Message by Geoff Waugh – 40 minutes
Sunday, October 30, 2022, at Riverlife Baptist Church in Brisbane, Australia
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That allowed me to hoist a sail to try and catch the wind/breath/Spirit of God.
Introduction: Discovering treasures new and old as we all obey our Lord’s command to love one another, e.g. across all ages, grandparents to children and grandchildren.
love one another – John 13:34; 15:12, 17; Romans 12:10; 13:8; 1 Thessalonians 4:9; 1 Peter 1:22; 1 John 3:11, 23; 4:7, 11, 12; 2 John 5
serve one another – Galatians 5:21; 1 Peter 5:5
accept one another – Romans 15:7
strengthen one another – Romans 14:19
help one another – Hebrews 3:13; 10:24
encourage one another – Hebrews 10:25
forgive one another – Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:13
submit to one another – Ephesians 5:21
carry one another’s burdens – Galatians 6:2
be tolerant with one another – Ephesians 4:2; Colossians 3:13
be concerned for one another – Hebrews 10:24
be kind and tender-hearted to one another – Ephesians 4:32
From the Introduction to the free PDF book EnCOURAGE: https://renewaljournal.com/2020/08/03/encourage-love-one-another/
Two quick, simple ways to do that, e.g. in a home group, or any group.
(1) In pairs or threes, say what you appreciate or admire about the other person.
(2) Pray a blessing for the other person (many of you will get an inspired word).
He said to them, ‘Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.’ (Matthew 13:52 NIV)
The Amplified Version calls those treasures the fresh as well as the familiar.
Jesus is the best example of revealing both new and old treasures, as shown in the rest of the passage from Matthew 13:53-58.
Here are some examples of the new transforming the old.
The old transformed
Jesus knew the old and familiar better than anyone, and constantly demonstrated the new fresh treasures of the kingdom, fulfilling and completing the old in himself.
Prayer. The Old Testament is full of examples and commands to pray (e.g. 2 Chronicles 7:14; Jeremiah 33:3). Jesus taught us to pray from the heart, not just lots of words (e.g. Matthew 6:5-15) because God already knows all we need. He taught us to pray, “Our Father …” Intimate and personal, as he prayed.
The Ten Commandments were familiar but Jesus gave them fresh new meaning and fulfilled them, as in the Sermon on the Mount (e.g. Matthew 6:17-48). Jesus loved the rich young ruler who had obeyed all the commandments from his youth, but challenged him to forsake everything and take up his cross and follow Jesus (Mark 10:17-22).
The familiar Palm 23 has fresh meaning when we see it fulfilled in Jesus: “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11).
Jesus fulfilled the Servant Songs in Isaiah (Isaiah 42:1–4; Isaiah 49:1–6; Isaiah 50:4–11; and Isaiah 52:13–53:12) giving them dramatic new meaning. The Ethiopian officer in charge of the Queen’s treasury found Jesus in Isaiah 53 and was baptized (Acts 8:26-40).
Jesus gave new meaning to the familiar passage in Isaiah 61:1-2 in his home village in the synagogue at Nazareth after his baptism in water and in the Spirit. He declared and demonstrated it.
‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.’ (Lk 4:18-19 NIV)
Jesus declared and demonstrated God’s kingdom. He still does, including in and through us. That’s in the Riverlife mission statement: “We are a family embracing the Father’s presence, releasing empowered people who declare and demonstrate Christ’s kingdom.”
The new transforming us
Faith in Jesus, and faith in God, transform us. God’s Spirit is with us and within us to enable us to demonstrate Christ’s Kingdom. Even Jesus said, “By myself I can do nothing” (John 5:30).
People in Nazareth found it hard to believe in God’s power in Jesus. They saw him as the local carpenter, not as God’s Son.
Matthew and Mark tell how amazed Jesus was at their unbelief. Luke tells us how furious the people were (Mt 13:54-58; Mk 6:1-6; Lk 4:16-30).
The Gospels record two times when Jesus was amazed. This was one. He was amazed at their lack of faith, their unbelief. Their unbelief prevented him from doing mighty miracles (Mt 13:58; Mark 6:6).
In contrast, Jesus was amazed by the faith he saw in a Gentile centurion who understood authority: “Just say the word, and my servant will be healed” (Mt 8:10; Lk 7:9).
We live in a time when millions of believers are discovering the new treasures of God’s kingdom. I want to give you examples. This can build faith for us to believe for more of God’s kingdom to come among us all.
