Early Nineteenth Century Revivals 1800s: Frontier and Missionary Revivals

A Flashpoints 1

Revival Fires
Second Great Awakening

Early Nineteenth-Century Revivals:
Frontier and Missionary Revivals


See also Revivals Index – https://renewaljournal.com/revivals-index/

1. Eighteenth-Century Revivals: Great Awakening & Evangelical Revivals
2. Early Nineteenth-Century Revivals: Frontier and Missionary Revivals
3. Mid-Nineteenth Century Revivals: Prayer Revivals
4. Early Twentieth Century Revivals: Worldwide Revivals
5. Mid-twentieth Century Revivals: Healing Evangelism Revivals
6. Late Twentieth Century Revivals: Renewal and Revival
7. Final Decade, Twentieth Century Revivals: Blessing Revivals
8. Twenty-First Century Revivals: Transforming Revivals

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Edwin Orr’s research identified two major awakenings in Europe and North America in the nineteenth century following the first Great Awakening of the eighteenth century. His earlier writings identified a second general awakening in 1798-1812 and a third general awakening in the 1830s, with another strong resurgence of revival in 1858-1860. However, his later writings identified the second general awakening as covering 1798 to the 1830s, interrupted by the British-American War of 1812-15, and producing a wave of missionary societies early in the nineteenth century. Orr then identified the third general awakening as 1858-1860, preceding the American Civil War (1861-1865).

1800 – June-July: Red and Gasper Rivers, North America (James McGready)
1801 – August: Cane Ridge, North America (Barton Stone)
1821 – October: Adams, America (Charles Finney)

John Erskine’s eighteenth century voluminous correspondence from Edinburgh urging prayer for revival struck a chord in New England. In 1794 a score of New England ministers, led by Baptists Isaac Backus and Stephen Gano, issued a circular letter inviting ministers and churches of all denominations to engage in and promote a Concert of Prayer for spiritual awakening commencing on the first Tuesday in January, Epiphany, 6 January 1795. The response was immediate, cordial and earnest. Presbyterian Synods in New York and New Jersey recommended the call to all their churches, as did the Methodist Episcopal Church. Congregational and Baptist associations joined in, and the Moravian and Reformed communities co-operated. Some met quarterly; most met monthly.

Stirrings of revival affected Connecticut from October 1798 in West Simsbury with Jeremiah Hallock where the congregation experienced deep conviction of sin and many leading infidels became strong converts. Late in October similar movements of repentance spread in the state including in New Hartford. “On a Sunday in November, the Spirit of God manifested Himself in the public service, and a general work of revival began in earnest. Meetings were commenced in various parts of the town, attended by deeply affected crowds, though without convulsions or outcries.” Soon over 50 families became involved. In Plymouth, in February 1799 “‘like a mighty wind’ the Spirit came upon the people.” Revival spread through he United States at the turn of the century as it was affecting churches in Britain. Orr argues that prayer for revival was being answered in the face of growing ‘revolution and infidelity’ in the wake of the French Revolution.

1800 – June: Red and Gasper Rivers, America (James McGready)

Camp Meeting Revival
Camp Meeting Revival

James McGready (1763-1817), a Presbyterian minister in Kentucky, promoted the Concert of Prayer every first Monday of the month, and urged his people to pray for him at sunset on Saturday evening and sunrise Sunday morning. Revival swept Kentucky in the summer of 1800.

McGready had three small congregations in Muddy River, Red River and Gasper River in Logan County in the southwest of the state. Most of the people were refugees from all states in the Union who fled from justice or punishment. They included murderers, horse thieves, highway robbers, and counterfeiters. The area was nicknamed Rogues Harbour.

The first real manifestations of God’s power came, however, in June 1800. Four to five hundred members of McGready’s three congregations, plus five ministers, had gathered at Red River for a “camp meeting” lasting several days. On the final day, “a mighty effusion of [God’s] Spirit” came upon the people, “and the floor was soon covered with the slain; their screams for mercy pierced the heavens.”

Convinced that God was moving, McGready and his colleagues planned another camp meeting to be held in late July 1800 at Gasper River. They had not anticipated what occurred. An enormous crowd as many as 8,000 began arriving at the appointed date, many from distances as great as 100 miles. … Although the term camp meeting was not used till 1802, this was the first true camp meeting where a continuous outdoor service was combined with camping out. …

At a huge evening meeting lighted by flaming torches … a Presbyterian pastor gave a throbbing message … McGready recalled: “The power of God seemed to shake the whole assembly. Toward the close of the sermon, the cries of the distressed arose almost as loud as his voice. After the congregation was dismissed the solemnity increased, till the greater part of the multitude seemed engaged in the most solemn manner. No person seemed to wish to go home hunger and sleep seemed to affect nobody eternal things were the vast concern. Here awakening and converting work was to be found in every part of the multitude; and even some things strangely and wonderfully new to me.”

These frontier revivals became an increasing emphasis in American revivalism. One unfortunate result was the identification of revival in America with ‘revivalism’ identified as crusades or campaigns called revivals and tending to emphasize emotionalism, hell-fire preaching, and the sawdust trail – used in nineteenth-century revivals to lay the dust or soak up the moisture on the ground of the revival meetings.
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1801 – August: Cane Ridge, North America (Barton Stone)

Kentucky Revival
Kentucky Revival

Impressed by the revivals in 1800, Barton Stone (1772-1844), a Presbyterian minister, organized similar meetings in 1801 in his area at Cane Ridge, north east of Lexington, Kentucky. A huge crowd of around 12,500 attended in over 125 wagons including people from Ohio and Tennessee. At that time Lexington, the largest town in Kentucky, had less than 1,800 citizens. Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist preachers and circuit riders formed preaching teams, speaking simultaneously in different parts of the camp grounds, all aiming for conversions.

James Finley, later a Methodist circuit rider, described it:

“The noise was like the roar of Niagara. The vast sea of human being seemed to be agitated as if by a storm. I counted seven ministers, all preaching at one time, some on stumps, others in wagons and one standing on a tree which had, in falling, lodged against another. … I stepped up on a log where I could have a better view of the surging sea of humanity. The scene that then presented itself to my mind was indescribable. At one time I saw at least five hundred swept down in a moment as if a battery of a thousand guns had been opened upon them, and then immediately followed shrieks and shouts that rent the very heavens.”

A Presbyterian minister, the Rev. Moses Hoge, wrote,

“The careless fall down, cry out, tremble, and not infrequently are affected with convulsive twitchings … Nothing that imagination can paint, can make a stronger impression upon the mind, than one of those scenes. Sinners dropping down on every hand, shrieking, groaning, crying for mercy, convulsed; professors praying, agonizing, fainting, falling down in distress for sinners or in raptures of joy! … As to the work in general there can be no question but it is of God. The subject of it, for the most part, are deeply wounded for their sins, and can give a clear and rational account of their conversion.”

Revival early in the nineteenth century not only impacted the American frontier, but also towns and especially colleges. One widespread result in America, as in England, was the formation of missionary societies to train and direct the large numbers of converts filled with missionary zeal.

That Second Great Awakening produced the modern missionary movement and it’s societies, Bible societies, saw the abolition of slavery, and many other social reforms. The Napoleonic Wars in Europe (1803 15) and the American War of 1812 (1812 15) dampened revival zeal, but caused many to cry out to God for help, and fresh stirrings of revival continued after that, especially with Charles G. Finney.
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1821 – October: Adams, North America (Charles Finney)

Charles Finney
Charles Finney

Charles Finney (1792-1875) became well known in revivals in the nineteenth century. A keen sportsman and young lawyer, he had a mighty empowering by God’s Spirit on the night of his conversion on Wednesday 10 October 1821. That morning the Holy Spirit convicted him on his way to work. So he spent the morning in the woods near his small town of Adams in New York State, praying. There he surrendered fully to God. He walked to his law office that afternoon profoundly changed and in the afternoon assisted his employer Squire Wright to set up a new office. That night he was filled with the Spirit. He describes that momentous night in his autobiography:

“By evening we had the books and furniture adjusted, and I made a good fire in an open fireplace, hoping to spend the evening alone. Just at dark Squire W , seeing that everything was adjusted, told me good night and went to his home. I had accompanied him to the door, and as I closed the door and turned around my heart seemed to be liquid within me. All my feelings seemed to rise and flow out and the thought of my heart was, “I want to pour my whole soul out to God.” The rising of my soul was so great that I rushed into the room back of the front office to pray.

