Renewal JournalGeoff Waugh

A website dedicated to Christian renewal and revival. Explore articles, testimonies, and resources that inspire spiritual growth. Discover the power of renewal in your faith journey.

Renewal Journal
Logo: lamp & scroll, basin & towel, in the light of the cross

Inspiring articles and free PDF eBooks

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Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:

Geoff Waugh – founding editor of the Renewal Journal & Resources.
These resources are freely reproduced in many countries, including translations.
Examples on this link.

Permission: you can freely reproduce and share these resources and books, including printing (just include the source). You can print, distribute, and market your edition of any of my books – “by all means save some” (1 Cor 9:22)

Revivals Index – history’s mighty revivals

20 Renewal Journals – with links

1 Revival,       2 Church Growth,
3 Community,       4 Healing,  
5 Signs & Wonders,
      6 Worship
7 Blessing,
       8 Awakening,  
9 Mission
,       10 Evangelism

11 Discipleship
,       12 Harvest,  
13 Ministry
,       14 Anointing,
15 Wineskins,       
16 Vision,  
17 Unity
,       18 Servant Leadership,  
19 Church
,       20 Life
See Prayer & Miracles

Topics Index
Authors Index
Revivals Index
General Blogs Index

Blogs Index 1: Revivals (briefer than Revivals Index)
Blogs Index 2: Mission (international stories)
Blogs Index 3: Miracles (supernatural events)
Blogs Index 4: Devotional (including testimonies)
Blogs index 5: Church (Christianity in action)
Blogs Index 6: Chapters (blogs from books)
Blogs Index 7: Images (photos & videos)


Permission: you can freely reproduce and share these books and resources, including printing 

The Life of Jesus – Blog
The Life of Jesus – free PDF eBook
Amazon link – paperback, hardcover, Kindle

Available from Amazon and WestBow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson & Zondervan.

Also available as the Renewal Journal version:

The Life of Jesus PDF Renewal Journal version

* Our team recently came across your book entitled The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story, and we were captivated from start to finish. Your writing style is not only engaging but also remarkably insightful, and the story-line/topic you’ve crafted is nothing short of compelling. Its unique qualities and the emotions it evokes have the power to resonate with readers on a profound level. ~ James Mendez (Skylark)
* This is a very informative, amazing, and powerful book. Thanks to the author for investing hours of research, expressed with his masterful command of language. ~ Alex Johnson
* Be enriched. A most helpful telling of the life of Jesus using the biblical text and adding some background and charts. Anyone using this book will be enriched. ~ Rev Dr John Olley
* Geoff Waugh has written a very helpful devotional book about the Saviour of the world who is also the loving presence in believers. His use of chronology for headings and the many sub-headings makes the book simpler to absorb, even for an enquirer or new believer. I warmly commend this book. ~ Rev Dr Tony Cupit
* This is a great read. Simple and easy language that even my children can read as a guide, and have a better understanding of the Life Journey of Christ, as they read it in the Gospels. Thank You. ~ Florence
* This is a wonderful book and can be read over and over. Thank you. ~ Kerry Rawson
* I keep this book with my Bible. It is especially helpful when reading through the Gospels.
~ Cathy Hartwig
* The book is beautifully written and I have learned and understood a lot. I am recommending this book. ~ Kattie Mayson
* I had the pleasure of reading your book last night. It is truly exceptional, providing fresh insights. The Life of Jesus effectively directs readers to the profound and uplifting news about who Jesus is and the significance of his actions. Thank you so much for this blog site about Jesus’ Life. ~ Christiana Michael.
* I experience enrichment through this profound portrayal of Jesus’s life. A compelling read with straightforward and accessible language. This remarkable book is a true gem, deserving to be revisited time and again. ~ Henry
* Impressive! This book is truly outstanding! Congratulations on this remarkable accomplishment. Keep up the exceptional work! ~ Rachael Diaz
* Offering fresh insights, The Life of Jesus points you to the great good news of who Jesus is and what he did. ~ Back cover
* I read your book last night. This is a great book. Thanks for writing this for all of us. ~ Nabeel Sharoon in Pakistan, translated it into five languages: Hindi, Indian Punjabi, Urdu, Sindhi, & Pakistani Punjabi.