Some biblical & current examples
(1) Jerusalem – Acts 2. Filled with the Spirit in a prayer meeting.
Example: Prayer meeting on Elcho Island led to revival in Australian communities.
(2) Samaria – Acts 8. Leaders prayed for believers to receive God’s Spirit.
Example: Solomon Island pastors prayed for Enga Baptist pastors and revival spread.
(3) Damascus – Acts 9. A believer prayed for a new convert to be filled with the Spirit and healed.
Example: South Pacific Law students were prayed for and became involved in revival missions.
(4) Caesarea – Acts 10. Filled with the Spirit in a meeting during preaching.
Example: Solomon Islands youth filled and empowered in a national conference.
(5) Ephesus – Acts 19. 12 people were baptized and prayed for and filled with God’s Spirit.
Example: I baptized a friend in a creek at a church camp and he was also Spirit-filled and drunk or overwhelmed in the Spirit.
Those current examples, and more, are described in the Revivals Index of renewaljournal.com: https://renewaljournal.com/revivals-index/.
We can, and need to respond in faith and glad obedience (e.g. expectant, obedient dog wagging its tail).
We too can pray, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24). That’s our way into blessing, and to bless others in the power of God’s Spirit.
Here’s a comment from the Introduction to The Life of Jesus (with a free PDF). A trinity of three physical metaphors helps me to be constantly aware of, and grateful for, God’s presence with us always:
(1) Light surrounds you. By it you can read this. The sun always shines, even when it’s hidden from us. Light shines around us though we may be unaware of it. God is light and in him there is no darkness at all. We can live in his light.
(2) Blood pumps through your body right now, cleansing and healing. We may be unaware of it until reactions like alarm alerts us to our beating heart. Jesus’ blood cleanses from all sin, always. We can trust him for he is with us.
(3) We may breathe without being aware of it, or we can be aware and take deep breaths, as you may have done just now! Breath purifies our lungs and body. God is Spirit and like breath or fresh breeze, he can purify us.
A prayer, from the Preface to The Life of Jesus (free on renewaljournal.com):
Thank you Lord for all you’ve done.
Forgive me for any wrong in my life.
I trust in you and give my life to you.
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God’s Word clearly tells us to ‘pray about everything.’ Today, science is beginning to recognize the value and the power of prayer. Researchers investigating the role of faith in health are discovering evidence that’s hard to refute.
For example, a 2014 study conducted by The Mind Health Report confirmed that people who engage in private prayer, intercessory prayer, and church activities are healthier and live longer.
Here are some additional benefits:
(1) Florida State University researchers found that praying for somebody increases your readiness to forgive them. When a group of men and women prayed for the well-being of a close friend every day for four weeks, they were more willing to forgive not only the friend but people in general. Forgiveness is associated with better overall health and satisfaction with life.
(2) University of Miami researchers discovered that prayer and religious practices improve your ability to pursue and achieve long-term goals. Prayer affects regions in your brain that improve self-control, and people who view their goals as sacred are more determined to attain them.
(3) A research study conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison concluded that victims of abusive relationships recovered a positive self-image and reduced their emotional pain when their lives included prayer. (4) Columbia University researchers found that people who value religion and regularly attend church are 90 percent less likely to suffer from depression than their non-religious peers. That’s pretty strong evidence in favour of prayer, wouldn’t you say?
Source: The Word for Today
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Renewal Journal 4: Healing:
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Article written by Dr. Don Colbert. Dr Colbert graduated from Oral Roberts Medical School in 1984. Dr. Colbert has practiced medicine in Central Florida and has been board certified in Family Practice for over 25 years.
Even a mere 30 seconds of prayer, acknowledging God and giving thanks for all the blessings in your life, can have a powerful effect on your body, mind, and spirit.
If you have a regular practice of prayer, then you are well aware that benefits are very real and wide-ranging. Many people who engage in these activities report psychological and spiritual benefits such as a sense of greater clarity, purpose, gratitude, presence, sense of connection, and overall well-being. However, these sorts of subjective benefits can be hard to measure scientifically. Interestingly, despite the difficulty in quantifying the spiritual effects of prayer, there have been many studies looking at the physical benefits of this ancient practice. A 2013 Pew Research Poll estimated that over half of Americans pray daily.
A University of Rochester study found that over 85% of people dealing with a major illness turn to prayer.