“There was no fire and no light in this back room; nevertheless it appeared to me as if it were perfectly light. As I went in and shut the door after me, it seemed to me as if I met the Lord Jesus Christ face to face. It seemed to me that I saw him as I would see any other man. He said nothing, but looked at me in such a manner as to break me right down at his feet. It seemed to me a reality that he stood before me, and I fell down at his feet and poured out my soul to him. I wept aloud like a child and made such confession as I could with my choked words. It seemed to me that I bathed his feet with my tears, and yet I had no distinct impression that I touched him.

“I must have continued in this state for a good while, but my mind was too much absorbed with the interview to remember anything that I said. As soon as my mind became calm enough I returned to the front office and found that the fire I had made of large wood was nearly burned out. But as I turned and was about to take a seat by the fire, I received a mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit. Without any expectation of it, without ever having the thought in my mind that there was any such thing for me, without any memory of ever hearing the thing mentioned by any person in the world, the Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemed to go through me, body and soul. I could feel the impression, like a wave of electricity, going through and through me. Indeed it seemed to come in waves of liquid love, for I could not express it in any other way. It seemed like the very breath of God. I can remember distinctly that it seemed to fan me, like immense wings.

“No words can express the wonderful love that was spread abroad in my heart. I wept aloud with joy and love. I literally bellowed out the unspeakable overflow of my heart. These waves came over me, and over me, and over me, one after another, until I remember crying out, ‘I shall die if these waves continue to pass over me.’ I said, ‘Lord, I cannot bear any more,’ yet I had no fear of death.”

That night a member of the church choir which Finney led called in at his office, amazed to find the former sceptic in a “state of loud weeping” and unable to talk to him for some time. That young friend left and soon returned with an elder from the church who was usually serious and rarely laughed. “When he came in,” Finney observed, “I was very much in the state in which I was when the young man went out to call him. He asked me how I felt and I began to tell him. Instead of saying anything he fell into a most spasmodic laughter. It seemed as if it was impossible for him to keep from laughing from the very bottom of his heart.”

Next morning, with “the renewal of these mighty waves of love and salvation” flowing through him, Finney witnessed to his employer who was strongly convicted and later made his peace with God.

That morning a deacon from the church came to see Finney about a court case due to be tried at ten o’clock. Finney told him he would have to find another lawyer, saying, “I have a retainer from the Lord Jesus Christ to plead his cause and I cannot plead yours.” The astonished deacon later became more serious about God and settled his case privately.

Finney described the immediate change in his own life and work:

“I soon sallied forth from the office to converse with those whom I might meet about their souls. I had the impression, which has never left my mind, that God wanted me to preach the Gospel, and that I must begin immediately. …

“I spoke with many persons that day, and I believe the Spirit of God made lasting impressions upon every one of them. I cannot remember one whom I spoke with, who was not soon after converted. …

“In the course of the day a good deal of excitement was created in the village because of what the Lord had done for my soul. Some thought one thing and some another. At evening, without any appointment having been made, I observed that the people were going to the place where they usually held their conference and prayer meetings. …

“I went there myself. The minister was there, and nearly all the principal people in the village. No one seemed ready to open the meeting, but the house was packed to its utmost capacity. I did not wait for anybody, but rose and began by saying that I then knew that religion was from God. I went on and told such parts of my experience as it seemed important for me to tell. …

“We had a wonderful meeting that evening, and from that day we had a meeting every evening for a long time. The work spread on every side.

“As I had been a leader among the young people I immediately appointed a meeting for them, which they all attended. … They were converted one after another with great rapidity, and the work continued among them until only one of their number was left unconverted.

“The work spread among all classes, and extended itself not only through the village but also out of the village in every direction.”

Finney continued for the rest of his life in evangelism and revival. During the height of the revivals he often saw the awesome holiness of God come upon people, not only in meetings but also in the community, bringing multitudes to repentance and conversion. Wherever he travelled, instead of bringing a song leader he brought someone to pray. Often Father Nash, his companion, was not even in the meetings but in the woods praying. Finney founded and taught theology at Oberlin College which pioneered co education and enrolled both blacks and whites. His Lectures on Revival were widely read and helped to fan revival fire in America and England.

Finney emphasized Hosea 10:12, “Break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord till He comes and rains righteousness on you.” He believed that if we do our part in repentance and prayer, God would do his in sending revival.

He preached in Boston for over a year during the revival in 1858-1859. Many reports tell of the power of God producing conviction in people not even in the meetings. At times people would repent as they sailed into Boston harbour, convicted by the Holy Spirit.

Various revival movements influenced society in the nineteenth century but 1858 in America and 1859 in Britain were outstanding. Typically, it followed a low ebb of spiritual life. Concerned Christians began praying earnestly and anticipating a new move of God’s Spirit.
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Travelling with Geoff, by Don Hill

A Travelling with Geoff

Travelling with Geoff, by Don Hill

with colour photos

Travelling with Geoff – PDF

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From the Preface:

Don and Helen Hill consider themselves just an ordinary couple who have been blessed throughout their life and had many opportunities to do extraordinary things. Perhaps that is oversimplifying their lifetime experiences, when in reality they have recognized opportunities, prayed for guidance and discernment, and then acted. This has lead to extensive travel to foreign lands on evangelical and teaching missions with the Rev. Dr. Geoff Waugh, to whom the title of this book refers.

Don and Helen have retired and Don has just completed writing up an extensive memoir of their lifetime experiences, mainly a private family diatribe for their children. Re-reading these memoirs showed there were a lot of extraordinary things that should be shared around. They have recently coined the phrase “….and it just so happened…”. But did it? They think not and there is evidence of the hand of God and His leading.

Don was an electrical engineer and Helen a primary school teacher. In 1987 Don, with his then boss took voluntary redundancy and set up their own engineering consultancy. Don leaving the power industry was akin to jumping out of a boat after thirty-five years of job security. It was not done without a lot of very careful and prayerful consideration, but it was still a step into the unknown trusting completely in God.

This was a major change in Don and Helen’s lives and opened many unknown doors and opportunities, especially the opportunity for quality overseas engineering assignments and associated opportunities in places like Malaysia, Burma, Brunei, and the Pacific Islands to name a few.

But more importantly, Don and Helen became aware of, as well as part of, the Brisbane Renewal Fellowship led by Geoff Waugh at about the same time. Both their secular and spiritual lives received a boost. They were “travelling” with Geoff both spiritually and physically.

Geoff had a quiet but powerful ministry and mainly through his work as editor of the “Renewal Journal” became widely known. Invitations were received to come and preach in places like Ghana, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Pacific Islands to again name just a few. When the letter reads “Come over to Macedonia ……you do not know how poor we are…” it is hard to refuse.

Geoff accepted these invitations, but rarely asked others to accompany him. He asked them to pray about it and if they felt called they were quite welcome to come along. People from the Renewal Fellowship often did accompany him. All had the love of the Lord and if nothing else were travelling companions in foreign lands and “backroom” helpers.

Helen developed a video ministry recording Geoff’s teaching, and left videos and later DVDs to multiply the word. This was particularly important where it was difficult to post Christian literature back into the country without it being intercepted and “lost”.

Don was just “there” most of the time, but with the publication of the material in this book, perhaps his time has come and the stories recorded will have an impact.

Thus as you read you will find in chronological order (necessary as we grow through each new experience) accounts of “God moment” events both from their personal experiences and as a consequence of their Travelling with Geoff

Table of Contents

Condensed versions of the chapters in bold type are included in these books:
Journey into Mission
Journey into Ministry and Mission
Pentecost on Pentecost and in the South Pacific
God’s Surprises

1. Chapter 1- The Seven Cities of Revelations (1987)

2. Chapter 2 – Mauritius and VW Kombi Vans (1989)

3. Chapter 3 – HCJB Heralding Christ Jesus Blessings (1991)

4. Chapter 4 – Burma Third Visit (1992)

5. Chapter 5 – Burma Fourth Visit (1992)

6. Chapter 6 – Burma Fifth Visit (1992)

7. Chapter 7 – China (1992)

8. Chapter 8 – Elcho Island (1994)

9. Chapter 9 – Rwanda (1994)

10. Chapter 10 – Solomon Islands First Visit (1994)

11. Chapter 11 – South Africa, Ghana, UK, Canada (1995)

12. Chapter 12 – Solomon Island Second Visit (1996)

13. Chapter 13 – South Africa (1996)

14. Chapter 14 – Brunei (1996)

15. Chapter 15 – Indonesia (1998)

16. Chapter 16 – Nepal, India, and Sri Lanka (1998)

17. Chapter 17 – Solomon Islands Third Visit (2003)

18. Chapter 18 – Brunei and Sarawak ( 2004)

19. Chapter 19 – Vanuatu First Visit (2004)

20. Chapter 20 – Vanuatu Second Visit (2005)

21. Chapter 21 – Vanuatu Third Visit (2005)

22. Chapter 22 – Solomon Islands Fourth Visit (2007)

23. Appendix 1 – Elcho Island

24. Appendix 2 – Nepal – Overseas Aid

25. Appendix 3 – Bhutan Refugees

Related Books

Some of Don’s chapters are condensed in these books by Geoff Waugh

0 0 Jurney M2

Journey into Mission – Blog
Journey into Mission – PDF

0 0 A Journey Mission

Journey into Ministry and Mission – Blog
Journey into Ministry and Mission – PDF


0 A Pentecost on Pentecost Gift

Pentecost on Pentecost and in the South Pacific – Blog
Pentecost on Pentecost & in the South Pacific – PDF

