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Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:
Geoff Waugh – founding editor of the Renewal Journal

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Renewal Journals – 20 Issues

NEW – this month

The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – Blog
The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – PDF
Paperback Print  ISBN: 9798820112546 – US$5
Paperback Colour ISBN: 9798820482212 – US$16
Paperback Print Australian Amazon A$11

Revival Books & History

Flashpoints of Revival – updated to 2020 – Blog
Revival Fires – updated to 2020 – Blog

God’s Surprises – Blog

South Pacific Revivals – Blog

Great Revival Stories – Blog

Best Revival Stories – Blog

Transforming Revivals – Blog

Renewal and Revival – Blog

Revival: I will pour out my Spirit – Blog

Pentecost on Pentecost & in the South Pacific – Blog

Anointed for Revival – Blog

Revival History Study Guide – Blog

1. Signs and Wonders – Blog

2. The Holy Spirit in Ministry  – Blog

3. Revival History – Blog

Renewal Books & Study Guides

Living in the Spirit – Blog

Your Spiritual Gifts – Blog

Fruit & Gifts of the Spirit – Blog

EnCOURAGE: Love One Another – Blog

The Leader’s Goldmine – Blog

Great Commission Mission – Blog

Teaching Them to Obey in Love – Blog

Jesus the Model for Short Term Supernatural Mission – Blog

Body Ministry: The Body of Christ alive in His Spirit – Blog

Learning Together in Ministry – Blog

The Body of Christ: Part 1, Body Ministry – Blog
Part 1 of the book Body Ministry

The Body of Christ: Part 2, Ministry Education – Blog
Part 2 of the book Body Ministry

Church on Fire – Blog

Keeping Faith Alive Today – Blog
Group studies on Prayer, Bible reading, & the Holy Spirit

Renewal: I make all things new – Blog

1. Signs and Wonders – Blog

2. The Holy Spirit in Ministry  – Blog

3. Revival History – Blog

4. Holy Spirit Movements through History – Blog

5. Renewal Theology 1 – Blog
Study Guide on Revelation, Trinity & Mission

6. Renewal Theology 2 – Blog
Study Guide on Jesus, Holy Spirit & Humanity

7. Ministry Practicum – Blog

Devotional Books & Studies

The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – Blog

Inspiration Blog
Short stories to touch your heart

The Queen’s Faith – Blog  Platinum Jubilee edition 2022
Queen Elizabeth II describes her faith

The Queen’s Christmas and Easter Messages Blog  Platinum Jubilee edition 2022
Queen Elizabeth II describes the significance of Christmas & Easter

New Christian’s Guide – Blog
A basic guide for new Christians

100 Bible Quotes: Bible Verses to Memorize – Blog
Bible verses & passages on themes

Bible Story Pictures & Models – Blog
Pictures to colour & models to make

Annual Journal & Planner – Blog
Christian Journal & Planner – Blog
Perpetual Diary – Blog

Discovering Aslan – Blog
Devotional commentary about Jesus

The Lion of Judah
from The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
The Lion of Judah Series:
The Lion of Judah
  6 books in one volume
(1) The Titles of Jesus – Blog
(2) The Reign of Jesus – Blog
(3) The Life of Jesus – Blog
(4) The Death of Jesus – Blog
(5) The Resurrection of Jesus – Blog
(6) The Spirit of Jesus – Blog

Jesus on Dying Regrets – Blog
Advice about the top 5 regrets of the dying

Crucified and Risen – Blog
The Easter Story

Holy Week, Christian Passover & Resurrection – Blog
3 books in 1

Holy Week – Blog

Christian Passover Service – Blog

RISEN: long version – Blog
RISEN: short version – Blog
12 resurrection appearances

Mysterious Month – Blog
Jesus’ resurrection appearances & our month in Israel

Kingdom Life Series:  Personal and group studies
Kingdom Life in The Gospels – Blog 
5 books in one
Kingdom Life in Matthew – Blog
Kingdom Life in Mark – Blog
Kingdom Life in Luke – Blog
Kingdom Life in John – Blog

A Preface to The Acts – Blog
An introduction to the book of The Acts

General Books & Biography

Blog: God’s Surprises – Blog
God’s surprises in 20 countries

Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal & Revival – Blog
Autobiographical memoirs

Light on the Mountains – Blog
Pioneer Mission in PNG

Journey into Mission – Blog
Biographical mission adventures

Journey into Ministry & Mission – Blog
Autobiographical memoirs – condensed

Pentecost on Pentecost & in the South Pacific – Blog
Revivals in the South Pacific

Exploring Israel – Blog
Biographical Memoirs of Israel

Renewal Journals – 20 Issues

1 Revival,   2 Church Growth,
3 Community,   4 Healing,  
5 Signs & Wonders,
6 Worship
7 Blessing,
   8 Awakening,  
9 Mission
,   10 Evangelism

11 Discipleship
,   12 Harvest,  
13 Ministry
,   14 Anointing,
15 Wineskins,   
16 Vision,  
17 Unity
,   18 Servant Leadership,  
19 Church
,   20 Life
See Prayer & Miracles









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Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:


UK: Black churches thrive like never before

UK: Black churches thrive like never before

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UK: Black churches thrive like never before

Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:
In the UK there has been a 5% national drop in church attendance, but a corresponding 18% increase in Black church membership.

