals into the 21st century

Prayer and Revival, by J Edwin Orr

Prayer and Revival

J. Edwin Orr

Article in Renewal Journal 1: Revival
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Prayer and Revival, by J Edwin Orr:

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J Edwin Orr

Dr J. Edwin Orr was a leading scholar of revivals who published detailed books about evangelical awakenings. His research discovered major spiritual awakenings about every fifty years following the great awakening from the mid-eighteenth century in which John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards featured prominently. This article, based on one of Edwin Orr’s messages, is adapted from articles reproduced in the National Fellowship for Revival newsletters in New Zealand and Australia.


There has never been a spiritual awakening

in any country or locality

that did not begin in united prayer.


Dr A. T. Pierson once said, ‘There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer.’ Let me recount what God has done through concerted, united, sustained prayer.

Not many people realize that in the wake of the American Revolution (following 17761781) there was a moral slump. Drunkenness became epidemic. Out of a population of five million, 300,000 were confirmed drunkards; they were burying fifteen thousand of them each year. Profanity was of the most shocking kind. For the first time in the history of the American settlement, women were afraid to go out at night for fear of assault. Bank robberies were a daily occurrence.

What about the churches? The Methodists were losing more members than they were gaining. The Baptists said that they had their most wintry season. The Presbyterians in general assembly deplored the nation’s ungodliness. In a typical Congregational church, the Rev. Samuel Shepherd of Lennos, Massachusetts, in sixteen years had not taken one young person into fellowship. The Lutherans were so languishing that they discussed uniting with Episcopalians who were even worse off. The Protestant Episcopal Bishop of New York, Bishop Samuel Provost, quit functioning; he had confirmed no one for so long that he decided he was out of work, so he took up other employment.

The Chief Justice of the United States, John Marshall, wrote to the Bishop of Virginia, James Madison, that the Church ‘was too far gone ever to be redeemed.’ Voltaire averred and Tom Paine echoed, ‘Christianity will be forgotten in thirty years.

Take the liberal arts colleges at that time. A poll taken at Harvard had discovered not one

believer in the whole student body. They took a poll at Princeton, a much more evangelical place, where they discovered only two believers in the student body, and only five that did not belong to the filthy speech movement of that day. Students rioted. They held a mock communion at Williams College, and they put on antiChristian plays at Dartmouth. They burned down the Nassau Hall at Princeton. They forced the resignation of the president of Harvard. They took a Bible out of a local Presbyterian church in New Jersey, and they burnt it in a public bonfire. Christians were so few on campus in the 1790’s that they met in secret, like a communist cell, and kept their minutes in code so that no one would know.

How did the situation change? It came through a concert of prayer.

There was a Scottish Presbyterian minister in Edinburgh named John Erskine, who published a Memorial (as he called it) pleading with the people of Scotland and elsewhere to unite in prayer for the revival of religion. He sent one copy of this little book to Jonathan Edwards in New England. The great theologian was so moved he wrote a response which grew longer than a letter, so that finally he published it is a book entitled ‘A Humble Attempt to Promote Explicit Agreement and Visible Union of all God’s People in Extraordinary Prayer for the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth, pursuant to Scripture Promises and Prophecies…

Is not this what is missing so much from all our evangelistic efforts: explicit agreement, visible unity, unusual prayer?


This movement had started in Britain through William Carey, Andrew Fuller and John Sutcliffe and other leaders who began what the British called the Union of Prayer. Hence, the year after John Wesley died (he died in 1791), the second great awakening began and swept Great Britain.

In New England, there was a man of prayer named Isaac Backus, a Baptist pastor, who in 1794, when conditions were at their worst, addressed an urgent plea for prayer for revival to pastors of every Christian denomination in the United States.

Churches knew that their backs were to the wall. All the churches adopted the plan until America, like Britain was interlaced with a network of prayer meetings, which set aside the first Monday of each month to pray. It was not long before revival came.

When the revival reached the frontier in Kentucky, it encountered a people really wild and

irreligious. Congress had discovered that in Kentucky there had not been more than one court of justice held in five years. Peter Cartwright, Methodist evangelist, wrote that when his father had settled in Logan County, it was known as Rogue’s Harbour. The decent people in Kentucky formed regiments of vigilantes to fight for law and order, then fought a pitched battle with outlaws and lost.

There was a Scotch-Irish Presbyterian minister named James McGready whose chief claim to fame was that he was so ugly that he attracted attention. McGready settled in Logan County, pastor of three little churches. He wrote in his diary that the winter of 1799 for the most part was ‘weeping and mourning with the people of God.’ Lawlessness prevailed everywhere.

McGready was such a man of prayer that not only did he promote the concert of prayer every first Monday of the month, but he got his people to pray for him at sunset on Saturday evening and sunrise Sunday morning. Then in the summer of 1800 come the great Kentucky revival. Eleven thousand people came to a communion service. McGready hollered for help, regardless of denomination.

Out of that second great awakening, came the whole modern missionary movement and it’s

societies. Out of it came the abolition of slavery, popular education, Bible Societies, Sunday Schools, and many social benefits accompanying the evangelistic drive.


Following the second great awakening, which began in 1792 just after the death of John Wesley and continued into the turn of the century, conditions again deteriorated. This is illustrated from the United States.

The country was seriously divided over the issue of slavery, and second, people were making money lavishly.

In September 1857, a man of prayer, Jeremiah Lanphier, started a businessmen’s prayer meeting in the upper room of the Dutch Reformed Church Consistory Building in Manhattan. In response to his advertisement, only six people out of a population of a million showed up. But the following week there were fourteen, and then twenty-three when it was decided to meet everyday for prayer. By late winter they were filling the Dutch Reformed Church, then the Methodist Church on John Street, then Trinity Episcopal Church on Broadway at Wall Street. In February and March of 1858, every church and public hall in down town New York was filled.

Horace Greeley, the famous editor, sent a reporter with horse and buggy racing round the prayer meetings to see how many men were praying. In one hour he could get to only twelve meetings, but he counted 6,100 men attending.

Then a landslide of prayer began, which overflowed to the churches in the evenings. People began to be converted, ten thousand a week in New York City alone. The movement spread throughout New England, the church bells bringing people to prayer at eight in the morning, twelve noon, and six in the evening. The revival raced up the Hudson and down the Mohawk, where the Baptists, for example, had so many people to baptize that they went down to the river, cut a big hole in the ice, and baptized them in the cold water. When Baptists do that they are really on fire!

When the revival reached Chicago, a young shoe salesman went to the superintendent of the Plymouth Congregational Church, and asked if he might teach Sunday School. The

superintendent said, ‘I am sorry, young fellow. I have sixteen teachers too many, but I will put you on the waiting list.’

The young man insisted, ‘I want to do something just now.’

‘Well, start a class.’

‘How do I start a class?’

‘Get some boys off the street but don’t bring them here. Take them out into the country and after a month you will have control of them, so bring them in. They will be your class.’

He took them to a beach on Lake Michigan and he taught them Bible verses and Bible games. Then he took them to the Plymouth Congregational Church. The name of that young man was Dwight Lyman Moody, and that was the beginning of a ministry that lasted forty years.

Trinity Episcopal Church in Chicago had a hundred and twentyone members in 1857; fourteen hundred in 1860. That was typical of the churches. More than a million people were converted to God in one year out of a population of thirty million.

Then that same revival jumped the Atlantic, appeared in Ulster, Scotland and Wales, then

England, parts of Europe, South Africa and South India anywhere there was an evangelical cause. It sent mission pioneers to many countries. Effects were felt for forty years. Having begun in a movement of prayer, it was sustained by a movement of prayer.


That movement lasted for a generation, but at the turn of the century there was need of awakening again. A general movement of prayer began, with special prayer meetings at Moody Bible Institute, at Keswick Conventions in England, and places as far apart as Melbourne, Wonsan in Korea, and the Nilgiri Hills of India. So all around the world believers were praying that there might be another great awakening in the twentieth century.

* * *

In the revival of 1905, I read of a young man who became a famous professor, Kenneth Scott Latourette. He reported that, at Yale in 1905, 25% of the student body were enrolled in prayer meetings and in Bible study.

As far as churches were concerned, the ministers of Atlantic City reported that of a population of fifty thousand there were only fifty adults left unconverted.

Take Portland in Oregon: two hundred and forty major stores closed from 11 to 2 each day to enable people to attend prayer meetings, signing an agreement so that no one would cheat and stay open.

Take First Baptist Church of Paducah in Kentucky: the pastor, an old man, Dr J. J. Cheek, took a thousand members in two months and died of overwork, the Southern Baptists saying, ‘a glorious ending to a devoted ministry.’

That is what was happening in the United States in 1905. But how did it begin?

* * *

Most people have heard of the Welsh Revival which started in 1904. It began as a movement of prayer.

Seth Joshua, the Presbyterian evangelist, came to Newcastle Emlyn College where a former coal miner, Evan Roberts aged 26, was studying for the ministry. The students were so moved that they asked if they could attend Joshua’s next campaign nearby. So they cancelled classes to go to Blaenanerch where Seth Joshua prayed publicly, ‘O God, bend us.’

Evan Roberts went forward where he prayed with great agony, ‘O God, bend me.’

Upon his return he could not concentrate on his studies. He went to the principal of his college and explained, ‘I keep hearing a voice that tells me I must go home and speak to our young people in my home church. Principal Phillips, is that the voice of the devil or the voice of the Spirit?’

Principal Phillips answered wisely, ‘The devil never gives orders like that. You can have a week off.’

So he went back home to Loughor and announced to the pastor, ‘I’ve come to preach.’

The pastor was not at all convinced, but asked, ‘How about speaking at the prayer meeting on Monday?’

He did not even let him speak to the prayer meeting, but told the praying people, ‘Our young brother, Evan Roberts, feels he has a message for you if you care to wait.’

Seventeen people waited behind, and were impressed with the directness of the young man’s words.

Evan Roberts told his fellow members, ‘I have a message for you from God.

* You must confess any known sin to God and put any wrong done to others right.

* Second, you must put away any doubtful habit.

* Third, you must obey the Spirit promptly.

* Finally, you must confess your faith in Christ publicly.’

By ten o’clock all seventeen had responded. The pastor was so pleased that he asked, ‘How about your speaking at the mission service tomorrow night? Midweek service Wednesday night?’

He preached all week, and was asked to stay another week. Then the break came.

Suddenly the dull ecclesiastical columns in the Welsh papers changed:

‘Great crowds of people drawn to Loughor.’

