Church growth in Saudi Arabia

Church growing in Saudi Arabia faster than global average

By Daniel Corado –
Dr. Ahmed Joktan, who was beaten and scarred, had a gun put to his head, for converting to Christianity, hides his identity still because the danger is still there.


In Mecca – the crown jewel of Islam — immediately after he read the Koran and prayed to Allah during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Ahmed Joktan, the son of a grand mufti, was visited by Jesus in a dream.

“In my dream, the balcony opened up, there was this light, and I heard a voice saying, ‘Come to me,’” Ahmed says on a Gateways Christian Fellowship video.

Ahmed converted to Christ in New Zealand where he was studying English. He now lives in the West. Hundreds of thousands of other Saudis who converted remain in Saudi Arabia, boldly serving the Lord at the risk of being hanged.

Saudi Arabia is iron-clad closed to the gospel. Evangelizing is illegal. Bibles are outlawed. Apostasy is punishable by death. Non-Muslims are not even allowed in Mecca, where Muslims believe Mohammad received his visions and Abraham once lived.(1)

Oswaldo Magdangal led a church in Saudi Arabia for 11 years.

Despite the risks, Christianity is burgeoning, even approaching 10%2 of the population, says Oswaldo Magdangal, who pastored an underground church for 11 years as a Filipino worker. He was caught and almost hanged in 1992.

“Saudi Arabia has the largest secret congregation in the world, and it’s mainly Saudi citizens,” Oswaldo told God Reports. The younger generation is especially open to the Gospel. “Christianity is all over, in Mecca, Riyadh, but the biggest growth is in Jeddah.”

Is revival happening in the underground church?

“Saudi Arabia’s rate of Christian growth is about 65% greater than the global average,” says Bruce Allen, with Forgotten Missionaries International, using statistics from Joshua Project. “Just because we hear that a government is closed to the gospel doesn’t mean the hearts of the people are.” (2)

Until the new Crown Prince took over in 2017, Saudi Arabia was the home of one of the most extremist brands of Islam, Wahhabism. Of the 19 hijackers involved in 9/11, 15 were Saudi nationals and most of them followed the Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. Osama bin Ladin was Saudi and influenced by several extremist ideologies, including Wahhabism. School children have been taught in Saudi schools to fight the West.

But when Mohammad bin Salman took over, he liberalized the kingdom significantly. Fanatical clerics were jailed, preachers were told to tone down their messages, women were allowed to drive, schoolbooks were re-written to encourage moderate faith.

Most importantly, the religious police were stripped of their authority.

Wally Magdangal

Negotiations are ongoing to build churches on the peninsula; if neighboring United Arab Emirates has allowed compounds to open for churches, why not Saudi Arabia? There are now Bible printing houses (printing in Tagalog and in English), Oswaldo says.

But on the downside, congregations still can’t rent hotel conference rooms or public buildings, he adds.

“There is a major increase in church attendance, particularly among the younger generation,” Oswaldo says. “There are now Saudi pastors.”

From the Philippines, Oswaldo worked as a guest worker in charge of civilian employees for the Armed Forces of Saudi Arabia. His wife worked in the Armed Forces Hospital. They had good connections.

But their connections were not good enough to save him from the religious police. When he was holding services in the desert (to avoid being discovered by the religious police), an AWAC plane during the Gulf War detected his meeting. The religious police caught him in Riyadh, the capital, he says.

He was imprisoned, interrogated and flogged on every part of his body, even the bottom of his feet. He wasn’t told the charges against him until his trial: blasphemy.

Oswaldo despaired. Interrogators demanded the names of his converts and associates in spreading the Gospel.

“Eventually I was so weak, they placed the pad of paper in my lap, and they forced the pencil into my hand,” Oswaldo said in Christianity Today. “I was weeping, and I said, ‘Lord, you’ve got to help me here,’ and I began to write the names of Billy Graham, Charles Spurgeon, and others. After a few days, they were so mad, because they’d been all over Saudi Arabia looking for those people.”

He was to be hung on Christmas Day, a date selected to mock his faith. Not only the Philippines appealed to King Fahd, but also the US, the UN, Amnesty International, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, and the Pope.

The church was praying, both outside and inside Saudi Arabia. His Saudi converts did a biblical Jericho-like march around the Kaaba.

Pastor Wally’s supporters did a Jericho march — around the Kaaba.

Muslims march around the Kaaba as part of their religion. It is the most holy site in Islam. But when the Christian Saudis did it, under cover, they were signifying that Islam could not withstand the God of the Bible.

It worked. With only hours before the execution, King Fahd ordered Oswaldo’s release at midnight. Military personnel came to rescue him and escort him out. He and his wife had to leave the country within 24 hours.

Oswaldo – who goes by Wally – has not been back since. He tried to visit in 2022, but was denied an entry visa. Oswaldo and his wife hope to get into the country eventually and start telephoning their old contacts. Oswaldo believes he can get a meeting with MBS, at which he wants to present the gospel.

Saudi Arabia has opened to tourism in recent years. Christians have been the first to rush in.

Ever since it discovered oil and became flush with cash, Saudi Arabia has used foreign labor for a full range of menial jobs. Some of those workers are Christian tent makers, like Paul, using their worldly skills to advance the Gospel where traditional missionaries are shut out.

Recently the tent makers have been joined by tourists. In an attempt to pivot away from an all-oil economy, Saudi Arabia is now wooing tourists. Who would have guessed that Christians would be among the first to come?

They visit the site where some believe Moses received the 10 commandments, Jebel al-Lawz, in northwestern Saudi Arabia, near the Gulf of Aqaba — and they pray.

(1) According to the Quran and Islamic historical sources, Abraham (Ibrahim) and his son Ishmael (Ismail) traveled to the site where Mecca now stands, built the Kaaba, and established monotheistic worship there. However, this narrative does not appear in the Hebrew Bible or other Jewish or Christian sources.

(2) According to Joshua Project, the percentage of Christian adherents in Saudi Arabia is 4.02% and the percentage of Evangelicals is 0.53%. The Evangelical annual growth rate is 4.3%, higher than the global growth rate of 2.6%.

If you want to know more about a personal relationship with God, go here

Related articles: 

  • Brother Rachid went homeless for two years in Morocco for accepting Christ.
  • 7th Century coins expose fabrications of Islam’s history
  • Does Islam plan to take over Europe with violence?
  • Is Islam inherently violent? Look at the history.
  • Why are Europeans converting to Islam?
  • Sharia law in London is practiced locally and internally.

About this writer: Daniel Corado studies at the Lighthouse Christian Academy near in Santa Monica.


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United Nations is a unique mission field

“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”
– 2 Corinthians 5:20
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United Nations is a unique mission field
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The United Nations is a centre of political influence. Chris Rice, the Mennonite Central Committee’s representative at the UN, sees it as a unique mission field, a space where Christians can bear witness to Christ’s love, compassion, and justice.

“I’ve witnessed the power of Christian presence in these halls,” Rice says. “The UN is home to more than 8,000 employees and 5,000 diplomatic staff – many of whom may never have heard the gospel or engaged with Christian values. What if Christians saw this community as an unreached people group, ripe for the influence of God’s love and truth? A few evangelical organisations maintain a permanent presence here and use the significant opportunity to engage the people shaping international policies and make a lasting difference.”

MCC operates in 45 countries, often in places where political power blocks the efforts of Christian ministries. “The 2021 military coup in Myanmar, for instance, sent many of our partners fleeing for their lives. Gangs in Haiti have seized control, making it nearly impossible to carry out our health and agricultural programs. The war in Syria has devastated the country, scattering refugees and upending the lives of our church partners. In these challenging environments, our local partners on the ground possess vital knowledge that becomes invaluable when shared with the UN. After Myanmar’s coup, we worked with a UN body to document and report on chemical weapon attacks on civilians, giving a voice to those suffering under oppressive regimes,” according to Rice.

Christian organisations have credibility

Christian organisations, like MCC, have a unique role at the UN. “As a Christian diplomat told me, ‘Information is the currency of the UN,’ and the trust and connections that Christian groups have with local communities give them credibility that even elite diplomats often lack.”

Engaging with political power doesn’t mean controlling it. Rather, Christians are called to bear witness to the values of God’s kingdom – compassion, justice, and truth – while navigating the political complexities of the UN. “It’s a space where we must learn to listen, build relationships, and speak the truth in love,” Rice says.

“At the UN, there’s no obligation for diplomats to listen to Christian organisations. But this can teach us how to be persuasive through quiet influence and respectful dialogue. Over lunch with a US diplomat, I expressed concerns about US policies affecting Gaza and North Korea. The diplomat listened thoughtfully, and through that respectful conversation, we began to build trust – a crucial foundation for future engagement.”

The patience needed for peacemaking

The UN is far from perfect. It’s often slow to act, and its bureaucracy can be frustrating. But it’s one of the few places where representatives from countries like Ukraine and Russia, Israel and Palestine, and the US and Iran can sit at the same table and try to find common ground. “In a world where people increasingly avoid those they disagree with, the UN forces us to engage with diverse viewpoints and learn the patience necessary for peacemaking,” Rice says.

“Every day, as I pass the 193 flags outside the UN and head into the Church Center where I work, I’m reminded that the world gathers here. Our Christian presence at the UN allows us to influence global conversations, carry the values of God’s kingdom into the halls of power, and be witnesses to His justice and mercy. As Jesus called His disciples to go to the “ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8), today, those ends of the earth gather at the UN. Through our presence here, we have the opportunity to touch the lives of people from every nation – and that is a mission field we cannot ignore.”

Source: Chris Rice, CT

Joel News International  # 1368, November 19, 2024


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The Amazing Life of the World’s Best Seller

The Amazing Life of the World’s Best Seller

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Why would such a good man who loved so profoundly and helped so many people be killed? Why did he provoke opposition?

If God walked among us in the person of his Son, why would people want to kill him? Why did so many vehemently oppose him?

That puzzled me as a boy. It still does.

The greatest love story the world has ever seen led to the excruciating death of crucifixion.

Many people have given their lives for other people as soldiers do in war. They die for others, defending home and country. But Jesus’ death was different. God’s Son chose to die for us because of his immense love for us. He took our place. His death gives us life. He is the perfect, sinless, eternal sacrifice for us. His blood cleanses us from all our sin as we trust in him. We are forgiven.

But why did so many good people, good religious people, hate him? That puzzled and fascinated me, so I explore that mystery in this book. I wanted to write a summary overview that people of all ages could read.

I always believed in Jesus. Even as a small boy I loved to hear and then read stories about him. He was so unique, so different. I believed his story as a boy and trusted in him. I still do and I hope you do too.

Jesus did what was good. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, set people free from addictions and evil, performed miracles, and even raised dead people. Huge crowds followed him and wanted him to be their king.

Now billions follow him, captivated by his love, the greatest love story of all. You can do that also. I invite you to simply pray something like this: Thank you Lord for all you’ve done. Forgive me for any wrong in my life. I trust in you and give my life to you.


The year on our calendar or diary reminds us of when Jesus was born, approximately. We count the years from his arrival. So when you look at your diary or calendar you can be reminded again of Jesus.

They called him Yeshua (Joshua/Jesus) of Nazareth, the same name as Moses’ famous general who led God’s people into their Promised Land. Yeshua means God saves, or God is salvation.

That name comes to us in English through many translations from Yeshua or Y’shua in Hebrew and Aramaic, then translated into Iesous in Greek, then to IESVS in Latin and later as IESUS as printed in the first edition of the King James Bible in 1611. Later that century ‘J’ replaced the ‘I’ so the English name became Jesu (vocative) and Jesus (nominative) but eventually just Jesus in English. Other languages have translations such as Jesu, Yesu, and Isa.