According to the Evangelical Alliance’s Census, ‘Ethnicity and Regular Church Going’, this growth is reflected in Black church attendance being at least three times their proportion in the population. London is the best place to see this as 48% of all churchgoers are now Black, with the London Borough of Southwark having the largest concentration of African churches anywhere in the country. It has an estimated 240 Black Majority churches, with over 20,000 congregants.

What do we know about African churches, their Christianity and their rapid growth? Here are five things worth knowing:

1. African Christianity is active and engaged
African churches expect their members to become fully engaged and involved in the life and activities of the church. Their Christianity is part of everyday life, every aspect of it.

2. African Christians have a positive outlook on life
African church leaders are generally inspirational and often charismatic. Members are aspirational and have a positive outlook on life. They see prosperity as God’s blessing and find it empowering to pursue this.

3. African churches think big and stylish
African Christians think big. They love the term ‘my God is a big God’, which shows the limitless power of what God can do. Many of their churches started with a few members and in record time have grown into big churches. When African churches put on events and conferences, they are likely to be on a grand scale. When they buy warehouses, abandoned buildings, bingo halls, or former churches, they refurbish them to a high standard with a ‘wow’ factor.

4. Africans market and promote relentlessly on social media
African churches have a good grasp of modern communication and information technology. Typically, they are on all the leading social media platforms to grow their churches and attract young people to their services. Many are likely to have had an online experience before going through the doors.

5. ‘Reverse Mission’
Reverse Mission is a concept prevalent among many African Christians, who see their mission in Britain as a reversal of how the missionaries once brought Christianity to Africa. They now believe Britain needs re-evangelising and are committed to doing so.

Source: Roy Francis

Joel News # 1259, May 23, 2022

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UK: Black churches thrive like never before

Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:


How Ukraine became a missions hub for Russia

How Ukraine became a missions hub for Russia

Heroes of faith

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How Ukraine became a missions hub for Russia
Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:

At the beginning of the last century, a young immigrant from Russia to the US named Ivan Voronaev found himself in the midst of a revival.

This revival had started in a little store-front church on a street named Azusa in Los Angeles, but quickly spread across the nation and also impacted New York where in 1917 Voronaev pastored a small Russian Baptist congregation. He encountered the work, power and leading of the Holy Spirit there, as described in the New Testament.

Photo: The Voronaev family

Several months later at a home prayer meeting, Voronaev received a prophetic message, “Voronaev, Voronaev, go to Russia!” This would not be an easy task. The tsar recently had been overthrown by the bolsheviks, and political, religious, and social turmoil had produced much suffering.

In 1920 Voronaev went to Ukraine with his message of revival and set up headquarters in the port city of Odessa. In a few years of preaching, teaching and mobilising, he saw over 17,000 people encountering the Holy Spirit and following Christ. They fanned out across the Soviet Union, preached the gospel, and established Pentecostal churches. In 1926, Voronaev organised the General-Ukrainian Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith, which provided fellowship for the growing number of churches. By 1928, the Union consisted of about 400 congregations with approximately 20,000 members.

Shortly after this revival, Voronaev and his wife Katherine were arrested by the communists and sent to the gulag where he died. His wife sat out her sentence of 25 years. Their story is shared in more detail on the website of the Assemblies of God.

Photo: Odessa before the Russian invasion

Meanwhile, Stalin uprooted millions of Ukrainians (as Putin is doing today), scattering them across the Soviet Union to Siberia and beyond to the Far East, unwittingly spreading the revival. Voronaev’s disciples became the foundation of the underground church of Russia. At the same time Stalin replaced the Ukrainians with millions of Russians, thus creating the problem we are facing today.

Ukraine has long been the spiritual center of Eastern Europe and beyond. Seven out of ten evangelical churches in Russia today have Ukrainian pastors. Ukrainian churches can be found all over the former Soviet Union; and all across Europe, the US and the world.

As the leadership of the Ukrainian Pentecostal Church met this week in Kyiv representing 1800 congregations, their senior bishop, Mykhailo Panochko, shared the belief of state officials that the church was a key element in the healing of their nation. “Don’t miss your chance to be part of great things God is performing,“ he told them. “God’s plans are surely higher than ours!”

Sources: Jeff Fountain, AG News

Joel News # 1259, May 23, 2022

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How Ukraine became a missions hub for Russia

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The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – Blog
The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – PDF

Click image to see Blog

A You can Publish for Free
You Can Publish for Free – Blog
You Can Publish for Free – PDF


 Blog: God’s Surprises – Blog
God’s Surprises – PDF
God’s surprises in 20 countries
Condensed from Journey into Mission: * I have read many similar stories, but this one exceeds them all. … Geoff has done well to not only be in so many places and seeing God at work but also writing a book about it all.  ~ Barbara Vickridge
* “I’m reading your book God’s Surprises and I can feel the power of God and a tremendous desire for a Revival in Italy, where I live.”   ~ Francesco Trentinella.


