17-year-old New Christian sparks Revival in South Africa

17-year-old New Christian sparks Revival in South Africa

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17-year-old Evangelist sparks Revival in South Africa
Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival: www.renewaljournal.com



By Reinhard Bonnke, posted 9 December 2019 on YouTube.

I’ve been for 40 years in Africa – my very favourite continent. What I have seen God do in Nigeria defies all description. So mighty. So glorious. So fantastic.

When I was a young evangelist there, about 30 or 31 years of age, I was in what they then called the Northern Transvaal of South Africa.

I had a crusade there. It was a small crowd, there were only 8,000 people, and it was in an open field of elephant grass – it’s as tall as an elephant. We had our open space. There was no road. I had to drive my car through that elephant grass to arrive.

I just had preached. I just had led a few thousand people to the Lord. We saw mighty miracles of God.

I still wanted to be alone a little bit. All had gone, and I was there. The generator was still running. I switched it off. It was a pitch-black night. No star in the sky, no moon, no nothing. I could hardly see where my car was.

I saw it then, got in, switched the lights on, and drove away through that high grass.

Suddenly there was a young man in front of me and he flagged me down. I stopped the car. I pulled the window down. I said to him, “Is there something wrong?”

H came and said, “No, there’s nothing wrong, but I knew you would pass here. I found Jesus as my Saviour in this crusade, and I knew you would come past here, and that I would meet you here, because I want to receive the Holy Spirit!”

I said, “What is your name?”

He said, “My name is David.”

I said, “How old are you?”

He said, “I’m 17 years of age.”

It touched me so much. I got out of the car and left all the lights on so that I could see what I was doing, laid my hands on him, and that moment it was as if lightning struck him. That was electricity. He was bending backwards, forwards, and burst out in new tongues. It was absolutely wonderful, something I had witnessed already so often, so often.

He said, “Thank you very much. I’m now going to my home village.”

And I went to the home of the people with whom I was staying.

Now here’s the point – 4 weeks later back at home I hear people saying there is a revival in Northern Transvaal.

I said, “Who’s the preacher?”

They said, “You will not believe it but it’s just a boy! Mighty miracles are happening through that boy.”

I said, “What’s his name?”

They said, “His name is David.”

I was preaching in another area. Then I already had a trailer and this time I also had a tent that could hold 10,000 people. And one afternoon there was a knock on my door. I opened. He said to me, “Sir, do you remember me. I’m David.”

I said, “Yes. I remember you very well.”

He said, “I’ve come to tell you what happened when I left you that night.”

He said, “Early in the morning, at the crack of day, at dawn, I approached my home village. And then I saw a mother.” That was a very polite word, courtesy, among the Africans there.

“A mother came towards me and she carried her child, and the child was crying, wailing, whimpering.” He said, “I knew that mother and I knew that the week before she had lost her first child to a fever. Now the second child was just as feverish.”

He said, “Suddenly, the love of God gripped me! And although by our custom I could not have spoken with her, I approached her and I said ‘Mother, can I pray for your child?’ And she said, ‘Anything. Yes, of course!’”

He said, “I prayed for that child.”

Immediately the child stopped crying and said “I’m hungry Mum. I’m hungry.” The kid was totally healed.

The mother was so happy she ran to the chief and said, “Chief, you know how I buried my first child. My second was just about to die when David prayed for my child and he is now completely well.”

The chief said, “What! I have a daughter who’s very sick. She was born a cripple. I have seen the best doctors in South Africa and nobody was able to help her. Call David, to pray for my daughter.”

He said he was called and went to that chief’s house. And the chief said to him, “There in that hut is my daughter. She’s never walked. Go in that hut and pray for her that your Jesus will heal my daughter.”

He said, “I went into that hut and when my eyes got used to the darkness I saw the girl.”

He said, “She had twisted legs, completely twisted, like spaghetti, you know.” And there she was.

He said, “I spoke to her about Jesus. I laid hands on her, and when I started to pray, suddenly,” he said, “we heard cracking noises.”

He said, “And suddenly we realised the bones were straightening.”

He said, “The chief waited outside and his daughter walked out. For the first time in her life she walked and the chief was screaming. Everybody was screaming.”

And the chief said, “David, for the next 10 days you are going to preach here to all my people.”

You know, in Africa when the chief speaks you’d better obey. And people came from all over.

He said, “They came from all over! And I preached every day for 10 days.”

I said, “David, you told me you just got saved in my meeting. What on earth did you preach?”

He said to me, “Maruti, I preached every sermon of yours!”

I said, “Hallelujah! Then you have preached the Gospel.”

People got saved. Pastors moved in and baptised those people in water. This is what God can do.

Clear the decks. God has something great for you in mind.

Open the window and shoot in Jesus’ name.

See also

Reinhard Bonnke’s beginnings in Africa

“This Disco is a Church”

Reinhard Bonnke 1940-2019 – Legacy of Harvest

Reinhard Bonnke’s final crusade in Africa










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17-year-old Evangelist sparks Revival in South Africa
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Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn in the rock. (Matthew 27:59-60)

We do not base our faith, or hopes, on an artifact but, although controversial, it does provide confirmation of the brutal torture and trauma of crucifixion that Jesus suffered.


Juan Manuel Miñarro López

Google English translation of http://www.lahornacina.com/articulosminarro.htm
See also The Shroud of Turin


The following text, illustrated with drawings and photographs, represents the conclusion of six years of personal work and research on the Shroud of Turin (Italy) and the Holy Shroud of Oviedo (Spain), as a member of the EDICES (International Research Team of the Centro Español de Sindonología), but it also represents the most complete compilation of the most complete legal medical research that has ever been carried out on an object closely related to the Passion of Christ.

The work of eminent specialists in the field of legal and forensic medicine, from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day, has been fundamental to understanding the syndone and the Shroud; but also thanks to the contribution of other specialists belonging to different fields of science, such as anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, physicists, chemists and artists.

Never has an ancient object brought together such a complete multidisciplinary team. Science does not currently have a satisfactory answer to explain the formation of the image of the Shroud, and no one for or against has been able to present science with definitive evidence that will withstand relevant scientific analysis.