Every religion or spiritual belief system has a form of prayer or meditation as a foundational principle. This shows that prayer is not merely a cultural phenomenon but a fundamental aspect of the human experience. Yet, many people still struggle to reconcile belief in the power of prayer with a scientific worldview. Duke University’s Harold G. Koenig, M.D, author of several books on faith and healing, says “studies have shown prayer can prevent people from getting sick, and when they do get sick, prayer can help them get better faster. So how does that happen? Harvard Medical School cardiovascular specialist Dr. Herbert Benson discovered what is called the “relaxation response.”
This is the physiological state that occurs during prayer. It involves the autonomic (automatic) nervous system shifting over to a parasympathetic (rest and digest) dominant state, as opposed to the sympathetic (fight, flight, freeze) state that most of us spend the majority of the day in. The act of prayer has shown to increase certain helpful neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, which help promote a state of relaxation, focus, motivation, and well-being. But the effects are not confined to momentary relaxation. Long-term prayer can actually rewire and rebuild the brain! With the ability to scan the brain using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), researchers have been able to note the physiological changes that occur in the brains of those who pray regularly.
Lisa Miller, professor and director of Clinical Psychology and director of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute at Teachers College, Columbia University conducted a study on 103 people who were at a high risk of depression. Using MRI, she found that those who prayed regularly tended to have a thicker cerebral cortex which has been associated with less depression and anxiety. Another study has shown that urban children with asthma cope better when incorporating prayer into their lives. Prayer is also good for your heart. Christians have been shown to have lower average blood pressure than non-believers. Prayer also is correlated to less heart attacks and quicker recovery from heart surgery. There is even evidence to suggest that regular prayer will help you live longer! So with all these benefits, you should consider incorporating prayer as part of your daily regimen.
A study published in the journal Sociology of Religion titled “Prayer, Attachment to God, and Symptoms of Anxiety-Related Disorders among U.S. Adults,” looked at the data of 1,714 volunteers. What they found is that those who pray with a loving and protective conception of God experience a more dramatic reduction in anxiety related symptoms compared to those who pray without the expectation of comfort or protection. This shows us just how important faith actually is! The publishers believe that the emotional and spiritual comfort from prayer to a loving and compassionate God offers a sense of hope and security while praying with a more judgmental conception of God breeds resentment, rejection, and detachment. So understanding the character of your God is important.
The most beautiful thing about all of this research is not only that it validates the ancient wisdom behind prayer, but it also shows us how incredibly easy it can be to implement powerful healing practices into our lives. With so many benefits on the physical, psychological, and spiritual levels, there is really no reason to not pray or meditate every single day!
The best times of day are first thing in the morning and right before bed. However you can pray in the car on the way to work, in line at the grocery store, sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, or before you eat your meals. Even a mere 30 seconds of prayer, acknowledging God and giving thanks for all the blessings in your life, can have a powerful effect on your body, mind, and spirit. So what do you think? Have you been inspired to reinvigorate the prayer in your life?
Source: Breaking Christian News (bold font added)
An Israeli study has found that praying regularly can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 50%. The study, which was funded by the National Institute of Health in Washington, D.C., found that women, who have a significantly larger chance of developing forms of dementia, could stave off the disease through prayer. The findings confirm earlier studies that indicated religion can play a positive role. “We found that people with higher levels of spiritual well-being had a significantly slower progression of Alzheimer’s disease,” Yakir Kaufman, the head of the neuropsychiatric department at Herzog hospital in Jerusalem said.
The Israeli organization Melabev has ten centres serving about 600 Alzheimer’s patients for whom prayer is part of the daily routine. “If prayer is done in a centre or a religious facility, it is communal and there is a social aspect,” Susan Sachs, the director of public relations and development at Melabev said. “It gives hope and perspective, and for many people it helps retain their dignity. They’re doing something that they did all their lives.” Melabev provides an alternative to institutionalizing Alzheimer’s patients by providing a full day of activities. Sachs estimates there are 100,000 people suffering from the disease in Israel.
The centres provide them with laminated cards with the most popular prayers printed in large type, although many of the patients rely on memory, which also helps strengthen their cognitive function. While prayer has some cognitive elements, it strengthens emotional functioning even more. As the patient’s cognitive function declines, his or her emotional function may be strengthened, according to Leah Abramowitz, the head of the Institute for the Study of Aging at Melabev. She said that, “It’s like a baby who can feel his mother’s emotions and will start crying if she is angry or tense. It’s like the person who is fully blind having more acute hearing.”