Journey into Renewal and Revival
Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal & Revival – Blog
Autobiographical memoirs
Journey into Renewal and RevivalPDF


Pioneer Mission in PNG
Light on the Mountains – Blog
Pioneer Mission in PNG
Light on the Mountains – PDF*

0 0 Jurney M2
.Journey into Mission – Blog
Biographical mission adventures
Journey into Mission PDF
* I have read many similar stories, but this one exceeds them all. … Geoff has done well to not only be in so many places and seeing God at work but also writing a book about it all.  ~ Barbara Vickridge

Journey into Ministry & Mission – Blog
Autobiographical memoirs
Journey into Ministry and Mission – PDF


A Pentecost on Pentecost B
Pentecost on Pentecost & in the South Pacific – Blog
Revivals in the South Pacific
Pentecost on Pentecost & in the South Pacific PDF


The Holy Land
Exploring Israel – Blog
Biographical Memoirs of Israel

Exploring Israel – PDF


0 A Mysterious Month All3
Mysterious Month – Blog
Mysterious Month – PDF
Jesus’ resurrection appearances & our month in Israel


King of the Granny Flat – Blog
Biography of Geoff by Dante Waugh
King of the Granny Flat – PDF


My First Stories – Blog
Stories for Children –
Helping each other

by Ethan Waugh
My First Stories – PDF


By All Means – Blog
Biography of Jim Waugh by Elaine Olley
By All Means – PDF


An Incredible Journey by Faith
An Incredible Journey by Faith – Blog
Autobiography by Elisha Chowtapalli
An Incredible Journey by Faith – PDF*

A Travelling with Geoff
Travelling with Geoff – Blog
by Don Hill
Travelling with Geoff – PDF


20 Renewal Journals – with links

1 Revival,   2 Church Growth,
3 Community,   4 Healing,  
5 Signs & Wonders,
6  Worship
7  Blessing,
   8  Awakening,  
9  Mission
,   10  Evangelism

11  Discipleship
,   12  Harvest,  
13  Ministry
,   14  Anointing,
15  Wineskins,   
16  Vision,  
17  Unity
,   18  Servant Leadership,  
19  Church
,   20 Life










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Renewal Journal –  Revival Books

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Geoff Waugh – founding editor of the Renewal Journal
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Renewal Books – Link

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Revival Books – gift ideas – this page

The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – Blog
The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – PDF

Click image or title to see Blog

Revival Fires – updated to 2020 – Blog
Revival Fires – PDF
* I know of no other book like this one that provides rapid-fire, easy-to-read, factual literary snapshots of virtually every well-known revival since Pentecost. As I read this book, I was thrilled to see how God has been so mightily at work in so many different times and places.I felt like I had grasped the overall picture of revival for the first time” ~ C Peter Wagner


Revival Fires – Blog
Revival Fires


A Flashpoints Koorong1

Flashpoints of Revival – updated to 2020 – Blog
Flashpoints of Revival – PDF
* I know of no other book like this one that provides rapid-fire, easy-to-read, factual literary snapshots of virtually every well-known revival since Pentecost. As I read this book, I was thrilled to see how God has been so mightily at work in so many different times and places.I felt like I had grasped the overall picture of revival for the first time”  ~ C Peter Wagner

Revivals Awaken Generations – Blog
Flashpoints of Revival in Korean


Blog: God’s Surprises – Blog
God’s Surprises – PDF
Current biographical revival stories
Condensed from Journey into Mission: * I have read many similar stories, but this one exceeds them all. … Geoff has done well to not only be in so many places and seeing God at work but also writing a book about it all.  ~ Barbara Vickridge
* I’m reading your book God’s Surprises and I can feel the power of God and a tremendous desire for a Revival in Italy, where I live.   ~ Francesco Trentinella.


Community and Ecological Transformation
South Pacific Revivals – Blog
South Pacific Revivals – PDF
Community & Ecological Transformation
* Dr Geoff Waugh shares the message of revival clearly through the simplicity of the Word and his own personal experiences, being part of God’s big revival story in the Pacific. His book is a must read for all who follow Pacific Revivals and world movements of the Holy Spirit.  ~  Romulo Nayacalevu, Fiji

* South Pacific Revivals gives some very illuminating information about numerous little-known revivals in the region… A surprising number of movements after 1950 are provided – including islands and places I had never before heard of! A number of remarkable personal testimonies are included, and photos are dotted throughout the book. Some useful appendices are included, such as ‘Characteristics of Revivals from Acts 2’ and ‘Examples of Repentance and Revival’.  ~  Blue Yonder



Great Revival Stories – Blog
Great Revival Stories – PDF
Revival stories from Renewal Journals
* Full of true accounts of what happens to whole towns and cities when God’s people humble themselves, pray, and the Holy Spirit rushed through with his transforming power. Loved every minute of these stories. ~ Jo Swan
* Great compilation of Revival HappeningsGreat book. A compilation of reports from revivals from around the world. Really helpful in preparing for a sermon series on Revival! ~


Best Revival Stories – Blog
Best Revival Stories – PDF
Part 1 of Great Revival Stories


Transforming Revivals – Blog
Transforming Revivals – PDF
Part 2 of Great Revival Stories

A Renewal and Revival2
Renewal and Revival – Blog
Renewal & Revival – PDF
Renewal Journal Articles


Renewal: I make all things new – Blog
Renewal – PDF
Part 1 of Renewal and Revival