The body that we have represented, in its general and particular aspect, obeys the studies contributed by physical and forensic anthropology: the image or imprint present in the Shroud corresponds exactly to the appearance of a recent corpse, of about five or six hours, in a state of intense rigidity established instantaneously or very early, characteristic of cases due to violent deaths, extremely tiring, painful and accompanied by severe dehydration aggravated by a sustained state of fever.

In the anatomical areas of slopes, referring to the position of the body on the cross, and due to the action of gravity after death, hemostatic or cadaveric spots have been represented, with the tonality that can be expected in a corpse of a few hours. These spots are formed by the accumulation of blood due to gravity, so it is a clear indication of the position in which a body remains at the time of death.

The morphology of the trauma, color and texture of the blood, has been carried out thanks to the forensic advice of Dr. Alfonso Sánchez Hermosilla and by the medical analyst Dr. Antonio Petit Gancedo. Thanks to their contributions, I have been able to represent the hematic morphology according to the different types: venous, arterial and post-mortem hemorrhage. Likewise, fluids due to serum and fluids of origin in cadaveric pulmonary edema have been distinguished.

The somatic constitution, according to Judica Cordiglia, could be described as that of a tall man of stature (between 178 and 180 cm), keeping the lines of his trunk and extremities a harmony and sculptural proportion; balanced in both width and length. Reason why the man of the Shroud can be defined as a normotype; that is to say: it presents a completely peculiar somatic structure, being outside and above any type of ethnic classification.

Regarding the disposition and composition of the body, the head is slightly bent forward (approximately 40º angle) and the nape is elevated and tense, with marked cervical kyphosis; the sternocleidomastoid, trapezius and inspiratory muscles appear stiff, as do the deltoids, and supinator muscles of the arms; the thorax is dilated, as in a forced inspiration; the pectoralis major muscles are contracted and protruding; the scapular muscles are also contracted and attached to the ribs; the sunken epigastrium; the prominent hypogastrium; the dorsal-lumbar muscles very tense, with accentuated lumbar lordosis; the belly is swollen, a characteristic symptom of a suffocating death; the legs are represented bent: the right at an angle of 64 degrees and the left at an angle of 77 degrees; the nail wound in the feet has been located according to Dr. Smith’s theory, at the point of confluence of the calcaneus, talus, navicular and cuboid, a space that leads to the sinus tarsi; the left foot is flexed 90º and the right is hyperextended 155º, a position called by Palacio Carvajal “standing equine”; the arms are less rigid than the rest of the muscles of the body and are placed crossed over the pubis, but in such a way that a clearly forced pose results from the fact that they had to overcome the rigor mortis set by the cross position; the hands appear with the thumbs folded over the palms, due to a possible injury to the palmar nerve arch caused by the nails;


The studies carried out reveal a swollen face, typical of a man who has been very mistreated and who at the same time received the placement of a lacerating object on his head, like a crown or helmet of thorns.

More than fifty puncture wounds are seen over the visible regions of the head. The crushing of the nose and the swelling of the eye and right cheekbone reveal the type of injuries that could have caused a blow from the stick; a cylindrical object about 4.5 cm in diameter. You can also see the lack of hair in the beard, as if pieces had been deliberately pulled out.

By its appearance, the face reveals traces of an intense beating. It presents injuries caused by both direct and indirect blows, perhaps due to falls: swelling in the forehead area, region of both superciliary arches and mid-frontal area; tumescence continues in the arch of the right eyebrow, more pronounced in the outer part of the eye, which should condition its partial closure; abundant clots of vital blood on the forehead, temples, neck and scalp; profusion of arterial or venous hemorrhages, compatible with wounds caused by sharp objects, arranged peripherally on the skull  (cap of spines of ziziphus jujuba); large contusion under the right zygomatic region (right cheek) in the shape of a triangle, the most elongated vertex of which is directed towards the crest of the nose; at the level of the left vertex of the nasal dorsum, there is a bruise and bruised area caused by a blow that must have fractured the nasal cartilage, causing the nose to deviate to the left; the nose has a flattened and flattened left wing; the lips, mustache, chin and beard are impregnated with blood; abundant streams of blood mixed with saliva and fluid from pulmonary edema, coming out of the right corner of the mouth; very bruised chin, and abundant streams of blood coming out of the nostrils, forming two jets that cross the right side of the mouth and the center of the lower lip.


Practically the entire body is covered with small wounds, equal to and similar to small dumbbells of about 3 cm in length. The marks, paired and pinpoint, are formed by small circles of about 12 mm in diameter, somewhat separated from each other but joined by a transverse line, in many cases visible. Some of these marks are not very visible on the Shroud with the naked eye, but are clearly revealed by ultraviolet light photographs. They are undoubtedly those that would be left by the Roman torture instrument, known by the name of “flagellum taxillatum”, named for the balls or “taxilli” that finished off its three straps formed by nerves obtained from animals.

The representation of these lesions is located throughout the body: back, legs, chest, belly, gluteal area and, possibly, even on the genitals. Obviously, we think that the man must have been totally naked when he received this brutal and systematic punishment.

The study of the syndonic image reveals some characteristics that should be highlighted, and that have been applied in the realization of the body: the punishment was applied by two executioners or lictors right-handed, located on each flank of the inmate, approximately 1 meter away, distributing the blows in a fan shape throughout the victim’s body, systematically and viciously; the number of blows amounted to about 120, not counting those that we have not been able to study due to the lack of traces of a large part of the arms, an area of ​​the image lost due to the 1532 fire in Chamberí (France), in addition to the no side or side image of the man’s body in the Shroud (aspect not yet satisfactorily explained); During the flagellation, the posture of our man must have been hunched, which is deduced from the studies carried out by computer on ultraviolet photographs obtained from the Shroud, By means of which the cancellation of the blood and serum streams in the different parts of the body can be verified; in the stooped position, the spurs of the upper dorsal part fell to the sides with an angulation of 100º, 90º and 70º, during the application of the punishment, later, already in an upright position or sitting, the spurs fell downwards following the action due to gravity, something similar happened in the gluteal areas, and in the lower extremities the streaks are clear and are directed, almost always, downwards; The great clarity with which many of these trails are appreciated can be explained by the time that passed from the flogging until they were dressed again, the time necessary for them to dry and not be absorbed by the tunic, remaining in the body and then passing to the shroud through a process that cannot be explained only by contact; In the upper part of the back, the tracks and the marks of the “taxilli” have disappeared, being seen to be blurred and compact, in addition the area is very abraded, as if the wounded skin were scorched by friction against some type of rough surface (The patibulum?); Finally, the knees are also heavily injured: the right one presents numerous excoriations of different sizes at the level of the patella, and a loss of substance is sensed in the same place, while the left one presents less extensive wounds. The explanation for these injuries is obvious: on the way to the torture, the man must have fallen, and perhaps on several occasions.