Indian & Pakistani Translations  – Blog
Urdu, Hindi & more translations
You can freely reproduce and print these PDF eBooks

A new version of this book will be available soon.
Come back for links to its PDF and published copies:

See also

The Story of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – Blog
The Story of Jesus PDF eBook
An expanded version of The Life of Jesus


A Flashpoints Koorong1

Flashpoints of Revival – Blog
Flashpoints of Revival – PDF eBook
I know of no other book like this one that provides rapid-fire, easy-to-read, factual literary snapshots of virtually every well-known revival since Pentecost. … I felt like I had grasped the overall picture of revival for the first time” ~ C Peter Wagner

Also available as Revival Fires
A global survey of revivals


God’s Surprises – Blog: revival movements in 20 countries
God’s Surprises – PDF eBook
Current movements of God’s Spirit

Living in the Spirit – Blog
Living in the Spirit – PDF eBook
Personal and Group studies

Your Spiritual Gifts
– Blog
Your Spiritual Gifts – PDF eBook
Personal and group studies

The Lion of Judah – Blog: all about Jesus
The Lion of JudahPDF eBook
Amazing details about Jesus

Discovering Aslan – High King above all kings in Narnia – Blog
Discovering Aslan – PDF eBook
A devotional commentary about Nania

Body Ministry: The Body of Christ Alive in His Spirit
– Blog
Body Ministry – PDF eBook
The church alive in the Spirit of God

Inspiration – Blog: inspirational short stories
Inspiration – PDF eBook
Collection of inspirational stories


Sample Blogs

Inspiring 6-minute video clip: DO IT AGAIN LORD

LORD WOULD YOU DO IT AGAINa prayer that is being answered now

Message on Jesus’ Last Promise
Dante’s Group sings at 38 minutes; Geoff speaks at 48 minutes
Geoff refers to the video Do it again Lord’

Geoff Waugh speaks about Treasures Old & New: Spirit-filled and Anointed
Link: A one-minute clip from the message
Blog: Message Outline on Blog


God’s PromiseI will pour out my Spirit – Blog and Video
Seeing God’s Spirit poured out in over 20 countries
Described in God’s Surprises – Blog

Jesus’ Last Promise – Acts 1:8 & Pentecost – Blog and Video
You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you


Podcast: 21st-century revivals – Riverlife Church: Geoff & grandson Dante talk with staff about revivals they’ve seen

See God’s Surprises


Prayer & miracles

Australian Aboriginal Revival


Inspiring Quotes about Jesus


Bible translated into 700th language in 2020
Also 3,500 translations of Bible portions in other languages

See also: Scripture in Aramaic
Jewish scholar argues for Jesus’ birth in Spring, Nisan 1, the first day of the first month.

The JESUS Film – over 500 million commitments


A gang brought 10 guns to kill Billy Graham in Melbourne


Christian Passover Service


The Shroud of Turin
Horrendous scourging and crucifixion wounds


The true story behind the song ‘I have decided to follow Jesus’
Singer’s family martyred – includes video – over 50,000 views


Coronavirus brings Unprecedented Openness to the Gospel


Jesus Revolution
Current Revival in America’s Largest University

Video:  VIVA CRISTO REY!  Long Live Christ the King!
Amazing stories of obedience, prayer, miraculous feeding, and healings by an El Paso, Texas, prayer group just over the Rio Grande river in Juarez, Mexico. They prayed and obeyed. See God’s love for everyone.


Mama Luka
“Before they call I will answer” – Dr Helen Roseveare in Africa

God answered a child’s specific prayer. Miraculous timing

Carl Lawrence & David Wang
The Spirit told us what to do
2 teenage girls plant 30 churches


Wonders of Worship – choral & instrumental
Beautiful background worship while you work & pray

Hallelujah Chorus – international choirs – in many languages
While writing the ‘Hallelujah’ chorus Handel’s servant discovered him with tears in his eyes, and he exclaimed, “I did think I did see all Heaven before me, and the great God Himself seated on His throne, with His company of Angels.”