Revival: I will pour out my Spirit – Blog
Revival – PDF
Part 2 of Renewal and Revival


A Pentecost on Pentecost B
Pentecost on Pentecost & in the South Pacific – Blog
Pentecost on Pentecost – PDF
Revival stories from Pentecost Island


Anointed for Revival
Anointed for Revival – Blog
Anointed for Revival PDF
Stories of Revival Pioneers

A SG Revival History
Revival History Study Guide – Blog
Revival History – PDF
Study Guide on Revival History


20 Renewal Journals – with links

1 Revival,   2 Church Growth,
3 Community,   4 Healing,  
5 Signs & Wonders,
6  Worship
7  Blessing,
   8  Awakening,  
9  Mission
,   10  Evangelism

11  Discipleship
,   12  Harvest,  
13  Ministry
,   14  Anointing,
15  Wineskins,   
16  Vision,  
17  Unity
,   18  Servant Leadership,  
19  Church
,   20 Life










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Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:

Renewal Journal – Popular Books by Geoff Waugh

Renewal Journal –  Popular Books by Geoff Waugh, free PDFs

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Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:
Geoff Waugh – founding editor of the Renewal Journal
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Renewal Books – gift ideas

Devotional Books – gift ideas

General Books – gift ideas

Popular Books – gift ideas


The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – Blog
The Life of Jesus – PDF eBook
The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – PDF

This is a very informative, amazing, and powerful book. Thanks to the author for investing hours of research, expressed with his masterful command of language. ~ Alex Johnson
This is a great read. Simple and easy language that even my children can read as a guide, and have a better understanding of the Life Journey of Christ, as they read it in the Gospels.~ Florence
* This is a wonderful book and can be read over and over. Thank you. ~ Kerry Rawson
* I keep this book with my Bible. It is especially helpful when reading through the Gospels.
 ~ Cathy Hartwig
* The book is beautifully written and I have learned and understood a lot. I am recommending this book. ~ Kattie Mayson
* Be enriched. A most helpful telling of the life of Jesus using the biblical text and adding some background and charts. Anyone using this book will be enriched. ~ Rev Dr John Olley
Geoff Waugh has written a very helpful devotional book about the Saviour of the world who is also the loving presence in believers. His use of chronology for headings and the many sub-headings makes the book simpler to absorb, even for an enquirer or new believer. I warmly commend this book. ~ Rev Dr Tony Cupit


The Queen’s Faith – Blog
The Queen’s Faith – PDF  Platinum Jubilee edition 2022
2-page view at the top right of the PDF
Queen Elizabeth II describes her faith
70 excerpts arranged in the ten themes of Jesus Christ, service & support, peace & goodwill, faith & hope, light & life, truth & courage, love and kindness, compassion & care, forgiveness & reconciliation, respect & tolerance.
* Took a read on the link! Really interesting and a great book! ~ Natalie Tse
* I have read this book and it is one of the most amazing books I have read to date. ~ Maria

The Queen’s Christmas and Easter Messages – Blog
The Queen’s Christmas and Easter Messages – PDF  Platinum Jubilee edition 2022
2-page view at the top right of the PDF.
Queen Elizabeth II describes the significance of Christmas & Easter

* The Queen’s Christmas and Easter Messages is an appealing, highly unusual and very creative anthology. ~ Alison Sherrington
* What an amazing collection! This has so many wonderful Christmas messages and is a great addition to any family during the holiday season.  ~ Jenny & Benny


A Flashpoints Koorong1   

Flashpoints of Revival – Blog
Flashpoints of Revival – PDF
Revival Fires – Blog
Revival Fires– PDF
Stories of revivals – same updated text in both books
Chapter 7: Twenty-first century revivals

* I know of no other book like this one that provides rapid-fire, easy-to-read, factual literary snapshots of virtually every well-known revival since Pentecost. As I read this book, I was thrilled to see how God has been so mightily at work in so many different times and places. I felt like I had grasped the overall picture of revival for the first time” ~ C Peter Wagner


God’s Surprises
God’s Surprises –
Biographical stories of current revivals in over 20 countries
Condensed from Journey into Mission: * I have read many similar stories, but this one exceeds them all. … Geoff has done well to not only be in so many places and seeing God at work but also writing a book about it all.  ~ Barbara Vickridge
* I’m reading your book God’s Surprises and I can feel the power of God and a tremendous desire for a Revival in Italy, where I live.   ~ Francesco Trentinella.


Discovering Aslan
– Blog
Discovering Aslan – PDF
Devotional commentary about Jesus
from The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
* This is a remarkable work and something quite unique that I’ve not come across before ~ Russ Burg
* One of the most interesting devotionals ever! As a huge fan of all things Narnia, I am so grateful for this deeper aspect of the truths in C.S. Lewis’ stories. ~ Belinda S.
* Best companion work I know of. … Either for a young person who is interested in exploring more, or as a resource on a pastor’s desk, it is an invaluable companion to the original series.  ~ Amazon Customer
* This is a great companion when you read, and is a stand-alone teaching on the depths of teaching that C.S. Lewis weaves into Aslan’s character. Definitely worth your time.  ~ Steve Loopstra


A 7 Lion
The Lion of Judah – Blog
The Lion of Judah – PDF
six books combined into one book
* Looking for a great book to help you meditate on the wonder of Jesus in all his richness and grandeur and love? Geoff Waugh has helpfully and thoughtfully brought together wide-ranging biblical passages… Read this book prayerfully and you will not be the same! ~ John Olley.
* This book is full of information, biblical information. I have learned so much from it … If you want to learn more from the Bible, this is the book to read.  ~ A. Aldridge.