The first thing that catches our attention in the Shroud, when we look at the crossed arms (left over right), is the existing wound at the level of the left wrist (and not in the palm of the hand, as is always represented in sacred art). Dr. Pier Barbet carried out experiments with recently amputated arms, still alive, and confirmed that the most suitable area to insert a nail was through the carpus, and not in the palms. In these areas the tissues do not have structures to support the weight of a body.

We calculated a weight of about 80 kg for the man from the Shroud, hanging in a vertical position and with the arms forming an angle of approximately 65 degrees. It is easy to deduce the weight that each arm would support depending on the mentioned angle, applying the following mathematical formula: 40 kg / cosine of 65º = 95 kg. The palms could not bear this weight; however, the wrists can withstand up to 200 kg of traction. Therefore, according to Barbet and many other specialists, the nail had to penetrate through a space between the carpal bones, called the “destot point”, a space that Barbet, and later other syndonologists, had placed between the large bone and the lunate. In turn, Barbet maintained that this injury caused the injury of the median nerve and the abduction of the thumbs. However, according to recent studies by Dr. Palacios Carvajal, a specialist in traumatology, there are two possible spaces in the carpal area, in this case absolutely certain, where the nail could penetrate. Although he also considers that Barbet’s other theory about the supposed lesion of the median nerve, to explain the absence of traces of both thumbs in the syndonic image, does not seem true or plausible either, and maintains that the thumbs may not be seen because they are simply retracted, as is almost normal in every hand in an attitude of relaxation.

From all the above, what seems at least plausible is that the nail penetrated through the carpal area and not through the ulnar radial space. Although this is another anatomical area, it must also be considered feasible to achieve a stable suspension. Furthermore, it is relatively so close to the carpal region, difficult to see clearly enough in the Shroud, that we cannot at the moment make an absolute judgment.

The nail wound in the feet has been located according to Dr. Smith’s theory: at the point of confluence of the calcaneus, talus, navicular and cuboid, the space that leads to the sinus tarsi.

In the dorsal image the feet appear somewhat crossed: converging toes and separate heels. The right foot presents all its marked sole, which indicates the most flexed disposition of the right knee. Of the left foot we only see the heel and the central part. The heel of the left foot, profusely stained with blood, has marks that appear to be caused by the fingers of one hand.

With complete security, the left foot was nailed on the right, pressing the wound on that side, in such a way that the blood that flowed was slowed by the pressure, forming a trapezoidal and irregular stain that extends to the left in a trail oblique. This would happen when the blood does not flow freely due to the pressure of the left foot already mentioned. However, the entry point of the nail is clearly visible on the left foot, as well as some free-flowing trails of blood.


The wound in the side is located between the fifth and sixth rib. It may be an evident proof of the practice of “exactus mortis”, a mere verification of death effected with an accurate blow of the spear. We know that the crucifiers normally practiced the “crurifagium”, a violent blow with the mace with which their legs were broken to accelerate their death. We know from the Gospels that such a technique was not necessary for Jesus, since he died relatively quickly. It was only necessary, by order of the Roman attorney Pontius Pilate, to verify the reality of his death.

According to what we see in the Shroud, the wound on the side can be irrefutable proof of death, especially because of its appearance and morphology. Different forensic authors describe characteristics of a post-mortem hemorrhage, showing how the blood mass is already separated from the plasma or liquid medium in which the red blood cells float. In addition, the halos formed by serous liquids are clearly visible in the entire periphery of the clots, especially if we apply ultraviolet light. Also, the edges of the wound remain open: there is no retraction in the skin, there is no life.

On the other hand, these blood serum or serous fluids probably come from a severe pulmonary edema caused by the flogging and aggravated by the asphyctic death of the prisoner. This same effect and type of stain can be seen in the central part of the Shroud of Oviedo. In the case of the spear, these liquids were perhaps the cause of the phenomenon described to us by Saint John the Evangelist, a witness to the “exactus mortis”, explaining it in the Gospel passage as an emanation of blood and water that gushed out from the side of Jesus.

The hemorrhage from the side continues on the back through compact, cadaveric-type streaks, which in this case are in a transverse direction with respect to the vertical, so it must have occurred when the body was no longer on the cross. In the Shroud we call it the “lumbar belt” and we think that it is blood from the wound on the side, caused when the corpse moved, which caused drainage of the inferior vena cava and traces of fluid from pulmonary edema, serum and pleural fluid.

Recent studies have discovered an exit hole for the spear on the left side of the back, below the scapula. If this is true, the prophetic phrase “look at the one they pierced” would be real and literal.

Reconstruction of the way he was shrouded in the linen sheet
Note from La Hornacina: this Reclining Syndicate by the Sevillian sculptor Juan Manuel Miñarro, carved in polychrome cedar wood (approximately 178 cm high), is the main axis of the traveling exhibition on the Shroud that has been seen this year in Malaga and next 2013 it will be seen in Seville (Sala Antiquarium), as well as in other Spanish cities such as Toledo, Zaragoza, Santiago de Compostela or Alcalá de Henares.