Messiah with all Bible verses and references

Messiah – 2:17 hours (10 million views, Hallelujah at 1:36 & 2:13 hrs)

How I learned to pray for the lost

How I learned to pray for the sick


Peace Child – PNG: A true story that impacted world missions 

Novak Djokovic – a Christian of deep faith
Historic record 24 times Grand Slam winner


Top Ten Jesus Movies


01 eternity1
ETERNITYThe Arthur Stace Story


Free PDF eBooks


A Flashpoints Koorong1

Flashpoints of Revival – Blog
Revival Fires – Blog

Printed by Global Awakening

God’s Surprises – Blog

South Pacific Revivals– Blog

Great Revival Stories – Blog

Best Revival Stories – Blog

Transforming Revivals – Blog

Renewal and Revival – Blog

Revival: I will pour out my Spirit – Blog

Pentecost on Pentecost & in the South Pacific – Blog

Anointed for Revival – Blog

Revival History Study Guide – Blog




Living in the Spirit – Blog

Your Spiritual Gifts
– Blog

Fruit & Gifts of the Spirit – Blog

EnCOURAGE: Love One Another – Blog

The Leader’s Goldmine – Blog

Great Commission Mission – Blog

Teaching Them to Obey in Love – Blog

Jesus the Model for Short Term Supernatural Mission – Blog

Body Ministry: The Body of Christ alive in His Spirit
– Blog

The Body of Christ: Part 1, Body Ministry – Blog
Part 1 of the book Body Ministry

The Body of Christ: Part 2, Ministry Education – Blog
Part 2 of the book Body Ministry

Learning Together in Ministry – Blog

Church on Fire – Blog

Keeping Faith Alive Today – Blog
Group studies on Prayer, Bible reading, & the Holy Spirit

Renewal: I make all things new – Blog

Word and Spirit – Blog

Study Guide Series

1. Signs and Wonders – Blog
2. The Holy Spirit in Ministry  – Blog
3. Revival History – Blog
4. Holy Spirit Movements through History – Blog
5. Renewal Theology 1 – Blog
Study Guide on Revelation, Trinity & Mission
6. Renewal Theology 2 – Blog
Study Guide on Jesus, Holy Spirit & Humanity
7. Ministry Practicum – Blog




The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – Blog
The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story –  PDF

The Story of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – Blog
Expanded version of The Life of Jesus

The Queen’s Faith – Blog  Platinum Jubilee Edition 2022
Queen Elizabeth II describes her faith
The Queen’s Faith – PDF
70 excerpts arranged in the ten themes of Jesus Christ, service & support, peace & goodwill, faith & hope, light & life, truth & courage, love and kindness, compassion & care, forgiveness & reconciliation, respect & tolerance.
* Took a read on the link! Really interesting and a great book! ~ Natalie Tse
I have read this book and it is one of the most amazing books I have read to date. ~ Maria

The Queen’s Christmas and Easter Messages Blog  Platinum Jubilee edition 2022
Queen Elizabeth II describes the significance of Christmas & Easter
The Queen’s Christmas & Easter Messages – PDF
70 illustrated double pages with excerpts from annual broadcasts
* What an amazing collection! This has so many wonderful Christmas messages and is a great addition to any family during the holiday season. – Jenny & Benny (Amazon)
* This book was very insightful and well laid out. It gives us an uncommon glimpse into the heart and mind of the Queen and her faith which is the one constant in her life. It was enjoyable to read.
Matthew Robert Payne (Amazon)

Inspiration Blog
Short stories to touch your heart

New Christian’s Guide – Blog

100 Bible Quotes: Bible Verses to Memorize – Blog

Bible Story Pictures & Models – Blog

Discovering Aslan – Blog
Devotional commentary about Jesus
Books on each Narnia story:
Discovering ASLAN in ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’Blog
Discovering ASLAN in ‘Prince Caspian’Blog
Discovering ASLAN in The Voyage of the ‘Dawn Treader’Blog

Discovering ASLAN in ‘The Silver Chair’Blog
Discovering ASLAN in ‘The Horse and His Boy’Blog
Discovering ASLAN in ‘The Magician’s Nephew’Blog
Discovering ASLAN in ‘The Last Battle’Blog

The Lion of Judah
The Lion of Judah Series:
The Lion of Judah
(1) The Titles of Jesus – Blog
(2) The Reign of Jesus – Blog
(3) The Life of Jesus – Blog
(4) The Death of Jesus – Blog
(5) The Resurrection of Jesus – Blog
(6) The Spirit of Jesus – Blog

Jesus on Dying Regrets – Blog
Advice about the top 5 regrets of the dying

Crucified and Risen – Blog
The Easter Story

Holy Week, Christian Passover, & Resurrection – Blog

Holy Week – Blog

Christian Passover Service – Blog

RISEN: long version – Blog
RISEN: short version – Blog
12 resurrection appearances