– Blog
Inspiration – PDF
24 stories to touch your heart
* I really enjoyed this book. It helped me to understand more about what I have been going through.  ~ James Bird


100 Bible Quotes: Bible Verses to Memorize – Blog
100 Bible Quotes – PDF
Key Bible verses, chapters, and passages
100 Bible Quotes gives you the most popular and well-known Bible verses grouped in 12 themes for easy memorization. Additional sections add other Bible passages.


Bible Story Pictures & Models – Blog
Bible Story Pictures & Models – PDF
Children’s pictures activity book
* Bible Story Pictures & Models stands out above the rest, looks and sounds original, fun and very inspirational … Your stories are great for teaching children basic bible stories. Your illustrations and models are all terrific for them to color and create. It is all very well done and inviting for your targeted young readers.  ~ Ellery Alouette.
*  This is an excellent children’s Bible story and activity book. Our family loves it and enjoys it every day, reading a different story and creating our own pictures and models. Thanks to the author for putting this wonderful book together for families to learn more about the Lord’s Word while enjoying some creativity time as well.  ~  Jewell Hart.
* This hands-on, easy-to-use guide is laid out perfectly to use as a creative tool for simple-to-understand Bible lessons with fun and enjoyable illustrations, pictures and models to colour and create. Our children are especially enjoying it with excitement while they learn more about the Bible through the stories, along with coloring, painting and creating with the fun-packed inspirational activities. ~ Beatrix Bloom.


New Christian’s Guide – Blog
New Christian’s Guide – PDF
A basic guide to the Christian life
New Christian’s Guide is an introductory guide for new Christians starting out in their life in Christ. It covers basic essentials including Jesus’ instructions on loving God and loving others.


EnCOURAGE: Love One Another – Blog
EnCOURAGE: Love One Another – PDF
Hundreds of ideas for Christians & Christian groups
Hundreds of ideas for Christian groups with a wealth of activities, studies, prayers, and resources for groups of all ages.



Jesus on Dying Regrets – Blog
Jesus on Dying Regrets – PDF
Advice about the top 5 regrets of the dying
This small book explores Jesus’ advice about the top 5 regrets of dying patients.


 Living in the Spirit study book
Living in the Spirit – Blog
Living in the Spirit  PDF
The Holy Spirit and The Christian Life
* I find the study material to be balanced in theological emphasis and exceptionally well organized and presented. ~ Bishop Owen Dowling
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Your Spiritual Gifts – Blog
Your Spiritual Gifts – PDF
To serve in love
* Good basic biblical material.  ~ Vanessa Hart
* Good home group study. It’s down to the home group to work as a team to put the theory into practice fitting in with existing church structures. ~ G Sinclair



Great Revival Stories – Blog
Great Revival Stories – PDF
Revival accounts from world leaders
* Full of true accounts of what happens to whole towns and cities when God’s people humble themselves, pray, and the Holy Spirit rushed through with his transforming power. Loved every minute of these stories. ~ Jo Swan
* Great compilation of Revival HappeningsGreat book. A compilation of reports from revivals from around the world. Really helpful in preparing for a sermon series on Revival! ~


 Body Ministry
Body Ministry – Blog
Body Ministry – PDF
The Body of ChristAlive in His Spirit
* This resource will be of benefit to all ministry leaders and teachers. I recommend it for positive change and for allowing the Holy Spirit, the Great Teacher, to have full reign. ~ Valerie Caraotta



Renewal Journals – links to 20 Renewal Journals
4 books comprising the 20 Renewal Journals
* I am enjoying these Journals a lot! Read about things that the Bible talks about, but they are happening in our day and age around the world. ~ Deborah Mares

20 Renewal Journals – with links

1 Revival,   2 Church Growth,
3 Community,   4 Healing,  
5 Signs & Wonders,
6  Worship
7  Blessing,
   8  Awakening,  
9  Mission
,   10  Evangelism

11  Discipleship
,   12  Harvest,  
13  Ministry
,   14  Anointing,
15  Wineskins,   
16  Vision,  
17  Unity
,   18  Servant Leadership,  
19  Church
,   20 Life










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George Chen – In the Garden: 18 years in prison

George Chen – In the garden: 18 years in prison

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George Chen – In the Garden: 18 years in prison
Persecution in 2022

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The World Watch List 2022

Around the world, more than 360 million Christians live in places where they experience high levels of persecution, just for following Jesus. That’s 1 in 7 believers.

During the 18 years Chen had spent in prison, when he had often worried that all Christians had been killed or fallen away from the faith, God had caused the three churches he had led to increase from a total of 300 to 5,000 believers!

See Pastor George Chen’s moving labour camp story – In the Garden – YouTube 5 minutes Chen singing ‘In the Garden’

George Chen 1932-2021

A Tribute by Paul Hattaway

George Chen was the very first Chinese Christian I ever met in my life. In the 1980s I was a new believer in Christ, saved just a few months, when the direction of my life was radically changed after hearing Chen speak at a church in my home country. I knew next to nothing about China at the time and my life was directionless. I had never had a single thought of going to China.