The main road between Llanelly and Swansea on which the church was situated was packed with people trying to get into the church. Shopkeepers closed early to find a place in the big church.

Now the news was out. A reporter was sent down and he described vividly what he saw: a

strange meeting which closed at 4.25 in the morning, and even then people did not seem willing to go home. There was a very British summary: ‘I felt that this was no ordinary gathering.’

Next day, every grocery shop in that industrial valley was emptied of groceries by people

attending the meetings, and on Sunday every church was filled.

The movement went like a tidal wave over Wales, in five months there being a hundred thousand people converted throughout the country. Five years later, Dr J. V. Morgan wrote a book to debunk the revival, his main criticism being that, of a hundred thousand joining the churches in five months of excitement, after five years only seventy-five thousand still stood in the membership of those churches!

The social impact was astounding. For example, judges were presented with white gloves, not a case to try; no robberies, no burglaries, no rapes, no murders, and no embezzlements, nothing. District councils held emergency meetings to discuss what to do with the police now that they were unemployed.

In one place the Sergeant of police was sent for and asked, ‘What do you do with your time?’

He replied, ‘Before the revival, we had two main jobs, to prevent crime and to control crowds, as at football games. Since the revival started there is practically no crime. So we just go with the crowds.’

A Councillor asked, ‘What does that mean?’

The Sergeant replied, ‘You know where the crowds are. They are packing out the churches.’

‘But how does that affect the police?’

He was told, ‘We have seventeen police in our station, but we have three quartets, and if any church wants a quartet to sing, they simply call the police station.’

As the revival swept Wales, drunkenness was cut in half. There was a wave of bankruptcies, but nearly all taverns. There was even a slowdown in the mines, for so many Welsh coal miners were converted and stopped using bad language that the horses that dragged the coal trucks in the mines could not understand what was being said to them.

That revival also affected sexual moral standards. I had discovered through the figures given by British government experts that in Radnorshire and Merionethshire the illegitimate birth rate had dropped 44% within a year of the beginning of the revival.

The revival swept Britain, Scandinavia, Germany, North America, Australasia, Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Chile.

As always, it began through a movement of prayer.

What do we mean by extraordinary prayer? We share ordinary prayer in regular worship services, before meals, and the like. But when people are found getting up at six in the morning to pray, or having a half night of prayer until midnight, or giving up their lunch time to pray at noonday prayer meetings, that is extraordinary prayer. It must be united and concerted.


Renewal Journal 1: Revival(c) Renewal Journal 1: Revival (1993, 2011), pages 19-28
Reproduction is allowed with the copyright intact with the text.

Now available in updated book form (republished 2011)
Renewal Journal 1: Revival

Praying the Price, by Stuart Robinson

Prayer and Revival, by J Edwin Orr

Pentecost in Arnhem Land, by Djiniyini Gondarra

Power from on High: The Moravian Revival, by John Greenfield

Revival Fire, by Geoff Waugh

RJ Vol 1 (1-5) 1

Article in Renewal Journal 1: Revival
Renewal Journal 1: Revival – PDF

Also in Renewal Journals, Bound Volume 1, Issues 1-5
Renewal Journal Vol 1 (1-5) – PDF


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Praying the Price by Stuart Robinson

Praying the Price

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Praying the Price, by Stuart Robinson:

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The Rev Dr Stuart Robinson wrote as the Senior Pastor at the Blackburn Baptist Church in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.


Luke 11:1 Lord teach us to pray



In 1952 Albert Einstein was asked by a Princeton doctoral student what was left in the world for original dissertation research?  Einstein replied, ‘Find out about prayer’.

English preacher Sidlow Baxter, when he was eighty-five years of age, said, ‘I have pastored only three churches in my more than sixty years of ministry. We had revival in every one. And not one of them came as a result of my preaching. They came as a result of the membership entering into a covenant to pray until revival came. And it did come, every time’ (Willhite 1988:111).

Chaplain of the United States Senate, Richard Halverson, advised that we really don’t have any alternatives to prayer. He says, ‘You can organize until you are exhausted. You can plan, program and subsidize all your plans. But if you fail to pray, it is a waste of time. Prayer is not optional. It is mandatory. Not to pray is to disobey God’ (Bryant 1984:39).

Roy Pointer, after extensive research in Baptist churches in the United Kingdom, arrived at the conclusion that wherever there was positive growth, there was one recurring factor: they were all praying churches.

In the United States of America, at Larry Lea’s Church on the Rock in Rockwall, Texas, numerical growth was from 13 people in 1980 to 11,000 people by 1988. When he was asked about such amazing growth, he said ‘I didn’t start a church I started a prayer meeting’. When David Shibley, the minister responsible for prayer in that church was asked the secret of the church, he said, ‘The evangelistic program of our church is the daily prayer meeting. Every morning, Monday through Friday, we meet at 5.00 am to pray. If we see the harvest of conversions fall off for more than a week, we see that as a spiritual red alert and seek the Lord’ (Shibley 1985:7).

In Korea, where the church has grown from almost zero to a projected 50% of the entire population in this century alone, Pastor Paul Yonggi Cho attributes his church’s conversion rate of 12,000 people per month as primarily due to ceaseless prayer.

In Korea it is normal for church members to go to bed early so they can arise at 4.00 am to participate in united prayer. It is normal for them to pray all through Friday nights. It is normal to go out to prayer retreats. Cho says that any church might see this sort of phenomenal growth if they are prepared to ‘pray the price,’ to ‘pray and obey.’

Cho was once asked by a local pastor why was it that Cho’s church membership was 750,000 and his was only 3,000 when he was better educated, preached better sermons and even had a foreign wife? Cho inquired, ‘How much do you pray?’ The pastor said, ‘Thirty minutes a day.’ To which Cho replied, ‘There is your answer. I pray from three to five hours per day.’

In America one survey has shown that pastors on average pray 22 minutes per day. In mainline churches, it is less than that. In Japan they pray 44 minutes a day, Korea 90 minutes a day, and China 120 minutes a day. It’s not surprising that the growth rate of churches in those countries is directly proportional to the amount of time pastors are spending in prayer.

Growth a Supernatural Process

The church is a living organism. It is God’s creation with Jesus Christ as its head (Colossians 1:18). From Him life flows (John 14:6). We have a responsibility to cooperate with God (1Corinthians 3:6). We know that unless the Lord builds the house we labour in vain (Psalm 127:1).

The transfer of a soul from the kingdom of darkness to that of light is a spiritual, supernatural process (Colossians 1:14). It is the Father who draws (John 6:44).

It is the Holy Spirit who convicts (John 16:811). He causes confession to be made (1 Corinthians 12:3). He completes conversion (Titus 3:5). It is the Holy Spirit who also strengthens and empowers (Ephesians 3:16). He guides into truth (John 16:16). He gives spiritual gifts which promote unity (1 Corinthians 12:25), building up the church (1 Corinthians 14:12), thus avoiding disunity and strife which stunt growth.

This is fundamental spiritual truth accepted and believed by all Christians. However, the degree to which we are convinced that all real growth is ultimately a supernatural process and are prepared to act upon that belief, will be directly reflected in the priority that we give to corporate and personal prayer in the life of the church.

It is only when we begin to see that nothing that matters will occur except in answer to prayer that prayer will become more than an optional program for the faithful few, and instead it will become the driving force of our churches.

Obviously God wants our pastors, other leaders and His people to recognize that only He can do extraordinary things. When we accept that simple premise, we may begin to pray.

In the Bible

The battle which Joshua won, as recorded in Exodus 17:813, was not so dependent upon what he and his troops were doing down on the plain. It was directly dependent upon Moses’ prayerful intercession from on top of a nearby hill, with the support of Aaron and Hur.

In the Old Testament, not counting the Psalms, there are 77 explicit references to prayer.

The pace quickens in the New Testament. There are 94 references alone which relate directly to Jesus and prayer. The apostles picked up this theme and practice.

So Paul says, ‘Pray continually, for this is God’s will for you’ (1 Thessalonians 5:16).

Peter urges believers to be ‘clear minded and self controlled’ so that they can pray (1 Peter 4:7).

James declares that prayer is ‘powerful and effective’ (James 5:16).

John assures us that ‘God hears and answers’ (1 John 5:15).

In the book of Acts there are 36 references to the church growing. Fifty-eight percent (i.e. 21 of those instances) are within the context of prayer.

We would all love to see growth in every church in the world like it was at Pentecost and

immediately thereafter. The key to what happened there is found in Acts 1:14 when it says: ‘They were all joined together constantly in prayer.’

They were all joined together one mind, one purpose, one accord. That is the prerequisite for effectiveness. Then, they were all joined together constantly in prayer. The word used there means to be ‘busily engaged in, to be devoted to, to persist in adhering to a thing, to intently attend to it.’ And it is in the form of a present participle. It means that the practice was continued ceaselessly. The same word and part of speech is used in Acts 2:42: ‘They devoted themselves… to prayer.’ Over in Colossians 4:2, Paul uses the same word again in the imperative form: ‘Devote yourselves to prayer.’

Most significant expansion movements of the church through its history took up that imperative.

In history

When we read the biographies of William Carey, Adoniram Judson, David Livingstone, Hudson Taylor, or whomever, the initiating thrust of the work of their lives began in prayer encounters.

About a century ago, John R. Mott led an extraordinary movement which became known as the Student Christian Movement. It was based amongst college and university students. It supplied 20,000 career missionaries in the space of thirty years. John Mott said that the source of this amazing awakening lay in united intercessory prayer. It wasn’t just that these missionaries were recruited and sent out in prayer; their work was also sustained through prayer.

Hudson Taylor told a story of a missionary couple who were in charge of ten stations. They wrote to their home secretary confessing their absolute lack of progress, and they urged the secretary to find intercessors for each station. After a while, in seven of those stations, opposition melted, spiritual revival broke out and the churches grew strongly. But in three there was no change. When they returned home on their next furlough, the secretary cleared up the mystery. He had succeeded in getting intercessors for only seven of the ten stations. S. D. Gordon (1983:40) concludes, ‘The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man is to pray.’

Luther, Calvin, Knox, Latimer, Finney, Moody, all the `greats of God’ practised prayer and fasting to enhance ministry effectiveness.

John Wesley was so impressed by such precedents that he would not even ordain a person to ministry unless he agreed to fast at least until 4.00 pm each Wednesday and Friday.

Yonggi Cho (1984:103) says, ‘Normally I teach new believers to fast for three days. Once they have become accustomed to three-day fasts, they will be able to fast for a period of seven days. Then they will move to ten-day fasts. Some have even gone for forty days.’