Blogs about recent revival movements:

God’s Surprises – Blog
God’s Surprises – PDF
Biographical stories of current revivals in over 20 countries 

Jesus’ Last Promise – Blog and Video – Pentecost
You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you

God’s Promise – Blog and Video – I will pour out my Spirit
Seeing God’s Spirit poured out in over 20 countries

Some photos from the book


Solomon Islands

Pentecost Island, Vanuatu

Vanuatu, Chief Willie & Geoff

Vanuatu, Don & Helen



Revival Blogs Links:

See also Revivals Index

See also Revival Blogs

See also Blogs Index 1: Revivals










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Revival Meetings in Nepal

Nepal revival reports with Pastor Raju Sundas

Raju (right) with their worship leader and some of the team meeting at roadworks on the trip to West Nepal
Raju (right) with their worship leader and some of the team meeting at roadworks on the trip to West Nepal

Our friends Bob and Jill Densley from the Renewal Fellowship worked with the United Nations in Nepal for a few years.  They encouraged many pastors there, most with small house churches, facing hostile opposition.  Holding church meetings in Nepal was illegal until the 1990’s.  Most pastors have been imprisoned, many of them severely beaten.

During several visits to Nepal from 1996, usually with a team from the Brisbane Renewal Fellowship visiting and working with Bob and Jill, we had meetings in Kathmandu the capital, in East Nepal with Bhutan refugees and churches, and in Maoist dominated West Nepal.

During some meetings in West Nepal, we walked the 20 minutes from our accommodation cabins to the church, past unfriendly or suspicious villagers.  The two pastors sent to collect us in a jeep took another route and missed us.  They panicked, thinking we had been abducted.  After that they insisted that we wait to be collected each time!

In Kathmandu, on that same visit, we stayed in a Buddhist retreat house, because that was a safer location than hotels we had used previously.  Some hotels had been bombed.  Even there, in that Buddhist ‘safe house’ we had a night watchman on duty all night.  He walked around tapping his stick loudly so that nearby soldiers would not mistake him for a terrorist!

Pastor Raju Sundras organized most of our visits.  We first met him as a young evangelist who had already been imprisoned and beaten severely many times.  Raju, with his wife Samita, began Hosanna Church in Kathmandu which grew to over 800 by 2009, one of the large churches in the nation.  Each time we visited them we found they had expanded their premises.  They planted other churches in Nepal, Tibet, India, and refugee communities from Bhutan and networked with 240 churches by 2009.  Ten years ago it took a decade to add 100 people to a church.  That now happens in six months or less.

Their church prays.  A lot.  They have a 24 hour prayer room where many of their people go to fast and pray.  They believe in miracles, and see many.  Their outreaches include feeding hundreds of street children in their ‘Jesus Kitchen’.

We saw many leaders filled with the Spirit, many people healed, and many gifts of the Spirit poured out, including revelations and visions.  I heard a young man in East Nepal, and an older man in Kathmandu, both pray eloquently in English, although neither of them spoke English.  That was a beautiful gift of tongues, which blessed me profoundly.

Here is Raju’s report of our team visit at Easter 2000:

Revival among leaders

Raju & Samita Sundas
Raju & Samita Sundas

Greetings in the name of our Almighty God Jesus Christ from the land of Himalayas!  The Lord continues to do great things in this land, we have not much to do but to praise Him and thank Him for every good gift raining on us from Him and only Him.

It was a great blessing from the Lord to send us a team from Australia mid April. The fellowship, the Word from God, the mighty touch of the Holy Spirit, the love of Christ flourishing from our Australian brothers and sisters, the awesome presence of the Lord throughout the rushing schedule of conferences, trips, and visits, overwhelmingly expressed the great love of our Lord Jesus Christ towards this nation.  During the short stay of about two weeks with the team of eight people we had the privilege to see the ministry of the Holy Spirit through them in several occasions.

Some of the group along with me had a short trip to the Tibetan border.  We started early morning and arrived there about noon time.  The towns of Liping on the Nepali side and Khawsa on the Tibetan side are connected through a bridge on Bhotekoshi river and right in the midst of the bridge is the border white line showing the boundary of each country.  At the end of the bridge on the Tibetan side is the entry gate which is controlled by Chinese guards and immigration officials.

After praying on the bridge we approached the Chinese officials to get a permission to enter Tibet.  The first official refused but the second one nodded approvingly, taking the four Australian passports from my hand as security, and let us go free of charge!  This could happen only by the supernatural intervention of our Almighty God, Hallelujah!  We had good prayer inside Tibet especially on those individual shopkeepers whom I would grab and pray on without any resistance from them!

On 21 April all the eight of Australians and I had a trip to Gochadda in west Nepal and held a three days conference over there at Easter.  While driving toward the destination I shared the Word with the driver of the private bus and during the inauguration of the conference he approached the altar and accepted Christ as his personal Saviour.  On the same day a Christian brother whose hand was partially crippled for six years was touched by the Holy Spirit and healed absolutely.  He was shaking in his whole body and raising his hands, even the crippled one already healed, praising the Lord with all his strength, he glorified the Lord for his greatness, Hallelujah!

Prayer with pastors and leaders in West Nepal
Prayer with pastors and leaders in West Nepal

Out of about 200 participants in the conference by the grace of God 100 of them were baptized in the Holy Spirit praising the Lord, singing, falling, crying, and many other actions as the Holy Spirit would prompt them to act.  About ten of them testified that they had never experienced such a presence of the power and love of God.  Some others testified being lifted to heavenly realms by the power of the Holy Spirit, being surrounded by the angels of the Lord in a great peace, joy, and love toward each other and being melted in the power of his presence.  Many re-committed their lives to the Lord for ministry by any means through his revelation.

On the second day of the conference the trend continued as the people seemingly would fall down, repent, minister to each other in the love of Christ, enjoy the mighty touch of the Holy Spirit, singing, prophesying, weeping, laughing, hugging, and all the beauty of the Holy Spirit was manifested throughout the congregation by his grace and love.  One woman of age 65 testified that she never had danced in her life in any occasion even in secret, but the Lord had told her that she should now dance to him and she was dancing praising him with all her strength.  For hours this outpouring continued and the pastors of the churches were one by one testifying that they had never experienced such a presence and power of God in their whole Christian life and ministry.

Some 60 evangelists from Gorkha, Dhanding, Chitwan, Butwal declared that they were renewed in their spirits by the refreshing of the Holy Spirit and they are now going to serve the Lord in the field wherever the Holy Spirit will lead them to be full fledged in His service.  In the last day of the conference while praying together with the congregation and committing them in his hands, many prophesied that the Lord was assuring them of great changes in their ministry, life and the area.  While the power of God was at work in our midst three children of 6-7 years old fell down weeping, screaming and testifying about a huge hand coming on them and touching their stomachs and healing them instantly.  After the prayer all the participants got into the joy of the Holy Spirit and started dancing to the Lord, singing and praising Him for His goodness.

Before leaving Gochadda while we were having snacks in the pastor’s house a woman of high Brahmin caste came by the direction of the Lord to the place, claiming that she was prompted by a voice in her ear to go to the Christians and ask for prayer for healing of her chronic stomach pain and problems, and that is why she was there.  We prayed for her and she was instantly healed and we shared the Gospel, but she stopped us saying, “I need to accept Christ as my Saviour so don’t waste time!”

She accepted Jesus as her personal Saviour being lifted in spirit, and even the body as she said she didn’t feel anymore burden in her body, and spirit, Hallelujah!