I was speechless after hearing the testimony of this man who spent 18 years in prison for Jesus. He had endured horrific conditions, and had not only survived the ordeal, but had emerged with an unconquerable faith! George Chen’s eyes shone as I spoke with him after the meeting. He encouraged me to unreservedly make myself available to God, and to consider being a “donkey for Jesus” by carrying Bibles across the border from Hong Kong to the spiritually starving Christians in China, who had been without Bibles for three decades.

As recorded in my biography, the Lord miraculously propelled me to China through a series of astonishing events, despite being a teenager with no money to my name. I found myself in China just weeks after that pivotal meeting, and I had also been exposed to a type of Christianity that was completely foreign to most Westerners. I recalled my meeting with George Chen in “An Asian Harvest”:

“His testimony impacted me deeply. in the formative time of my Christian walk. He had spent longer behind bars because of his love for Jesus than I had been alive at that time.

This precious man had learned to appreciate the small blessings of life…. George taught me that the kingdom of God cannot be defeated by evil men or governments. Whatever terrible things Satan and the world can throw at Jesus’ disciples, His purposes will not be thwarted.”  …

The Apostle Paul told Timothy, “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 2:3).

Churches throughout China suffered continual hammer blows throughout the 1950s and 1960s, as Satan’s fury was unleashed on them. One Christian who suffered greatly was George Chen (Chinese name: Chen Minying), who endured inhumane treatment at the hands of his persecutors, only to be preserved by the hand of God. He was even given an international ministry after his release from prison.

Chen was born in 1932 to a humble family in Zhejiang Province. The chaos engulfing China at the time caused them to move to Shanghai, where George grew up. After hearing the Gospel he surrendered his life to God, and the Holy Spirit gave him a gift of evangelism.

Chen founded three rural churches with a total of 300 members, most of whom he had personally led to Christ. The believers had a hunger for the Word of God and desired to spread the Gospel, which soon caught the attention of the Communist authorities. Chen was first arrested in 1960 and imprisoned as a counterrevolutionary.

For the first three-and-a-half years, George was one of five inmates crammed into a cell that was so small the men had to lie on their sides, head-to-toe, like sardines in a can. A wooden bucket in the corner of the tiny space served as the toilet for all the men. George was often so hungry that he ate toothpaste to satisfy his cravings. Chen’s wife and son were not allowed to contact him during his incarceration, and for years he was oblivious to the fact that she had died, and his son had been killed by the Communist authorities.

In 1964, Chen was moved inland to a prison labor camp in Anhui Province, where he served a further 14 years.

Inmates at a prison labor camp in China in the 1970s.

After months of backbreaking work, seven days a week, the prison leaders were infuriated that they had been unable to make the evangelist deny his faith in Jesus.

They ordered Chen to perform the worst job in the prison, daily shoveling human excrement to be used as fertilizer. The massive amount of waste produced by 60,000 prisoners flowed into a large cesspool a short distance from the cells. He later recalled the struggle of those long and difficult years, and how he was often troubled by thoughts that God had abandoned him:

“I spent my days deep in human waste, turning it with a shovel to make compost. They thought I would be miserable, but actually I was happy. It smelled so bad that no one came near me, so I could pray and sing aloud all day.

If I was not a Christian I would have died, because the smell was maddening, and the stench terrible. But I enjoyed being alone in the cesspool, so I could pray to our Lord, recite the Scriptures, and sing hymns loudly.”

To counteract the thoughts that he had been forsaken, as he stood deep in human waste every day, George often sung the beautiful words of his favorite hymn, In the Garden:

“I come to the garden alone While the dew is still on the roses And the voice I hear falling on my ear The Son of God discloses.

“And He walks with me And He talks with me And He tells me I am His own And the joy we share as we tarry there None other has ever known.”

Finally, in 1978, the political situation relaxed a little in China, and Chen was released from prison and placed under house arrest. Eighteen long years had passed.

When he entered prison, the Cultural Revolution had yet to begin, and Mao held complete power. Now, the Cultural Revolution was over, and Mao was in the grave.

George was afraid that nobody would remember who he was. Most of all, he wondered if any of the Christians he had once known were still alive, or if there were any believers left in China at all. With trepidation, he slowly made his way home, not knowing what he would find.

For almost two decades, George Chen had been both burdened and blessed by the memory of his church members. Countless times, as he stood in the excrement pit, he prayed aloud for them, asking the Holy Spirit to sustain their faith and help them to overcome. As he got off the bus in his home area, he failed to recognize many of the buildings or faces of the people he passed.

Then, from behind, came a cry of shock from an elderly woman. “Pastor… is it you?” One of his former church members was still alive! In a typically constrained Chinese manner, the two did not hug, but shook hands as tears rolled down their faces. George was relieved. Now he knew that he was not the only Christian left in China. There were at least two!

Millions of books (including Bibles) were burned during the Cultural Revolution, creating a famine of the Word of God in China.