These people seem to have latched onto something which we here in Australia hardly know anything about. We are so busy, so active. We try so hard to get something good up and running. But it doesn’t seem to grow much, or permanently change many lives. Why? Is it that the ground in Australia is too hard? Compared with other times and places, this could hardly be so. For example, back in the 18th century things didn’t look good.

Eighteenth century

France was working through its bloody revolution, as terroristic as any of our modern era. America had declared its Rights of Man in 1776. Voltaire was preaching that the church was only a system of oppression for the human spirit. Karl Marx would later agree. A new morality had arisen. Amongst both sexes in all ranks of society, Christianity was held in almost universal contempt. Demonic forces seemed to have been unleashed to drive the church out of existence. In many places it was almost down and out. Preachers and people would be pelted with stones and coal in places in England if they dared to testify to Jesus Christ in public.

But even before those satanic forces collaborated to confound and confuse, it appears that the Holy Spirit had prepared His defense, like a plot out of some Peretti novel.

In the 1740s, John Erskine of Edinburgh published a pamphlet encouraging people to pray for Scotland and elsewhere. Over in America, the challenge was picked up by Jonathan Edwards, who wrote a treatise called, ‘A Humble Attempt to Promote Explicit Agreement and Visible Union of God’s People in Extraordinary Prayer for the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ’s Kingdom.’

For forty years, John Erskine orchestrated what became a Concert of Prayer through voluminous correspondence around the world. In the face of apparent social, political and moral deterioration, he persisted.

And then the Lord of the universe stepped in and took over. On Christmas day 1781, at St. Just Church in Cornwall, at 3.00 am, intercessors met to sing and pray. The heavens opened at last and they knew it. They prayed through until 9.00 am and regathered on Christmas evening. Throughout January and February, the movement continued. By March 1782 they were praying until midnight. No significant preachers were involved just people praying and the Holy Spirit responding.

Two years later in 1784, when 83year old John Wesley visited that area, he wrote, ‘This country is all on fire and the flame is spreading from village to village.’

And spread it did. The chapel which George Whitefield had built decades previously in Tottenham Court Road had to be enlarged to seat 5,000 people the largest in the world at that time. Baptist churches in North Hampton, Leicester, and the Midlands, set aside regular nights devoted to the drumbeat of prayer for revival. Methodists and Anglicans joined in.

Matthew Henry wrote, ‘When God intends great mercy for His people, He first sets them praying.’

Across the country prayer meetings were networking for revival. A passion for evangelism arose. Converts were being won not through the regular services of the churches, but at the prayer meetings! Some were held at 5.00 am, some at midnight. Some pre-Christians were drawn by dreams and visions. Some came to scoff but were thrown to the ground under the power of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes there was noise and confusion; sometimes stillness and solemnity. But always there was that ceaseless outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Whole denominations doubled, tripled and quadrupled in the next few years. It swept out from England to Wales, Scotland, United States, Canada and to some Third World countries.

Social Impact

The social impact of reformed lives was incredible. William Wilberforce, William Pitt, Edmund Bourke, and Charles Fox, all touched by this movement, worked ceaselessly for the abolition of the slave trade in 1807.

William Buxton worked on for the emancipation of all slaves in the British Empire and saw it happen in 1834.

John Howard and Elizabeth Fry gave their lives to radically reform the prison system.

Florence Nightingale founded modern nursing.

Ashley Cooper, the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, came to the rescue of the working poor to end their sixteen-hour, seven-day-a-week work grind. He worked to stop exploitation of women and children in coal mines, the suffocation of boys as sweeps in chimneys. He established public parks and gymnasia, gardens, public libraries, night schools and choral societies.

The Christian Socialist Movement, which became the British Trade Union movement, was birthed.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was formed to protect animals.

There was amazing growth in churches, and an astounding change in society came about because for forty years a man prayed and worked, seeing the establishment of thousands of similar prayer meetings, all united in calling on God for revival.

Missionary societies were established. William Carey was one who got swept up in that movement. We speak of him as the ‘father of modern missions’.

The environment of his situation was that he was a member of a ministers’ revival prayer group which had been meeting for two years in Northampton in 178486. It was in 1786 he shared his vision of God’s desire to see the heathen won for the Lord.

He went on to establish what later became known as the Baptist Missionary Society. In 1795 the London Missionary Society was formed. In 1796 the Scottish Missionary Society was established, and later still the Church Missionary Society of the Anglicans was commenced.

Nineteenth century

The prayer movement had a tremendous impact, but waned until the middle of the 19th century. Then God started something up in Canada, and the necessity to pray was picked up in New York.

A quiet man called Jeremiah Lanphier had been appointed by the Dutch Reformed Church as a missionary to the central business district. Because the church was in decline and the life of the city was somewhat similar, he didn’t know what to do. He was a layman. He called a prayer meeting in the city to be held at noon each Wednesday. Its first meeting was on the 23rd September 1857. Eventually, five other men turned up. Two weeks later, they decided to move to a daily schedule of prayer. Within six months, 10,000 men were gathering to pray and that movement spread across America.

Surprise, surprise! Within two years there were one million new believers added to the church. The movement swept out to touch England, Scotland, Wales and Ulster.

Ireland was as tough a nut to crack as any. But when news reached Ireland of what was happening in America, James McQuilkan gathered three young men to meet for prayer in the Kells schoolhouse on March 14, 1859. They prayed and prayed for revival. Within a couple of months a similar prayer meeting was launched in Belfast. By September 21, 20,000 people assembled to pray for the whole of Ireland.

It was later estimated that 100,000 converts resulted directly from these prayer movements in Ireland. It has also been estimated that in the years 185960, some 1,150,000 people were added to the church, wherever concerts of prayer were in operation.

Twentieth century

Many would be aware of the Welsh Revival this century. It commenced in October 1904. It was spontaneous and was characterized by simultaneous, lengthy prayer meetings. In the first two months, 70,000 people came to the Lord. In 1905 in London alone, the Wesleyan

Methodists increased from their base membership of 54,785 by an additional 50,021 people.

Coming closer in time and nearer to Australia, in the Enga churches in Papua New Guinea there was a desperate spiritual state 20 years ago. To redress the situation, people there committed themselves to pray.

Prayer meetings began amongst pastors, missionaries and Bible College students. It spread out to the villages. In some villages, groups of people agreed to pray together every day until God sent new life to the church.

On 15 September 1973, without any prior indication, simultaneously, spontaneously, in village after village as pastors stood to deliver their normal Sunday morning messages, the Holy Spirit descended bringing conviction, confession, repentance and revival.

Normal work stopped as people in their thousands hurried to special meetings. Prayer groups met daily, morning and evening. Thousands of Christians were restored and thousands of pagans were converted. Whole villages became Christian, and the church grew not only in size but in maturity.

In the Philippines in the 1980s, as a result of some people attending an international prayer conference in Korea, 200 missionaries of the Philippine Missionary Fellowship each organized prayer group meetings daily at 7.00 pm to pray for the growth of the church. They report that within a couple of years this directly resulted in the formation of 310 new churches.

Spectacular growth is occurring in Argentina. Jose Luis Vasquez saw his church explode from 600 to 4,500 with a constituency of 10,000 members in five years following a visit from Carlos Annacondia. Hector Gimenez started his church from zero in 1983. His congregation now numbers 70,000. Omar Cabrera started his church in 1972 with 15 members. There is now a combined membership of 90,000 members.

Peter Wagner, who is intensely investigating what lies behind such effective ministry, has arrived at the conclusion that powerful intercessory prayer is the chief weapon. Much of it is happening in a Pentecostal, charismatic environment. But the structure or doctrine is not the essential thing.

Walter Hollenweger, a prolific researcher into Pentecostalism said that for them, from the earliest Pentecostals onwards, it was more important to pray than to organize (1972:29).

Wherever that principle is invoked, amazing things happen. In 1982 Christians in East Germany started to form small groups of ten to twelve persons, committed to meet to pray for peace. By October 1989, 50,000 people were involved in Monday night prayer meetings. In 1990, when those praying people moved quietly into the streets, their numbers quickly swelled to 300,000 and ‘the wall came tumbling down.’

In Cuba in 1990, an Assemblies of God pastor whose congregation never exceeded 100 people meeting once a week suddenly found himself conducting 12 services per day for 7,000 people. They started queuing at 2.00 am and even broke down the doors just to get into the prayer meetings.

Asked to explain these phenomena, Cuban Christians say ‘it has come because we have paid the price. We have suffered for the Gospel and we have prayed for many, many years’ (O’Connor 1990:79).

When a group known as the Overseas Missionary Society saw that after 25 years of work in India all they could report was 2,000 believers in 25 churches, they adopted a new strategy. In their homelands they recruited 1,000 people committed to pray for the work in India for just 15 minutes per day. Within a few years the church explode to 73,000 members in 550 churches.

Will we ‘pray the price’?

Today there is great pressure from many directions in our society to work harder, to become smarter, to produce results, or to be moved aside. The church in many western countries is in danger of absorbing this mentality into its own attitudes and practices, forgetting that in the divine-human endeavour, success comes not by might nor by power but by a gracious release of God’s Holy Spirit (Zechariah 4:6).

Years ago, R. A. Torrey (1974:190) said, ‘We live in a day characterized by the multiplication of man’s machinery and the diminution of God’s power. The great cry of our day is work, work, work! Organize, organize, organize! Give us some new society! Tell us some new methods! Devise some new machinery! But the great need of our day is prayer, more prayer and better prayer.’

Friends, in the church in the west we now have the most up to date, state of the art technology available to communicate the Gospel. Yet comparatively little seems to be happening in so many countries.

In terms of the growth and mission of our churches, could it be that whilst the world has learned to communicate with robots on Mars, in sections of the church we have forgotten to communicate with the Lord of the earth?

If that is so, then our best course of action is to stand again with the company of the first disciples and, like them, return to the Head of the church Jesus Christ and say ‘Lord, teach us to pray’ (Luke 11:1).


David Bryant (1984) Concerts of Prayer. Ventura, California: Ventura.

Paul Y Cho (1984) Prayer: Key to Revival. Waco, Texas: Word.

S D Gordon (1983) ‘Prayer, the greatest thing,’ Australia’s New Day, April, 40.

Walter J Hollenwager (1972) The Pentecostals. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Augsburg.

Greg O’Connor (1990) ‘Miracles in Cuba,’ New Day, May.