English translations of the Bible used the name Jesus for Joshua/Jesus of Nazareth, and the name Joshua for others with that same name.[1]  So in English, the name Jesus became unique and sacred for Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, the Saviour of the world. The angel Gabriel announced his name before his birth to both Mary his mother and to Joseph who married Mary.[2] Gabriel explained that Yeshua (Joshua/Jesus) had that name because he would save his people from their sins.

The great love story had begun. Jesus came to save us and give us eternal life.

His followers recorded that story of his life and his love in the good news of the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The rest of the New Testament explores the mystery and wonder of that amazing life and love.

Scholars have a bewildering array of theories about the Bible and about who wrote what, and when, and where, and why. I’m content to run with traditional explanations that have been used throughout most of history.

Jesus’ unique and wonderful life, his brutal death for us, and his powerful resurrection, all reveal his and God’s eternal love for us all. You could pause and thank him right now even as you read this.

John’s Gospel emphasizes God’s eternal love revealed in Jesus. It includes the most famous passage in the Bible:

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:16-17, NKJV).

That love, powerfully shown on the cross, has transformed billions of lives, restoring believers to an intimate and eternal relationship with God and with others.

Three physical metaphors help me to be constantly aware of, and grateful for, God’s presence with us always:

(1) Light surrounds you. By it you can read this. The sun always shines, even when it’s hidden from us. Light shines around us though we may be unaware of it. God is light and in him there is no darkness at all. We can live in his light.

(2) Blood pumps through your body right now, cleansing and healing. We may be unaware of it until reactions like alarm alert us to our beating heart. Jesus’ blood cleanses from all sin, always. We can trust him for he is with us.

(3) We may breathe without being aware of it, or we can be aware and take deep breaths, as you may have done just now! Breath purifies our lungs and body. God is Spirit and like breath or fresh breeze, he can purify us.

May the light of God’s love breathe life in you right now.

We’ve been made in God’s image to have an eternal, loving relationship with him that even transcends death. We can know and experience God’s unconditional love no matter how far we stray from him. Those who stray most are often the most grateful for his forgiveness and love. We all stray in many ways and we all need forgiveness and we can and should be truly grateful.

God knows and loves us as we are. That makes praying or talking to him easy because he already knows our failures and struggles and welcomes us just as we are. The more honestly we come to him the more he can transform us.

If we have trouble believing we can at least say, “God, if you’re there, help me.”

Some thoughts may get in the way when we pray or want to talk to God. Just give him those thoughts. He already knows all about it and loves us as we are.

If we reject God’s love and mercy by ignoring him and going our own way, we condemn ourselves to eternal darkness away from his light and love.

If we accept his love and forgiveness by believing in him, by trusting him, he gives us life, his eternal life. That makes us new. We are transformed.

Vast numbers of people worldwide of all faiths, and of none, have prayed the prayer in the popular hymn by Charlotte Elliot, ‘Just as I am’ which includes these adapted verses:

Just as I am, without one plea
But that Your blood was shed for me
And that You bid me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fighting and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

God welcomes us and we can all pray that prayer. A title for Jesus, as in that song, is the sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away our sin.

The Life of Jesus is a vast topic with millions of books written about it. I hope my small contribution gives you a helpful overview. I quote from the New Revised Standard Version unless indicated otherwise, and include many footnotes that you can explore to discover more.

Best of all, of course, are the inspired Gospels now in over 700 different languages in Bible translations and a further 3,500 languages have Bible portions, especially the Gospels. Read and respond to those Gospels.

[1] Iesous (Yeshua) is translated as Joshua in these verses: Luke 3:29; Acts 7:45; Hebrews 4:8.

[2] Luke 1:31; Matthew 1:21.


Start of Chapter 1

It began at the beginning, this great love story, for “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”[1]

Why did he do that?  For us.

He did it for you. He loved you so much he created you to know and enjoy him now as you read this, and forever. He offers you intimate, infinite love. He created you through the wondrous union of your parents’ ecstasy.

He made the earth for us to inhabit and care for and rule. He made the heavens (plural) for us to inherit, the physical firmament and also the realms of vast, eternal glory prepared especially for us.[2]

He created us free to accept or reject his astounding love. Sadly we went our own way. We all, like sheep, went astray. We all turned to our own way. So God laid on his Servant, his Son, all our iniquity.[3] God saves us through his Son in their great love for us all. You could pause and thank him now as you read this.

In the beginning, Adam and Eve enjoyed intimate, unashamed relationship with God and each other. Then, like us, they believed lies and went their own way, losing Paradise. But God still blessed and sustained them and their descendants who chose to love him and live for him. Sadly only a few did.

Noah and his family loved and obeyed God and he rescued them from the great flood. People ridiculed him for obeying God and building a huge boat on dry ground – not even in a dry dock. The rainbow became the sign of God’s covenant to Noah and his descendants including us.

Abram, a wealthy sheik from the wide fertile Tigris and Euphrates valleys in western Asia, north-west of the Arabian Peninsula (now Iraq), loved and obeyed God. Renamed Abraham (God’s friend) he journeyed to the Promised Land, now called Israel, from the name given to his grandson who wrestled with an angel or with the Lord.[4] Circumcision became the covenant sign for them and for their descendants through whom God would provide his salvation for us all.

Abraham and his descendants walked that verdant Promised Land, as did Jesus and his followers. So did our family for a month in December-January, 1981-82.[5]

King David reigned there for 40 years from around 1000 BC, described as a man after God’s own heart who would do what God wanted.[6] That’s an amazing picture of God’s love and grace for flawed people like David. His descendants ruled from his capital, Jerusalem, till the fall of their kingdom to Babylon. The human Jesus was descended from David through Mary, as was Mary’s husband Joseph, also a descendant of the royal line of David.

God blessed his people through history when they remained faithful to him but sadly, like us, they often went their own way, not God’s way. The northern kingdom of Israel fell captive to Assyria by 722 BC, as did the southern kingdom of Judah to Babylon from 597 BC. Then Cyrus of Persia allowed the exiles in captivity to return from 538 BC. Babylonian armies took captives in waves of exiles, and the exiles returned in various groups, then speaking Aramaic, a Semitic language similar to their Hebrew Scriptures. Their temple in Jerusalem lay in ruins for 70 years, from 586 BC to 516 BC. The returning exiles became known as Jews, a term derived from the former kingdom of Judah.

Alexander the Great’s conquests established Greek culture and language in Israel from around 333 BC, eventually sparking the Maccabean revolt from 165 BC with the Jews gaining independence from 134 BC.

Their independence lasted less than a century till 63 BC when warring brothers appealed to Rome, and Roman armies then invaded and killed 12,000 people, including temple priests, in the siege of Jerusalem. Rome then ruled its province of Judea, also named from the previous kingdom of Judah.

Those searing memories simmered strong in the Israel of Jesus’ day when Jews longed for their Messiah to deliver them. Radicals often attacked the Roman occupying armies. Rome retaliated swiftly and brutally. Their armies slaughtered thousands, with hundreds nailed to crosses as in a rebellion led by Judas the Galilean in AD 6 when Jesus was a boy.[7]

Jesus’ elderly relatives the old priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth lived near Jerusalem, and Zechariah had been literally dumfounded while offering incense in the temple during his roster when the angel Gabriel told him they would have a son to be named John. Zechariah spoke again nine months later at his son’s birth when he announced that the boy’s name was John.[8]

Six months after that temple encounter, Gabriel appeared again, this time to Mary in the northern hills of Nazareth. He announced that Mary would conceive by the Holy Spirit and her son would be called Yeshua (Joshua/Jesus), meaning ‘God saves’ or ‘God is salvation.’

Mary’s pregnancy created a problem for her espoused husband-to-be Joseph. Being a good man he decided to separate or divorce quietly and not make a fuss now Mary was pregnant. An angel intervened in a dream and explained about the miraculous pregnancy and that Mary’s son would be named Yeshua (Joshua/Jesus) because he would save his people from their sins. Matthew wrote that it fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy:

‘Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel’
which means, ‘God is with us.’  (Matthew 1:23; Isaiah 9:6)

The great love story burst into history through that holy, miraculous conception. Excited at her news, Mary journeyed about 100km (64 miles) south to visit her relatives Elizabeth and Zechariah near Jerusalem. Old Elizabeth declared that her baby John leaped in her womb when she heard Mary’s news.[9] Mary stayed with Elizabeth and her dumb husband for three months till John was born (when Zechariah spoke again). They believed Gabriel’s word that John would, in the spirit of Elijah, announce the coming of the Lord. Those two women, supernaturally blessed, carried the wonder of God’s loving purposes in their wombs.

This came in the fullness of time.[10] Previous history pointed to Jesus’ coming as the Messiah, the Christ, God’s Son. We now date history from that birth.

[1] 1 Samuel 13:13-14; Acts 13:22

[2] Acts 5:36-37.

[3] Luke 1:5-24.

[4] Luke 1:26-45.

[5] Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10.

[6] Genesis 1:1.

[7] John 14:1-6; 1 Corinthians 2:9.

[8] Isaiah 53:6. See Isaiah 52:13-53:12, the fourth Servant Song, along with Isaiah 42:1-4; 49:1-6; 50:4-7.

[9] Genesis 17:5; 32:28; 35:9-10.

[10] See Exploring Israel in General Books and Biography on



The life of Jesus is history’s great love story. The overview in this brief book points you to the great good news of who Jesus is and what he did. That story is told best in the Bible, God’s inspired word.

I hope this brief commentary points you again to that God-breathed living word. It gave me fresh insights as I researched the harmonized story of these gospels.

Many writers discuss the popular five love languages: affirmation, service, gifts, time, and touch. Jesus demonstrated all these in various ways.

He affirmed and admired faith, especially faith in him for healing and help.
He served daily and showed it dramatically by washing his disciples’ feet.
He gave his life for us and ultimately he gives eternal life to all who believe.
His three years of quality time with his followers prepared them to serve.
His touch brought physical and spiritual healing and freedom to multitudes.

I love the way John summed up the reason for writing his Gospel: “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31)

That is my prayer for you, my reader. Here is my echoing sonnet, penned over fifty years ago.

Sin stalks the soul, and permeates the whole
Of life lived here where we, while bound by fear,
Hunt far and near for freedom to appear
From pole to pole with our minds in control.
That worthy goal seems mockery.  Sin stole
Our freedom dear, left pain and woe to sear
Each life, a mere heartache, or sob, or tear,
Like a lost mole, blind, dirty in its hole.
God’s love stepped in to fight and conquer sin
Through Christ who bled and died and rose as Head
Supreme of all who claim Him Lord.  Our fall,
Clamour and din may end in Him.  We win
Release from dread, freedom, life from the dead,
Unbound from gall, in answer to His call.

Available as:

The Amazing Life of Jesus

History’s Great Love Story


Available in earlier versions as The Life of Jesus.