On 25 April we held another conference in Nazarene Church pastored by Rinzi Lama in Kathmandu.  Ten churches unitedly participated in the two days gathering where about 100 people participated.  The outpouring of the Holy Spirit continued in this conference refreshing many in their spirits and bringing much re-commitment.  Some cases of healing were testified.  In one case the brother testified that he had received healing from the Lord and his swollen feet and the high Uric Acid had disappeared from his body, confirmed by the Holy Spirit.

We showed the Transformation video brought from Australia.  All committed themselves for constant prayer to bring transformation to their cities too by God’s power.

Worship at Hosanna Church in Kathmandu
Worship at Hosanna Church in Kathmandu

On 27 April we held a one day conference in Hosanna Church where the touch of the Holy Spirit was tremendous and people blessed by the Holy Spirit and his might were manifesting his power and presence in the place.  While people were worshipping and praising the Lord, a prophecy came and the Lord said, “What happened to the vision given to you six years ago?  You have forgotten to pray about it but I have not forgotten what I have promised to you through the vision!”

I was reminded by the Holy Spirit that I had seen a vision where I was taken over the highest mountains in this country with a few of my foreign friends and some of our evangelists and as we put our step on the top of the mountain it started shaking and melting and my friends and the evangelists started disappearing, then I cried out, “Lord where are my friends?”  And He said open your eyes and see, and I saw all my friends and the evangelists were scattered all over the mountains and they were coming towards me with multitudes of people behind them.  I started weeping and with a feeling which words cannot explain I was thanking the Lord for His goodness, I was laughing in the Spirit for the repetition of the vision which I could see again.  Hallelujah!

I have to thank the Lord for His great outpouring of the Holy Spirit and I have to thank the Lord also for my Australian brothers and sisters who took up the burden to come over to this place and minister to our people.

Raju also reported on further developments the next year:

During the past two months in 2001 we have experienced a new wave of outpouring of the Spirit on the congregation. Many instant healings of people suffering from fever, flu, unconsciousness, blood discharge, boils and tumours, stomach problems, chronic headaches.  The fame of the healings in the Church has reached many unbelievers through the congregation and numbers of unbelievers are coming to seek the healing, most of them ending up saved!

The Church is growing rapidly in the Spirit, many standing in faith are experiencing prosperity, good health, spiritual satisfaction, close intimacy with the Lord and moreover a hunger and thirst along with zeal of God to know Jesus intimately and to do his will whatever it may cost. This new wave of revival in the Church is another assurance from the Lord that in the days ahead he has got great and marvellous plans to be revealed and carried out by the people he has called to fulfil his purposes.

This revival is quite a new movement of God in the Church and the leadership of the Church is waiting on the Lord to receive revelation if there is anything to be done or just let it grow to maturity as it is growing by the Holy Spirit.  Since the start of the year 2001 the leadership of the Church is busy to pray on almost every individual of the Church for receiving the gifts of the Spirit as well as counselling them in the Word and praying with them at the time of need.

In December 2007 the Prime Minister invited Raju to speak at a nationally televised Christmas Day service in their International Stadium.  Hosanna Church musicians led the 2,500 people there in singing their Nepalese version of Carols by Candlelight, as they held their candles:  Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to Jesus, Happy Birthday to You.

The following year in 2008, for the first time in Nepal’s history, the government proclaimed December 25-26 a national public holiday.

This brief account is included in Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal and Revival, by Geoff Waugh (Chapter 8: Revival, pages 194-200)

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Bougainville Revival – South Pacific

Jensen Sons of ThunderBougainville Revival – South Pacific

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Royree Jensen (Sons of Thunder, 2009) tells the story of powerful revival in Bougainville, east of Papua New Guinea, during the decade of war from 1988, sparked by the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) to defend their land and culture from devastation caused by mining.  Spiritual leaders worried about the western evils that arrived with the mining: pornography, alcohol abuse, drugs, smoking and immorality.  Here are selections from Royree’s story.

Friday, November 6, 1987 marked the first supernatural revival event.  It was at this time that the crisis was about to boil over. The stories of that day and the period of time that followed have been told to me by Papa Luke, a genteel man – white-haired, 73 years of age, a school teacher, world-travelled. He lives on Saposa Island, 30 minutes by banana boat from Buka Island.  He was a small boy during World War II and can remember the time when the Japanese invaded his island.  Having lived through so much turbulence, Papa Luke now spends most of his days sitting with God.  When we finally found him, he was sitting by the ocean reading his Bible.

Papa Luke

Both teacher and story-weaver, he began to talk, vividly recalling the day the revival began, in the circular story-telling style of the Melanesian people.

“Before revival came up, I wrote a drama about God that mixed the culture with the Word of God. We had a drama group of young people who travelled around Buka area.

Around this time, nine people got sick from black magic.  Out of the nine, five died and four were left.

“My cousin Salome was one of the four people who didn’t die.  She was brought to the hospital in Buka but she didn’t recover, so she was referred to Arawa General Hospital. She didn’t recover there.  The Indian doctor told her and her husband that he had seen witchcraft in India and knew that this poison came from the witchcraft.  The doctor discharged her and she came home.

“They had a ritual ceremony where they asked for the sorcerers to release her by making a sacrifice to free her. She was meant to get better but didn’t improve.  After black magic failed, her brother, the chief, requested for the drama group to come back to our village and pray.

“By Sunday morning, my cousin was still sick.  My family brought her to the Lotu (church service).  They prayed for deliverance and healing.  She got healed immediately along with the other three who were still sick.  Five dead.  Four healed.  On that Sunday, many spiritual gifts fell.  Everyone received a spiritual gift – all different kinds of gifts.

“Now the group went to the island where Salome and the others got sick.  They were going to heal the island of the witchcraft that had killed the people.  They put their hands into the ground without having to dig and they pulled out the poison.  Their hands went through the ground to the exact spot of the bones or whatever artifacts had been used for the witchcraft. Their eyes were closed but the Holy Spirit led them to these places.”  (As he told me this, he shaped his hand as they had shaped theirs – like a rigid blade extending straight from the arm.)

Walking on water

“Now things became wild, exciting and interesting.  Supernatural things began to happen.  By the power of the Holy Spirit, my cousin Salome discerned that there was some witchcraft poison on another nearby island (a burial site) that was put there by a sorcerer.  We began to pray.  While we prayed, fifteen people stood with their eyes shut.  Still with their eyes shut, they began walking on the water from our island to the nearby island.  The Holy Spirit led them while they walked.  When they reached the other island, they put their hands into the ground and pulled out small parcels of scraped human bone.  This powder was being used by sorcerers in their witchcraft rituals.  They brought these parcels of scraped bones back to our island, still walking on top of the water with their eyes still shut.  They did not swim.

“We prayed over the parcels and threw them away into salt water.  This broke the power of witchcraft.  We don’t know how they did the walking on the water except by the power of God.  Plenty of people saw them walking on the water.  There were plenty of eye witnesses.  The distance between the two islands is one kilometre.

“The effect that this had on the island was that we became very excited about God. Many became Christians and worshipped God.  It didn’t stop there.  Some of our school boys and girls, including my son, visited another island.  All the mothers prepared food for them to share out.  My son climbed a tree leaving his plate of food for a friend.  The friend ate the food and died, along with eight other children and their teacher.  My pikinini only got sick.

“This was not the only group to visit that island and die so we were waking up to the fact that the island had something no good on it.  We notified all the ministries around us.  For one week, we fasted, prayed and read the Bible.

“First we went back to the island where our 15 people had walked. We found more black magic – enough to fill a 10kg bag of rice.  We prayed over it and threw it in the water.  A big flying fox with legs like a man settled on top of the house where I was staying with another pastor.  We could feel the wind from his wings.  We rebuked this evil, black magic.  It was powerful and even those who were praying fell down.  This battle went on for quite a while but the people in our church were skilled in deliverance and intercession and eventually we started to win over this black magic.

“Two days later, we visited the island where the school children had died.  We circled the island in a small boat worshipping God.  We were all a little bit afraid.  First people who could discern black magic went ashore.  Then those who could fight black magic went ashore.  Then we all went ashore.

“We stood together and worshipped God.  Then we split into two groups, heading around the island in opposite directions.  Just before we joined up, one team stood under a tree and looked up.  They saw a live bird that they knew was part of black magic.  They said, ‘In the name of Jesus come down.’  The bird died and began to fall.  By the time it hit the ground, only the skeleton of the bird was left.

“One month before, some plantation workers had been on the island.  A man had sat under that tree to rest.  He took sick, went to hospital and died.  However, after we fought the black magic, it was okay.  Even today, 20 years later, people live there and no one gets sick.  There is good food, good fish and everything grows.  It is no longer a witchcraft island.