Google English translation of http://www.lahornacina.com/articulosminarro.htm
See also The Shroud of Turin

Comment on the Shroud of Oviedo (Spain) – face cloth

See also:

The Life of Jesus – Blog
The Life of Jesus – PDF eBook
Amazon link – paperback, hardcover, Kindle

Includes an appendix on the Shroud of Turin

Crucified and Risen

Crucified and Risen – Blog
Crucified & Risen – PDF

Alternate Chronology – 3 days & nights










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Iran: A teenager hears God’s voice

Joel News International Edition # 1238, December 2, 2021
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“The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
– John 3:8

Iran: A teenager hears God’s voice

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Iran: A teenager hears God’s voice

Mehdi grew up in a moderate Muslim family. When the still small voice of Jesus began to call him he first resisted, but ultimately he could not challenge the beautiful truths he found.

As a Muslim, Mehdi often had the feeling that he was failing on many sides. One day he had an unsettling thought: “I’m lacking in so many ways. I will not go to heaven anyway. What is the point?” Then one day a voice inside called him: “Go and find out about Christianity.”

Mehdi was startled by this strange thought. Why would he find out about Christianity? He didn’t know any Christians and he thought Christians were odd people. On top of that, in Iran it was dangerous to be a Christian. Why would he choose the possibility of prison or death when he had a good life?

Picture: A teenager in Iran (not Mehdi)

The unusual thoughts continued, urging him to find out more. One day, out of curiosity, he took a bus to a church in a different part of the city. When he asked the pastor if he could inquire about Christianity, the man firmly replied “No!” Later Mehdi discovered the government had forbidden church members to answer Muslims’ questions about faith.

‘Find out about Christianity and learn how they think about God’

He tried to visit other churches, but got the same response. He was ready to give up when the Lord spoke to him once more: “Go and find out about Christianity and learn how these people think about God.” Mehdi wondered if he had too much alcohol to drink that evening. He tossed and turned that night, unable to sleep, conflicted by his seemingly futile search.

Then he remembered a friend who worked for a security force investigating illegal ‘underground’ activities, including ‘underground’ Christianity and illegal evangelism. Mehdi thought this might be his last chance, but he would also be taking a huge risk. “I decided to bring up the issue playfully,” which paid off. His friend gave him the address of a church that he knew was open to Muslims.

With anticipation building in his heart, the following Sunday he went to the address his friend gave him. When he got close, he could hear a service going on. A man came out and asked: “Do you want to come in?” Mehdi took a deep breath and said: “Yes!”

“The feeling I had when I entered the church was something I’ve never felt before,” Mehdi recalls. “It felt so peaceful.” He sat down in a pew, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

‘A place in which your spirit is totally at peace with your Creator’

After the service a man came up to him and asked: “You’re here for the first time, right?’ “Yes,” Mehdi replied. “Can I ask you some questions about God?” “Not here,” he said hesitantly, “but please come to my home.”

Mehdi went to the man’s home and peppered him with questions. The answers seemed strange, but in a good way. The man talked about heaven as a place in God’s absolute presence, a place in which your spirit is totally at peace with your Creator. “I hadn’t heard about the Christian idea of heaven before, but somehow his words made complete sense to me,” Mehdi said.

“He also told me that God isn’t a far-away person but someone who created the earth and put us as humans in the center. He made us in his image. He even gave us a piece of his very own Spirit. With the Christian God I was welcome the way I was. God was like a loving Father. This was a big difference from Allah, who would punish me for any small thing.”

Picture: Vank Cathedral in Isfahan

Still, his Muslim background was too strong to just let go. He wrestled in his heart. Mehdi told God: “If you really care, please show me the way.” One of his friends became alarmed by his sudden interest in Christianity and sent him to a religious leader specially trained to help Christian converts from a Muslim background return to Islam. But for everything the religious leader told him about Islam, Mehdi found an alternative in the Bible that seemed much better.

‘It was like the curtains had been opened for me’

“It wasn’t a specific moment, a lightning flash or a dream. It happened gradually that I became a Christian. It was like the curtains that had been hanging in front of the truth for a long time had been opened for me. What I saw was beautiful,” he confesses.

“I didn’t tell my family: ‘Surprise! I am a Christian now!’ They discovered gradually. I had always been a bad boy and I started behaving differently. For instance, I brought the JESUS Film home and watched it with my little brother. They’d expected me to go on drugs, or get in trouble with the police. They didn’t expect me to become a Christian.”

His parents weren’t happy about his new faith, but they didn’t give him a lot of trouble. After being discipled, Mehdi eventually chose to leave Iran. “I was 18 when I left home. Now I am 27. I haven’t been back in Iran since. It’s a big sacrifice. But despite everything, I am happy and thankful.”

Source: World Watch Monitor

See also:

Iran – fastest growing evangelical population

Many Muslims are Turning to Christ

‘The Lord reached me right in the mosque’

Jesus appears as a bus driver to a Muslim pilgrim

Miraculous Movements – among Muslims

Hope in Iran’s notorious Evin Prison

Iraq: Muslim from Ninevah discovered the Bible’s magnetism

Jesus and Muslims: Life in the Desert

Christians reach out to Muslims in UK

Muslim Woman returns from the dead to tell about Jesus










West Africa: A terrorist accepts Jesus

West Africa: A terrorist accepts Jesus

45 families in his village gathered to watch and they all became believers – about 450 people in all – in this highly resistant area.

75 of his fellow militants laid down their weapons, and some started leading home churches.

Joel News International,  # 1237, November 23, 2021.

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Taweb is a terrorist who killed many people. However, as time went by, he felt a growing uneasiness about his role in these killings.

“For most fighters, it’s nothing to them, all the killing,” Taweb told the JESUS Film Project. The lack of peace caused him to leave his band of fighters for a break. After he arrived in his home village, he learned about a visiting team showing the JESUS film privately, house-to-house. He was intrigued that the film was in his mother tongue.

“By accident, I watched the JESUS film,” he said. “I had never heard of Jesus before. I had never heard the message of peace.” As he watched the story about the life of Jesus taken from the Book of Luke, the power of the Word and the Spirit touched his heart and he became a follower of Jesus.