The Life of Jesus – WestBow Press – PDF
WestBow Press version – The Life of Jesus
Amazon – paperback, hardcover, Kindle



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First Renewal Journal version with extra images

Renewal Journal version – The Life of Jesus
The Life of Jesus PDF eBook – extra images

Expanded version. Extra Bible passages are included in The Story of Jesus:

The Story of Jesus – Blog – expanded
The Story of Jesus PDF eBook

This PDF is an expanded version of The Life of Jesus with extra Bible passages included.
The same Contents and Chapters with more detail added.
Page 4 of the PDF lists some of the additional passages

An expanded version of The Life of Jesus
with extra biographical Bible passages added

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The Amazing Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story
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The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story

Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:
Geoff Waugh founding editor of the Renewal Journal
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Review Comments

* Our team recently came across your book entitled The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story, and we were captivated from start to finish. Your writing style is not only engaging but also remarkably insightful, and the story-line/topic you’ve crafted is nothing short of compelling. Its unique qualities and the emotions it evokes have the power to resonate with readers on a profound level. ~ James Mendez (Skylark)
* This is a very informative, amazing, and powerful book. Thanks to the author for investing hours of research, expressed with his masterful command of language. ~ Alex Johnson (5-stars)
Be enriched. A most helpful telling of the life of Jesus using the biblical text and adding some background and charts. Anyone using this book will be enriched.
~ Rev Dr John Olley (Amazon 5-stars)
* This is a wonderful book and can be read over and over. Thank you. ~ Kerry Rawson
* This is a great read. Simple and easy language that even my children can read as a guide, and have a better understanding of the Life Journey of Christ, as they read it in the Gospels. Thank You. ~ Florence
* Good clear language for a seeker to read and understand the life of Jesus. ~ Duncan Gibb
* Geoff Waugh has written a very helpful devotional book about the Saviour of the world who is also the loving presence in believers. Having known Geoff for over sixty years I can testify that every word written proceeds from his own heart of love for Jesus and for all God’s children. Geoff has avoided trying to manufacture some theory or new twist to make the book more colourful. He has used Scripture as his main source and has been faithful to both the divinity and humanity of Jesus as expressed in the Gospels. His use of chronology for headings and the many sub-headings makes the book simpler to absorb, even for an enquirer or new believer. It reminds me a little of Leon Morris’s beautiful book The Lord from Heaven. I warmly commend this book. ~ Rev Dr Tony Cupit, Former Director of the Baptist World Alliance.
* I keep this book with my Bible. It is especially helpful when reading through the Gospels. ~ Cathy Hartwig
* This book is for those who question Jesus’ reality as the Son of God, and for those who search for the details of His amazing life on this earth. ~ Judith Abrey
* The book is beautifully written and I have learned and understood a lot. I am recommending this book. ~ Kattie Mayson (Amazon 5-stars)

* I had the pleasure of reading your book last night. It is truly exceptional, providing fresh insights. The Life of Jesus effectively directs readers to the profound and uplifting news about who Jesus is and the significance of his actions. Thanks you so much for this blog site about Jesus Life. ~ Christiana Michael.
* I experience enrichment through this profound portrayal of Jesus’s life. A compelling read with straightforward and accessible language. This remarkable book is a true gem, deserving to be revisited time and again. ~ Henry
* Impressive! This book is truly outstanding! Congratulations on this remarkable accomplishment. Keep up the exceptional work! ~ Rachael Diaz
* Your book cover looks fantastic! Your writing style is exceptional, and I loved how the story unfolded, keeping me captivated. ~ Solomon Emordi
Offering fresh insights, The Life of Jesus points you to the great good news of who Jesus is and what he did. ~ Back cover
* I read your book last night. This is a great book. Thanks for writing this for all of us. ~ Nabeel Sharoon from Pakistan who translated it into 5 languages..


Preface [see below]
Introduction [see below]
1 Birth and Boyhood
2 Ministry Begins
3 First to Second Passovers
4 Second to Third Passovers
5 Passover to Pentecost
Discussion Questions [see below]
Appendix 1: Chronology Chart
Appendix 2: The Feast Days
Appendix 3: The Gospels
Appendix 4: Alternative Chronology 
Appendix 5: The Shroud of Turin 
Appendix 6: Publications


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Blogs Index 2: Mission (international stories)
Blogs Index 3: Miracles (supernatural events)

Blogs Index 4: Devotional (including Testimonies)
Blogs index 5: Church (Christianity in action)

Blogs Index 6: Chapters (Blogs from Books)
Blogs Index 7: Images (Photos & Videos)

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The Amazing Life of Jesus

History’s Great Love Story

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The Amazing Life of Jesus provides a brief overview of history’s great love story. It gives a summary of the birth and boyhood of Jesus and describes his ministry through three Passover Festivals.
The book includes a detailed chronology of Jesus’ life and ministry and examines why such a popular, loving, and compassionate young leader would encounter intense hostility and opposition causing his crucifixion.
The mystery and wonder deepen because his resurrection transformed his followers and millions of lives. We date our diaries and calendars from the time of his birth. His story is now the world’s best seller annually, translated into over 1400 different languages.

Also available in earlier versions as The Life of Jesus.

Maincrest Media Award Winner

The Life of Jesus – WestBow Press – PDF
WestBow Press version – The Life of Jesus
Amazon – paperback, hardcover, Kindle

Amazon $15.24:   

Koorong A$19.99
because his love changes lives forever

Expanded PDF eBook version. Extra Bible passages are included in The Story of Jesus:

The Story of Jesus – Blog – expanded version
The Story of Jesus expanded PDF eBook

This PDF is an expanded version of The Life of Jesus with extra Bible passages included.
The same Contents and Chapters with more detail added.
Page 4 of the PDF lists some of the additional passages

An expanded version of The Life of Jesus
with extra biographical Bible passages added

Permission: you can freely reproduce and share these resources and books, including printing (just include the source). You can print, distribute, and market your edition of any of my books – “by all means save some” (1 Cor 9:22)

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The Amazing Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story
also available as:
The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story

Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:
Geoff Waugh founding editor of the Renewal Journal
Free PDF books on the Main Page
Permissions: You can reproduce any Renewal Journal resource freely, including in print.


Review Comments

* Our team recently came across your book entitled The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story, and we were captivated from start to finish. Your writing style is not only engaging but also remarkably insightful, and the story-line/topic you’ve crafted is nothing short of compelling. Its unique qualities and the emotions it evokes have the power to resonate with readers on a profound level. ~ James Mendez (Skylark)
* This is a very informative, amazing, and powerful book. Thanks to the author for investing hours of research, expressed with his masterful command of language. ~ Alex Johnson (5-stars)
Be enriched. A most helpful telling of the life of Jesus using the biblical text and adding some background and charts. Anyone using this book will be enriched.
~ Rev Dr John Olley (Amazon 5-stars)
* This is a wonderful book and can be read over and over. Thank you. ~ Kerry Rawson
* This is a great read. Simple and easy language that even my children can read as a guide, and have a better understanding of the Life Journey of Christ, as they read it in the Gospels. Thank You. ~ Florence
* Good clear language for a seeker to read and understand the life of Jesus. ~ Duncan Gibb
* Geoff Waugh has written a very helpful devotional book about the Saviour of the world who is also the loving presence in believers. Having known Geoff for over sixty years I can testify that every word written proceeds from his own heart of love for Jesus and for all God’s children. Geoff has avoided trying to manufacture some theory or new twist to make the book more colourful. He has used Scripture as his main source and has been faithful to both the divinity and humanity of Jesus as expressed in the Gospels. His use of chronology for headings and the many sub-headings makes the book simpler to absorb, even for an enquirer or new believer. It reminds me a little of Leon Morris’s beautiful book The Lord from Heaven. I warmly commend this book. ~ Rev Dr Tony Cupit, Former Director of the Baptist World Alliance.
* I keep this book with my Bible. It is especially helpful when reading through the Gospels. ~ Cathy Hartwig
* This book is for those who question Jesus’ reality as the Son of God, and for those who search for the details of His amazing life on this earth. ~ Judith Abrey
* The book is beautifully written and I have learned and understood a lot. I am recommending this book. ~ Kattie Mayson (Amazon 5-stars)

* I had the pleasure of reading your book last night. It is truly exceptional, providing fresh insights. The Life of Jesus effectively directs readers to the profound and uplifting news about who Jesus is and the significance of his actions. Thanks you so much for this blog site about Jesus Life. ~ Christiana Michael.
* I experience enrichment through this profound portrayal of Jesus’s life. A compelling read with straightforward and accessible language. This remarkable book is a true gem, deserving to be revisited time and again. ~ Henry
* Impressive! This book is truly outstanding! Congratulations on this remarkable accomplishment. Keep up the exceptional work! ~ Rachael Diaz
* Your book cover looks fantastic! Your writing style is exceptional, and I loved how the story unfolded, keeping me captivated. ~ Solomon Emordi
Offering fresh insights, The Life of Jesus points you to the great good news of who Jesus is and what he did. ~ Back cover
* I read your book last night. This is a great book. Thanks for writing this for all of us. ~ Nabeel Sharoon from Pakistan who translated it into 5 languages..

* What a captivating cover! There’s such an art to capturing a story visually, and this one does it so well. Wishing you all the best with the release! ~ Habeeb Ayomide
* Beautiful cover art and a captivating title!   Already hooked. Your book is fantastic! Sending you best wishes for its success. ~ Enny Precious
* I’m blown away by your book cover – it’s stunning! And the title is pure genius, it’s got me intrigued from the very start! ~ Jennifer Mary
* The concept sounds absolutely fascinating, and the cover art is stunning—it really draws you in!  ~ Chamberlain Payne
* Your book looks amazing! Its potential to captivate readers is truly inspiring.  ~ Shavon Thompson
* This is amazing. Your books are educational and captivating. It brings true memories and happiness. You’re such a brilliant book author, you truly have extensive knowledge of how to catch attention and engage the audience.  ~ Patricia Donald
* The passion and dedication you’ve invested in every page are truly inspiring! Now that this exceptional book has come to fruition, what’s your vision for its next great milestone?  ~ Ayo J. Olaniyi


Preface [see below]
Introduction [see below]
1 Birth and Boyhood
2 Ministry Begins
3 First to Second Passovers
4 Second to Third Passovers
5 Passover to Pentecost
Discussion Questions [see below]
Appendix 1: Chronology Chart
Appendix 2: The Feast Days
Appendix 3: The Gospels
Appendix 4: Alternative Chronology 
Appendix 5: The Shroud of Turin 
Appendix 6: Publications 

Other Translations

The Life of Jesus in Hindi, Indian Punjabi, Urdu, Sindhi, & Pakistani Punjabi.



Why would such a good man who loved so profoundly and helped so many people be killed? Why did he provoke opposition?

If God walked among us in the person of his Son, why would people want to kill him? Why did so many vehemently oppose him?

That puzzled me as a boy. It still does.

The greatest love story the world has ever seen led to the excruciating death of crucifixion.

Many people have given their lives for other people as soldiers do in war. They die for others, defending home and country. But Jesus’ death was different. God’s Son chose to die for us because of his immense love for us. He took our place. His death gives us life. He is the perfect, sinless, eternal sacrifice for us. His blood cleanses us from all our sin as we trust in him. We are forgiven.

But why did so many good people, good religious people, hate him? That puzzled and fascinated me, so I explore that mystery in this book. I wanted to write a summary overview that people of all ages could read.

I always believed in Jesus. Even as a small boy I loved to hear and then read stories about him. He was so unique, so different. I believed his story as a boy and trusted in him. I still do and I hope you do too.

Jesus did what was good. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, set people free from addictions and evil, performed miracles, and even raised dead people. Huge crowds followed him and wanted him to be their king.

Now billions follow him, captivated by his love, the greatest love story of all. You can do that also. I invite you to simply pray something like this: Thank you Lord for all you’ve done. Forgive me for any wrong in my life. I trust in you and give my life to you.


The year on our calendar or diary reminds us of when Jesus was born, approximately. We count the years from his arrival. So when you look at your diary or calendar you can be reminded again of Jesus.

They called him Yeshua (Joshua/Jesus) of Nazareth, the same name as Moses’ famous general who led God’s people into their Promised Land. Yeshua means God saves, or God is salvation.

That name comes to us in English through many translations from Yeshua or Y’shua in Hebrew and Aramaic, then translated into Iesous in Greek, then to IESVS in Latin and later as IESUS as printed in the first edition of the King James Bible in 1611. Later that century ‘J’ replaced the ‘I’ so the English name became Jesu (vocative) and Jesus (nominative) but eventually just Jesus in English. Other languages have translations such as Jesu, Yesu, and Isa.

English translations of the Bible used the name Jesus for Joshua/Jesus of Nazareth, and the name Joshua for others with that same name.[1]  So in English, the name Jesus became unique and sacred for Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, the Saviour of the world. The angel Gabriel announced his name before his birth to both Mary his mother and to Joseph who married Mary.[2] Gabriel explained that Yeshua (Joshua/Jesus) had that name because he would save his people from their sins.