 God is Good

News of the pastor’s return spread throughout the neighborhood like wildfire, and soon the shining faces of many other believers pressed against the windows of a house he was invited to stay in. Many people were beside themselves with both shock and joy. They presumed the pastor had died decades earlier, and not a word had been heard to suggest that he was still alive.

The biggest shock was to come. When George asked one of his old friends if any fellowship of believers had survived, he was told, “Yes! God is good! He has sent His Spirit to breathe on us, and now we have many members. We are so glad that you have returned, because we do not have any Bibles and few of us remember many of the words of Jesus. Please teach us, pastor. Please!”

The Lord Jesus Christ, who promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against His Church, had done a great miracle. During the 18 years Chen had spent in prison, when he had often worried that all Christians had been killed or fallen away from the faith, God had caused the three churches to increase from a total of 300 to 5,000 believers!

George was amazed, and he hardly slept that night as he tried to take in everything he had heard. His rejoicing was soon tempered, however, when he was told that his wife had died years earlier, and his young son had been killed. The prison officials had cruelly withheld this information from him.

Chen remained under house arrest until 1981, when he was “rehabilitated” by the government and his criminal records were erased.

Remarkably, for a man whom other Christians had forgotten about and assumed to be dead, God opened the door for George Chen to obtain a passport, and he shared his testimony in church meetings around the world during the late 1980s and 1990s. At each meeting, he invariably took time to thank the Body of Christ for sending missionaries to China in the past.

Chen remarried and spent much of his latter life traveling between his home and southwest China, where he ministered among ethnic minority groups, especially the Lisu people in the high mountains straddling the border with Myanmar. He was much loved, and he often drove a van hundreds of miles to deliver loads of precious Bibles to spiritually hungry Christians.

Although he officially retired in 2012 at the age of 80, George Chen continued to travel to China, where he advised house church leaders in Henan and Yunnan provinces. After many years spent ‘in the garden’ with Jesus Christ, his life shone into many dark places, and had become a sweet fragrance that attracted many souls to the kingdom of God.

Just a few months ago we received this photo of George. He looked fit and healthy, and we remarked that he would probably live to one hundred.

It wasn’t to be, however, and the Lord Jesus Christ finally called His servant home on October 27, 2021, when George Chen died peacefully in his sleep while in Hong Kong.

He was 89 years old.

George Chen in 2021, aged 89

Article edited from: In Memory of George Chen – Forever ‘In the Garden’











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George Chen – In the Garden: 18 years in prison
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Persecution in 2022

Mexico: Thousands of migrants meet Jesus at the border

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
– Matthew 25:40
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Mexico: How thousands of migrants meet Jesus at the border

When Gustavo Banda opened his small church in a poor neighbourhood in Mexico, little did he know that it would become a refuge for tens of thousands of migrants on transit to the USA.  

Six miles west of Tijuana, and a short distance from the U.S.-Mexico border, lies one of the city’s poorest neighbourhoods. There are no paved roads, no sewage system. The hillside is strewn with garbage and crime is rampant. “When we moved here there were only people with a lot of needs,” pastor Gustavo Banda recalled. In 2011, he and his wife, Zaida Guillén, moved to Cañón de Alacrán, or Scorpion’s Canyon, after hearing from the Lord in a dream. “It was a clear mandate from God to move here even though there was absolutely nothing in this place.”

The Mexican couple was touched by the overwhelming needs of the community. “Most folks here were poor subsistence farmers. God gave me a dream that I had to build a church. We worked for eight months, day and night. We knew God was going to do something special, but nobody had a clue about what was really going to happen.” That year, Templo Embajadores de Jesús, or Ambassadors of Jesus Church, was born. Banda held services on Sunday, then hit the rugged roads the rest of the week going house-to-house, ministering to physical and spiritual needs.

‘We knew God was going to do something special, but nobody had a clue about what was really going to happen’

In 2016, the church’s focus drastically changed when thousands of Haitians, escaping poverty and back-to-back natural disasters, began to carve a dangerous 7,000-mile path through Latin America to the U.S. Many landed on the church’s doorsteps, less than 30 minutes from the San Ysidro border. “Within months, 22,000 Haitians had arrived in the city of Tijuana.” The church became a place of refuge. “I did not know, nor did I ever imagine, that there would be so many people in the church.”

Since then, Banda provided a refuge to migrants from all parts of the world. “It started with migrants coming from Haiti, Africa, Pakistan, and the Middle East. Today, we mainly have people from El Salvador, Guatemala, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Colombia, and some from Mexico. We estimate about 35,000 people have come through the church. We feed them 3 times a day. We try to help them with all their needs. At nighttime, the entire church becomes one big giant dorm where everyone sets up their beds on the floor.”

Jaqueline Ortiz, 24, from Guatemala is here with her two girls. She said, “I’m so thankful to God because without the church, I don’t know where I would be. I don’t go hungry here, my daughters don’t go hungry, we have a warm place, we have a roof. All thanks to God and to the people that help us.” Most migrants stay here an average of six months before trying to legally cross the border.

‘We feed them, are family to them, baptise them, and send them on’

Church volunteers run a school for the children, oversee computer training and provide other skills that will help migrants prepare for their new life in America. Area churches and NGOs also pitch in with food and other essential supplies. “The most important thing we try to provide to the migrants is hope and to be a family to them,” Banda said. “We have only little time with them, so I want them to know as much as they can about Jesus, baptise them, and send them on.”