“These things marked the beginning of the revival.  Demonic spirits were being chased out of our land.”

More miracles

Albert was a young Christian during the crisis.  He adds:  “I now see, feel and walk on the power of God.  I didn’t know these things when I was a young Christian but I saw it in others.  There were those who were operating on the high voltage power of God.  These were people who would walk through a hail of bullets and not get hit.  I would say that the host of heaven caught some of the bullets for me.

“There was one instance in 1993 when I was leading a group of chiefs from up in the mountains to sign a peace agreement.  I was not doing this job of my own accord but because it was my job to do.  I prayed to my God, “The fighting is all around us and I am a Christian.  If You are going to go with me, talk with me tonight, Papa God. I don’t want to lead them through the bullets.

“At 2 a.m., my elder son who was three spoke in English.  He did not know English.  He said, ‘Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, you can go.’  He was fast asleep.  Fifteen years later, the memory still brings tears to my eyes and a reverent awe of God.  This was not the time of meetings, conferences, mobile phones or encouragement.  This was a hard time and we only had God.

“I woke up in the morning with peace.  That day, 15 of the chiefs started to run back to the mountains.  I told them that God was with us and that not one single man must run away even if there is gunfire.  I told them that, if one runs, then the guns will get us but that if no one runs, we will all be safe.

“There was a place called Ambush Corner always maintained by BRA.  They knew where I was taking these chiefs and why.  They didn’t want anyone to sign peace papers.  I was in the front of the line.  The Holy Spirit stopped me and I heard a voice tell me to take the chiefs to one side.  I stopped them and said, ‘We are about to enter Ambush Corner and I am afraid that there are people ready to kill us.  However, last night, I felt the peace of God.  Don’t run but stand strong beside me.’  We walked ahead and the BRA descended upon us.  I said to them, ‘In Jesus’ name, I am a servant of God.’

“They pointed their weapons to the sky and fired them off, then they pointed their guns at us but the guns wouldn’t fire.  The chiefs kept following me saying that the peace must come from God.  The peace we enjoy today in Bougainville is because of that document.

“One time, I was holding my son on my shoulders going for a tramp.  We came to a flooded river which was odd because there had been no rain so we took another route.  Later I found out that there was an ambush waiting to kill us.  The unnatural flood changed our direction.”

During the late 1980s when war erupted, life was going on in its exotic daily routines in the jungle.  Yet there was one clan leader who decided to stay in his village, 2 kms from the coastline and about 80 kms from Panguna Mine.  Such villages were caught between flying bullets.  Pastor Ezekiel made a home there he made called Aero Centre.  Here are just a few stories that have been told directly to me some ten years since the guns were laid down.

A boy’s story: “During the crisis, PNGDF men entered the little house I lived in with my mother.  I was 12 years old.  They demanded kerosene and food at gunpoint.  My mother was a Christian and so she began to pray.  They held a gun to her head but she said, ‘No’.  Kerosene was more valuable than gold for us.  Without it, we couldn’t run our home.  The soldier pulled the trigger.  The gun didn’t go off.  All this time, I watched my mother.  They pulled the trigger a second time.  The gun didn’t go off.  The soldier went outside our hut, pulled the trigger and it went off.  The gun was loaded and it exploded.  These soldiers realised that God was with my mother.  They quickly ran away.  We kept our kerosene.”

By the time that 12 year old boy told me this story, he was a young man, yet the awe of God was still on him.  He had witnessed his mother’s faith in God and he is still walking in the fear of God.

Ruth, a vivacious school teacher recalls her experiences of being a woman during the crisis and the revival: “In the time of the crisis, God helped my family in a big way.  We had no money to buy clothes, food and soap.  God showed us how to use coconut and lemon to wash our clothes to make them white as snow.  He showed us how to use coconut oil from our own coconut trees for our lamps.  Before the crisis, we used to buy kerosene for our lamps.  Now there was no money and no kerosene.  Salt was also not available so He showed us how to cook our food in salt water from the ocean, adding grated coconut for our flavours.  Sometimes we would boil the ocean water until all we had left was the powdery salt.  In these ways, God showed me that He loved women in their domestic situation; that even in a crisis He could provide all we needed by looking after our clothes and our bodies.

“God also blessed the ground during the crisis.  Food that we hadn’t planted appeared – sweet potato, yam, taro, casava, chinese taro, banana and other fruit.  This didn’t just happen in one place.  It happened all over the island.  In fact, there is now a category of sweet potato called crisis kaukau!”

Jane:   “When the crisis came, people ran away to the mountains leaving their chickens behind. It seemed that those chickens found their way to our village so we had plenty of meat for a long time during the crisis.”

10 years after the surrender of guns, young men and women – some married with children – are going to great lengths to complete primary and secondary education. Schools are being built or re-built but teachers are few and often minimally qualified. Because of the crisis, those who should now be teaching are themselves still in formal education. Those educated before the crisis are helping those who are now studying. Those who are uneducated are making their living from working the cocoa plantations.

With no help from the neighbouring giant, Australia, and with the confusion and betrayal of brother fighting brother, they turned to God, sometimes praying from 6 in the morning to 6 at night.  As the saying goes, “When God is all you have you find that He is enough.”

Pastor Ezekiel & Janet

Another leader, Pastor Ezekiel, had been a United Church pastor since his training for the ministry.  He had received the spiritual experience known as the Baptism in the Holy Spirit at the time of his salvation.  This experience turns knowledge into spiritual energy and liturgy into dynamic power.  Knowing about God is exchanged for knowing Him personally. Icy religion is melted by joy and hope.  It was not surprising, therefore, that he became a key player in the revival in Bougainville.

Pastor Ezekiel was told to close down his Bible School.  Because of the crisis, all of the schools on the island had been closed down and he was to comply.  He refused.  He said that it was not his place to close it down.  God had opened it and God would have to shut it.  He was viciously beaten as a result of this decision, and on a number of other occasions.  Over 500 people, including many women, have graduated from his Bible School.  Many are now missionaries in other countries.

Another extraordinary side effect of the crisis was the subsistence diet.  Many times I have heard it said that they came out of the crisis 10 years younger than they used to be because all the refined food was taken out of their diet.  They ate from the soil. “Our bodies got healthy and strong.”

Prayer Mountain

A Prayer Mountain emerged deep into the crisis years. Its origins were mysterious and its role in the crisis and in the revival was equally other-world.

A contributing factor to the glory of God over Bougainville and to the revival has to have been this Prayer Mountain.  In Bougainville and in other parts of the world, it is not uncommon for a geographical site to be set aside as a prayer mountain.  However, when I began to hear stories of this one particular Prayer Mountain, I knew that God had met with this people in a rare manner, not unique, but certainly rare.

Pastor Ezekiel’s strength and focus on God encouraged others to become giants in faith also.  David Gagaso is one such giant.  This strong and good looking young man with a soft, melodic voice was the one who received the word from God about this mountain.

David made a choice as a young man to live an uncompromising life of faith in Jesus Christ.   He was diligent in his pursuit of spiritual things leading him to a series of miraculous experiences.  Phenomena in the night sky, visions, and voices helped him locate a certain mountain on which he, his brother and friends built a bush house for prayer.  This became known as Prayer Mountain.  In the context of the chronology of the crisis, the Prayer Mountain phenomenon was most intense just prior to the final attempts by the Bougainville Revolutionary Army and Papua New Guinea to bring peace to the island.

He said, “In that bush house, the presence of God came down.  The place was totally covered and filled with thick fog and smoke.  We could hardly see other people in this little house.  Pastor began using Prayer Mountain, hosting prayer seminars and prayer programs.

“We began to see manifestations of God. People began to receive songs and others saw angels.  We were lost in prayer and fasting.

“If Pastor was going out to speak at a crusade, we would first go up the mountain to pray. Then, while he was speaking, people would stay on the mountain praying.  My older brother saw an angel dressed in white.

“When people were disobedient, lightning would appear and wrap itself around the people. For instance, God had showed us how to build the house on Prayer Mountain.  It was hard work.  We cut the trees down the mountain and then carried the wood up the mountain to the place where we were building.  One day, three men decided to go hunting instead of doing this hard work.  The lightning appeared and wrapped itself around them.  They nearly died.  They smelt bad and could hardly speak.  They were out of their senses.  After an hour, they began to talk to each other, asking how they felt about the lightning.  My brother told them the reason for the lightning – that they didn’t follow instructions.