The great love story had begun. Jesus came to save us and give us eternal life.

His followers recorded that story of his life and his love in the good news of the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The rest of the New Testament explores the mystery and wonder of that amazing life and love.

Scholars have a bewildering array of theories about the Bible and about who wrote what, and when, and where, and why. I’m content to run with traditional explanations that have been used throughout most of history.

Jesus’ unique and wonderful life, his brutal death for us, and his powerful resurrection, all reveal his and God’s eternal love for us all. You could pause and thank him right now even as you read this.

John’s Gospel emphasizes God’s eternal love revealed in Jesus. It includes the most famous passage in the Bible:

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. (John 3:16-17, NKJV).

That love, powerfully shown on the cross, has transformed billions of lives, restoring believers to an intimate and eternal relationship with God and with others.

Three physical metaphors help me to be constantly aware of, and grateful for, God’s presence with us always:

(1) Light surrounds you. By it you can read this. The sun always shines, even when it’s hidden from us. Light shines around us though we may be unaware of it. God is light and in him there is no darkness at all. We can live in his light.

(2) Blood pumps through your body right now, cleansing and healing. We may be unaware of it until reactions like alarm alert us to our beating heart. Jesus’ blood cleanses from all sin, always. We can trust him for he is with us.

(3) We may breathe without being aware of it, or we can be aware and take deep breaths, as you may have done just now! Breath purifies our lungs and body. God is Spirit and like breath or fresh breeze, he can purify us.

May the light of God’s love breathe life in you right now.

We’ve been made in God’s image to have an eternal, loving relationship with him that even transcends death. We can know and experience God’s unconditional love no matter how far we stray from him. Those who stray most are often the most grateful for his forgiveness and love. We all stray in many ways and we all need forgiveness and we can and should be truly grateful.

God knows and loves us as we are. That makes praying or talking to him easy because he already knows our failures and struggles and welcomes us just as we are. The more honestly we come to him the more he can transform us.

If we have trouble believing we can at least say, “God, if you’re there, help me.”

Some thoughts may get in the way when we pray or want to talk to God. Just give him those thoughts. He already knows all about it and loves us as we are.

If we reject God’s love and mercy by ignoring him and going our own way, we condemn ourselves to eternal darkness away from his light and love.

If we accept his love and forgiveness by believing in him, by trusting him, he gives us life, his eternal life. That makes us new. We are transformed.

Vast numbers of people worldwide of all faiths, and of none, have prayed the prayer in the popular hymn by Charlotte Elliot, ‘Just as I am’ which includes these adapted verses:

Just as I am, without one plea
But that Your blood was shed for me
And that You bid me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fighting and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

God welcomes us and we can all pray that prayer. A title for Jesus, as in that song, is the sacrificial Lamb of God who takes away our sin.

The Life of Jesus is a vast topic with millions of books written about it. I hope my small contribution gives you a helpful overview. I quote from the New Revised Standard Version unless indicated otherwise, and include many footnotes that you can explore to discover more.

Best of all, of course, are the inspired Gospels now in over 700 different languages in Bible translations and a further 3,500 languages have Bible portions, especially the Gospels. Read and respond to those Gospels.

[1] Iesous (Yeshua) is translated as Joshua in these verses: Luke 3:29; Acts 7:45; Hebrews 4:8.

[2] Luke 1:31; Matthew 1:21.

Start of Chapter 1

It began at the beginning, this great love story, for “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”[1]

Why did he do that?  For us.

He did it for you. He loved you so much he created you to know and enjoy him now as you read this, and forever. He offers you intimate, infinite love. He created you through the wondrous union of your parents’ ecstasy.

He made the earth for us to inhabit and care for and rule. He made the heavens (plural) for us to inherit, the physical firmament and also the realms of vast, eternal glory prepared especially for us.[2]

He created us free to accept or reject his astounding love. Sadly we went our own way. We all, like sheep, went astray. We all turned to our own way. So God laid on his Servant, his Son, all our iniquity.[3] God saves us through his Son in their great love for us all. You could pause and thank him now as you read this.

In the beginning, Adam and Eve enjoyed intimate, unashamed relationship with God and each other. Then, like us, they believed lies and went their own way, losing Paradise. But God still blessed and sustained them and their descendants who chose to love him and live for him. Sadly only a few did.

Noah and his family loved and obeyed God and he rescued them from the great flood. People ridiculed him for obeying God and building a huge boat on dry ground – not even in a dry dock. The rainbow became the sign of God’s covenant to Noah and his descendants including us.

Abram, a wealthy sheik from the wide fertile Tigris and Euphrates valleys in western Asia, north-west of the Arabian Peninsula (now Iraq), loved and obeyed God. Renamed Abraham (God’s friend) he journeyed to the Promised Land, now called Israel, from the name given to his grandson who wrestled with an angel or with the Lord.[4] Circumcision became the covenant sign for them and for their descendants through whom God would provide his salvation for us all.

Abraham and his descendants walked that verdant Promised Land, as did Jesus and his followers. So did our family for a month in December-January, 1981-82.[5]

King David reigned there for 40 years from around 1000 BC, described as a man after God’s own heart who would do what God wanted.[6] That’s an amazing picture of God’s love and grace for flawed people like David. His descendants ruled from his capital, Jerusalem, till the fall of their kingdom to Babylon. The human Jesus was descended from David through Mary, as was Mary’s husband Joseph, also a descendant of the royal line of David.

God blessed his people through history when they remained faithful to him but sadly, like us, they often went their own way, not God’s way. The northern kingdom of Israel fell captive to Assyria by 722 BC, as did the southern kingdom of Judah to Babylon from 597 BC. Then Cyrus of Persia allowed the exiles in captivity to return from 538 BC. Babylonian armies took captives in waves of exiles, and the exiles returned in various groups, then speaking Aramaic, a Semitic language similar to their Hebrew Scriptures. Their temple in Jerusalem lay in ruins for 70 years, from 586 BC to 516 BC. The returning exiles became known as Jews, a term derived from the former kingdom of Judah.

Alexander the Great’s conquests established Greek culture and language in Israel from around 333 BC, eventually sparking the Maccabean revolt from 165 BC with the Jews gaining independence from 134 BC.

Their independence lasted less than a century till 63 BC when warring brothers appealed to Rome, and Roman armies then invaded and killed 12,000 people, including temple priests, in the siege of Jerusalem. Rome then ruled its province of Judea, also named from the previous kingdom of Judah.

Those searing memories simmered strong in the Israel of Jesus’ day when Jews longed for their Messiah to deliver them. Radicals often attacked the Roman occupying armies. Rome retaliated swiftly and brutally. Their armies slaughtered thousands, with hundreds nailed to crosses as in a rebellion led by Judas the Galilean in AD 6 when Jesus was a boy.[7]

Jesus’ elderly relatives the old priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth lived near Jerusalem, and Zechariah had been literally dumfounded while offering incense in the temple during his roster when the angel Gabriel told him they would have a son to be named John. Zechariah spoke again nine months later at his son’s birth when he announced that the boy’s name was John.[8]

Six months after that temple encounter, Gabriel appeared again, this time to Mary in the northern hills of Nazareth. He announced that Mary would conceive by the Holy Spirit and her son would be called Yeshua (Joshua/Jesus), meaning ‘God saves’ or ‘God is salvation.’

Mary’s pregnancy created a problem for her espoused husband-to-be Joseph. Being a good man he decided to separate or divorce quietly and not make a fuss now Mary was pregnant. An angel intervened in a dream and explained about the miraculous pregnancy and that Mary’s son would be named Yeshua (Joshua/Jesus) because he would save his people from their sins. Matthew wrote that it fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy:

‘Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall name him Emmanuel’
which means, ‘God is with us.’  (Matthew 1:23; Isaiah 9:6)

The great love story burst into history through that holy, miraculous conception. Excited at her news, Mary journeyed about 100km (64 miles) south to visit her relatives Elizabeth and Zechariah near Jerusalem. Old Elizabeth declared that her baby John leaped in her womb when she heard Mary’s news.[9] Mary stayed with Elizabeth and her dumb husband for three months till John was born (when Zechariah spoke again). They believed Gabriel’s word that John would, in the spirit of Elijah, announce the coming of the Lord. Those two women, supernaturally blessed, carried the wonder of God’s loving purposes in their wombs.

This came in the fullness of time.[10] Previous history pointed to Jesus’ coming as the Messiah, the Christ, God’s Son. We now date history from that birth.

[1] Genesis 1:1.

[2] John 14:1-6; 1 Corinthians 2:9.

[3] Isaiah 53:6. See Isaiah 52:13-53:12, the fourth Servant Song, along with Isaiah 42:1-4; 49:1-6; 50:4-7.

[4] Genesis 17:5; 32:28; 35:9-10.

[5] See Exploring Israel in General Books and Biography on

[6] 1 Samuel 13:13-14; Acts 13:22

[7] Acts 5:36-37.

[8] Luke 1:5-24.

[9] Luke 1:26-45.

[10] Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10.


The life of Jesus is history’s great love story. The overview in this brief book points you to the great good news of who Jesus is and what he did. That story is told best in the Bible, God’s inspired word.

I hope this brief commentary points you again to that God-breathed living word. It gave me fresh insights as I researched the harmonized story of these gospels.

Many writers discuss the popular five love languages: affirmation, service, gifts, time, and touch. Jesus demonstrated all these in various ways.

He affirmed and admired faith, especially faith in him for healing and help.
He served daily and showed it dramatically by washing his disciples’ feet.
He gave his life for us and ultimately he gives eternal life to all who believe.
His three years of quality time with his followers prepared them to serve.
His touch brought physical and spiritual healing and freedom to multitudes.

I love the way John summed up the reason for writing his Gospel: “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.” (John 20:31)

That is my prayer for you, my reader. Here is my echoing sonnet, penned over fifty years ago.

Sin stalks the soul, and permeates the whole
Of life lived here where we, while bound by fear,
Hunt far and near for freedom to appear
From pole to pole with our minds in control.
That worthy goal seems mockery.  Sin stole
Our freedom dear, left pain and woe to sear
Each life, a mere heartache, or sob, or tear,
Like a lost mole, blind, dirty in its hole.
God’s love stepped in to fight and conquer sin
Through Christ who bled and died and rose as Head
Supreme of all who claim Him Lord.  Our fall,
Clamour and din may end in Him.  We win
Release from dread, freedom, life from the dead,
Unbound from gall, in answer to His call.


Discussion Questions (for use in groups)

Chapter 1: Birth and Boyhood
1. What is one of your favourite Christmas carols and why?
2. What surprises you most about the Christmas story?
3. What challenges you about the boyhood and youth of Jesus?
What would you like people to pray about for you?

Chapter 2: Ministry Begins
1. Why do you think Jesus’ public ministry began after his baptism?
2. What puzzles you most about Jesus’ ministry? (eg casting out spirits)
3. What challenges you about being a disciple of Jesus?
What prayer would you appreciate receiving?

Chapter 3: First to Second Passovers
1. Why do you think John 3:16 is so popular and well known?
2. Who can you identify with in Jesus’ early ministry (eg Nicodemus, Samaritan woman, disciples, religious leaders)
3. What do you think challenged Jesus’ disciples?
What prayer would encourage you just now?

Chapter 4: Second to Third Passovers
1. What impresses you most about Jesus?
2. What challenges you most about Jesus?
3. What surprises you most about Jesus?
What prayer would help you just now?

Chapter 5: Passover to Pentecost
1. What shocks you most about the crucifixion?
2. What helps or challenges you about Jesus’ death and resurrection?
3. What interests you most about the Holy Spirit?
What prayer support would you like now?