Prayer can also lower stress levels – one of the risk factors for Alzheimer’s. Other risk factors include high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. As people live longer, there is more chance that they will develop dementia. Israel’s life expectancy – 80 years for men and 84.2 for women – is the world’s fourth-highest, exceeded only by Japan, Hong Kong and Switzerland. Professor Rivka Inzelberg of Tel Aviv University, who led the research, told a conference that the study indicated that 50% more women than men suffer memory impairments. She said “rituals, like prayer, are especially comforting to Alzheimer’s patients. Prayer is something that went into their long term memory many years ago. It is a ritual that is very comforting for them.”
Source: The Media Line
Renewal Journal, 2017
This article is a result of my search for effective ways of praying for the sick. I found it produced results after persisting in hope and faith. At first, it was mostly in hope. I know that God answers prayer, but we don’t always know how. Gradually my faith grew as I persisted in faith, believing that God answers prayer and that God heals. The tide changed and waves of healing blessings flowed more fully.
When I was young, we prayed for the sick in general terms, such as “Please God, heal Mr or Mrs So-and-so. Amen.” Generally the people we prayed for seemed to improve and sometimes we saw rapid improvement.
Then I discovered intimacy with God and the power of his Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, in new ways. Jesus told us to seek this: “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” (Luke 11:13). We all need to ask, seek and knock, and Jesus promises that we will receive, find and have the door opened (Matthew 7:7-8).
So my journey in praying for others, including praying for the sick, began to change as I allowed the Holy Spirit to guide me more fully. Instead of praying the same old way, “Please God, heal that sick person,” I began praying the way I was led by the Spirit.
As I read about Jesus and his disciples, I realized that they rarely or never prayed this way, “Please God heal that sick person.” Mostly they commanded healing, and Jesus’ followers always did so in Jesus’ name. Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth, and we have authority as we serve him and pray in his name, on his behalf.
That gradually opened new horizons for me! I began listening more to the still, small voice in my mind and heart, and found I was praying with more authority, in Jesus’ name. Increasingly I found myself led to pray, “Be healed, in Jesus’ name.”
As I persisted, the Holy Spirit quietly prompted me to take authority over attacks against the person. Sometimes (not automatically and not always) I was led to pray something like “Infirmity, get out in Jesus’ name.”
Increasingly I found more people reported that pain had gone or that they felt significantly improved. So then I realized that it helped to ask the person being prayed for how they felt. If some pain remained, I was often led to pray for them again, sometimes more than once more.
As first I was reluctant to ask how the person felt, in case there was little or no improvement! Then, gradually I realized that asking how they felt actually gave more opportunity to pray more if that was needed. When we persisted, we often saw improvement right there and then. A simple way to check is to ask, “How much pain do you have on a sale of 10 to 1?”
Many blockages in my thinking stopped me from praying with authority. Here are a few.
What helped me to overcome blockages?
God’s Word helped me most. The more I read about Jesus and his followers the more my faith grew. God’s Spirit speaks his word into our hearts and lives. We believe it and act on it.
Listening more for the leading of God’s Spirit helped me enormously. Note that “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing” (John 6:63) and that “the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life” (2 Cor. 3:6). Often, a ‘hunch’ turned out to be a ‘leading’.
One night I prayed for a young relative who had been getting migraines. Medications had helped, but migraines persisted. I had a hunch we were dealing with an attack, so I was led to gently place my hand on his head and pray, “Affliction, get out in Jesus’ name.” I felt it go, and my young relative felt fine and has not needed medication for that since then. We don’t always ‘feel’ something, but we can pray in faith.
Why lay on hands?
Why do we lay hands on the sick to pray for them? It’s biblical. See Mark 6:5; 7:32; 10:16; 16:18; Luke 4:40; 13:13; Acts 28:8. It’s also a natural way to express care and concern. All parents know that touch brings comfort when a child is hurt.
Biblical passages taught me to persist. Here are some: Matthew 7:7-11; Luke 11:5-10; 18:1-8; 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Jesus occasionally prayed for or commanded healing more than once, as for the blind man at Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-25) and the wild man of Gadara (Luke 8:26-39).
Ultimate healing and the only total healing is in heaven. Meanwhile, in this broken world we can show compassion and care in many ways, including praying for healing. I know the pain of praying for a loved one’s healing, who died. Sometimes the healing is not here, but hereafter.