“In 1999, we replaced the bush house with one that had a tin roof.  At the opening service for that house, I felt the presence of Jesus Christ as we were worshipping.  Everyone was flat on the ground, face down.  Even the musicians were on the ground with their instruments.  It was an awesome incredible experience for me that I will never forget.  We had to stop the whole service because we enjoyed God’s presence so much.  It took us a very long time to come back to the rest of the service.  We could not pray or dance or sing but could only be flat on the ground before the presence of God.

“Normally before people set foot on Prayer Mountain, the sky would be clear.  When people entered the prayer house, cloud would cover up the whole place even though there were no other clouds in the sky.

“We never slept at Prayer Mountain, but would always come back to the foot of the mountain to sleep.  …

David paused and then continued. “Our experience in the crisis produced people who can be involved in missions.  We are not scared about any situation.  We learn language easily; we eat anything or nothing; we sleep anywhere; we need nothing; we carry fire.

“I personally believe that God is going to raise up very aggressive missionaries from our island.  One of the things I believe is that the Church should be involved in mission.  Our Church in Bougainville is now reaping what we were planting up there in Prayer Mountain. We prayed for Africa and now we have missionaries there.  Same with Indonesia.  We are becoming the answer to our own prayers.  I myself am about to go to a place that is not safe for Christians.”

Jane took up the story.  “Prayer Mountain was where the Spirit of God fell.  Things happened that are foreign to the western mind.

“It started when we took Bible School students up to Prayer Mountain for a retreat.  We planned to be there for two weeks, praying and fasting, before sending them out on a ministry trip.

“At the time of this two week stay on Prayer Mountain with the students, we were not thinking in terms of a revival.  We were just being obedient to why we believed God had established Prayer Mountain.

“Soon, people were lifted up off the ground during worship and prayer.  One girl was lifted up, flew past me and landed outside the building.  Other students went through the wall, breaking it on their flight, landing outside.

“We tried to stop them; to quiet them down; to bring them back inside the building.  But there was a fear of God and a fear of the unknown.  We were afraid that if we stopped it, we would be touching something that was God.

“One time Ezekiel was up Prayer Mountain.  On his way back to Aero Centre, he met two ‘white men’ who were glowing.  They asked him where he was going.  He said, ‘Home’ and then passed them.  He turned around.  They were gone.

“Another time a group was cleaning the building at the top of Prayer Mountain.  They arrived to find footprints all around the house.  You must understand that this is not a place where anyone lived and those on cleaning duty would have seen anyone leave the house on their way up the mountain.  They knew straight away that these were the footprints of angels.

“I have to say that, even though we do not now go up the Prayer Mountain, the impact still remains.  When we meet for worship, we don’t need to be gee-ed up.  Rather, we begin to worship God from the start.  We are aware of the danger of following a routine or a program.”

There is no doubt that this mountain played a crucial part in both the revival and in the beginning of the end of the crisis. Ezekiel’s adds:

“Before Prayer Mountain, and into the second year of the crisis, people were singing worship songs to God.  The sound of the singing was heard around the mountains.

“When it was time to be in church, people would run to the front of the church, casting themselves down on the smooth rocks that were alongside the front of the church.  There were times when the dirt floor of the church was indented by the banging of heads in repentance and worship.

“Then came Prayer Mountain.  We stopped at the bottom of the mountain to confess our sins and if we didn’t do this well enough on the first stop, such conviction would come on us that we would stop again.  Finally we would reach the prayer house at the top of the mountain and the presence of God would come down.  We wouldn’t talk but could only whisper because of the awareness of the Holy Spirit.  The day came, after the building was completed, for its dedication. I put a big ceremony on the doors and then we went inside.  When we were about to sing the first song we found that we couldn’t stand.  We were prostrate on the floor before God.  Prophecy after prophecy came.

“We had not expected this.  The prophecies spoke against the war.  In fact, when the Peace-Keeping Forces arrived in Bougainville, God reminded us of the prophecies from that meeting.  What is more, we were praying on Prayer Mountain when they arrived in Bougainville.

“Another time, the Holy Spirit showed Himself by thunder and lightning.  I became aware that we needed to keep ourselves holy while on Prayer Mountain.  Twice, lightning came and hit the ground.  People tried to run away but a lightning bolt picked them up and rolled them all over Prayer Mountain.  Seeing these things increased the fear of God. …

Pastor Ezekiel told me of its final days.  “By 1999, a prophetic message came that we had to leave the mountain.  God began to speak from John 4:21-24.  The message of those verses came to me as,“I am no longer just in that mountain.  Meet Me here as you met Me on the mountain.”

“This process of obedience gave us further understanding of the holiness and presence of God.  “We began to question God. “Why are we not experiencing what we experienced before?”

“Then God began to give us the understanding that Prayer Mountain was not just for ourselves but was for taking the Gospel to other people.  He spoke to us about mission.  Now we were to plant churches and experience things that used to only happen on Prayer Mountain.  We have done this.  For instance, we now even have missionaries in Africa.

“We had to learn about the omnipresence of God.  Some young people went back to Prayer Mountain to try to get back what we had experienced but nothing happened.  It was a time and a season and a place for a specific purpose.

“In 2000, we launched Christian Missionary Fellowship in Bougainville.  We are now sending missionaries into PNG and to the rest of world.”

More of this story is told in South Pacific Revivals
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Reviews (9) Mission

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Book Reviews

Building a Better World  by Dave Andrews. 

Albatross, Sydney, 1996

Reviewed by Dr Dorothy Mathieson

Please be warned: some Renewal people might be disturbed by this book.  Some may be suspicious of the title and question, ‘Is it worth putting effort into building a better world when it is so fallen?’  Then there is the book’s absence of religious language – no mention of the baptism in the Spirit or revival.  It’s all about building community to overcome cruel divisions, being inclusive even with your enemies, working with the poor as dignified equals.  That sounds biblical.

The advantage of this reviewer is that she has been she has been deeply touched by the author, as caring friend, stimulating colleague and prophetic writer (Dave has another book: Can you hear the heartbeat?).  Underlying this book is a passionate love for Jesus – strong enough for him and Ange his wife and the family to live with the poor in India and Australia, disturbing enough for him to choose to empower others rather than accept powerful positions more in keeping with his superior abilities, transforming enough so that his life is open to intimacy and to vagaries of successive waves of co-workers who may not always catch the breadth of the vision.

Dave deeply challenges, in non-charismatic language, a limited application of the transformation of the Holy Spirit.  A privatistic bless-me, heal-me approach does not build kingdom communities.  Dave calls us to move beyond such narrow confines.  Through stories of his own joys and sorrows, he offers a loving, powerful invitation to open up our lives together to the naked infusion of the Spirit.  Dave may squirm at language like this, as he is committed to removing all barriers preventing many different types of people joining the movement for love, hope and justice.

Read this book and get Dave and his friends to run seminars on community development.  More than this, let’s do what he does and join together in creating communities of hope.  Isn’t this the work of the Spirit?

Surprised by the Power of the Spirit (Zondervan, 1993)

Surprised by the Voice of God (Zondervan, 1996)

both by Jack Deere

Jack Deere combines rigorous biblical scholarship with compassionate pastoral insight in these landmark books on the place of the Holy Spirit in life and ministry.

His doctoral degree in Theology, including studies in Germany, his mastery of biblical languages and his experience as an associate professor of Old Testament at the evangelical, conservative Dallas Theological Seminary equip him well to examine the biblical issues involved.

His experience as a pastor, teacher and writer, and his wide ranging ministry as a conference speaker throughout the world, including many years ministering in Vineyard conferences, provided him with a unique breadth and depth in ministry experience.

These books beautifully combine these essential dimensions of biblical truth and ministry experience.

Surprised by the Power of the Spirit argues strongly for the full range of all the biblical gifts of the Spirit in the church today, including controversial ones such as tongues, healing and deliverance from evil spirits.

For example, the chapter on miraculous gifts provides these reasons for their use now from passages in 1 Corinthians 12-14:

God gave spiritual gifts to strengthen the church.

God commands us to eagerly desire spiritual gifts.

God commands us not to forbid speaking in tongues.

The Apostle Paul valued the gift of tongues.

Spiritual gifts are necessary for the health of Christ’s body.

Spiritual gifts will not cease until Christ returns.

The book challenges common misconceptions about the Holy Spirit including western rationalism and false ideologies as well as unbelief and disobedience.

Similarly, Surprised by the Voice of God challenges inadequate interpretations of Scripture, the denial of the supernatural, and the huge gap between Christianity as revealed in Scripture and as seen in so much of western Christianity.