Mysterious Month – Blog
Jesus’ resurrection appearances & our month in Israel

Kingdom Life Series:  Personal and group studies
Kingdom Life in The Gospels

Kingdom Life in Matthew – Blog
Kingdom Life in Mark – Blog
Kingdom Life in Luke – Blog
Kingdom Life in John – Blog

A Preface to The Acts – Blog
An introduction to the book of The Acts




 Blog: God’s Surprises – Blog
God’s surprises in 20 countries

Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal & Revival – Blog
Autobiographical memoirs

Light on the Mountains – Blog
Pioneer Mission in PNG

Journey into Mission – Blog
Biographical mission adventures

Journey into Ministry & Mission – Blog
Autobiographical memoirs – condensed

Pentecost on Pentecost & in the South Pacific – Blog
Revivals in the South Pacific

Exploring Israel – Blog
Biographical memoirs of Israel

King of the Granny Flat – Blog
Biography of Geoff by Dante Waugh

Travelling with Geoff – Blog
by Don Hill

My First Stories – Blog
by Ethan Waugh
Stories for Children –
Helping each other

By All Means – Blog
Biography of Jim Waugh by Elaine Olley

An Incredible Journey by Faith – Blog
Autobiography by Elisha Chowtapalli



Click on the image to see Blog

Renewal Journals – 20 individual copies – see Index

Renewal Journals Vol 1: Nos. 1-5

Renewal Journals Vol 2: Nos 6-10

Renewal Journals Vol 3, Nos 11-15

Renewal Journals Vol 4: Nos 16-20

* I am enjoying these Journals a lot! Read about things that the Bible talks about, but they are happening in our day and age around the world. ~ Deborah Mares

Jesus said: When he the Spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth …
He will glorify me (John 16:13-14)


Blogs Index 1: Revivals (briefer than Revivals Index)
Blogs Index 2: Mission (international stories)
Blogs Index 3: Miracles (supernatural events)

Blogs Index 4: Devotional (including Testimonies)
Blogs index 5: Church (Christianity in action)

Blogs Index 6: Chapters (Blogs from Books)
Blogs Index 7: Images (Photos & Videos)

Share any Blog to inform and bless others

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Share good news  –  Share this and any page freely
Copy and share this link on your media, eg Facebook, Instagram, Emails:
Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:

Permission: You have permission to reproduce any blog or book. Many books have been translated and reproduced.

Just include the link to this page.






48 Replies to “Welcome!”

  1. Bookmark this page.
    Return regularly to see new Blogs on books and articles.
    Subscribe with your email to be notified of new blogs and free offers.
    Share any Blogs.

    1. Dear Geoff,
      Thank you for the rich content of your blog which helps Christ-loving readers find helpful materials in one place. May God bless you and guide you to enhance your works even more.

  2. Dear Geoff,
    Please know I read and posted a review on Amazon for your book Body Ministry. Great book and I hope many will sell. I love to endorse good authors and will be happy to submit reviews on any forthcoming materials. Please, if you like it can you hit the yes button at the end? Keep up the good work and may the body of Christ light up with God’s vision. Warm regards, Valerie.

    1. Thanks Valerie (and all readers) – I need and appreciate brief reviews and comments on Amazon, Kindle, and The Book Depository. They inform and bless others. Blessings.

  3. My brother recommended I may like this website. He was totally right. This post truly made my day. You can not know how so much time I had spent on this info! Thanks!

  4. Do you approve if I quote a number of of your articles or blog posts as much as I supply credit score and sources back to your site? My weblog is in the extremely exact same area of curiosity as yours and my site visitors would definitely benefit from some of the information you existing right here. Please let me know if this okay with you. Cheers!

  5. Hi,
    I’m wondering how to obtain permission to use some excerpts from I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT by Jeff Waugh. What a fantastic book!
    Thank you,
    Mark Stuberg

  6. Thanks a bunch for sharing this with all people. You really
    recognize what you are speaking about! Bookmarked.

  7. Very nice post. I simply stumbled upon your blog and wished to say that I have really loved surfing around your weblog posts. In any case I will be subscribing for your feed and I hope you write more soon!

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  10. Hello! I simply want to offer you a huge thumbs up for the excellent information you have got
    here on this post. I’ll be coming back to your blog for more soon.