He asked the ministry team if they would show the film in his home. When they did, his entire family also became followers of Jesus. Soon, others in the village followed, about 450 people in all, in a highly resistant area. In the next four months, 75 of his fellow militants laid down their weapons, and some started leading home churches.

Source: JESUS Film Project

See also

Terrorist saved by JESUS film

The JESUS Film

Ghana: Jesus Film Riders on a mission

Radicals can’t stop the Jesus Film – Central Asia

Revival Blogs Links:

See also Revivals Index

See also Revival Blogs

See also Blogs Index 1: Revival










Jesus appears as a bus driver to a Muslim pilgrim

Jesus appears as a bus driver to a Muslim pilgrim

Joel News International,  # 1237, November 23, 2021.

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Jesus appears as a bus driver to a Muslim pilgrim


When a discouraged Muslim pilgrim boarded a bus in Mecca to return home, he wasn’t prepared for a personal encounter with Jesus.

“Omar’s life was weary and full of troubles,” reports a ministry director of the JESUS Film Project in the Middle East. When Omar shared his dejected condition with a friend, he advised him to go on the holy pilgrimage.

The pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) is one of the five pillars of Islam and a mandatory religious obligation for Muslims. All adult Muslims who are able to undertake the journey must take part in it at least once during their lifetime. The annual gathering during the Hajj is considered the largest assembly of people in the world.

Omar heeded his friend’s advice because nothing else seemed to be working in his life. So, he went, looking for hope and peace, and joined the hordes of white-robed pilgrims assembled at Islam’s holiest site. He carried out the various rituals, including ‘Stoning the Devil,’ by climbing a bridge and throwing seven stones at a pillar said to represent the evil one. But when he completed all the sacred rites, he still felt emptiness inside. He pulled aside another pilgrim and confided, “They told me I would find solutions and hope here. I haven’t. I’m still weary, worse than before and don’t know what to do.”

‘Just go sit on that rock and talk to Isa, the bus driver said’

Disheartened, Omar walked to the bus station to return home. The station was normally jammed with people, but not this time. There was only one bus sitting there, and it was empty. It seemed like an odd situation, but he boarded anyway. The driver said to Omar: “We don’t have any passengers yet, but I can see you have a problem. See that large rock? Just go sit on that rock and talk to Isa (Jesus).” “But why?” Omar asked the driver. “Try it. Go there. Talk to Isa. You’ve tried everything else.” Omar complied, wondering, ‘How would he know I’ve tried everything else?’

Omar walked over and sat down on the rock. The moment he said the name “Isa,” his body began to shake. He felt something powerful filling his heart and body. “I spent two hours there without being conscious of the passing of time,” he told the JESUS Film Project. Finally, Omar regained his composure and went back to find the same bus and the mysterious driver, but the bus was gone. So he took a taxi to his next stop.

When he finally got home, Omar looked for someone who could answer his questions about Isa. He felt compelled to understand what happened. He finally found a man who knew something about Isa. The man said, “I can’t help you, but someone gave me a DVD, a film called ‘Isa.’ Come to my house for dinner and we will watch it together.” Omar went to the man’s house and they shared a meal together. After dinner they sat down to watch the JESUS Film.

‘Omar’s eyes widened in disbelief. That’s the driver in the bus!’

When the DVD got to the point when John baptised Jesus in the Jordan River, Omar’s eyes widened in disbelief. He saw the face of the actor who portrayed Jesus and he began shouting: “Wow, that’s the driver! That’s the driver in the bus! He’s the One who told me to talk to Isa!”

Omar watched the entire JESUS Film and heard a clear presentation of the Gospel, including the words of Jesus, found in the Book of Luke. Now he understood what happened to him in his encounter with the bus driver. He had met Isa! Omar surrendered his life to Jesus as his Savior and Lord.

A strong believer in a neighbouring country is currently discipling Omar, and he is growing in his understanding of what it means to follow Jesus moment-by-moment. With a heart that overflows with gratitude, he is quick to offer praise, “to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ!” (Romans 16:27)

Source: JESUS Film Project

There is an ongoing underground revival in the Muslim world. Over the past 20 years more Muslims have found Isa (Jesus) than in all the previous centuries together. See links:
Iran: where Christianity is growing fastest
Iran – fastest growing evangelical population
Many Muslims are turning to Christ
Jesus and Muslims: Life in the desert
18,000 Muslim leaders led to Christ in West Africa
Jesus appears to a Middle Eastern Muslim for a month
Iman hated Christians until Jesus raised him from the dead
Muslim woman returns from the dead to tell about Jesus
Iran: How two women brought hope in Tehran’s brutal Evin Prison
‘The Lord reached me right in the mosque’










Seeds of Revival in Afghanistan

Afghanistan: Children ask “Where does Jesus live?”

Afghanistan: Children ask “Where does Jesus live?”

Joel News International # 1236, November 15, 2021.

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Afghanistan: Children ask “Where does Jesus live?”

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In Afghanistan’s arena of fear, the children of Kabul are asking a remarkable question: “Is Jesus here now? Can we meet him?”

In their present tribulation, the children of this shell-shocked nation are looking for hope – and they’re turning to perhaps their only connection with the outside world: satellite television and social media that the Taliban and ISIS-K cannot stop or censor.

Media ministry SAT-7 is broadcasting live Christian programs into Afghanistan via a powerful satellite, free-of-charge 24/7. The signal covers the entire nation, including the mountains, rural areas, and isolated villages. Anywhere people have a satellite dish, they can – and do – tune into SAT-7’s message of Christian hope in the local languages of Dari and Farsi.

Although Christians have been forced into hiding, the children of Afghanistan are certainly not hiding their curiosity about Jesus. “Where is Jesus? Can we see him? Do you have him there in the studio?” These are sincere questions they ask, using their phone apps to call or message the SAT-7 team, ready to respond day or night. “It brings tears to my eyes when I hear these Afghan children quoting Jesus’ words by heart, creating their own worship songs, and using them to deal with the intense fear they’re going through,” says Dr. Rex Rogers, president of SAT-7 USA.