Banda once had a desire to be a missionary to Haiti, but Haiti came to him. And after Haiti came, all the other nations followed.

Source: George Thomas, CBN

Joel News International # 1242, January 14, 2022










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17-year-old New Christian sparks Revival in South Africa

17-year-old New Christian sparks Revival in South Africa

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By Reinhard Bonnke, posted 9 December 2019 on YouTube.

I’ve been for 40 years in Africa – my very favourite continent. What I have seen God do in Nigeria defies all description. So mighty. So glorious. So fantastic.

When I was a young evangelist there, about 30 or 31 years of age, I was in what they then called the Northern Transvaal of South Africa.

I had a crusade there. It was a small crowd, there were only 8,000 people, and it was in an open field of elephant grass – it’s as tall as an elephant. We had our open space. There was no road. I had to drive my car through that elephant grass to arrive.

I just had preached. I just had led a few thousand people to the Lord. We saw mighty miracles of God.

I still wanted to be alone a little bit. All had gone, and I was there. The generator was still running. I switched it off. It was a pitch-black night. No star in the sky, no moon, no nothing. I could hardly see where my car was.

I saw it then, got in, switched the lights on, and drove away through that high grass.

Suddenly there was a young man in front of me and he flagged me down. I stopped the car. I pulled the window down. I said to him, “Is there something wrong?”

H came and said, “No, there’s nothing wrong, but I knew you would pass here. I found Jesus as my Saviour in this crusade, and I knew you would come past here, and that I would meet you here, because I want to receive the Holy Spirit!”

I said, “What is your name?”

He said, “My name is David.”

I said, “How old are you?”

He said, “I’m 17 years of age.”

It touched me so much. I got out of the car and left all the lights on so that I could see what I was doing, laid my hands on him, and that moment it was as if lightning struck him. That was electricity. He was bending backwards, forwards, and burst out in new tongues. It was absolutely wonderful, something I had witnessed already so often, so often.

He said, “Thank you very much. I’m now going to my home village.”

And I went to the home of the people with whom I was staying.

Now here’s the point – 4 weeks later back at home I hear people saying there is a revival in Northern Transvaal.

I said, “Who’s the preacher?”

They said, “You will not believe it but it’s just a boy! Mighty miracles are happening through that boy.”

I said, “What’s his name?”

They said, “His name is David.”

I was preaching in another area. Then I already had a trailer and this time I also had a tent that could hold 10,000 people. And one afternoon there was a knock on my door. I opened. He said to me, “Sir, do you remember me. I’m David.”

I said, “Yes. I remember you very well.”

He said, “I’ve come to tell you what happened when I left you that night.”

He said, “Early in the morning, at the crack of day, at dawn, I approached my home village. And then I saw a mother.” That was a very polite word, courtesy, among the Africans there.

“A mother came towards me and she carried her child, and the child was crying, wailing, whimpering.” He said, “I knew that mother and I knew that the week before she had lost her first child to a fever. Now the second child was just as feverish.”

He said, “Suddenly, the love of God gripped me! And although by our custom I could not have spoken with her, I approached her and I said ‘Mother, can I pray for your child?’ And she said, ‘Anything. Yes, of course!’”

He said, “I prayed for that child.”

Immediately the child stopped crying and said “I’m hungry Mum. I’m hungry.” The kid was totally healed.

The mother was so happy she ran to the chief and said, “Chief, you know how I buried my first child. My second was just about to die when David prayed for my child and he is now completely well.”

The chief said, “What! I have a daughter who’s very sick. She was born a cripple. I have seen the best doctors in South Africa and nobody was able to help her. Call David, to pray for my daughter.”

He said he was called and went to that chief’s house. And the chief said to him, “There in that hut is my daughter. She’s never walked. Go in that hut and pray for her that your Jesus will heal my daughter.”

He said, “I went into that hut and when my eyes got used to the darkness I saw the girl.”

He said, “She had twisted legs, completely twisted, like spaghetti, you know.” And there she was.

He said, “I spoke to her about Jesus. I laid hands on her, and when I started to pray, suddenly,” he said, “we heard cracking noises.”

He said, “And suddenly we realised the bones were straightening.”

He said, “The chief waited outside and his daughter walked out. For the first time in her life she walked and the chief was screaming. Everybody was screaming.”

And the chief said, “David, for the next 10 days you are going to preach here to all my people.”

You know, in Africa when the chief speaks you’d better obey. And people came from all over.

He said, “They came from all over! And I preached every day for 10 days.”

I said, “David, you told me you just got saved in my meeting. What on earth did you preach?”

He said to me, “Maruti, I preached every sermon of yours!”

I said, “Hallelujah! Then you have preached the Gospel.”

People got saved. Pastors moved in and baptised those people in water. This is what God can do.

Clear the decks. God has something great for you in mind.

Open the window and shoot in Jesus’ name.

See also

Reinhard Bonnke’s beginnings in Africa

“This Disco is a Church”

Reinhard Bonnke 1940-2019 – Legacy of Harvest

Reinhard Bonnke’s final crusade in Africa










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17-year-old Evangelist sparks Revival in South Africa
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Seeds of Revival in Afghanistan