David Shibley (1985) Let’s Pray in the Harvest. Rockwall, Texas: Church on the Rock.

R A Torrey (1974) The Power of Prayer. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.

Bob J Whillhite (1988) Why Pray? Altamonte Springs, Florida: Creation House.


(c) Stuart Robinson. First published by the Australian Baptist Missionary Society, 1992. Used by permission.

Renewal Journal 1: Revival(c) Renewal Journal 1: Revival (1993, 2011), pages 7-18
Reproduction is allowed with the copyright intact with the text.

Now available in updated book form (republished 2011)
Renewal Journal 1: Revival

Praying the Price, by Stuart Robinson

Prayer and Revival, by J Edwin Orr

Pentecost in Arnhem Land, by Djiniyini Gondarra

Power from on High: The Moravian Revival, by John Greenfield

Revival Fire, by Geoff Waugh

RJ Vol 1 (1-5) 1Also in Renewal Journals, Bound Volume 1, Issues 1-5

Renewal Journal Vol 1 (1-5) – PDF

See Renewal Journal 1: Revival on Amazon and Kindle and The Book Depository

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Blogs Index 2: MISSION

General Blogs Index

Blogs Index 1: Revivals (briefer than Revivals Index)

Blogs Index 2: Mission (international stories)

Blogs Index 3: Miracles (supernatural events)

Blogs Index 4: Devotional (including testimonies)

Blogs Index 5: Church (Christianity in Action)

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Australia/South Pacific – Asia – Middle East – Europe – Americas – Africa 

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PDF books on the Main Page


A Great Commission Mission


Great Commission Mission – Blog

Great Commission Mission – PDF



A Teaching Them to Obey in Love


Teaching Them to Obey in Love – Blog

Teaching Them to Obey in Love – PDF



A Jesus the Model Globe


Jesus the Model for Short Term Supernatural Mission

Jesus the Model – PDF



0 0 Jurney M2
Journey into Mission – Revival Highlights

Journey into Mission – PDF

God’s Surprises

Amazing Mission Blogs

All the Blogs are amazing accounts of God’s actions, but these are very surprising.


Peace Child – PNG: A true story that impacted world missions


Carl Lawrence & David Wang

The Spirit told us what to do
Two teenage girls plant many churches
Excerpt from The Coming Influence of China
lwgcoverLook what God is Doing!
by Dick EastmanCh 3: People of the Trees
Pygmy tribe of 6,000 saved in 5 yearsEbola area miracles
0 SkullSplitterbaptism3
Revival in the Amazon among “Skull Splitters”
Sol IsSolomon Islands:

Hostile tribe’s chief died and met Jesus

by Dick Eastman

Ch 2: Mountains of Mystery

Mama Luka
“Before they call I will answer”
Helen Roseveare in Africa
Modern Day Daniel

Philippines: Dream led to a hidden tribe

Mission Blogs – grouped in regions

SEE BELOW for Blogs grouped into countries & regions, most recent first in each group:
Australia/South Pacific – Asia – Middle East – Africa – Europe – Americas 


United Nations is a unique mission field

The Insanity of God – persecution and faith

Biblical Basis for Mission

jesus-net – over 12 million decisions for Christ

Atheist Author Recognizes
Global Faith Revival

5 Stages of Culture Shock

5 Common Misconceptions between Foreigners and Thais

Australia / South Pacific

Australian Aboriginal Revival from 1979

Aboriginal 5000
Our Mob, God’s Story – Indigenous Australians

Power to Change – University of PNG


Team Visit to Pentecost Island, July 2017

Pentecost on Pentecost Island, Vanuatu, South Pacific


Asia / South-East Asia

George Chen – In the Garden: 18 years in prison

China: The cross on our shoulders and in our hearts

China – how a mother started a house church movement

China: Life-changing Miracle

Revival Breaks Out in China’s Government Approved Churches

New Wave of Revival in China

China house church
Chinese turning to Christianity

Evangelization in North Korea

North Korea: Cherishing the book he once feared

North Korean believers meet underground

North Korea
North Korea: The blessing of forced solitude with God

Escaping North Korea

Koreans evangelized their own nation

Japan: Christian sites nominated for World Heritage

Asia: Love on Fire
– drunk transformed

Filth and Fertile Ground
in Asia

young muslim woman at Mosque in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
South East Asia: From fear to freedom

Indonesia: Sacrificial duck – a witnessing tool

Nepal: Hindu priest embraces Jesus

Hosanna – Revival in Nepal

The Bible – the most read book in the Philippines

Business as Mission

Laos: A church for the So

Jesus Well: life-giving and living water in India

Myanmar: Buddhist village comes to Christ

Christianity exploding in Bangladesh

Children’s Prayer Movement in Indonesia

Influential Buddhist Monk Receives Jesus

Philippine Village Embraces Christ

1 India
Does Jesus live here?

Vietnam: Jailed five times but unshaken



Middle East / Egypt

Tajikistan: God’s Grace can reach any heart

Afghanistan: Children ask “Where does Jesus live?”

Seeds of Revival in Afghanistan.

The real enemy of Afghanistan

Standing on our knees in Kharkov, Ukraine

Siberia: The light of Christ in the darkness of winter

World Cup: Churches reach millions

Mongolia: Russian Christians bringing God’s love to the steppes

Jews finding Jesus in Israel
Also: Israeli Jews and Bibles
Also: Christian Passover Service

Many Muslims are Turning to Christ

‘The Lord reached me right in the mosque’

Jesus appears as a bus driver to a Muslim pilgrim

Miraculous Movements – among Muslims

Christian missionary tortured in prison led 40 to Christ

Egypt opening to the Gospel amid persecution

Cairo ch
Thousands gather in Egypt

Iran – fastest growing evangelical population

Hope in Iran’s notorious Evin Prison

Iran: I plant secret house churches

Historic Christmas in Iraq

Young man reading the Bible
Iraq: Muslim from Ninevah discovered the Bible’s magnetism

Jesus and Muslims: Life in the Desert

Christian Refugees in Iraq – Beauty and Bravery

Iraq: Reaching an entire village from your desk

God protects new believers

Muslim Woman returns from the dead to tell about Jesus

The Alcoholic’s Son Prayed



Language God gave a missioary

Bonnke Lagos
Reinhard Bonnke’s Final Crusade in Africa

Ghana: Jesus Film Riders

West Africa: A terrorist accepts Jesus

David and Svea Flood

Congo: Those who sow in tears

Cameroon: God’s love – changed a culture

Uganda: How a Bible App is growing churches in a refugee camp

Uganda: God saves and heals including HIV

Witch doctor sought to destroy Bible group – God had other plans

A woman in the marketplace starts 3 churches in 6 months

Missionary thought he was a failure: now churches thrive

Uganda Mission Trip

The Faithful on the Frontlines

Bridge of Hope
Bridges of Hope

Son of witchdoctor sees 65 brothers and sisters converted with Jesus Film

Sth Africa
Almost 1,000,000 pray together, South Africa

Boys weed a field of bambara nut close to Segou, Mali on August 25 2011.
The ‘Unqualified’ Farmer, West Africa

Story-tellers of Good News, West Africa

The church on the camel’s path
in West Africa

Sheikh sent to assassinate pastor, converted

Outstanding medical missionary in Africa


Europe / UK

A picture of a young beautiful opera singer performing over black background
Opera singer plants church in Vienna among Muslims & Buddhists

Christians reach out to Muslims in UK



Billy Graham (1918-2018) – in his own words

Mexico: Thousands of migrants me4et Jesus at the border


General Mission Blogs

Jesus invaded a Buddhist Monastery
in the Himalayas
Johan van Bruggen
Acts 3 acted out in faith in PNG
cfan1He woke up totally healed

in Ghana




Revival Impacted Bolivia
AYDC eat
Helping in Myanmar/Burma
Noel returns to Pentecost Island
Mission on Pentecost Island


South Pacific

Updated Report, 2015


Read to father
Reading to his father
Testimony from India
Russ Stendal
Christian Light
is filling Columbia’s
Spiritual Black Hole
One Touch from Jesus
Ordinary Christians doing what Jesus told us to do

A Jesus the Model Globe
The Disciples’ Mission and Ministry

Chapter 2 of Jesus the Model for

Short Term Supernatural Mission



Hicks vision2
A Vision of the Pure & Powerful Bride

Tommy Hicks’ Revival Vision

Mitch1 prayYoung Christians

sharing Good News

on the streets in Brisbane
National Prayer Strategy
The 10 Domains
for prayer and mission

Dawkins RobbyGangsters in the Doorway
Interrupted by God

1Revival in Brazil

Transformation through Prayer

Evangelicals Grow from 7% to 45% in 7 years


Mission & Revival stories

See also: Great Revival Stories

Survey of Revivals (Geoff Waugh)

Revival Adventures (Geoff Waugh) 

Atheist Author Recognizes Global Faith Revival – over 12 million decisions for Christ

Australia – Pentecost in Arnhem Land (Djiniyini Gondarra)

Australia – Fire of God among Aborigines (John Blacket)

Australia – Our Mob, God’s Story

Australia – Pilgrimage in Renewal (John-Charles Vockler)

Australia – Young Christians sharing Good News in Brisbane

Australia & South Pacific – Healing Evangelism (Geoff Waugh)

South Pacific – The Timor Revival (Mel Tari) 

South Pacific – Bougainville Revival (Royree Jensen)

South Pacific – Acts 3 in faith in PNG (Johan van Bruggen)

South Pacific – Solomon Islands: Hostile Chief dies and meets Jesus

South Pacific – Vanuatu Revival Meetings (Geoff Waugh)

South Pacific – 21st Century Revivals in the Pacific (Geoff Waugh) 

South Pacific – Pentecost on Pentecost Island (Geoff Waugh) 

South Pacific – Pentecost Bungalows 

South Pacific – Papua New Guinea, Power to Change

Asia’s Maturing Church (David Wang) 

Asia – Woman returns from the dead to tell about Jesus

Asia – Bridges of Hope

Asia – Love on Fire: Drunk transformed

Mongolia – Russian Christians bringing God’s love to the steppes

China – The Spirit told us what to do (Carl Lawrence)

George Chen – In the Garden: 18 years in prison

China – Revival in China (Dennis Balcombe)

China – House Churches (Barbara Nield)