One viewer in Afghanistan recently called the team, asking “Where does this Jesus live? I really want to meet him!” A few days later, he called back with a friend. After a week, he called again – this time, with 25 young men crammed into his apartment, some having to stand in the bathroom because there was no other space, all eager to know more about “this Jesus.” After a team member counselled them, all 25 prayed in unison over the phone, asking Jesus to forgive them and come into their lives. The next week, there were 50 people jammed into the apartment – desperate to hear more and have their questions answered.

This could happen only because satellite television and internet-based social media are able to reach even the most difficult places – and bring the power of the gospel and the love of Jesus to people where they are, in their homes and on their phones, in real-time.

Source: Rex Rogers, SAT-7

UPDATE: Afghanistan is on the brink of a starvation crisis, with more than half its population – some 22.8 million people – projected to face acute food insecurity this winter, according to a report by the United Nations’ World Food Program and Food and Agriculture Organisation. Children are a particular concern because the consequences of hunger can affect them the rest of their lives.

PRAYER FOCUS: Pray for a great harvest for the Kingdom of God in Afghanistan. Pray that international aid organisations can come back into the country to help in the developing humanitarian crisis. Pray for those who are displaced, homeless and hungry, that they will find shelter in the short term and be able to build lives and livelihoods in the longer term.


Afghanistan: Children ask “Where does Jesus live?”

Seeds of Revival in Afghanistan.

The real enemy of Afghanistan

Hope in Iran’s notorious Evin Prison

Iran – fastest-growing evangelical population

Evangelization in North Korea

North Korea: Cherishing the book he once feared

North Korean believers meet underground

North Korea
North Korea: The blessing of forced solitude with God

Standing on our knees in Kharkov, Ukraine

Christian missionary tortured in prison led 40 to Christ











China: The cross on our shoulders and in our hearts

China: The cross on our shoulders and in our hearts

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China: The cross on our shoulders and in our hearts
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“I am very happy that so many crosses have been torn down! The cross was never meant to be fixed to the roof of a building. Instead, the Lord Jesus called us to carry the cross on our shoulders and in our hearts.”

What is important to persecuted Christians in Asia may not be a priority to believers elsewhere, and vice versa. Priorities often appear to be polar opposites.

This is perhaps why for decades places like China have been experiencing the greatest revival in Christian history, while in much of the Western world the Church is struggling to stay afloat.

As an example, some Western Christian publications have run what they consider to be shocking stories of how the Chinese Communist Party has removed the crosses from thousands of church buildings throughout China in recent years.

Brother Yun, whose testimony you may have read in The Heavenly Man, was visiting Canada a few years ago when a group of pastors and mission leaders asked him to comment on the removal of crosses in China. Thinking he would express alarm at such a ghastly act, many in the room were totally shocked when Brother Yun replied:

“I am very happy that so many crosses have been torn down! The cross was never meant to be fixed to the roof of a building. Instead, the Lord Jesus called us to carry the cross on our shoulders and in our hearts. I completely agree with the government’s decision to pull down all the crosses!”

Yun’s response perfectly encapsulated the difference between biblical and institutional Christianity; between those who have experienced true revival and those who are focused on temporal rather than eternal things.

The strongman Chinese President Xi Jinping and the other leaders of China can never understand why the number of believers has increased by millions while they have been busy removing crosses from church buildings. The things from the Spirit can only be discerned through the Spirit.

During the Roman Empire, when one Christian was being martyred, his persecutors mockingly asked, “What is your Carpenter doing now?” Calmly, without a trace of fear on his face, the believer replied: “He is constructing a coffin for your empire.”

Source: Asia Harvest

Joel News International, # 1234, November 1, 2021

See Pastor George Chen’s moving labour camp story – In the Garden

Posts on China – from Mission Blogs:
Asia’s Maturing Church (David Wang)
The Spirit told us what to do (Carl Lawrence)
Revival in China (Dennis Balcombe)
House Churches in China (Barbara Nield)
China – New Wave of Revival
Chinese turning to Christianity
Revival breaks out in China’s government approved churches
China: how a mother started a house church movement
China – Life-changing Miracle
China’s next generation: New China, New Church, New World
China: The cross on our shoulders and in our hearts
George Chen – In the Garden: 18 years in prison










12 Spheres of Influence – National Prayer Strategy

Adapted from Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence
The original 10 domains are now expanded to 12 spheres of influencehttps://prayerstrategy.org.

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You, or your group, could include these spheres in your prayers.

From the National Prayer Strategy:

The vision for the ten domains was revealed to Peter Kentley, the former CEO of Australian Marketplace Connections. Since 2009 we have received a number of confirmations to adopt and develop this vision in Australia, and to establish prayer (and mission) strategies for these domains.

The original ten domains were:

1. Trade and Finance (Business)
2. Government and the Military
3. Law and Justice
4. Religion and Philosophy
5. Creative Arts
6. Education
7. Charity and Not for Profit Welfare
8. Health and Science
9. Media and Entertainment
10. Sport and Recreation

These are now expanded to 12 spheres of influencehttps://prayerstrategy.org.


During the 20th Century life became multi-faceted and overly busy with Marketplace spheres (or mountains or domains) of influence dominating and competing for the Families’ time, money, affections and ambitions, and drawing them away from the Church (the eternal family) and God our creator.

Every month we dedicate prayer for these 12 spheres (click on each):

To a great extent God is being largely relegated outside these spheres of our society. The cost of this relegation has been incredible: costs to society in the form of corporate ethical failures, physical and mental health burdens resulting from people failing to engage with Biblical solutions such as forgiveness, and the near-meltdown of the whole global financial system (the ‘GFC’ and potential ‘GFC2’) as a result of debt-driven artificial wealth creation that was not based on Godly values and principles.

Even the Church has been largely seduced into a Greek world view of the division of sacred and secular, creating a separation of Sunday from Monday. This resulted in the Church only accessing some 5% of its people’s waking time and Christian discipleship becoming emasculated (minimizing the impact of the Great Commission).

Yet the Marketplace is the place where Christians spend some 67% of their waking time Monday to Friday. It is in the workforce that the Christians’ attitudes and character are put to the reality test…

…and if the Christians’ Monday behaviour does not reflect their Sunday belief, why would anyone believe their belief?