Sometimes God may surprise you, as you persist in simple faith. A nurse in one of our prayer groups was led to place her hand on a lady’s back and pray, “L4 be healed, in Jesus’ name.” The pain left immediately. Apparently the problem was in the lumbar (L4 region) of the spine.
A doctor, and my college class, once prayed for and laid hands on a lady student who was scheduled for an operation to remove a growth in her abdomen. Later that same day her specialist could find no growth, so they cancelled the operation.
Recently we prayed as a small group for a man with diabetes problems. When he had a blood test it registered normal, so he testified in church and gave thanks to God.
Healing is not always so quick. But it’s always a blessing to pray for one another. Sometimes it helps to pray in a believing group where those praying contribute their different spiritual gifts and insights. You can pray in the Spirit and often receive the Spirit’s leading on how to pray with authority in Jesus’ name.
Many people discover that God is real and personal, and they believe in him because someone prayed cared and prayed for their healing. We pray – God heals.
I pray that you will find peace and joy as you pray in faith for others, led and empowered by God’s Spirit. Just bless them in Jesus’ name.
Geoff Waugh, Renewal Journal, 2017
Now added to Renewal Journal 4: Healing – renewaljournal.com
Prayer ~ Good for the Body as well as the Soul
How I Learned to Pray for the Sick
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Jesus healed, as did his followers.
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* This is a very informative, amazing, and powerful book. Thanks to the author for investing hours of research, expressed with his masterful command of language. ~ Alex Johnson
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Part 1 of Great Commission Mission
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Jesus the Model for Short-Term Supernatural Mission – PDF
Part 2 of Great Commission Mission
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Body Ministry – PDF
The Body of Christ alive in His Spirit
* This resource will be of benefit to all ministry leaders and teachers. I recommend it for positive change and for allowing the Holy Spirit, the Great Teacher, to have full reign. ~ Valerie Caraotta
Learning Together in Ministry – Blog
Learning Together in Ministry – PDF
Chapter 15 of Body Ministry: Mutual Eduction
The Body of Christ: Part 1, Body Ministry – Blog
The Body of Christ, Part 1, Body Ministry – PDF
Part 1 of the book Body Ministry
The Body of Christ: Part 2, Ministry Education – Blog
The Body of Christ, Part 2, Ministry Education – PDF
Part 2 of the book Body Ministry
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Church on Fire – PDF
Renewal in Australian Churches
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Part 1 of Renewal and Revival
Word and Spirit – Blog
Word and Spirit – PDF
The vital union of God’s Word & God’s Spirit
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Signs and Wonders – PDF
Study Guide on Signs & Wonders
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Study Guide on Revival History
4. Holy Spirit Movements through History – Blog
Holy Spirit Movements through History – PDF
Study Guide on Holy Spirit Movements through History
5. Renewal Theology 1 – Blog
Renewal Theology 1 – PDF
Study Guide on Revelation, Trinity & Mission
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Study Guide on Jesus, Holy Spirit & Humanity
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Millingimbi Island, northern Australia: This little boy was found dead at the bottom of a muddy waterhole in warm water when a bunch of children came down to swim. They dragged him out and took him to the clinic where the doctor tried to revive him but considered him to be brain-dead. Then the children asked if they could pray for Jesus to heal him. They prayed and he lept back to life with no effect from the ordeal except today a hunger to hear the Word of Jesus who brought him back to life…and who gives eternal life to all who call on His name.
A pastor dead for thirteen minutes makes a stunning recovery as his grandchildren laid hands on him and declared healing through prayers.
Heart Stopped For 13 Minutes
The faith of Pastor Jim and his wife Pam was tested when Jim suddenly passed out while going for a walk outside. He had no pulse. And when the medical authorities arrived, they immediately transported him to the hospital.
Pam frantically called an elder of their church, and the Spirit impressed to him that Jim will live and not die. Hence, they declared God’s goodness despite the unfavorable circumstance.
Meanwhile, Jim’s heart stopped for 13 minutes. He fell into a drug-induced coma. According to Dr. Michelle Guzowski, the physician who attended to the pastor, it was dangerous. Because for every minute that a heart stops beyond a critical limit, you have decreased blood flow, leading to potential brain injury. Even if he survived, he could lose some normal abilities.
Grandchildren Pray
Amid Jim’s critical condition, over 100 church members gathered together to worship and pray. For three hours, they praised God and declared that “no weapon formed against him would prosper.”