Map in the book

See also Devotional Books

A 7 Lion
(7) The Lion of Judah – Blog
The Lion of Judah – PDF
6 books in one volume

* Looking for a great book to help you meditate on the wonder of Jesus in all his richness and grandeur and love? Geoff Waugh has helpfully and thoughtfully brought together wide-ranging biblical passages… Read this book prayerfully and you will not be the same! ~ John Olley.
* This book is full of information, biblical information. I have learned so much from it … If you want to learn more from the Bible, this is the book to read.
 ~ A. Aldridge

Crucified and Risen – Blog
Crucified & Risen – PDF
The Easter Story

A Holy Week, Passover & Resurrection All1
Holy Week, Christian Passover & Resurrection – Blog
Holy Week, Christian Passover & Resurrection
3 books in 1

A Christian Passover All
Christian Passover Service – Blog
Christian Passover Service – PDF
A Retelling of the Last Supper

RISEN: long version – Blog
Risen! –_PDF
12 resurrection appearances

0 A Mysterious Month All3
Mysterious Month – Blog
Mysterious Month – PDF
Jesus’ resurrection appearances & our month in Israel

A Kingdom Life
Kingdom Life in The Gospels – Blog
Kingdom Life in The Gospels – PDF
4 books in 1

Popular Books – by Geoff Waugh

Revival Books – gift ideas

Renewal Books – gift ideas

General Books – gift ideas

Devotional Books – gift ideas


Blogs Index 1: Revivals (briefer than Revivals Index)
Blogs Index 2: Mission (international stories)
Blogs Index 3: Miracles (supernatural events)

Blogs Index 4: Devotional (including Testimonies)
Blogs index 5: Church (Christianity in action)

Blogs Index 6: Chapters (Blogs from Books)
Blogs Index 7: Images (Photos & Videos)

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The Amazing Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story
Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:

Revivals in 2024

Revivals in 2024

Evangelism and revival continues to spread in 2024. Don’t sleep through it (as many churches did in the Jesus Revolution of the 1970s)

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Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:

North America – Current Revival in America’s Largest University – 2018
North America – American Revival Reports – 2023
North America – Fresh Outpouring at Asbury University – 2023
North America – A year of revival on college campuses – 2023

Here are a few glimpses of revivals in 2024

October 2024

Mississippi State University

CBN  Kevin Casey

Students at Mississippi State University say their lives are forever changed after experiencing “God’s love at work” during a massive worship event Monday.

Unite US reports that nearly 6,000 students worshipped together at Humphrey Coliseum on Oct.1.

The night was marked by powerful prayer, repentance, water baptisms, and an atmosphere “like Heaven.”

“Jesus met us tonight in Humphrey Coliseum,” the group wrote on Instagram. “Nearly 6,000 students worshipped together, confessed to sin that had been holding them back, and experienced freedom that can only be found in Him.”


 October 2024  –  revival in Germany

CBN News 

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An international evangelist says “revival in Germany” is breaking out as hundreds of people are getting “saved, delivered, healed, [and] baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

Thousands of young people packed the Porsche Arena in Stuttgart, Germany for the Fire Festival over the weekend to praise, worship, and hear the Word of God.

“After a short preaching of the ABC of The Gospel by my dear friend David Rotärmel hundreds upon hundreds of young people came at the altar to give their lives to Jesus,” shared international evangelist Jean-Luc Trachsel. “Truly it’s harvest time in Europe like here in Stuttgart, Germany.”

The Fire Festival kicked off on Oct 2 and ended on October 5 with a “Jesus March” through Stuttgart.

Europe Shall Be Saved partnered with Holy Spirit Night for the event to reach Germany with the Gospel “through young revivalists who will influence the different spheres of society for the Kingdom of God.”

Trachsel, the founder of Jean-Luc Trachsel Ministries, shared footage of the gathering where attendees were “saved, delivered, healed, and baptized.”

“[The] last time I’ve seen and experienced this…was at the Brownsville revival in Pensacola almost 30 years ago. Today it’s here in Europe,” he shared in a reel of people being baptized in a pool.

“I’ve seen with my own eyes thousands of people getting saved and today it’s water baptisms in a glorious and joyful atmosphere,” he added.

Read more:…/thousands-give-their-lives-jesus…


October 2024 – Ethiopia

Christ for all Nations, Ethiopia, October 2024

Christ for all Nations continues evangelism and revival in Africa with multiple thousands giving their lives to God and being discipled by local churches.


More during 2024

September report from Middle East.

Jesus continues to appear to hundreds or thousands in the Middle East.

CBN News 

Former Hezbollah Fighter Recalls Supernatural Encounter with Jesus that Changed Everything

“One day, as I’m praying, a man appears in front of me – normal size, but his being shines like light. This light is not a normal light. This light carried identity in it. And you knew that he is holy, and instantaneously I knew I am not. Even though I had prayed so many prayers, even though I had fasted so much and I had read the Koran and I had volunteered to work on landmines or I had participated in hanging people trying to please Allah, I knew, even though I have kept all the rules and regulation of Islam, I knew I am not just and I’m not holy…” he recalled.

VIRAL INTERVIEW HERE:…/former-hezbollah-fighter-recalls…

September report from Iran


College revivals in America in 2024

Tens of thousands of American university and college students are continuing to attend campus revival meetings across the country nearly 20 months after the 16-days of non-stop worship, prayer, repentance and testimonies at Asbury University in Kentucky set the fires blazing for a national revival movement among tertiary students.

In the fourth major collegiate revival in less than a month, thousands of students recently gathered at a University of Arkansas event to seek Jesus Christ and find salvation in His name. It was organised by the Unite US movement which reports that around 10,000 students from 67 different universities gathered at a stadium in the city of Fayetteville.

“Jesus met us there. We were blown away by His presence in the room and how it carried over to baptisms. It was a night we’ll never forget,” the ministry posted on social media.

CBN News reports how one young man shared his powerful testimony right before being baptised at the event, saying: “I spent a lot of years running from God. I just came to Jesus about five weeks ago, but I got caught up in, I’ll just say it, cocaine and alcohol. I had a lot of really near-death experiences and I think Jesus had his hand on my life because I should not be here.”

“This was one of the most incredible nights of my life. I want to give praise and thanks to God who moved in ways we’ve never seen. Watching 10,000 students worship together on their college campus was something to behold,” declared evangelist Tonya Prewett.

Earlier this month, Unite US movement also showed up at a University of South Carolina event where hundreds of the the 4,000 students who attended were baptised in a landmark library fountain in the city of Columbia. “I cannot get over last night’s Unite event at the University of South Carolina. Students ran to the altar before an altar call was given. Hundreds made a decision to follow Jesus and hundreds were baptised. God is moving on college campuses,” Ms. Prewett posted.

She added that more than 2,000 salvations and 800 baptisms have taken place through the Unite US campus events since they began at Alabama’s Auburn University one year ago.

“I believe this is the generation that will usher in the greatest move of God we’ve ever seen, and we’re seeing that. I do believe what we had in the fall and the spring of this past year is just the beginning. Greater things are coming, and I feel for the end of this year and leading into 2025, something greater is coming. God is doing something across this nation. I do believe this move of God on college campuses is ushering in a greater awakening,” the evangelist asserted in a recent podcast.

Every gathering has three main objectives:

For non-believers to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel in a welcoming environment. Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9

For believers to know and experience true freedom from sin and burdens on their hearts. Galatians 5:1

For students to find community and discipleship through connection to local ministries and the local church. Ephesians 4:1-6

 CBN News reports the campus revival is not just happening at Unite US events. There was a powerful movement of God at a church-organised outreach at the Corpus Christi campus of Texas A&M University.

Pastors Michael and Bonnie Fehlauer of New Life Church posted: “Nearly 1500 students last night at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. 62 water baptisms. Powerful testimonies. Many physically healed and delivered! Jesus is Lord. And He is coming back.”

Revival broke out at Ohio State University during the last week in August with hundreds of colleges students showing deep hunger for God ahead of the new academic year.

The Lantern student newspaper reported the event was led by members of the school’s football team who preached the gospel before 800-1,000 people. By the end of the night, an estimated 60 students chose to get baptised in four tubs of water near the stage.

Revival at Ohio State University 

And a huge revival broke out at The Ohio State University during the last week in August 2024 with hundreds of colleges students showing deep hunger for God as the new school year kicked off.

A team of student reporters from The Lantern newspaper reports the event was led by members of the school’s football team who preached the gospel before 800-1,000 people. Some campus ministries and churches helped to organize it.

By the end of the night, an estimated 60 students chose to get baptized into the Christian faith in four tubs of water near the stage.

MORE: Ohio State Football Team Leads Huge Revival Moment on Campus with Scores of Baptisms

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Revival at the University of South Carolina

In September 2024 the Unite US movement also showed up at the University of South Carolina where more signs of revival were on display.

Over 4,000 students gathered to lift the name of Jesus at Colonial Life Arena, and hundreds of students made the life-changing decision to follow Jesus. Many were also baptized in the Thomas Cooper Library Fountain afterward.

“God moved. Students were set free. Unite South Carolina was UNREAL,” the Unite US ministry posted.

Revival at Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi

And it’s not just happening at Unite US events. Multiple outbreaks of revival have taken place in the past weeks and months through other ministries. In one example from a church in Texas, God moved powerfully on the Corpus Christi campus of Texas A&M University. [September 2024]

A campus gathering organized by New Life Young Adults just two weeks ago drew more than a thousand students to hear the gospel.

Pastors Michael and Bonnie Fehlauer of New Life Church posted, “Nearly 1500 students last night Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi… 62 water baptisms… Powerful testimonies… Many physically healed and delivered! Jesus is Lord….. and He is coming back.”

MORE: Another Revival at Texas A&M Corpus Christi as 1,500 Hear Gospel with 62 Baptized

Revival at the University of Arkansas

PHOTO: Revival event at the University of Arkansas (Photo credit: Unite US/Jennie Allen)

In the fourth major collegiate revival in less than a month, thousands of students gathered at the University of Arkansas on Thursday night to seek Jesus Christ and find salvation in His name.

Unite US reports that 10,000 students from 67 different universities gathered in Bud Walton Arena.

“Jesus met us there,” the ministry said in an Instagram post. “We were blown away by His presence in the room and how it carried over to baptisms. It was a night we’ll never forget.”

See also

Revival hits army base

Revivals Across the South of USA

Revival Fires in West Virginia

Current Revival in America’s Largest University

California beach revival attended by 1000 – in 2020

North America – Current Revival in America’s Largest University – 2018
North America – American Revival Reports – 2023
North America – Fresh Outpouring at Asbury University – 2023
North America – A year of revival on college campuses – 2023
North America – Revivals in 2024


Handel’s Messiah Story

Handel’s Messiah Story

See also 

Messiah – with Bible verses and references

Hallelujah Chorus  –  Messiah  – International Choirs


The Messiah Story – its early impact in history – 30 minute video
Concludes with the Hallelujah Chorus


G F Handel – The Story of Messiah. A Documentary by Howard Goodall CBE
Here, composer Howard Goodall presents his personal (2009) account of Handel’s extraordinary oratorio. Indisputably a work of colossal musical genius, Handel’s Messiah holds a momentous place in the repertoire of Western music. Its choruses and arias are among the most popular and celebrated pieces of sacred Baroque music ever written. Handel is reputed to have sobbed as he completed it saying: “I did think I did see all Heaven before me and the great God himself”. During its London premiere in 1743, Britain’s King George II rose to his feet at the start of the Hallelujah chorus and remained standing until the end, a tradition that is followed around the world today, even in fervent republics such as the United States of America.


Messiah is an English-language oratorio composed in 1741 by George Friedrich Handel, with a scriptural text compiled by Charles Jennens from the King James Bible (1611), and from the version of the Psalms included with the Book of Common Prayer. The music for Messiah was completed in 24 days of swift composition. His servants would often find him in tears as he composed. At the end of his manuscript, Handel wrote the letters “SDG”—Soli Deo Gloria, “To God alone the glory”.