China – New Wave of Revival

China – Chinese turning to Christianity

China – Revival Breaks Out in China’s Government Approved Churches

China – Life-changing Miracle

China – how a mother started a house church movement

China – The cross on our shoulders and in our hearts

Korea – Koreans evangelized their own nation

Korea – North Korean believers meet underground

Korea – The Blessing of forced solitude with God

Japan – Christian sites nominated for World Heritage

Philippines – Village Embraces Christ

Laos – A church for the So

Myanmar – Buddhist village comes to Christ

Nepal – Revival Meetings (Raju Sundas) 

Nepal – Influential Buddhist Monk Receives Jesus 

Nepal – Jesus Invaded a Buddhist Monastery 

Nepal – Hindu priest embraces Jesus

India – Filth & Fertile Ground

India – One Touch from Jesus

India – Reading to his father 

India – The Alcoholic’s Son Prayed 

India – Christianity exploding in Bangladesh

India – Jesus Well: life-giving and living water

Russia – Speaking God’s Word (David Yonggi Cho) 

Russia – World Cup: Churches reach millions

UK – Alpha in Prison

UK – Christians reach out to Muslims 

Europe – Seven Signs of Hope (Jeff Fountain) 

Europe – Two Unlikely People in Rome

EuropeOpera singer plants church in Vienna

North America – Pensacola Revival (Michael Brown)

North America – Baltimore Revival (Elizabeth Moll Stalcup)

North America – Mobile Revival (Joel Kilpatrick)

North America – Smithton Revival (Joel Kilpatrick)

North America – Gangsters in the Doorway (Robby Dawkins)

North America – Interrupted by God (Robby Dawkins)

North America – 20th Anniversary – Toronto Blessing (Randy Clark)

North America – Billy Graham – in his own words

Mexico – The River of God (David Hogan) 

Mexico – Thousands of migrants meet Jesus at the border

Central America – Missions at the Margins (Bob Ekblad)

South America – Snapshots of Glory (George Otis Jr) 

South America – Revival in the Amazon among “Skull Splitters”

South America – Almolonga, the Miracle City (Mell Winger)

South America – Prison Revival in Argentina (Ed Silvoso) 

South America – Argentina Revival (Guido Kuwas) 

South America – Bogotá Revival, by Guido Kuwas 

South America – Revival Impacted Bolivia (Ruth Ruibal)

South America – Brazil: Transformation by Prayer (Inger Logelin)

South America – Brazil: Transformation through Prayer (George Otis)

South America – Christian Light filling Columbia’s Black Hole

South America – Cali Transformation (George Otis Jr) 

Israel – Jews finding Jesus in Israel (God Reports) 

Muslims and Jesus: Life in the Desert 

Middle East – Many Muslims are Turning to Christ 

Middle East – Isis losing control

Middle East – God sends dust storm to protect new believers

Afghanistan – The real enemy of Afghanistan

Iran – fastest growing evangelical population

Iran – Hope in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison 

Iraq – Christian Refugees – Beauty and Bravery 

Iraq – Muslim from Ninevah discovers the Bible’s magnetism

Iraq – Historic Christmas in Iraq

Arabia – Sheiks import Bibles

Egypt – opening to the Gospel amid persecution 

Egypt – Miracles in Garbage City, Cairo (Joel News)

Egypt – Thousands gather

Egypt – Modern Day Daniel 

Africa – Reinhard Bonnke’s beginnings 

Africa – Reinhard Bonnke’s Final Crusade in Africa

Africa – “This Disco is a church” (Reinhard Bonnke)

Africa – Congo: Before they call I will answer (Helen Roseveare)

Africa – Congo: Missionary thought he was a failure

Africa – Mozambique: The Primacy of Love (Heidi Baker)

Africa – Ghana: He woke up totally healed (Daniel Kolenda)

Africa – West Africa: The church on the camel’s path

Africa – West Africa: Story-tellers of Good News

Africa – West Africa: The ‘Unqualified’ Farmer

Africa – West Africa: A woman in the marketplace starts 3 churches

Africa – Cameroon: God’s love – changed a culture

Africa – South Africa: Almost 1 million pray together

Africa – Burundi: Outstanding Christian medical missionary

Africa – Sudan: Missionary tortured in prison led 40 to Christ

Africa – Uganda: Sheikh sent to assassinate pastor, converted

Africa – Uganda: God saves and heals including HIV

Africa – Uganda: a Bible App is growing churches in a refugee camp

Africa – Uganda Mission Trip 

Africa – Son of witchdoctor sees 65 brothers and sisters converted 

Africa – Ghana Miracles (Geoff Waugh) 

Africa – Kenya Mission (Geoff Waugh)

Renewal Journal Facebook Mission Albums

Moravian Revival, Herrnhut, East Germany

Germany,with David – July-August 2013

Transformed Communities – Latin America & more

Brazil Transformation – Conference, 2008

USA and Caribbean – 2008 & 2012

Alaska – Catch the Wave Conference, 2009

Ghana Mission – 1995

Kenya Mission – 2005-2007

Light Home, India – Elisha Chowatapilli

Mission in Darjeeling, India – 1998-2000

Mission in Nepal – 2004-2015

Mission in Thailand – 2011

Mission in Malaysia – 2010

Myanmar (Burma) Mission Trip – 2015-2016

Mission in Myanmar – 2008-2012

Solomon Islands – 2007

Solomon Islands with Gideon – 2007

Grant in Solomon Islands – 2007

Solomon Islands Convention – 2006

Solomon Islands with Vanuatu team – 2006

Solomon Islands – 2004-2006

Vanuatu Mission – 2012-2015

Vanuatu Revival Mission Teams – 2013

Grant in Vanuatu – 2006

Pentecost Island, Vanuatu – 2005-2006

Vanuatu – Port Vila & Tanna – 2003-2004

Fiji, with Kenmore Church – 2008-2009

Priscilla on Mission in Australia – 2002

Seini on Mission in Australia – 2002

Romulo on Mission in Australia – 2002

South Pacific Mission Team in NSW Australia – 2002

South Pacific Mission Team in Queensland, Australia – 2002









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Blogs Index 1: Revivals

 Blogs Index 1: REVIVALS

General Blogs Index

Blogs Index 1: Revivals (briefer than Revivals Index)

Blogs Index 2: Mission (international stories)

Blogs Index 3: Miracles (supernatural events)

Blogs Index 4: Devotional (including testimonies)

Blogs Index 5: Church (Christianity in Action)

Blogs Index 6: Chapters (Blogs from Books)

Blogs Index 7: Images (photos from Books)

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Renewal Journals – Blogs Index 1` Revivals: 

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PDF Books are on the MAIN PAGE

Q  Search – near the end of the Blog on phones


* Flashpoints of Revival This page is similar to the Revivals Index – top bar Menu. Revivals Index (Top Bar Menu) has more details and links, including links to specific revivals.




See also Revivals Index

See also Revival Blogs

Recent Revival Blogs

Revivals in 2024

See also: 17-year-old Evangelist sparks Revival in South Africa


Christianity is Growing Faster than Ever

Europe – Slovakia: Revival among the Roma – 2020

Asia: 3,000 churches from one man’s obedience

Israel – Reconciliation & Jews coming to faith – 2020

Randy Clark describes personal revival beginnings

Iran: where Christianity is growing fastest

Transformation – communities transformed by God

Light the Fire Again – Pensacola Conference 2019

Revival with Iris Global – Roland & Heidi Baker


Day and night prayer impacted a community

Revival hits army base

Revivals Across the South of USA

Revival Fires in West Virginia

Current Revival in America’s Largest University

California beach revival attended by 1000 – in 2020

Blessings Bible
Atheist Author Recognizes
Global Faith Revival 

General Revival Blogs

God’s Surprises – Blog
God’s Surprises – 
Revival Blogs


Carl Lawrence & David WangThe Spirit told us what to do

Two teenage girls plant many churches

Excerpt from The Coming Influence of China
Johan van BruggenActs 3 acted out in faith in PNG
cfan1He woke up totally healed
* * * *
Mama Luka“Before they call I will answer”
Helen Roseveare in Africa
RuibalRevival Impacted Bolivia
 Russ StendalChristian Light
is filling Columbia’s
Spiritual Black Hole
Jesus invaded a Buddhist Monastery
in the Himalayas

Peter Morgan
Pinnacle Pocket Revival, North Queensland

Why Culture won’t Change without Radical Revival

Principles of Revival from History

Students ignite Charismatic Movement

Transformation in Juarez, Mexico

  A face
Revivals in the Middle East

Pentecost on Pentecost Island

  0 revive-us-again-1
Revival Quotes

Chuck Smith Lonnie Frisbee
Jesus People Revival

Mel TariMel Tari on the Timor Revival

  Syrian-Outreach-400x267-300x200Many Muslims are Turning to Christ  

Weat AfricaThe church on the camel’s path
ConferencePraiseChina – New Wave of Revival
Hicks vision2 A Vision of the Pure & Powerful Bride

Tommy Hicks’ Revival Vision

Dawkins RobbyGangsters in the Doorway
Interrupted by God

 1Revival in Brazil Transformation through Prayer Evangelicals Grow from 7% to 45% in 7 years

Revival Summaries

Condensed from Flashpoints of Revivals and Revival Fires

Biblical Background
Pentecost to the Reformation
The Great Awakenings

Eighteenth Century Revivals: The Great Awakening

Early Nineteenth Century Revivals: Frontier and Missionary Revivals
Mid-nineteenth Century Revivals: Prayer Revivals
Early Twentieth Century Revivals: Worldwide Revivals

Mid-twentieth Century Revivals: Healing Evangelism Revivals

Late Twentieth Century Revivals: Renewal and Revival

Final Decade, Twentieth Century Revivals: Blessing Revivals

Twenty First Century Revivals: Transforming Revivals

Revival stories – inspiring accounts

See also: Great Revival Stories
Survey of Revivals (Geoff Waugh) 

OUTPOURINGS – I will pour out of my Spirit

Some Revival accounts to 2020 into the 21st century

Global Faith Revival – 2016

Why Culture won’t Change without Radical Revival – 2017

Christianity is Growing Faster than Ever – 2020

Twenty-first Century Revivals – 2020 


UK – Alpha in Prison – 2014 

Europe – Seven Signs of Hope – 2014 

Europe – Two Unlikely People in Rome – 200 million – 2014

Europe – Slovakia: Revival among the Roma – 2020


North America – Jesus People Revival – 1960s

North America – Students ignite Charismatic Movement – 1967

North America – The Jesus Film – now in 1500 languages, 500 million responses – 1979