From this we can conclude that the BIG answer for the Church impacting the world is not primarily in programs, as good as some of these may be. The answer is in the excellence of discipleship expressed into the world: i.e. into the workforce, into the marketplace, into the shopping centres, into the schools, into the hospitals, into the courts and onto the sports fields and so on. This is our original Commission from Jesus in Matt 22:37-40 and 28:17-20 and John 17:18.

Our Principles are God’s Principles;
‘… on earth as it is in heaven’ (Matthew 6:19)

(Reviewed by Ps. Geoff Armitage)

At this time in history we are living under God’s grace, where good and evil can produce order or disorder (respectively), and according to our obedience or disobedience to God. In this reality two doctrines work in parallel: the free will of man and the sovereignty of God. While God calls all people to himself through His truth and kindness, not all will respond. God is not responsible for our sin and He will ultimately have the last say.

Ultimately, for the life we have been given we will all be held individually accountable (John 3:16-18). The time will certainly come when the Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth to rule and reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords over the whole earth from the city of Jerusalem (Micah 4:1-8).

Therefore, our faith is in Christ the Son of the Living God (John 3:18), and this is where we stand.

Our Mission is to pray and connect people who are passionate about participating in growing the governance of Christ in every sphere/mountain/domain of influence in our society and follow God’s command to love one another as He loved us (John 13:34-35).

We look to connect Christians, who are passionate about the Great Commandments (Matthew 22:34-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) in everyday life. This connection is without regard for denominational affiliation.

Our ethos is vibrantly alive around nine magnificent truths:

  1. The Government rests on the shoulders of Jesus and his government and peace will never end – the Lord Almighty will accomplish this (Isaiah 9:6-7).
  2. The offices of Jesus in Heaven and Earth are Prophet (Hebrews 1:1-2), Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16) and King (Revelation 19:16).
  3. The three institutions of God on earth are Family, Government and Church.
  4. Church and State have separate jurisdictions under Jesus. For the Church Jesus is the head and high priest. For the State Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
  5. Society operates through spheres/mountains/domains with a multitude of sub-spheres/mountains/domains.
  6. The foundations of the Kingdom of God are Justice and Righteousness (Psalm 89:14).
  7. The Power of God works through all spheres/mountains/domains.
  8. Jesus Christ will come again to rule and reign over the earth.
  9. Our connection with God is through humility, faith and obedience (Matthew 18:4, Hebrews 11:6).

We are implementing these truths through praying and encouraging many church and marketplace leaders who represent their spheres/mountains/domains of influence.

Adapted from Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence

House Church: The fastest-growing expression of church

House Church: The fastest-growing expression of church

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House Chruch: The fastest-growing expression of church
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Joel News International, # 1231 | October 5, 2021
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“The church has to become small in order to grow big.”
– Wolfgang Simson

Global: The fastest-growing expression of church

German missiologist Wolfgang Simson published a global status report on house churches, in his observation “the fastest growing expression of Christ-followers on the planet.”

House churches like we read about in Acts have been present throughout church history, but these groups were often sidelined and even persecuted by the mainline church. However, since the early 20th century, we see a major comeback of house churches. First in China, where some researchers speak of 160-200 million members in more than 10 million house churches.

Since the 1990s house churches also experienced a rapid renaissance outside China. In particular Egypt and India have experienced the emergence of large house church networks, and became modern-day apostolic epicentres for this global phenomenon. The sum total of all current believers in house churches in India alone, about 80 million, already outnumbers the Lutheran Word Federation.

Simson estimates the number of house churches in mid‐2021 as follows:

1) 10 Million house churches in China.

2) Since 1996, about 2 million house churches have been planted in India, Egypt and the rest of the Middle East.

3) 3 Million house churches have reportedly been planted by various missions collectives like 24:14 and T4T.

4) 2 Million house churches are not on the official radar. This includes movements like Hoffnung Deutschland (founded by Marcus Rose, about 1,000 house churches) and 20,000 newly planted village house churches in Uganda – many meet under a tree for the lack of a hut large enough – as reported by Riccardo Meusel.

5) 1.5 Million ‘ halfway houses’ for church misfits in the USA. According to American sociologist Josh Packard, in his book Church Refugees, the US experiences a gigantic church exodus of so-called ‘doners’ – people who are done with church, but not with God, and organize themselves in ‘halfway houses’.

6) 1 Million ‘doner’ [done with church] house church groups outside the US in countries like Australia, the UK, South Africa, Korea, Singapore and Israel.

7) 1.7 Million house churches inside businesses and Insider Movements. Insider movements are house church movements that do not openly identify with Christianity but remain outwardly loyal and therefore hidden inside existing religions like Islam, Hinduism, Shintoism or Buddhism. Many see their religious environment as their cultural heritage within which they have become secret followers of Christ. This phenomenon also exists inside secular groups, clans or tribes. An additional form of this are ‘business churches’, house churches that function inside a business as their cover. Close observers speak of about 500,000 ‘business house churches in China and 200,000 outside China.

8) 400,000 Informal small groups in mainline churches like the Roman Catholic Church and Orthodox Churches that fulfill a role in ‘re-evangelisation’.

9) 1 Million house churches in 20,000 smaller house church networks and so-called ‘Apostolic Networks’.

Small expressions are booming. Picture: tiny houses in Almere, The Netherlands.

There are several significant contributors to the expansion of house churches:

1) Mission researcher Dr. Todd Johnson, in his ‘Status of Global Christianity 2021′, lists 113 million ‘unaffiliated’ or ‘Crypto-Christians’ who are following Christ outside the official church system, often in private, non-public gatherings in homes.

2) An Egyptian missiologist reported that during the Arab Spring at least four million Muslims in Egypt alone have turned away from Islam – many in search of God.

3) A growing number of young evangelists, like Torben Sondergaard (The Last Reformation) and Werner Nachtigall (Global Outreach Day) are intentionally connecting evangelism with the immediate planting of house churches.