Librettist Charles Jennens’ Preface to the word book of the original edition, April 1742 says:


“And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” (1 Timothy 3:16)

“In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”  (Colossians 2:3)


While Handel was writing the ‘Hallelujah’ chorus his servant discovered him with tears in his eyes, and Handel exclaimed, “I did think I did see all Heaven before me, and the great God Himself seated on His throne, with His company of Angels.”

His mighty thunder: No less than Ludwig van Beethoven, citing the Messiah, called Handel the “greatest composer who ever lived. … I would uncover my head and kneel before his tomb.” And Mozart declared himself ”to be humble in the face of Handel’s genius. … Handel knows better than any of us what will make an effect. When he chooses, he strikes like a thunderbolt.”


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Handel’s Messiah Story
Messiah – with Bible verses and references
Hallelujah Chorus  –  Messiah  – International Choirs

Renewal Journal Main Page – free PDF ebooks

I still remember the first time I heard Messiah sung. I was in high school in the Australian NSW country city of Tamworth and went with my mother to a combined churches performance of Messiah in the Methodist Church. When we all stood for the Hallelujah Chorus I was bursting inside. Hallelujah! King of kings and Lord of lords, and he shall reign forever and ever. Hallelujah.  It clobbered me!  I was reeling for days and singing my version of Hallelujah endlessly.

No wonder King George II of England stood to honour the King of kings and Lord of lords during the Hallelujah Chorus at the first London performance of Messiah, and everyone stood with him, and most still do.

I was enthralled. It was the first time I had heard an Oratorio live, and it was all Scripture!

It was December, a Christmas tradition globally is to sing Messiah at Christmas, even though it was originally an Easter performance.

It was Christmas holidays, school over, exams finished, and blissful freedom!  Back at home I grabbed my Cruden’s Concordance and tracked down the whole score of Messiah. The program of the performance in the church included the script of all the verses they sang, but without the Bible references. So I tracked down the references from my Concordance. Now you can get it immediately from Google! And I have links to it here: Messiah – with Bible verses and references.

That Christmas I bought my first vinyl record: Hallelujah Chorus topside and Worthy is the Lamb on the back. I wore out dozens of record player needles playing them over and over till they sounded a bit scratchy. Eventually I splurged to buy a long playing vinyl record of Messiah.

What an astounding story.  Thank you Charles Jennens for that masterful script.

“The lyrics for Messiah were drawn directly from scripture, in a collation by Charles Jennens, an aristocrat and musician/poet who had worked with Handel on a couple of earlier oratorios. Jennens compiled a libretto with profound thematic coherence and an enhanced sensitivity to dramatic and musical structure. He sent the libretto to Handel in July 1741, and Handel began setting it to music the following month. Handel started at the beginning of the texts and worked consecutively through them, tracing and accentuating through music the powerful dramatic arc that Jennens had created.”

Handel completed the whole Messiah in an astounding 24 days.

Roy Atwood describes why the king stood.

Why the King stood for the Hallelujah chorus

When the music for this biblical passage began, King George, I believe, made a statement about royal authority and honor:

The Christian King of England is not the Supreme Authority, but he is one under authority and must show honor and respect to his Supreme Lord, the King of Kings. Just as people rise to show honor and respect in the presence of their English Royals, King George could do no less, as one under Authority.

Portrait of King George II (1683–1760)
Portrait of King George II (1683–1760), by Charles Jervas in 1727.

Here’s my argument for why the King George stood that day and why we should still do so today.

King George II stood up at the performance of George Frederick Handel’s “Hallelujah chorus” on March 23, 1743. No one knows for sure why he stood. He never explained his actions.

The most popular and most repeated modern myth is that “he was so moved” or “overcome by emotion” by the music that he felt compelled to stand. A few simple observations undermine this thin explanation:

  1. Kings are hardly ones to emote in public spontaneously (a review of English kings and queens over the centuries will reveal precious few instances of spontaneity or public displays of exuberance);
  2. Standing in the middle of a performance of a major orchestral and choral work today or in yesteryear is never encouraged–in fact, it would be considered rude and not something a King would likely do without a very compelling reason (even jazz musicians today only receive polite applause at the end of a praiseworthy set–rarely do audiences jump out of their seats during a formal performance);
  3. Kings sit (enthroned), subjects stand. The King was not stretching his legs, getting ready to walk out, etc.

This modern myth endures, I believe, because in our secular and egalitarian age folks simply no longer have the cultural bearings or theological categories to understand what was happening at that moment or what would have motivated the English king to stand at that particular moment in that particular performance.

The answer as to why the King stood there and then is rooted, I believe, in the political implications of the very specific lyrics of the chorus, particularly the words from Revelation 19, highlighted in bold, and their immediate context (see the updated note below):

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

The kingdom of this world
Is become the kingdom of our Lord,
And of His Christ, and of His Christ;
And He shall reign for ever and ever,
For ever and ever, forever and ever,

King of kings, and Lord of lords,
King of kings, and Lord of lords,
And Lord of lords,
And He shall reign,
And He shall reign forever and ever,
King of kings, forever and ever,
And Lord of lords,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

And He shall reign forever and ever,
King of kings! and Lord of lords!
And He shall reign forever and ever,
King of kings! and Lord of lords!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

King George was a Christian king, head of the English Church, and would have been knowledgeable of the Scriptures. He knew, from the moment the choir began singing that passage, that it was referring to his Lord, to a King greater than himself. The King of kings is the King of England’s superior. The King of England is a subject of the Greater King, the Creator and Sovereign of Heaven and Earth. As a Christian King who believed in the Divine Right of Kings, he would have acknowledged even at his own coronation that he rules England only by the grace of the Great King and no other. If the Triune God were to walk into the same room, the King of England would be compelled to rise and bow in His honor.

So when Handel’s music for this passage began, I believe King George made a political statement about divine and royal authority and honor in the political economy of England itself: the Christian King (or Queen) of England is a ruler under authority and must pay honor and show respect to his (her)Supreme Lord, the King of Kings, just as the people must pay honor and show respect to their English Lord.

Larry Spalink, a friend from Westminster Seminary and pastor laboring in Japan commented to me once that the context immediately preceding the Hallelujah Chorus are the words of Psalm 2, which exhort us to give honor to God’s Messiah. Or not, at our peril. 1

The people also stood with King George at that moment. The question is whether they stood because England’s King rose, or because the presence of the King of kings was evident in the Scriptures being sung. I like to think they stood together in solidarity at that moment as fellow subjects of the Greater King. If there were an emotional response, it was King George’s realization that the living God is his King and all other leaders of men and nations serve behind His beneficent rule and at His good pleasure.

For that reason, we all should stand whenever the King of kings and Lord of lords, our God’s Messiah’s presence is announced.

All rise!

And He shall reign forever and ever,
King of kings, forever and ever,
And Lord of lords,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


I stood to honour my King, the King of kings.

Messiah – 2:17 hours (10 million views, Hallelujah at 1:36 & 2:13 hrs)

See also:

See also: Wonders of Worship
See also: Virtual Choirs & Orchestras
See also: How Great Thou Art – anthology
See also: Messiah & Hallelujah Chorus
See also: Hallelujah Chorus – International Choirs

See also: Easter Worship
See also: Christmas Worship












Honouring God at the Olympics

Honouring God at the Olympics

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Honouring God at the Olympics
Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:

Links to some people honouring God at the Olympics

Eric Liddell, Paris 1924, 400m Gold

The Paris summer 2024 marks the 100-year anniversary of the 1924 Paris Olympics, and Eric Liddell’s triumphant victory there in the 400 meters.
That story begins in his rivalry with fellow British sprinter Harold Abrahams, the two entering the Olympics as favorites in both the 100 meters and 200 meters. However, Liddell dropped out of a heat for the 100 meters because it was run on Sunday (a race Abrahams later won). Liddell’s decision to skip those races for his religious convictions was immortalized in the movie Chariots of Fire.
Liddell stood firmly on his faith and still emerged a champion. Liddell’s character famously says, “I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. When I run, I feel his pleasure.” Many a young Christian has been inspired by the fact that, for Liddell, even athletics was a place of worship.
Perhaps an even greater reason to remember Liddell is his decision to lay aside his athletic career for a higher calling. After returning from Olympic triumph in Paris to overwhelming popular adulation, he shocked everyone by announcing his intention to return to China as a missionary.
In an age when sports was becoming ever more popular in Britain, many argued he could reach more people at home than abroad. Indeed, the Sunday after he returned from Paris to preach in a Scottish church, the pews were filled with people. Liddell preached on Psalm 119:18: “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law” (KJV).
It was plausible that staying in Britain and continuing his athletic career might fit hand-in-glove with Liddell’s desire to preach the gospel. When asked why he’d give up such an opportunity, he’d simply reply, “Because I believe God made me for China.” The next summer, he traveled the Trans-Siberian railway overland from Europe through Russia and down to China. He would serve there for 20 years as a missionary.
Liddell was able to minister for many months until finally he was rounded up with more than 2,000 others during WWII and taken to an internment camp in Weixian (the modern city of Weifang). Even there, his ministry flourished. Despite appalling conditions and death all around him, he poured himself into ministry with the people of the camp — leading Bible studies, counseling others, doing physical labor to meet practical needs. Thus he continued until February 21, 1945, when he died.
(From ” : ’ ” by Mark Collins)

2024 PARIS

200,000 Olympic New Testaments

The French Bible Society, in partnership with the representatives of the sports chaplaincies of several Christian denominations, shared the ultimate message of hope through the distribution of a New Testament called ‘More Precious than Gold’ distributed among athletes during the Paris Games.
The title of this special edition, ‘More Precious than Gold’, is inspired by 1 Peter: “These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith — of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire — may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed.” – 1 Peter 1:7 (NIV)
This unique edition featured sixteen testimonies from Olympic and Paralympic athletes who draw inspiration from their Biblical faith. Among those contributing to this project includes Nicola Olyslagers, an Australian high jumper.
The goal was to distribute 200,000 copies (140,000 in French and 60,000 in English), spreading inspiration and unity. This New Testament is just one planned activity; others include The Holy Games and Protestant Chaplaincy. ✨
Please pray that those who receive these New Testaments will be Spiritually impacted.

Teams evangelizing at Olympics

Awakening Europe teams among many evangelizing in Paris.




Christians worshipping in Paris

Christians became vocal in Paris in 2024.





Novak  Djoković, Tennis, Serbia

Novak Djoković showed his Cross. Gold Medal, winner of the ‘Golden Slam’.

See article: Novak Djokovic, a Christian of deep faith



Rugby 7s footballers

Australian Rugby 7s won the quarter-finals for the first time. Player 11 honoured God.

Fiji Rugby 7s won Gold at the first two Olympics where it was included, Rio in 2016 and Tokyo 2020. They won Silver in Paris to France’s Gold in 2024.
The Fiji team always honours God in their games.

Fijian Olympians sang and worshipped God daily at the Olympic Village in Paris, drawing many out of their room to listen.




Elijah Winnington, Swimming, Australia

Silver in Paris 2024; Gold in World Aquatics Championships 2022.
Well done to Elijah Winnington! His family was on the TV saying that he honours God in all he does! He’s a graduate of King’s Christian College.

Gabriel Medina, Surfing, Brazil

Bronze medal in 2024 Olympics, 3x world-champion surfer @gabrielmedina appears to defy gravity, walking upon clouds, emerging from a barrel wave off the coast of Tahiti.
To caption this amazing, unedited shot on instagram for his 12m followers, the Brazilian Christian surfer chose a simple, single Bible verse:
“Tudo posso naquele que me fortalece” Filipenses 4:13
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
Leo Neugebauer, Athletics, Germany

Decathlon silver medalist in Paris 2024, Shot Put, Discus Throw, Javelin Throw, Heptathlon Short Track, High Jump, 60 Metres, Long Jump, 100 Metres.