North America – Toronto, Canada – 1994

North America –  Pensacola, Florida, North America – 1995

North America – Mobile Revival – 1996

North America – Smithton Revival – 1996

North America – Baltimore Revival – 1997 

North America – Whatcom: day and night prayer – 2008

North America – Aurora: Gangsters in the Doorway – 2011

North America – Revival Fires in West Virginia – 2016

North America – Revival hits army base – 2018

North America – Revivals Across the South of USA – 2018

North America – Current Revival in America’s Largest University – 2018

Mexico – Transformation in Juarez, Mexico – 1970s

Mexico – The River of God – 1996


Central America – Missions at the Margins – 2008

South America – Snapshots of Glory – 1970s-1990s 

South America – Revival Impacted Bolivia – 1970s 

South America – Almolonga, Guatemala, the Miracle City – 1970s

South America – Prison Revival in Argentina – 1990s 

South America – Argentina Revival – 1980s-1990s 

South America – Bogotá Revival – 1990s 

South America – Brazil: Transformation through Prayer – 1990s

South America – Cali Transformation – 1995 

South America – Amazon: Revival in the Amazon among “Skull Splitters” – 2012

South America – Christian Light is filling Columbia’s Spiritual Black Hole – 2015

South America – Brazil: Transformation through Prayer – 2016

South America – Argentina: The amazing transformation at Los Olmos prison – 2020

Brazil – Revival spreads worldwide – 2023


Israel – Reconciliation & Jews coming to faith – 2020

Israel – Supernatural Signs & Wonders break out among 1,000 Jews – 2015

Israel – Jews finding Jesus in Israel – 2000s

Midle East – Revival in the Middle East – 2000s

Middle East – Many Muslims are Turning to Christ – 2016

Arabia – Sheiks import Bibles – 2000s

Iran – fastest growing evangelical population – 2000s

Iran – where Christianity is growing fastest – 2000s

Egypt – Miracles in Garbage City, Cairo – 1980s 

Egypt – Thousands gather – 2000s


Africa – Congo: Before they call I will answer (Helen Roseveare) – 1950s
Video: Mama Luka Comes Home – Helen Roseveare tells this story

Africa – Reinhard Bonnke’s beginnings – 1970s

Africa – “This Disco is a church” (Reinhard Bonnke) – 1970s

Africa – Nairobi: Reinhard Bonnke’s Final Crusade in Africa – 2017

Africa – Ghana Miracles – 1995

Africa – West Africa: The church on the camel’s path – 2000s

Africa – Mozambique: The Primacy of Love (Heidi Baker) – 2000s

Africa – Mozambique: Revival with Iris Global – 2000s

Africa – Ghana: He woke up totally healed (Daniel Kolenda) – 2014

Africe – Revival spreads worldwide – 2023


Asia’s Maturing Church (David Wang) – from 1970s

Asia – Radicals can’t stop the Jesus Film – 2000s

Asia: 3,000 churches from one man’s obedience – 2020

Nepal – Revival Meetings (Raju Sundas) – 2000s

Nepal – Jesus invaded a Buddhist Monastery in the Himalayas – 2015

India – One Touch from Jesus – 2000s

Bangladesh – Christianity exploding in Bangladesh – 2000s

Russia – Speaking God’s Word (David Yonggi Cho) – 1992

China – The Spirit told us what to do (Carl Lawrence) – 2001

China – Revival in China (Dennis Balcombe) – late 1900s

China – House Churches – late 1900s

China – New Wave of Revival – 2016

China – Chinese turning to Christianity – 2000s

China – Revival Breaks Out in China’s Government Approved Churches – 2000s

China – How Christians respond to the coronavirus outbreak – 2020

Indonesia – Mel Tari on the Timor Revival – 1965


Hawaii – Thouands of native Hawaiians touched by God – 1837-1841

South Pacific – Bougainville Revival – 1987 

South Pacific – Acts 3 acted out in faith in PNG – 1990

South Pacific – Vanuatu Revival Meetings – 2000s

South Pacific – 21st Century Revivals in the South Pacific – 2000s

Australia & South Pacific – Healing Evangelism – 2000s

Australia – Pinnacle Pocket Revival, North Queensland – 1930s

Australia – Pilgrimage in Renewal (John-Charles Vockler) – 1970s

Australia – Pentecost in Arnhem Land (Djiniyini Gondarra) – 1979

Australia – Fire of God among Aborigines (John Blacket) – 1980s

Australia – Young Christians sharing Good News on the streets in Brisbane – 2015

Links to revival resources

Tommy Hicks’ Revival Vision

Authors of Renewal Journal articles

Revival Library –

Revival Quotes

Some biographical revival blogs

Renewal Journal and Geoff Waugh on Facebook – regular updates

Revival Reports – God’s Surprises

Revival Highlights from Journey into Ministry & Mission – & PDF

Revival Highlights from Journey into Mission – & PDF

Revival Adventures (Geoff Waugh)

Revival Reports (Geoff Waugh)

Africa – Ghana Miracles – 1995

Nepal – Revival Meetings (Raju Sundas) – 2000s

South Pacific – 21st Century Revivals in the South Pacific – 2000s

South Pacific – Vanuatu Revival Meetings – 2000s

Australia & South Pacific – Healing Evangelism – 2000s


Podcast link: 21st-century revivals – Riverlife Church: Geoff & grandson Dante talk with staff about revivals they’ve seen

See also Revivals Index

See also Revival Blogs

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Jesus Invaded a Buddhist Monastery


Tyler Connell, is currently in the Himalayan Mountains distributing Bibles, praying for the sick, and preaching the Good News. “We hope to get a Bible in every home in the next two years,” Tyler said. “It’s exciting to be a small part in changing history in Nepal with God!”

Tyler and his team trekked to a village called Jhong, one of the highest villages in Nepal.“We wanted desperately to know where the Spirit was wanting us to go,” he recounted.

They split into groups of four and prayed for the Holy Spirit to direct their paths. Tyler’s group felt led to walk to the highest point of the village where they observed ancient ruins. At the moment they reached the peak, a monk appeared, smiling as he approached them.

“Hi, I’m Jems,” he said in perfect English. “We’ve been watching you guys; it is rare for anyone foreign to come to our village. Would you like to come inside our monastery?”

Tyler sensed it was a God-moment. They entered the monastery and were met by men and boys of all ages, studying under “the llama of the Monastery mountain.” They met the llama and continued to converse with their new friend, Jems, who studied under the Dalai Lama in India and learned English there.

“We are followers of Jesus,” Tyler told the monk.

“I once heard of Jesus in India, but wasn’t able to do any reading on who He was,” the man replied.
“Can we introduce you to Him through the power of the Holy Spirit and the presence of Jesus?” one asked.

“He said yes and put out his hands,” Tyler recounts. Suddenly the power and peace of God descended, his eyes got big, he began to take steps back, and began to laugh and shake his head in disbelief. “He said he’d never felt a peace or power like this. We gave him a Bible, and he insisted we come back in the morning to meet the other monks.”

Twelve hours later Tyler and his team returned. Jems said he wasn’t able to spend time with them because he had errands to run, but he invited them to meet with the other monks. They entered the monastery and were met by a monk in his late 20s.

“He invited us into the idol room, the ‘holy of holies’ for the monastery. It was dark and heavy, perfect ingredients for the Gospel to break into!” Tyler recounts.

As they sat down, one of the team received a word that someone in the monastery was injured. The man’s eyes widened. “Yes, I am injured and my back is in pain!” he replied.

They asked if they could pray for him in the name of Jesus for healing and the monk agreed. As they began to pray, a “sweet, heavy glory filled the idol room.” The man had the same experience as Jems. “I feel a peace and a power like never before!” the monk exclaimed. “It feels as though this major blessing has entered into me.”

He tested his back and discovered he was completely healed, saying it felt like a “hot and icy sensation” covered his body. The monk said he had heard of Jesus 15 years ago, when a man came to his village and told stories about Jesus, but he couldn’t read, so he didn’t fully understand who Jesus was.

“Thankfully, we had a translator and she explained the entire Gospel to him and gave him a Bible. He was grinning from ear to ear, and was so thankful, and told us he wanted to read more and was going to pray and ask Jesus to reveal Himself to him. We were overjoyed at the kindness of Jesus. We handed out more Bibles to monks and joyfully skipped down the mountain remembering with gratitude the day Jesus invaded a Buddhist monastery!”

Source: God Reports
Australian Prayer Network, Nov 2, 2015

Signs and Wonders Study Guide


Signs and Wonders

Study Guide

Signs and Wonders Study Guide – PDF

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Compiled by Geoff Waugh and Cecilia Estillore Oliver

Cover photo:
© ‘Inagako In Fall’, Japan, by Chris Asche – used with permission.

See Blog of Topic 4: The Cross

Welcome to this Study Guide on Signs and Wonders.

Signs and wonders occur throughout the Old and New Testaments. They express the magnificent creativity and sovereignty of the Lord, described in the Bible. They are also expressions of the power, goodness, mercy, grace, compassion, and love of the Lord, and show the nature of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God.

Signs and wonders point to the One and True Living God, and also demonstrate that this Living God is a Personal God who is very interested in people, both individually and corporately. This same God described in the Bible is very much alive and active today just as he was then.

Our hope is that through this subject you will encounter God and be transformed in this encounter. We pray that you will be challenged and stirred up to move in faith and obedience to God who can empower you with his Holy Spirit to do what Jesus did and even greater works (John 14:12). As you learn to move in God’s power and in ways that are naturally supernatural and supernaturally natural, may you become more Christ-like in your personal life, ministry, and vocation in this world. And may you be an instrument in advancing the Kingdom of God on earth as you become filled with passion and clothed with power from on high.

We especially thank Cecilia Estillore Oliver, a medical doctor and B.Min. graduate, for her work in helping to compile and write this Study Guide.  Cecilia prepared and compiled the information in this Study Guide from materials gathered and arranged by Geoff Waugh for the degree programs of Citipointe Ministry College, the School of Ministries of Christian Heritage College in Brisbane, Australia, and made available here with permission of the college.  This book reproduces the content of that former Study Guide, adapted here for general use.


This Signs and Wonders study guide includes

Biblical Foundations:
Old Testament
Jesus’ Ministry
The Epistles
The Cross

Theological Foundations:
The Supernatural
The Kingdom of God
Spiritual Gifts

Ministry Foundations:
Church History
Case Studies
Practices and Pitfalls
Integrated Ministry

Much of the material is developed and adapted from the course at Fuller Theological Seminary conducted by John Wimber in 1984, titled MC510: Signs and Wonders and Church Growth, used with permission.