  11. Hi Geoff
    I am keen to receive a copy of the Renewal Jounal would you please send me a copy to my email address

  12. Geoff, Just discovered this website and I’m delighted at the riches here. About 6-7 years ago, I felt led to dedicate about 2 years to the restoring of the works by or about the early missionaries sent to the Hawaiian Islands where in the 1830’s they had a massive move of God’s Spirit where thousands came to Christ. What resulted was a website that has about 25 restored texts in various ebook formats that chronicle that move of God. Materials are all free to download and/or quote from. One of the prominent missionaries was Titus Coan from New England who at one time during that period baptized 1700 new converts in a single day and was known for having the largest church in the world at the time (5000). The Library website is named after him. Here’s a link to some of their quotes from what was then called “The Great Awakening” of the Hawaiian Islands. Feel free to use any of the materials at that website in your work:

  13. You run a list of said Revivals and Individuals – God knows which are His Moves and who He called and sent! He also knows which ones aren’t His, but just their own! – Christians need to mature to allow the Holy Spirit to function in all of His Gifts through them in His Last Move Coming! That is what the world and the Church both have need of! You take nothing else with you when you leave!

  14. Geoff, I have print copies of the Renewal Journal for Volumes 1 to 18 inclusive.
    Are Volumes 19 and 20 available in print format or only as downloadable pdfs?

    1. David, all volumes were available in print, but may not be available on Amazon. Check listings. All PDFs can also be printed. Anyone has permission to print any books, including with your Amazon KDP account. Blessings, Geoff

  15. Hello Geoff,

    I’ve been having a spiritual awakening lately and stumbled across your site. You have some fantastic stuff on here!
    I would love to hear about what your thoughts on abortion are.

    Thank you so much and bless you!

    Lucas Shropshire

    1. Lucas, life begins at conception. Many ‘near death’ reports affirm meeting pre-born children, eg ‘Heaven is for Real’. God forgives true repentance, even taking life.

  16. I forget the year, but it was probably 20 – 30 years ago. I wrote a small opinion/article piece for the now defunct Wesleyan Christian Advocate. I asserted in that material we are living in the Greatest Awakening in history. However, because it is not congruent with the traditional presuppositions about what a revival looks like, it has gone unnoticed.
    These years later my stance has only intensified on this issue. The Great Awakening is still incongruent with the traditional model, though it has spilled over into the Asbury event and other campuses. These will pass like Brownsville did many years ago, but the Awakening will continue.
    Part of my assertion on this is the spreading of the Church around the world. I am weak on my knowledge only having generalizations on this issue.
    Following a world famous Google search, I have been led to this website. I am seeking leads about the spreading of the Church and the Gospel around the world. It appears the books offered can give me some of those. I am curious about the Renewal Journal. Is it a formal journal or the name of this website?
    Rev. Dr. Doug Bower

    1. Renewal Journal was printed in 20 issues and added to various university libraries. Now it is a digital version and website. Blessings.

  17. Dear Geoff,
    I spent six months teaching in a school and a “Saturday school” in Nepal in 1987. I’m now writing a book about what God has shown me about that experience. I would like to quote from your blog about the revival that is now happening in Nepal. I would prefer not to paraphrase if possible, as you have written it up so well, but will paraphrase if you’d prefer. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

  18. Hi there,
    I’m Tony Cauchi of the Revival Library
    I trust you are well!
    I have been meaning to contact you for some time to chat about somehow collaborating together, regarding how we can join forces to stir a fresh passion and prayer for revival amongst the younger generation, who know little of revival. I would like to ask if you have any ideas about how we could do that, to maximise our usefulness in the time we have left, to bless his church worldwide.
    I am currently in Spain, planting a new church and time has not allowed me to do all that I have wanted to do with my site. But, over the last few months, I have managed to make a start, upgrading the old site and adding much more new material. In fact, I think I’ll be finished and ready to replace the current site within the next few weeks.

    As I was searching around my computer I found 100’s of materials from others publications and websites, including yours! You have written and published so much valuable material – and it’s so well written! I would be very blessed and honoured if I could include selections of your material on our site. I am including lots of Edwin Orr transcripts, many Leonard Ravenhill sermon transcripts for person inspiration, as well as lots of David Smithers’ written materials, especially on prayer for revival, and many new materials that I’ve been working on.

    I plan to have a search facility on the site which will make it very accessible for readers and researchers. If you’ve not seen it you can have a look at the old site before I upgrade it, just to get a general idea of how it’s organised – but it will get better!!

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Many blessings

    For King and Kingdom


    1. Thanks Tony, and you are most welcome to use, reproduce, and refer to any Renewal Journal resources. May God continue to pour out his Spirit in these amazing days of his visitations and revivals. Blessings.