Yemisi Ogunleye, Shot Put, Germany



Owens Delerme, Athletics, Peurto Rico

Decathlon, Pole Vault, Javelin Throw, Shot Put, 110 Metres Hurdles, Discus Throw, 400 Metres Hurdles, 200 Metres,



Micah Christenson, Volleyball, USA

Bronze medalist in Paris 2024.



Shelby McEwen, Athletics, USA

Equal first in High Jump, and silver medal from jump offs.



Nicola Olyslagers, Athletics, Australia

Australia’s reigning Olympic silver medallist Nicola Olyslagers qualified alongside teammate Eleanor Patterson for the women’s high jump final. 💚💛
Her inspiration? Watching the film Chariots of Fire about the 1924 Paris Olympics of course.
“People told me it is about the same city 100 years ago, so I had to watch it. That made me very focused for these Games, because I recognise that there is a legacy that’s being made, it’s a lot bigger than just the performance here,” Olyslagers said.

Arisa Trew, Skateboading, Australia

Riverside Christian College student wins skateboarding gold.

Ashleigh Bond, Israeli Christian



Rayssa Leal, Skateboarding, Brazil


Adam Peaty, Swimming, Great Britain

Christian Faith Fuels His Swimming Success
Beyond his athletic achievements, one of the things that sets Adam Peaty apart is his Christian faith. He has spoken openly about how his belief in God anchors him amidst the pressures of elite competition. In a recent interview, Adam said, ‘God and church help me find peace beyond the pool.’

Carlos Yulo, Gymnastics, Philippines

🇵🇭Carlos Yulo, gymnast, is the first Filipino to win two Olympic gold medals.

Aleah Finnegan, Gymnastics, Philippines


Joshua Cheptegei, Athletics, Uganda

Joshua Cheptegei is made Africa proud by winning the 10,000 metres race at Paris Olympics 2024. He is a Ugandan long-distance runner, the current world record holder for the 5000 metres and the 10,000 metres, and holds the world best time over the 15 kilometres distance.
He has now won more Olympic medals than any other Ugandan athlete in history 🇺🇬
🥇 5,000 metres, Tokyo 2020
🥈 10,000 metres, Tokyo 2020
🥇 10,000 metres, Paris 2024

Georgia-Leigh Vele, Swimming, PNG


Anthony Ginisuka, Badminton, Indonesia


Saidel Horta, Boxing, Cuba


Geronay Whitebooi, Judo, South Africa


Julien Alfred, Athletics, Saint Lucia


Allyson Felix, Athletics, USA

Allyson Felix knows the importance of using her platform to inspire others. She is one of the most successful track and field athletes ever, with 20 World Championship medals and 11 Olympic medals (including seven golds) over five Olympic Games.
But her story isn’t just about breaking records; it’s also about overcoming personal challenges and advocating for the rights of female athletes. Allyson openly credits her Christian faith with helping her through some incredibly tough times.
Allyson’s faith has always been a central part of her life. Growing up in a religious family, she learned to trust Jesus from a very young age. She credits this foundation for helping her stay grounded and focused throughout her career.
More on the Vision Christian Media app or at 🔗…/from-olympic-gold-to-advocacy…/

Daniel Roberts, Athletics, USA



Katie Ledecky, Swimming, USA

Katie Ledecky extended her record as the most-decorated U.S. female Olympian—and the second-most decorated U.S. Olympian of all time, behind Michael Phelps—after she won gold in the 800-meter freestyle final, marking her 14th Olympic medal.

Hunter Armstrong, Swimming, USA


Caleb Dressel, Swimming, USA


Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, Athletics, USA

Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone made history winning the gold again with a new record in the women’s 400 meter hurdles. The day after winning that gold in Tokyo she posted this moving testimony on Instagram:
“What an honor it is to be able to represent not only my country, but also the kingdom of God. What I have in Christ is far greater than what I have or don’t have in life. I pray my journey may be a clear depiction of . . . obedience to God . . . And He has prepared me for a moment such as this. That I may use the gifts He has given me to point all the attention back to Him.”



Allyson Felix, Athletics, USA

Allyson Felix knows the importance of using her platform to inspire others. She is one of the most successful track and field athletes ever, with 20 World Championship medals and 11 Olympic medals (including seven golds) over five Olympic Games.
But her story isn’t just about breaking records; it’s also about overcoming personal challenges and advocating for the rights of female athletes. Allyson openly credits her Christian faith with helping her through some incredibly tough times.
Allyson’s faith has always been a central part of her life. Growing up in a religious family, she learned to trust Jesus from a very young age. She credits this foundation for helping her stay grounded and focused throughout her career.
More on the Vision Christian Media app or at 🔗…/from-olympic-gold-to-advocacy…/

Kennedy Blades, Wrestling, USA




Simone Biles, Gymnast, USA

Simone Biles Christian faith and success have earned her the title of the greatest gymnast of all time. She is not only known for her incredible skills and achievements but also for her strong Christian faith. Simone’s gymnastics career and life are closely connected to her beliefs, which have greatly helped her succeed and stay strong.

She said, ‘I have a lot of faith in God. It really helps me through the tough times.’ Simone has shared her faith publicly, saying that her belief in God gives her the courage to face the pressures of being a top athlete. ‘I pray every night before I go to bed and I feel like God is with me when I compete.’


Coco Guaff, Tennis, USA


Scottie Scheffler, Golf, USA



USA Christian Olympians – in link

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Bicycle Evangelism in Kenya & Free Resources

Bicycle Evangelism in Kenya & Free Resources

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Bicycle Evangelism in Kenya & Free Resources
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Pastor Francis Okiwa reaches rural areas in Kenya with the Gospel and resources.

Here’s his story.


We were taught and trained that once you are born a Muslim, you are always a Muslim.  I used to follow my father to the mosque five times a day. I never seriously questioned the rituals of my family’s faith until a friend at school showed me a Bible.

I never wanted to read the Bible because if I’m caught, it will be another story. It’s the highest degree of crime to convert from Islam to Christianity. My friend told me that God is love. It’s not about what you do, but it’s about having faith in him through Jesus Christ.

That’s when my friend invited me to a Christian healing service.

I was very curious to go. Those who came with their crutches started abandoning their crutches, and they were screaming and shouting, “I am healed! I am healed!” That shook my idea about Jesus Christ—that he’s just one of the prophets. The healing power of Jesus Christ is real!  And that day I accepted him as my Lord and my personal Saviour.

From that day I stopped going to the mosque with my family and began sneaking off to church.  One day my father confronted me.

When I looked at his face, the rage, the anger, he was a monster saying, “Come here, boy. Tell me where are you going.”  I said, ‘church.’

“What? You’re going to church?” He pulled out a sword, and he ran after me. He started yelling, cursing me, “I deny you as a son, you are a traitor, you have denied our faith, and you are not my son anymore.”

I used to hide in my friend’s home.  After three weeks of hiding, I heard that my father had become paralysed and was dying of an illness that doctors couldn’t diagnose.

When I heard that, I told my friend, “Let’s go and pray for my father.”

My friend said, “No, you cannot do it. This is very dangerous. They are looking for you—they want to kill you!” He said, “You don’t understand.” I said, “You don’t understand! When Jesus heals my father, they will know that Jesus is real.”

I went to see my father.

He was looking at me, I remember. He couldn’t talk. He couldn’t do anything, but he could hear.  And I said, “Dad, I’m here to pray for you.”

I said, “Lord Jesus, I know you are a healer. Heal my father right now, so that the Muslims here and the whole world will know that you are a healer.”

Before my prayer ended, I saw my father moving his body.  He got up from his bed and he sat. He started talking, “Your Jesus prayer has healed me. Your Jesus is real. I can talk, I can move my body. All the pain is gone.”

He said, “Come back home, you are my son and there’s no more persecution,” in front of everybody.

Many family members saw what happened and also gave their lives to Christ.

That healing miracle led to the conversion of my mother from Islam to Christianity. My younger sister gave her life to Christ. My younger brother gave his life to Christ. Even my half-sisters and brothers who were very devout and they were all mad at me, insulting me, looking for me to kill me, they all gave their lives to Christ as a result and they started going to church with me.

I left my town of Kitale, Kenya, and came to settle In Eldoret to attend Bible Seminary. I now travel around Kenya speaking and praying for others.

Since I gave my life to Christ, my life has never been the same, I’ve been changed into a new person and his love has brought me joy, peace, and happiness. We don’t have to do anything to earn his love.  We just have to embrace him into our lives.

            by Pastor Francis Okida, New Vision Gospel Ministry

Francis with the books The Life of Jesus and Living in the Spirit

Here are more comments from Francis:

I’m a full-time pastor and a very serious soul-winner evangelist, mainly in far rural areas, and for many years I have been walking a long distance on foot, like 50 km, to go and preach the gospel in far rural areas to distribute gospel tracts, scripture booklets, and books. By the time I reach there, it’s too late in the evening, and I normally get tired on the way, so I cannot preach on that same day, so do it the next day.

With donations we helped him buy two bicycles for his work.

Pastor Francis & Co-pastor evangelize by bike.

He wrote:

We print and distribute your wonderful books locally by using what we call ‘Perfect Book Printing’ here In Eldoret Town, Kenya. By doing that we reach poor Pastors, Church Leaders, Evangelists and many other Preachers in far rural areas with no access to the Internet.

We have several printing machines here In Eldoret, Kenya, so we shall distribute to over 700 rural Pastors in Kenya. I will be distributing these books free of charge as the Lord provides.

If you would like to help Francis you can email me at

Renewal Journal Resources

All the Renewal Journal resources – – are freely available, and may be shared, reproduced and distributed freely. Some examples:


Francis saw them online and now prints some of those books and distributes them in Kenya, as with Flashpoints of Revival and God’s Surprises (both on the main page with links).

Pakistan & India 

Nabeel Sharoon saw The Life of Jesus online and translated it into Urdu and Hindi and other main languages of that sub-continent. They’re available free online and some mission groups print some of them. See his work on The Life of Jesus



Dr David Kim translated Flashpoints of Revival into Korean.




Paulinky Press published The Queen’ Faith in Czech.



Global Awakening

Dr Randy Clark heads Global Awakening from America, often leading teams to minister in many countries. He printed Revival Fires, an updated version of Flashpoints of Revival.




 Every day people explore Renewal Journal papers and books on Academia, and they are referenced in various academic papers and reports.

The Renewal Journal began as 20 printed journals mailed to subscribers. Many universities and Christian colleges subscribed for their libraries. Now those journals, books, and hundreds of blogs are available online. Around 400-500 view the blogs daily. You have permission to freely reproduce any of these resources and books. Some are available in Christian bookstores and on Amazon.

You are welcome to share or reproduce any Renewal Journal resource and book.

Now it is cheapest to print it yourself and distribute or sell it yourself.


Blogs Index 1: Revivals (briefer than Revivals Index)
Blogs Index 2: Mission (international stories)
Blogs Index 3: Miracles (supernatural events)

Blogs Index 4: Devotional (including Testimonies)
Blogs index 5: Church (Christianity in action)

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Bicycle Evangelism in Kenya & Free Resources
The Life of Jesus – in 6 languages
The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story

Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:

The Life of Jesus – in 6 languages

The Life of Jesus – in 6 languages

History’s Great Love Story

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The Life of Jesus – in 6 languages

The Life of Jesus – WestBow Press – PDF
WestBow Press version – The Life of Jesus
Amazon – paperback, hardcover, Kindle

The Amazing Life of Jesus
because it’s truth changes lives forever

Other Translations

The Life of Jesus in Hindi, Indian Punjabi, Urdu, Sindhi, & Pakistani Punjabi.