Class Testimony

Reproduced from the Signs and Wonders Study Guide Appendix

A student we prayed for one morning in class went to her doctor that afternoon for a final check before having a growth removed from her womb. That afternoon her doctor could find no trace of the growth after checking with three ultrasound machines, so he cancelled the scheduled operation.

“My class at college laid hands on me and prayed for me,” she explained to her doctor. “I believe God healed me, and that’s why you can’t find the growth any more.”

“I don’t know if God healed you,” he responded. “But I do know that you don’t need an operation.”

Our class studied this Signs and Wonders subject. We usually began each class with prayer, and that day our prayer included praying for specific needs such as that woman’s health. One of those praying in class was Cecilia, a medical doctor. She prayed with strong faith, joining us in laying hands on the ‘patient’ student, knowing that God heals through prayer as well as through medicine. What rich resources we have for ministry – right there in the group.

See an article (a former subject assignment) by that student Cecilia.

I love hearing medical people pray for healing. They have medical skills as well as faith in God. A nurse in one of our week night meetings prayed for another lady who had severe back pain.

“L4, be healed in Jesus’ name,” the nurse commanded as she lay her hand on the woman’s back. It takes medical knowledge plus the revelation of a ‘word of knowledge’ to be able to pray like that. All pain immediately left the lady being prayer for. Apparently the problem was in the Lumbar 4 (L4) section of her spine.

Many people are not healed so quickly. Perhaps most are not healed so quickly in our materialistic Western society. There are many reasons for that, including our Western scepticism, lack of compassion or faith, and our sinfulness such as jealousy, competition or failing to forgive others freely as God has forgiven us.

We all can learn more together about effective ministry. That learning is enhanced and expanded rapidly when we share our experiences and learning together. The ‘teacher’ usually shares from his or her experiences, but others can do also. So the more that our ministry education fosters mutuality, the more we can learn from one another.

We call this open education, or open ministry education. It is open to everyone and everyone can be involved. It is not just for leaders. Our leaders can help us, but their main job is to equip the saints for the work of ministry for building up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). We can do these things in classes, small groups, seminars, training courses and home or church groups.

A Learning Together in MinistryThis testimony is also included in the Introduction to

Learning Together in Ministry
Mutual Education:
from compteition to co-operation


See also Renewal Journal 5: Signs and Wonders
Words, Signs and Deeds, by Brian Hathaway
Uproar in the Church, by Derek Prince

A Season of New Beginnings, by John Wimber
Preparing for Revival Fire, by Jerry Steingard
How to Minister Like Jesus, by Bart Doornweerd

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Signs and Wonders: Study Guide

Signs & Wonders

Signs and Wonders

 Study Guide

Signs and Wonders Study Guide – PDF

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Each Study Guide in these Blogs refers to a paperback and eBook Study Guide for each of these seven subjects. 

These Study Guides are adapted from former Distance Education materials produced by Citipointe Ministry College, the School of Ministries of Christian Heritage College in Brisbane, Australia. Now they are adapted into these books for your benefit. The current courses use different and updated materials as part of internet resources for students. 

For information about current courses, contact the Principal,

Citipointe Ministry College, PO Box 2111, Mansfield, Qld 4122, Australia. Email: or 

Paperback – Amazon link

eBook – Amazon link

Study Guides links – Paperbacks

Study Guides links – eBooks


Signs and Wonders



Available as paperback and ebook for

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even briefly such as “Inspiring. Helpful. Challenging.”

Available on Amazon and Kindle with ‘Look inside’

Free airmail postage worldwide on The Book Depository

Compiled by Geoff Waugh and Cecilia Estillore Oliver

Cover photo: © ‘Inagako In Fall’, Japan, by Chris Asche – used with permission.

Welcome to this Study Guide on Signs and Wonders.

Signs and wonders occur throughout the Old and New Testaments. They express the magnificent creativity and sovereignty of the Lord, described in the Bible. They are also expressions of the power, goodness, mercy, grace, compassion, and love of the Lord, and show the nature of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God.

Signs and wonders point to the One and True Living God, and also demonstrate that this Living God is a Personal God who is very interested in people, both individually and corporately. This same God described in the Bible is very much alive and active today just as he was then.

Our hope is that through this subject you will encounter God and be transformed in this encounter. We pray that you will be challenged and stirred up to move in faith and obedience to God who can empower you with his Holy Spirit to do what Jesus did and even greater works (John 14:12). As you learn to move in God’s power and in ways that are naturally supernatural and supernaturally natural, may you become more Christ-like in your personal life, ministry, and vocation in this world. And may you be an instrument in advancing the Kingdom of God on earth as you become filled with passion and clothed with power from on high.

We especially thank Cecilia Estillore Oliver, a medical doctor and B.Min. graduate, for her work in helping to compile and write this Study Guide.  Cecilia prepared and compiled the information in this Study Guide from materials gathered and arranged by Geoff Waugh for the degree programs of Citipointe Ministry College, the School of Ministries of Christian Heritage College in Brisbane, Australia, and made available here with permission of the college.  This book reproduces the content of that former Study Guide, adapted here for general use.


This Signs and Wonders study guide includes

Biblical Foundations:

Old Testament

Jesus’ Ministry

The Epistles

The Cross – see blog

Theological Foundations:

The Supernatural


The Kingdom of God

Spiritual Gifts

Ministry Foundations:

Church History

Case Studies

Practices and Pitfalls

Integrated Ministry

Much of the material is developed and adapted from the course at Fuller Theological Seminary conducted by John Wimber in 1984, titled MC510: Signs and Wonders and Church Growth, used with permission.

Class Testimony

Reproduced from the Signs and Wonders Study Guide Appendix

A student we prayed for one morning in class went to her doctor that afternoon for a final check before having a growth removed from her womb. That afternoon her doctor could find no trace of the growth after checking with three ultrasound machines, so he cancelled the scheduled operation.

“My class at college laid hands on me and prayed for me,” she explained to her doctor. “I believe God healed me, and that’s why you can’t find the growth any more.”

“I don’t know if God healed you,” he responded. “But I do know that you don’t need an operation.”

Our class studied this Signs and Wonders subject. We usually began each class with prayer, and that day our prayer included praying for specific needs such as that woman’s health. One of those praying in class was Cecilia, a medical doctor. She prayed with strong faith, joining us in laying hands on the ‘patient’ student, knowing that God heals through prayer as well as through medicine. What rich resources we have for ministry – right there in the group.

See an article (a former subject assignment) by that student Cecilia.

I love hearing medical people pray for healing. They have medical skills as well as faith in God. A nurse in one of our week night meetings prayed for another lady who had severe back pain.

“L4, be healed in Jesus’ name,” the nurse commanded as she prayed with her hand on the woman’s back. It takes medical knowledge plus the revelation of a ‘word of knowledge’ to be able to pray like that. All pain immediately left the lady being prayed for. Apparently the problem was in the Lumbar 4 (L4) section of her spine.

Many people are not healed so quickly. Perhaps most are not healed so quickly in our materialistic Western society. There are many reasons for that, including our Western scepticism, lack of compassion or faith, and our sinfulness such as jealousy, competition or failing to forgive others freely as God has forgiven us.

We all can learn more together about effective ministry. That learning is enhanced and expanded rapidly when we share our experiences and learning together. The ‘teacher’ usually shares from his or her experiences, but others can do also. So the more that our ministry education fosters mutuality, the more we can learn from one another.

We call this open education, or open ministry education. It is open to everyone and everyone can be involved. It is not just for leaders. Our leaders can help us, but their main job is to equip the saints for the work of ministry for building up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). We can do these things in classes, small groups, seminars, training courses and home or church groups.

A Learning Together in MinistryThis testimony is also included in the Introduction to

Learning Together in Ministry

Mutual Education: from compteition to co-operation

Learning Together in Ministry – PDF

See also Renewal Journal 5: Signs and Wonders

Words, Signs and Deeds, by Brian Hathaway

Uproar in the Church, by Derek Prince

A Season of New Beginnings, by John Wimber

Preparing for Revival Fire, by Jerry Steingard

How to Minister Like Jesus, by Bart Doornweerd

Related Books

Study Guide Series

Signs & Wonders
1. Signs and Wonders – Blog
Signs and Wonders PDF

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2. The Holy Spirit in Ministry  – Blog

Holy Spirit in Ministry – PDF



A SG Revival History


3. Revival History – Blog

Revival History – PDF



A SG Spirit Movements


4. Holy Spirit Movements through History – Blog

Holy Spirit Movements through History – PDF


A Renewal Theology 1


5. Renewal Theology 1 – Blog

Renewal Theology 1 – PDF


A SG Renewal Theology 2


6. Renewal Theology 2 – Blog

Renewal Theology 2 – PDF



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Acts 3 cripple healed – acted out in faith in PNG

Acts 3 cripple healed – acted out in faith in PNG

From Papua New Guinea (by Johan van Bruggen)

Johan van Bruggen

Acts 3 tells how Peter and John went to worship in the temple and Peter commanded healing in Jesus’ name for a man over 40 crippled from birth.

But Peter said, ‘I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.’  And he took him by the right hand and raised him up; and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong. (Acts 3:6-7)

That still happens, worldwide. Here is an example from Papua New Guinea, reported in 1990 by Dutch missionary Johan van Bruggen, then principal of the Lutheran Bible School at Kambaidam near Goroka in the highlands on PNG.  See Late Twentieth Century Revivals

This is what happened about two months ago. A new church building was going to be officially opened in a village in the Kainantu area. Two of our last year’s graduates took part in the celebrations by acting the story in Acts 3: Peter and John going to the temple and healing the cripple.

Their cripple was a real one – a young man, Mark, who had his leg smashed in a car accident. The doctors had wanted to amputate it, but he did not want to lose his useless leg. He used two crutches to move around the village. He could not stand at all on that one leg. He was lying at the door of the new church when our Peter and John (real names: Steven and Pao) wanted to enter. The Bible story was exactly followed: “I have got no money, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!”

Well, they acted this out before hundreds of people, among them the president of the Goroka Church District and many pastors and elders. Peter (Steven) grabbed the cripple (Mark) by the hand and pulled him up. And he walked! He threw his crutches away and loudly praised the Lord! Isn’t that something? What a faith!

Their testimony was given at a meeting of elders when Kambaidam was discussed. Mark was a most happy fellow who stood and walked firmly on his two legs. He also had been involved in criminal activities, but in this meeting he unashamedly confessed his faith in the Lord Jesus.

Later I talked with them. Steven (Peter) told me that the Lord had put this on his heart during a week-long period of praying. “I had no doubt that the Lord was going to heal Mark, and I was so excited when we finally got to play-act!”