It explores how the Holy Spirit speaks through the Bible, experience, supernatural and natural means.  Particularly helpful chapters examine the potential and pitfalls of prophecies, dreams and visions, with sound pastoral guidance concerning their place in the church today.

Jack Deere has been able to bridge the false divide between charismatic and anti-charismatic theologies, grounding his work in God’s revelation of himself in Scripture.  These are excellent books for personal reading, teaching and preaching. [GW]


Secrets of the Argentine Revival, by R Edward Miller

Peniel Outreach Ministries, 1999.

Secrets of the Argentine Revival is a personal account of the extraordinary revival in Argentina from the years 1949 to 1968. This incredible story explains in detail about the tremendous outpouring of God’s Spirit over the land of Argentina. This is also a factual account of the background leading up to one of the greatest spiritual awakenings in the history of the Christian Church.

Dr Ed Miller traces the tough early beginnings of revival in Argentina in scattered small churches and prayer groups, the unusual outpouring of God’s Spirit in little churches and evangelistic missions, leading to the astounding crusades with Tommy Hicks in 1954 which filled the largest stadium venues in Argentina and sparked massive church growth in the nation.   (204 pages)  [GW]

© Renewal Journal 9: Mission, 1997, 2nd edition 2011
Reproduction is allowed with the copyright included.

Now available in updated book form (2nd edition 2011)
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Contents: Renewal Journal 9: Mission

Renewal Journal 9: MissionThe River of God, by David Hogan

The New Song, by C. Peter Wagner

God’s Visitation, by Dick Eastman

Revival in China, by Dennis Balcombe

Mission in India, by Paul Pilai

Harvest Now, by Robert McQuillan

Pensacola Revival, by Michael Brown

ReviewsBuilding a Better World  by Dave Andrews,  Surprised by the Power of the Spirit & Surprised by the Voice of God both by Jack Deere, Secrets of the Argentine Revival, by R Edward Miller

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All Renewal Journal Topics:

1 Revival,   2 Church Growth,
3 Community,   4 Healing,   
5 Signs & Wonders,   
6  Worship,   
7  Blessing,
   8  Awakening,  
9  Mission,   10  Evangelism,
11  Discipleship,
   12  Harvest,   
13  Ministry,
   14  Anointing,   
15  Wineskins,   
16  Vision,   
17  Unity,
   18  Servant Leadership,  
19  Church,   20 Life

Contents: 9 Mission

Renewal Journal 9: MissionThe River of God, by David Hogan

The New Song, by C. Peter Wagner

God’s Visitation, by Dick Eastman

Revival in China, by Dennis Balcombe

Mission in India, by Paul Pilai

Harvest Now, by Robert McQuillan

Pensacola Revival, by Michael Brown

Reviews: Building a Better World  by Dave Andrews,  Surprised by the Power of the Spirit & Surprised by the Voice of God both by Jack Deere, Secrets of the Argentine Revival, by R Edward Miller

Renewal Journal 9: Mission – PDF



Unprecedented evangelism and mission

Unprecedented evangelism and mission continue to accelerate around the world.   No one can keep up with the amazing accounts of this global harvest.  Similarly, the accounts of outpourings of the Holy Spirit with miracles, signs and wonders increase.  Often these cause huge numbers to respond in conversions to Christ.

Jesus said this would be so.  All the gospels and the book of Acts tell of the risen Lord’s commission for our mission.  Each command concerning our mission in the world includes the promise of God’s presence and power essential to fulfilling our mission.

Matthew 28:18-20.  All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus, so we are to go and make disciples of all peoples (ethna – ethnic groups, people groups).  This includes baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded.  He is with us to the end of the age.

Mark 16:15-18.  This controversial command includes going into all the world and preaching the gospel to everyone.  Signs accompanying that involve casting out demons in Jesus’ name, speaking in new tongues, protection from evil, and placing hands on the sick so they recover.

Luke 24:46-49.  Repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in Jesus’ name to all people, and Jesus said he himself would send the Holy Spirit promised by the Father, so the disciples had to wait for that.  And Luke tells how it happened in his second book – The Acts.

John 20:21-23.  As the Father sent Jesus, so Jesus sends us.  He breathed on his disciples and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’  They did.  So must we.

Acts 1:8.  Jesus last promise and command was that his followers would receive power when the Holy Spirit came on them, and they would be his witnesses to the ends of the earth.  This issue of the Renewal Journal tells a little of that continuing story.

David Hogan describes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit among Mexican mountain tribes.

John Piper grounds the goal and task of missions in worship.  God is great, and greatly to be praised.  The supreme purpose in all mission is God’s glory in everything.  Ultimately all the earth shall worship him.

Peter Wagner gives a brief global sweep of the massive prayer movement in the earth today and describes some of its impact.  Dick Eastman provides further examples of the current astounding harvest in mission.

Dennis Balcombe reports on the growth of the church in China with the miracles accompanying ministry there.  Paul Pilai, a converted Hindu, tells of signs and wonders accompanying mission among Hindu people in India.

Robert McQuillan surveys revival developments in Argentina as well as at Sunderland in England and Pensacola in America, and Michael Brown summarises developments at Pensacola where over 60,000 have now indicated commitments to Christ since June 1995.

The backdrop and context for much of these revivals include increasing violence, families torn apart, death and moral decay worldwide.  Sin abounds.  However, grace abounds even more.  The light still shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot put it out.

Historically, great revivals and moves of God’s Spirit have often broken through into dark times.  That still happens.

We can pray and believe for powerful moves of God’s Spirit in our land, that thousands may yet come to faith with lives and families transformed.

The nineties into the 21st century proved to be fascinating decades in the history of the church, and we expect that the years ahead will see even more profound changes as the kingdom of God breaks in upon us ever more fully.

© Renewal Journal 9: Mission, 1997, 2nd edition 2011

 Reproduction is allowed with the copyright included.

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8 Awakening


Also in Renewal Journals Vol 2: Issues 6-10
Renewal Journal Vol 2 (6-10) – PDF

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Renewal Journals Index – 20 issues

All Renewal Journal Topics:

1 Revival,   2 Church Growth,3 Community,   4 Healing,   
5 Signs & Wonders,   
6  Worship,   
7  Blessing,
   8  Awakening,  
9  Mission,   10  Evangelism,
11  Discipleship,
   12  Harvest,   
13  Ministry,
   14  Anointing,   
15  Wineskins,   
16  Vision,   
17  Unity,
   18  Servant Leadership,  
19  Church,   20 Life

Contents: 8 Awakening

8 Awakening

Speaking God’s Word, by David Yonggi Cho

The Power to Heal the Past, by C Peter Wagner

Worldwide Awakening, by Richard Riss

The “No Name” Revival, by Brian Medway

Review: Fire from Heaven, by Harvey Cox

Renewal Journal 8: Awakening – PDF


God’s Visitation

We live in a day of God’s visitation.  It has become a worldwide awakening.  Amid much persecution and difficulty, the church grows in astounding ways especially in China, Korea, Africa, Latin America and North India.  Now western countries report renewal and revival in many places.

Jesus wept because so many in his time missed the day of their visitation (Luke 19:41-44).  May we not miss our day of visitation.  As with all previous awakenings (including the early church and major revivals) it is disturbing, controversial and unpredictable.

This issue of the Renewal Journal touches on a few issues and examples of the current awakening.  David Yonggi Cho of Korea tells about moving in spiritual authority by speaking the word God gives.  Peter Wagner describes powerful spiritual weapons now being used by the church, especially in corporate repentance.  Richard Riss provides a comprehensive survey of the present awakening in its varied expressions.  Brian Medway of Canberra discusses the “no-name” revival now spreading through the earth, which also fits the Australian zeal for equality. 

Outpouring of God’s glory

The outpourings of God’s Spirit continue, not only with increasing and astounding signs and wonders in the >third world= but increasingly in the West.  Even the news media have taken notice.  Unprecedented unity among leaders in renewal and revival has emerged in many places, including Australia.  Ministers pray together.  Prayer groups seeking revival multiply.  Churches co-operate to win, nurture and equip people.  Repentance, humility and forgiveness increase.  Renewal and refreshing seem to be spilling over into touches of revival.

“Renewal has changed us forever,” notes Philip Le Dune, associate pastor of Sunderland Christian Centre in the north east of England.  “When God pinned a local gangster to the floor of the church one evening, only God knew that he and his wife were soon to be employed by the church as youth workers.  Jim & Marie now hold daily meetings with the people from the local community who are increasingly coming to see SCC as “theirs” (SCC Email Bulletin, 20 August 1996).