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Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:
Geoff Waugh – founding editor of the Renewal Journal

Also available as a Renewal Journal  –  free PDF ebook:

Renewal Journal version – The Life of Jesus
The Life of Jesus – Renewal Journal free PDF

Expanded version with extra Bible passages included:

The Story of Jesus – Blog
The Story of Jesus – PDF ebook
This PDF is an expanded version of The Life of Jesus with extra Bible passages included.
The same Contents and Chapters with more detail added.
Page 4 of the PDF lists the additional passages

An expanded version of The Life of Jesus
with extra biographical Bible passages added

The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – PDF

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The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story

Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:
Geoff Waugh founding editor of the Renewal Journal
Free PDF books on the Main Page
Permissions: You can reproduce any Renewal Journal resource freely, including in print.


Review Comments

* Our team recently came across your book entitled The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story, and we were captivated from start to finish. Your writing style is not only engaging but also remarkably insightful, and the story-line/topic you’ve crafted is nothing short of compelling. Its unique qualities and the emotions it evokes have the power to resonate with readers on a profound level. ~ James Mendez (Skylark)
* This is a very informative, amazing, and powerful book. Thanks to the author for investing hours of research, expressed with his masterful command of language. ~ Alex Johnson (5-stars)
Be enriched. A most helpful telling of the life of Jesus using the biblical text and adding some background and charts. Anyone using this book will be enriched.
~ Rev Dr John Olley (Amazon 5-stars)
* This is a wonderful book and can be read over and over. Thank you. ~ Kerry Rawson
* This is a great read. Simple and easy language that even my children can read as a guide, and have a better understanding of the Life Journey of Christ, as they read it in the Gospels. Thank You. ~ Florence
* Good clear language for a seeker to read and understand the life of Jesus. ~ Duncan Gibb
* Geoff Waugh has written a very helpful devotional book about the Saviour of the world who is also the loving presence in believers. Having known Geoff for over sixty years I can testify that every word written proceeds from his own heart of love for Jesus and for all God’s children. Geoff has avoided trying to manufacture some theory or new twist to make the book more colourful. He has used Scripture as his main source and has been faithful to both the divinity and humanity of Jesus as expressed in the Gospels. His use of chronology for headings and the many sub-headings makes the book simpler to absorb, even for an enquirer or new believer. It reminds me a little of Leon Morris’s beautiful book The Lord from Heaven. I warmly commend this book. ~ Rev Dr Tony Cupit, Former Director of the Baptist World Alliance.
* I keep this book with my Bible. It is especially helpful when reading through the Gospels. ~ Cathy Hartwig
* This book is for those who question Jesus’ reality as the Son of God, and for those who search for the details of His amazing life on this earth. ~ Judith Abrey
* The book is beautifully written and I have learned and understood a lot. I am recommending this book. ~ Kattie Mayson (Amazon 5-stars)

* I had the pleasure of reading your book last night. It is truly exceptional, providing fresh insights. The Life of Jesus effectively directs readers to the profound and uplifting news about who Jesus is and the significance of his actions. Thanks you so much for this blog site about Jesus Life. ~ Christiana Michael.
* I experience enrichment through this profound portrayal of Jesus’s life. A compelling read with straightforward and accessible language. This remarkable book is a true gem, deserving to be revisited time and again. ~ Henry
* I read your book last night. This is a great book. Thanks for writing this for all of us. ~ Nabeel Sharoon from Pakistan.


Translator: Nabeel Sharoon
Nabeel Sharoon in Pakistan has translated my book The Life of Jesus into 5 languages: Hindi, Indian Punjabi, Urdu, Sindhi, & Pakistani Punjabi.
Contact him if you’d like Nabeel to translate your work.
Free PDF translations are on this page, including links to the English versions and PDFs.

Information about translator Nabeel Sharoon – you can pass on to others.

Multilingual Translator Nabeel Sharoon
36 – S – 579 Saint Peter’s Street Bait-ul-hum Road
Bahar Colony (1), Kot Lakhpat, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan 54000

Skills – Highly skilled multilingual Manual Translator: with expertise in various languages including English, Urdu, Hindi, Sindhi, Shahmukhi Punjabi, and Gurmukhi Punjabi.
Strong Communication Skills: Excellent oral and written communication abilities in English and various regional languages.
Attention to Detail: Keen eye for detail to ensure accurate translations and maintain the integrity of the original content.
Cultural Sensitivity: Deep understanding of diverse cultures and their impact on language nuances.
Time Management: Efficiently manage time to meet tight deadlines and handle multiple translation projects simultaneously.
Adaptability: Quick learner who can adapt to different subject matters and styles of writing.

Experience: Books, Renewal Journal
The Life of Jesus by Geoff Waugh / Multilingual Translator
Author’s Email:

To Forgive is Divine – A Novel.
The Story Of The Bible by Melissa Leedom
Author’s Email:

Susan Davis:
Marriage Supper Of The Lamb / Multilingual Translator
Bride Of Christ / Multilingual Translator
Rapture Or Tribulations / Multilingual Translator
Left Behind After The Rapture / Multilingual Translator
In Love With The Whirlwind / Multilingual Translator
Prepare The Way /Multilingual Translator
Author’s Email:

Education Virtual University of Pakistan / BS (Mass Communication)
Aug 2012 – July 2016, Lahore
Forman Christian College / Intermediate in Commerce
April 2010 – April 2012, Lahore
Franciscan Boys High School/ Matriculation in Science
March 2008 – March 2010, Lahore

Language Proficiency – English: Bilingual proficiency
– Urdu: Native or bilingual proficiency
– Hindi: Native or bilingual proficiency
– Sindhi: Native or bilingual proficiency
– Shahmukhi Punjabi: Native or bilingual proficiency
– Gurmukhi Punjabi: Native or bilingual proficiency

The Life of Jesus provides a brief overview of history’s great love story. It gives a summary of the birth and boyhood of Jesus and describes his ministry through three Passover Festivals.
The book includes a detailed chart of a chronology of Jesus’ life and ministry and examines why such a popular, loving, and compassionate young leader would encounter intense hostility and opposition causing his crucifixion.
The mystery and wonder deepen because his resurrection transformed his followers and millions of lives. We date our diaries and calendars from the time of his birth.

Popular Books – by Geoff Waugh

Revival Books – gift ideas

Renewal Books – gift ideas

General Books – gift ideas

Devotional Books – gift ideas


Blogs Index 1: Revivals (briefer than Revivals Index)
Blogs Index 2: Mission (international stories)
Blogs Index 3: Miracles (supernatural events)

Blogs Index 4: Devotional (including Testimonies)
Blogs index 5: Church (Christianity in action)

Blogs Index 6: Chapters (Blogs from Books)
Blogs Index 7: Images (Photos & Videos)

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The Life of Jesus – in 6 languages
The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story
The Life of Jesus – in English and Urdu

Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:

Australia Day – the Good News amid bad news

Australia Day – the Good News amid bad news

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Australia Day – the Good News amid bad news

Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival:


They sailed into Sydney Cove on 26 January, 1788, bringing the Good News about Jesus Christ to Australia.

Amid the bad news of broken agreements and local wars, the Gospel of God’s everlasting Kingdom for all people took root in Australia. One of it’s strongest revivals occured among Aboriginal people.
See Australian Aboriginal Revival

Australia Day and Psalm 116:12-13

Article by Rev John Wyndham

At 11.00am Sunday 3 February, 1788, a young Church of England clergyman stood under “a great tree” beside Sydney Cove [probably near what is now the junction of Bridge & Pitt Streets]. His name was Richard Johnson.

He was sponsored by the Eclectic Society led by John Newton and John Venn (eventual founder of the Church Missionay Society) amongst others.  In 1786, Richard Johnson was appointed chaplain by Royal Charter of what was to become the settlement of New South Wales a year before the First
Fleet sailed for Botany Bay.

Seated before Richard Johnson as he led the service of Morning Prayer on that Sunday were
Governor Arthur Phillip and other leaders of the new settlement. Standing behind in ranks were the
convicts, the soldiers of the NSW Marine Corps, and the sailors, all spruced up, according to the
records. So began the first Christian service on Australian soil.

Richard Johnson took as his text, Psalm 116:12-13
What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me?
I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord.  [KJV]

It was particularly appropriate for the occasion as the verse reflects the experience of someone who has undergone severe and repeated sufferings but has survived to give thanks to God for his safe deliverance. From verses 1-9, it is obvious David had been through a time of great stress and danger that drove him to despair. But, as he cried out to the Lord, God delivered him.

1 I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications.
2 Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.
3 The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow.
4 Then called I upon the name of the LORD; O LORD, I beseech thee, deliver my soul.
5 Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful.
6 The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me.
7 Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.
8 For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.
9 I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.

So, eight days after the eleven ships of what we now call the First Fleet anchored in Sydney Cove
with everyone full of questions about the future, without a church or a pulpit, Richard Johnson
offered thanksgiving to God for their safe delivery from the tempestuous seas.

The largest ship, HMS Sirius, at 464 tonnes was less than half the size of the old Manly ferry South Steyne.  The eight-and-a-half-month voyage had been a tough one with wild seas and strong winds. The ships had sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to Rio de Janeiro, then south east across the same ocean to Cape Town. From Cape Town the route had been across the southern Indian Ocean with the wild Roaring Forties to south of Van Dieman’s Land [modern Tasmania], up the east coast of the mainland to Botany Bay and then on to Port Jackson. Richard Johnson’s wife Mary became so sick it was feared she would die. Her unborn child did. Yet, 96% of the nearly 1500 passengers and crews survived.

Johnson would very likely have drawn his congregation’s attention to the way in which the
experience of those who had arrived in the First Fleet was parallel to the experience of the psalmist. His passion for souls would have urged them to respond to God’s benefits in the way David did as he answered the question of verse 12 with verse 13 –
I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord.

Marine officer and future author Watkin Tench wrote that the behaviour of both the troops and
convicts was “equally regular and attentive”. He further wrote that “at the conclusion of the service,
the entire congregation knelt and dedicated the new colony to God in prayer.”
So, what does this all mean for us?  Despite the distress many are feeling, despite the mess that the world is in and the instability around us, despite the fact that some of us are struggling with health and family issues, we are so blessed by the Lord. Surely, our response should be that of the Psalmist – “I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord.“

To take the cup of salvation is an act of worship and so in further worship, like David, we are to call
upon the name of the LORD. We should utter praise, thanksgivings and prayers, and drink of the
cup which the Lord has filled with his saving grace. On His table of infinite love stands a cup full of blessing. It is ours to take in our hand by faith, to make it our own, to partake of it, and then with joyful hearts to praise and magnify the gracious One who has filled it for our sakes that we may drink and be refreshed.

We can do this figuratively at the Lord’s Table as we partake of Holy Communion. We can do it
spiritually every time we grasp the golden chalice of the covenant, realising the fulness of blessing
which it contains, and by faith receiving its divine contents into our inmost soul.

As verses 16-19 of the Psalm say,
O LORD, truly I am your servant; I am your servant, the son of your maidservant; you have freed me from my chains. I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the LORD. I will fulfill my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people, in the courts of the house of the LORD – in your midst, O Jerusalem. Praise the LORD.

Beloved, let us take a long and deep draught from the cup which Jesus filled, and then with devout
hearts let us worship God afresh.
Let us call upon the name of the Lord
And, let us rededicate our nation in prayer.



The Australian flag from Federation in 1901 includes four crosses: three in the Union Jack plus stars of the Southern Cross. The Union Jack has:
The red St George’s Cross of England
The white diagonal St Andrew’s Cross of Scotland
The red diagonal St Patrick’s Cross of Ireland

See also

Australian Aboriginal Revival


Eternity – Arthur Stace


From Hatred to Love: 10 guns to kill Billy Graham in Melbourne
How God transformed a brutal Australian gang leader


The Life of Jesus – Blog
The Life of Jesus – free PDF eBook













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