And Mark? He told me that when Steven told him to get up he just felt the power of God descend upon him and at the same time he had a tingling sensation in his crippled leg: “I just felt the blood rushing through my leg, bringing new life!”

Mark is now involved in evangelistic outreach and his testimony has a great impact.

Reproduced from Flashpoints of Revival and South Pacific Revivals.

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Pilgrimage in Renewal by John-Charles Vockler

Church on Fire

Church on Fire 

Chapter 3
Pilgrimage in Renewal
by John-Charles Vockler

Brother John-Charles wrote in 1990 as an Anglican Bishop and the founder of
The Franciscan Order of The Divine Compassion.
This book is immediately avaible as an eBook.

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Until recently I would never have dreamed that I would sit down and write a testimony for a publication like this one, nor that it would have as its principal thrust my concern with and my blessings from the charismatic renewal.

I am an Anglican Bishop who was a member of the Society of Saint Francis and is now a member of the Franciscan Order of The Divine Compassion. Very early in life I was attracted both to Holy Orders and to the character and the witness of Saint Francis.

This attraction to St Francis greatly increased during my study in Theological College. I asked my bishop whether I might be allowed to go almost at once to test my vocation in a Franciscan religious community. He rightly pointed out that I had undertaken to be ordained in the Diocese of Newcastle and to serve in that diocese for five years. He added that if I were faithful in persevering in that vocation then he would be willing to release me in due course to test this other vocation to the Religious life.

However, as the years went by, other things presented themselves which seemed right and proper to do. In every case, when I sought advice, I was urged to go forward with those things. They included overseas studies and eventually a call to the episcopate in the Diocese of Adelaide. There I was Assistant Bishop before being translated to Polynesia to the Diocesan Bishop.

Many streams

I grew up in a Christian family. I was unable to accept the narrowly evangelical teaching which then characterized the Diocese of Sydney, that is, unable to accept it in its strict and partisan form. Nevertheless, I owe a great debt of gratitude to the teaching which I received in the Diocese of Sydney and in evangelical circles.

The narrower aspects of evangelicalism were tempered in my case by the parish in which I grew up, St John’s at Dee Why, and by the liberal attitudes of my Sunday School teachers. They had been influenced by the findings of the last century of biblical criticism and research.

Whilst a student at Moore Theological College, I was brought into touch through Christ Church St Lawrence with a third stream of influence and theological insight in Anglicanism, Anglo-Catholicism.

I am grateful to all of these. Each school of thought enriched my life and to this day leaves its mark on me. I have never doubted God, though there have been times of coldness, barrenness, and infidelity to God’s demands upon me.

I was very fortunate to find in a second hand book shop in Sydney a French book entitled (in English) The True Disciple: The Priest According to the Gospel. This book written by Father Chevrier, a 19th Century Capuchin Tertiary, had a profound influence on my life. From it I learned, among other things, a prayer which governed Father Chevrier’s life: ‘Lord, I am at your disposal’.

That prayer became, and still remains, a part of my life. It is, as I know, a dangerous prayer to pray. God has a habit of taking it at its face value.

Always there recurred the call to Franciscanism. So eventually I resigned my See of Polynesia and left to join the Society of Saint Francis. There I was enriched, very happy, and conscious of the continuing guidance and blessing of Almighty God. More recently God called me to found The Franciscan Order of the Divine Compassion.

Renewal overseas

My first contact with the charismatic renewal was in Paris. I was staying with a young French nobleman whom I had met first at the Abbey of Our Lady at Bec Hellouin. On this later visit to Paris I had accepted his invitation to stay with him. He mentioned that he had been booked in for a weekend conference before he knew of my coming. He invited me to join him there.

The conference was a meeting of several hundreds of Roman Catholic charismatics from in and around Paris. That weekend was, I think, one of the most moving experiences of my whole life. The joy! The warmth! The wonder of it all!

I spoke to an old priest, over seventy, whom I was somewhat astonished to find there. He said to me, ‘Father, three years ago hardly any of these young people prayed. Now, look at them! If this is what the Holy Spirit is doing for them then I want to be part of it.’

He went on to say that in the beginning he had not fully understood it but that now he too was a part of that great joy.

I can shut my eyes now and I can hear and see the people, the smiles, the love. I can hear the wonderful sound of that group of people singing in tongues. I have never heard anything so moving, so beautiful, in all my life. It sounded like a gentle flock of birds taking off and it moved me deeply. It touched my heart.

Later, when I was appointed Assistant Bishop of Southwalk, I shared in an Anglican charismatic experience, or rather, an ecumenical one in an Anglican setting. A number of Anglo-Catholic parishes had been deeply influenced by the renewal. I was invited to share in a day long meeting in one of them.

People from different denominations and from different traditions within Anglicanism had come. I remember with joy the charismatic Stations of the Cross. I could not ever imagine such a thing myself. You may think, ‘What an unlikely vehicle for praising God!’ Yet it was a wonderful and profoundly moving experience filled with deep worship of our blessed Lord in his Passion, and marked with tremendous joy.

The Eucharist, with its time for prophecy and free prayer, was again a moving experience. Until then, that was novel for me. Looking back, I see how great an influence it had on my own thinking and my own changing patterns of worship. It all seemed so right and proper.

Later on, when people were invited to receive the laying on of hands, I went forward to do so. When they asked me what gift I wished to have, I replied rather cunningly as I then thought, ‘Whatever the Holy Spirit wishes to give me.’ As people laid hands upon me and prayed I was suffused with a great warmth and joy, filled with the spirit of love and an abiding peace.

I had other brief encounters with the charismatic renewal in the Diocese of Southwalk and always found them occasions of joy and love and peace. I found there was a blessing in it all which I was slowly receiving.

I knew that I was unwilling to surrender, unwilling to give a part of me. I felt, as so many bishops still do, that this was a great movement of renewal. Yes, there was something good here, but I was also saying, ‘Good Lord, don’t let it touch me!’

Renewal in Australia

On my return to Australia, to the Friary of the Society of Saint Francis in Brisbane, I was presented very soon after my arrival with a question. Could the brothers be allowed to go to the national Roman Catholic charismatic conference in Brisbane.

I was willing that some should go, and determined to go myself in order to keep an eye on them! We mustn’t have these young men getting up to strange tricks. I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to protect the community from any spirit of division.

Of course, I myself was deeply touched by the whole thing. The kind of charismatic experience being spoken about at this conference, deeply rooted in sacramental piety and churchly in character, was one which I found immensely attractive.

Before this conference, I had been worried by the naive fundamentalism which seems to me to afflict so many charismatics and the undue emphasis on external signs such as speaking in tongues. This emphasis, I felt, was a phenomenon which occurred when charismatic renewal was divorced from a normal churchly and sacramental life. Needless to say there was none of that at this conference.

The workshops on prayer were characterised by wonderful testimonies. Old ways of prayer had come alive for people under the influence and power of the Holy Spirit. I was struck at once by the way in which the development of the charismatic life paralleled at so many points the classical spiritual tradition about development in the life of prayer.

The shared prayer, the public meetings, and indeed the whole conference up to the last great mass, were characterised by joy – a joy made sad by the sacramental disunity which separated us at the altar.

At one of those meetings someone prophesied that the Spirit was moving powerfully among us to heal. That prophecy was followed by one from Father Michael Scanlan from America. He said it had been given to him by the Spirit that the healing was particularly for those who were afflicted with arthritic and rheumatic pain.

While we went on singing those who had these pains were simply to claim the healing. I did so and felt a remarkable surge of power. From that moment to this the pains that had afflicted me for almost twenty years have never recurred. Now that was a pretty impressive sign given to me!

A few weeks later I was staying with the Community of St Clare. A young priest who used charismatic gifts and was a friend of that community, was speaking to me. I asked him to lay hands on me because of an affliction in my ears. That too was healed. Other physical disorders remained with me. I do not see any evidence in Christian history to suggest that physical healing will always be given, nor do I believe that healing is only of the body.

I did know that still deep within me there were parts of my life which were unsurrendered, which I was keeping to myself. I also knew that some of the things which still afflicted me were related to that unwillingness to surrender.

At a national charismatic conference in Adelaide in 1976 in which many Roman Catholics shared, I made that surrender. I was healed in yet another part of my body and received a baptism of love of a most wonderful and intense kind.

For all this I give thanks to almighty God and I praise him for all he has given me. Like many others, I came to speak and indeed to pray in tongues for the first time when alone. It began in a place where many people would least expect, while I was staying with an enclosed contemplative community of nuns.

Effects of renewal

This experience has been pre-eminently one of love and of great joy, of a calm assurance, and of a revivifying of all that I have always believed and all that I have been given. It has meant for me a new ordering of my life, a new place for holy scripture, a new sense of priorities, a deeper peace, and I believe it has made me more readily available to people, particularly those from whom I differ.

For me, this total experience grows out of my baptism, that is my baptism in water in the name of the Holy Trinity. That is the source and origin of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit and of all that has touched my life. I prefer not to speak of baptism in or by the Spirit, but rather of a being filled up with, or of having a new flow of, grace. Words, as the mystics have found in every age, are hopeless for speaking of the deepest mysteries of life.

I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit of God is at work in his church, restoring its foundations, bringing new life, new hope, new power. Anyone would be very foolish to judge this renewal simply by those who have experienced it but misunderstood it, misused it, or over-emphasised its secondary external phenomena. My deepest reservation is the frequent association of charismatics with right-wing politics.

It would be sad for these reasons to stand aside from it all. We could then miss out on the promise which God offers to his church and his world through the renewal which the Holy Spirit alone can give.

My commitments and public life do not leave me many opportunities for sharing specifically in charismatic gatherings. But whenever I can, I am richly blessed. Since these earlier beginnings I have received further healings, especially through the ministry of Mary Rogers. I am conscious of how enriched my whole life and ministry have become.

I urge all who read this, and have their doubts, to look again at the passages in the New Testament which refer to the work and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Such a study can, I believe, only lead those who engage in it to see how far we have drifted from the power and the vitality of the primitive church. That power and vitality came from the gifts and the presence of the Holy Spirit recognized, sought after, and deeply desired.

May God bless all who read this and quicken in your hearts that deepened desire for the indwelling power of God the Holy Spirit. May he bless you in your life and your work and ministry.

May he use us all, whatever our theological and spiritual character, to restore to his Body the unity which is his will and his desire, for which he died, and for which he longs with an ardour beyond our comprehension.

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