4) Several megachurches in the US feel called by God to be instrumental in the planting of house churches. Mission strategist Curtis Sergeant has created a web-based ‘simple church saturation’ project planning to plant one simple church for every 5,000 people in the US and for every 50,000 people globally with material currently available in at least 37 languages.

5) During the COVID19 lock-downs many traditional church members have been forced to engage in ‘stay-at-home-church’, and a significant percentage will continue in this mode. They organised themselves into neighbourhood churches in homes, sometimes with online input. These numbers are not yet fully researched but may be very significant. One thing is evident: the post-corona church will not be exactly the same as pre-corona-church.

6) A large percentage of the children of church-goers have said their farewell to ‘mum’s-and-dad’s church’ and are in search mode for community, values and lifestyles that are radically different. Abraham Piper for example, the son of famous US‐theologian John Piper, runs a TikTok account with more than 1.1 million followers where he is trying to deconstruct fundamentalist evangelical church culture in search of a new and non-religious framework for life. It is to be seen what forms of following Christ will emerge from this very explosive and creative global people group.

Source: Wolfgang Simson

Editorial note: Wolfgang Simson did not research house church networks empirically or scientifically. Such a research is fairly difficult, if not impossible, with organic small groups that in many countries operate under the radar. He used ‘informed estimations’ of ‘trusted insiders’. Obviously data from church leaders who estimate the size of their own movements, and don’t keep records (although many of the Indian movements track conversions and groups), are less reliable and can only be indicative. In the past Simson has exaggerated numbers, and on various occasions was not willing to provide the contacts of those he claimed to have spoken to. So it was not possible for Joel News to check these claims as thoroughly as we would like to. On a general note we can say: house church movements are surely one of fastest-growing segments of the church, and the drivers that Simson suggests are valid, but the exact numbers are debatable.

Germany: The secret behind 1,000 new house churches

One of the networks, Hoffnung Deutschland (Hope Germany), planted an estimated 1,000 communities in 20 years, which for Europe is quite remarkable.

When Joel News asked Marcus Rose, Hoffnung Deutschland’s founder based in Berlin, about the number of house churches in his network, he responded: “We crossed the 500 sometime in 2017, after which we stopped counting.” What also stands out is that most people in these house churches are new Christians. On the question how this remarkable growth happened, Rose remarked drily: “There are many reasons. The one I usually give is that we just never stopped doing the small things.”

Photo: Marcus Rose

In a podcast on missions he elaborated on this: “I always wonder why people ask me: ‘What is the secret of the growth around you?’ And I would say: probably the most important thing is that I would never ask myself that question! I consider growth in an individual’s life the necessary foundation for growth as churches. In 1 John 2:12-14 the Christian work is described as newborn babies who are supposed to become fathers with children of their own. The way to get there is by overcoming the evil one, by being so strong in Christ, his Word and the Spirit, that the world stops being the place where you get your answers from.”

‘Church is the most progressive institution in a country, with the power to transform’

“It’s a continuous process to encourage people on that track and to do it together, to put in their time, giftings and financial resources. The most important part of leadership is just observing: what do people already get from God, and how can we connect people with a similar vision?”

In another podcast, Rose shares his own life story – how he grew up in communist East Germany, and at age 15 had a personal encounter with Christ. When the Wall fell in 1989, even though he was still a teenager he contacted schools to ask if they were interested to replace the lessons on communism in the curriculum with the teachings of Jesus. This opened many doors, and 30 house churches were established.

Later on, in Thailand, like Jonah on the run from his calling, Rose discovered church as “the most progressive institution in a country, with the power to transform, because it brought together prostitutes and millionaires as new people in Christ.”

‘There was no formula, I simply connected with people I met’

Around 2000 he moved back to Germany with the explicit instruction from God to not work in the Christian scene, but to work under the radar, connecting with non-Christians and discipling them in the way of Christ. This was a challenge as East Germany was culturally atheist, almost immune to the Gospel. In the first three months in Berlin God gave Rose a kick-start with a handful of young people getting baptised. “There was no formula. I simply connected with people I met, showed genuine interest, told them I had come to Berlin to plant a church, and if they were open to continue the relationship, I got their number and followed up.”

It quickly spread to several other cities in Germany. Rose communicated from the start that his vision was to see communities started in every region and subculture, and for God to raise up 10,000 missionaries out of Germany.

Image: A visualisation of apostolic hubs and the explosive growth potential of house churches in regions and subcultures

From 2010 onwards the network developed what Rose calls “an apostolic pattern” that started to catalyse things. “God instructed us to divide Germany into 90 minute regions. The idea was that a German could get in his car or step on a train on a Saturday, drive 90 minutes to a place, do outreach there, mentor people, organise something, pray for sick people, do sports, make it a family trip. This is something that people dare to do, that feels very natural.”

‘Continuously ask God what He wants you to do’

Rose also helped new Christians to focus on what he calls ‘the three steps of spiritual planning’, as explained in a third podcast:

1. Ask God: what are the qualities He wants to establish in your life, and through your life in the world around you?
2. If you have security about that, then ask God how many of your resources (time, money) you should invest in that.
3. Then ask Him in which specific projects you should invest yourself.

“This creates an atmosphere in which people continuously ask God what He wants them to do. Not what the church expects of them, or what others might want them to do, but what God says.”

New Christians with an apostolic gifting receive personal coaching to start similar processes themselves in other regions and countries. This is how the multiplication takes place. Rose’s vision for the next years is to start and support 100 apostolic teams, with every team being unique in giftings and reach. Each team could support 100 house churches, reaching people Rose or the apostolic workers could never reach themselves.

Source: Marcus Rose, Hoffnung Deutschland

Small is the new big… Do you long to be part of this global movement? Consider supporting Simple Church Europe, a project of Dutch charity Joel Ministries. We equip Christians to start missional simple church groups in Europe that multiply.

See also

House Church: the fastest growing expression of church

Grassroots movements with no church buildings explode

Dinner Churches

House Churches, by Ian Freestone

House Churches in China (Barbara Nield)

China: how a mother started a house church movement

Laos: a church for the So


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