  19. The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story.
    This is a very informative, amazing, and powerful book. Be enriched. A most helpful telling of the life of Jesus and it’s so amazing. Thanks keep up a good work!

  20. I read your book last night. This is a great book. Offering fresh insights, The Life of Jesus points you to the great good news of who Jesus is and what he did.

  21. Dear Geoff,

    I am interested in obtaining a copy of the Renewal Journal. Could you kindly send it to my email address?

    Best regards

    Rebecca Moses

    1. Renewal Journals are now only on this website and links. I finished individual copies at issue 20 and now add blogs. You can subscribe for free. Blessings.

  22. I experience enrichment through a profound portrayal of Jesus’s life. A compelling read with straightforward and accessible language. This remarkable book is a true gem, deserving to be revisited time and again.

  23. Dear Geoff,

    I’ve recently undergone a spiritual awakening and discovered your website, which features remarkable content. I am keen to learn about your perspectives on abortion.

    Thank you sincerely, and blessings to you.

    Michael James.

    1. God creates life and we have the privilege and wonder of being part of that miracle. So his will is to create, and many ‘near death’ testimonies tell of loved ones seeing still born or aborted children in eternity.

  24. I had the pleasure of reading your book last night. It is truly exceptional, providing fresh insights. ‘The Life of Jesus’ effectively directs readers to the profound and uplifting news about who Jesus is and the significance of his actions. Thanks you so much for this blog site about Jesus Life.

    Christiana Michael.

  25. Dear Team at

    My name is Rodney and I am a volunteer with Hope For Ukraine Charity. I have found you on Instagram

    After two years since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, at least 6 million people have fled Ukraine to escape the conflict and another 5 million people are internally displaced.

    Leaving behind their homes, jobs and loved ones, Ukrainians urgently need shelter, food and water. More than 17 million people, almost half the population, require humanitarian aid.

    Life for the people of Ukraine has completely changed. Fighting and indiscriminate bombing has killed families and destroyed houses, schools and hospitals. Millions in displacement centres and damaged homes face temperatures below -20C.

    An estimated 1.4 million houses have been damaged by the war, and it is mostly older people and people with disabilities who remain behind in homes with leaking roofs, broken windows and no access to heating.

    Your generous contributions to our Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal helped over 140,000 vulnerable women, men and children access vital aid including food, water, shelter and counselling support.

    Thanks to you, our local partners are helping people to rebuild their lives after experiencing trauma, losing loved ones, homes and livelihoods.

    We have also responded quickly through the Caritas network – which CAFOD is a member of – to provide shelter, food and safe spaces for families who have lost everything.

    The humanitarian professionals and volunteers working on your behalf live locally and are from the communities that you are supporting. Many have been displaced by the war themselves. They understand people’s specific needs: from food and water, to shelter and clothing, to medical, psychological, and spiritual support. No two people are the same, no two crises are the same.

    Thanks to your kind donations and support, we have delivered vital assistance to over 120,000 mothers, children and elderly people since the first months of the conflict. We are part of a Caritas response that has reached over 2 million refugees and internally-displaced people. By working together we are making a difference to the lives of those in greatest need.

    When the emergency needs of families affected by the Ukraine conflict have been met and international attention turns to other crises, we are committed to be there in the long-term, to ensure that the communities you are helping can rebuild and heal.

    How will my donation help?
    More than 17 million people, almost half the current population of Ukraine, are now in need of humanitarian aid. With your help, we can keep supporting the increasing number of families who are in desperate need.

    Your donation will help local experts in Ukraine to keep providing:

    – food, water, and hygiene items

    – shelter and clothing

    – healthcare

    – education

    – counselling and group therapy.

    Please show your support for Ukraine by donating to the below cryptocurrency wallet addresses. No donation is too small. All funds received will be used to buy humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine. Unfortunately, we are currently not accepting bank payments as we are looking for a new banking partner.

    Bitcoin: bc1q4206tlzgldnr3efu44hf9m6qm329ztzxhqfxdw
    Ethereum: 0xa74cce7805342F10df39B698342380f58bB709b5
    Solana: G9quVAfjmRsLfT9xpacoUp7rkFAvdYEd44kHLhzaFVRu

    I thank you for your support and making a difference.

    Kind regards

    Rodney Hensman
    phone: 0355 3475607
    Address: Via Torricelli 81, Civezzano, 38045, TN, Italy

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