Jim wasn’t responsive for days despite the doctor’s simulation. But the church continued to believe in God’s faithfulness and continued praying for him.
One morning, Pam received news that her husband had brain damage. Hence, Justin, their son, and grandchildren prepared to say goodbye to Jim because it could be the last time to see their grandfather. And when they visited Jim, the grandkids laid hands on him and prayed. Suddenly, he opened his eyes.
The whole room witnessed the miracle that even doctors and nurses cried about what happened. Everyone saw with their own eyes the miraculous power of God.
How amazing is our God—a Miracle Worker!
Lee Stoneking shares his testimony with the United Nations after he got an invite on April 22, 2015, to speak at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.
Below is an excerpt and video of his testimony at the assembly:
“On Nov. 12, 2003. I suffered a massive heart attack at the airport in Sydney, Australia. Paramedics tried – 10 times – to get my heart beating again using electric shock treatment, but all to no avail. I was declared dead for 45 minutes and was put into the ambulance as a corpse.”
After being clinically dead for 45 minutes, Stoneking’s heart started to beat. The paramedics – and the doctors who treated him afterwards – were amazed at his recovery. One doctor even told him that his DNA had been altered to strip heart disease from his genetic makeup.
“So I am grateful today to be alive,” Stoneking said, adding that even after six minutes without oxygen, irreparable damage can be done to the brain.
“God has totally raised me from the dead, he continued, you have defied all the laws of medical science,” a doctor told me, but I looked at him and said, ‘I didn’t but I know the one who did. His name is Jesus,”.
Stoneking told the UN assembly “my message here to you today is this: In the New Testament, in the book of Acts, Chapter 2 verse 38 it says, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
Then Stoneking told the U.N. General Assembly that Jesus is the only answer to the violence around the world.
“He is the prince of peace,” Stoneking said. “I give you Jesus.
Lee Stoneking Addresses UN General Assembly:
In Pakistan, a 17-year-old boy led his entire tribe to follow Jesus.
*Rehan worked as a waiter at a roadside restaurant. He often worked 12-hour days, trying to scrape together enough money to feed his family.
One day, a truck driver and FMI [Forgotten Missionaries International] partner began visiting the restaurant. Over time, Rehan noticed how well the man, Safdar, treated him and asked him why. Nehemiah with FMI tells the story. “Rehan said, ‘How is your attitude towards a waiter so gentle? Have you joined some other sect than Islam?’ Safdar gave him an audio Bible. Rehan took it home and began listening. Then Safdar suggested Rehan take off from his work and spend time together to answer his queries and questions at the FMI Discipleship center.”
Rehan realized how much Jesus loves him, and he was baptized a couple of months ago. He didn’t stop there though, he gathered his family together and told them as well. His parents were moved by the message, but still feared backlash from the tribal leaders. Nehemiah says when someone in Pakistan starts following Jesus, they often face persecution from their tribe and family.
Sharing with the tribe
Nehemiah says he invited three FMI partners to help him share the Gospel with the tribe. “One evening, he gathered all the tribe’s members under one big tent. First, Rehan showed a movie about Jesus. Then an FMI partner shared a 15-minute devotion about new hope in Christ. That day, a 17-year-old-boy led his whole tribe to the Lord Jesus Christ. They quit their regular practice of offering Muslim prayers.”
Praise God for this tribe of about 60 people, and ask Him to strengthen them.
Pray the story of Rehan and his tribe would not be an isolated one. Nehemiah says, “Pray for the partners and shepherds who are serving with FMI. May the Lord bless them and give them more courage and wisdom.”
Mission Network News
The most amazing story in my collection took place in the heart of Africa in the year 1922.
In that year, the Reverend H. B. Garlock and his wife, of Toms River, New Jersey, volunteered for a dangerous assignment: they were to go to Africa as missionaries to the Pahns, a small tribe in the interior of Liberia. No missionaries had ever before worked with the Pahns. The reason was simple. The Pahns were cannibals. …
Garlock felt a strange boldness. He took a deep breath and began to speak. From his lips came a flow of words which he did not understand.
Garlock saw the natives lean forward, enthralled. He saw that the words – whatever they were – had a stirring effect on those who listened. He knew beyond a doubt that he was speaking to the Pahns in their own language.
For twenty minutes Garlock talked to the Pahns. Then, as suddenly as the speech-power came, it vanished, and Garlock knew that he had come to the end of his discourse. He sat down.
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