All the centres of renewal heading into revival include persistent and widespread prayer, co-operation between churches, humility, repentance, and the overwhelming impact of the Spirit of God including controversial signs and wonders.  Mixed in with it all is human frailty and strong opposition, as in the early church. 

Toronto in Canada, Melbourne in Florida, Pasadena in California, Holy Trinity Brompton in London, Sunderland in north-east England, and now Pensacola in Florida became household names in renewal and revival.

26,000 conversions in the first year

Reports of revival at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, north-west Florida, drew increasing crowds from around the world.  They recorded 26,000 conversions in its first year.  Many people are ignited there and take fires of revival home.  So revival spreads.

Some of the leaders at Pensacola, including Lindel Cooley the worship leader, had received a deep impact of the Spirit in their lives.  Before the current outpouring of God=s Spirit burst on them, the church had been continually praying for revival, and their worship services had extended in depth and length.

“When church would be over,” reported Cathy Wood, “you know how they play music as you exit – well that didn’t work now…  We would try to walk out but we’d get a few pews away and stop again.  The worship wouldn’t stop so we could go home.  Many times Lindel would have to wave his hands at us and say go home!  It would be 10:00 or 11:00 and church started at 6:OO.  Wow … I love remembering!  Then on Father’s Day [18 June 1995], Steve Hill a missionary to Argentina with the Assemblies of God came to give testimony of how God refreshed his life in London at a meeting and after that service … all heaven came down and has remained….  As thousands continue to come we know the Lord is not finished….  Over 1/2 million in combined attendance.  Wherever the Lord is, we know the devil is looking in, so we pray for discernment whenever the flesh arrives; but at the same time … many of the things we have done in the Spirit now such as shaking, falling, jerking, were things we didn’t really believe in either.  Now that God has touched us … we don’t know what’s next and we don’t want to be God police and stop someone who is manifesting a true touch of God. …  Many thousands have been saved – over 30 thousand counting the backsliders” (Email from Cathy Wood, 31 July 1996).

2 Chronicles 7:14 still applies!  We can humble ourselves and pray and seek God’s face and repent.  God promises to hear, forgive, and heal the land.

© Renewal Journal 8: Awakening, 1997, 2nd edition 2011

Reproduction is allowed with the copyright included.

Now available in updated book form (2nd edition 2011)

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Pioneer Mission in PNG

Light on the Mountains

Light on the Mountains

Light on the MountainsLight on the Mountains

Pioneer Mission in Papua New Guinea

Light on the Mountains – PDF

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A few photos from the book

PNG highland village

Village baptisms

Village communion

Vine bridge in a gorge

Pioneer village pastor missionaries – front row
with remote village people

More photos on Facebook album:

Endorsement by Rev Dr L.A. (Tony) Cupit, former Director of Evangelism and Education, Baptist World Alliance:

No one speaks more authentically about a mission situation than one who has experienced it. That is one reason, among others, why Geoff Waugh’s latest book, Light on the Mountains, is such a valuable resource.

It was my privilege to serve in Papua New Guinea with Global Interaction at the same time as Geoff. I greatly appreciated his genuine love for Jesus the Christ and notable contribution to and love for the Enga people during the seven years we served together. These are reflected in this fascinating book. Geoff writes with deep personal knowledge and insight about the joys and challenges of mission life. He has collected valuable original source material and used it creatively to convey historical and missiological insights that needed to be unearthed and made available.

Anyone interested in learning about the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit of God in Papua New Guinea, and of discovering reasons why people engage in cross-cultural and linguistic mission work, would be well rewarded by studying and absorbing the insights this book provides.


Endorsement by Rev Don Doull, pioneer missionary in PNG from 1949.

This book describes those exciting days when Australian Baptists began a new missionary enterprise in 1949, the Baptist New Guinea Mission. We were motivated by a desire to fulfil our Lord’s great commission and reach out to those people just to the north of our country who had not yet heard the name of Jesus. As you peruse the pages of this book, which records the beginnings of that missionary challenge taken up by the Post-War churches of Australia, you will sense again the spirit of adventure and dedication which drove our churches in what has proved to be a wonderfully rewarding missionary task.

Geoff Waugh has done a wonderful job of drawing together the many threads which have been woven together to make the fabric of what we are able to stand back and marvel at as we now are aware of the activities of the Baptist Union of PNG.

Many hundreds of missionaries and many thousands of faithful Christians from our Australian churches have contributed to this modern missionary endeavour which has now exceeded the vision of those who commenced the task. We can now look back over these past six decades with much gratitude to God and see a vital indigenous church functioning in PNG in a part of that country still emerging from “The Stone Age” when we commenced our task.

Our world has now changed almost beyond belief over these past decades, but the task still remains of reaching the multitudes of people who have never heard the name of Jesus. My prayer is that God will use the story Geoff has documented to challenge our 21st Century fellow believers, to move into our modern world with a similar faith and dedication as that which was demonstrated during the second half of the 20th Century by our Australian Baptists.




Part 1: Pioneer Mission History

1. Beginnings of the Baptist New Guinea Mission

2. The Church is Born: the first baptisms

3. The Church Grows: community transformation

Pioneer mission centres

Pioneer mission development

Part 2: Pioneer Mission Teaching

4. Trails and trials: mission life in the highlands

Pioneer missionary teacher


Bible Schools

Return visit


Enga revival

Min revival

Related Biographical Books

Light on the Mountains is expanded from Chapter 4 (Mission) in Geoff’s Book

Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal and Revival

A Looking to Jesus All

Part 2 of Light on the Mountains (Pioneer Mission Teaching) is summarized in the early chapters of Journey into Mission

0 0 Jurney M2

Part 2 of Light on the Mountains (Pioneer Mission Teaching) is also summarized in Journey into Ministry and Mission

0 0 A Journey Mission










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Light on the Mountains:

Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal and Revival

Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal and Revival

Looking to Jesus
Journey into Renewal and Revival

Journey into Renewal and Revival – PDF

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This autobiography spans 80 years of involvement in ministry and mission, especially in the last 50 years of renewal and revival. This is an Australian story, with global relevance. Accounts of renewal in Australia and revival there and overseas fill the last two chapters, with two other chapters describing pioneering teaching in Papua New Guinea.


Revival Highlights reproduced from

Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal & Revival and

Journey into Mission and

Journey into Ministry & Mission

All books available in PDF, eBook, and print and colour paperback

See Blog: Revival Adventures – expanded from Chapter 8: Revival

See details, contents, photos, reviews and ‘Look inside’ on Amazon and on Kindle

Amazon Reviews:

Invitation to a Journey
Review by Rev Dr John Olley, retired principal, Baptist Theological College in Perth, Australia.

Geoff Waugh’s life and ministry have influenced people all around the world. The story of his life and ministry will be of interest not only to those who know him – you will find yourself reflecting on your own journey with Jesus. Beginning in Australia, then Papua New Guinea, his invited ministry in renewal and revival has involved every continent. While he has written Flashpoints of Revival (recently updated) recounting revivals in the past three hundred years around the world and many books of Bible studies, this new book has a different focus, and it is an exciting and easy read. Geoff traces his journey from strong roots which remained the solid core of his life from childhood to marriage to active retirement. Here is a personal journey with reflections that will enrich the lives of all readers. As he `looked to Jesus’ along the way he was opened up to many exciting new ventures in Australia and into countries where revival and renewal is vibrant, changing many lives. Although a biography, many others are involved. Geoff’s journey is like a rose bush with strong roots and branches. He is one bud of many, opening into a beautiful bloom as he opened himself to God’s leading into an exciting journey. His reflections fit naturally, showing how his personal journey has relevance for others. A bonus is the appendix with full details of contents of his other publications.


Insightful, Inspirational, Informative
Review by Daphne Beattie

An interesting survey of 70 years from his early life as the son of an evangelical minister, to becoming a minister and missionary and a leader in renewal and revival through his teaching in Australia and overseas.

Revival stirs both curiosity, excitement and anticipation in God’s people. Geoff shares his personal journey with humour and life flowing out of it, always directing us to follow Jesus’ example alone.

I strongly recommend this book and found it easy to read but at the same time it stirred up a deep longing in my heart to reach a more intimate relationship with God. Thank you Geoff


Faith Journey
Review by Romulo Nayacalevu, Pastor and Lawyer in Fiji.

Dr Waugh’s account in “Looking to Jesus” demonstrates his passion and servanthood life, displayed in his calling from the pulpit to the mountains and valleys of the Pacific and beyond. His passion, zeal and commitment to the Gospel make Him a true missionary to places where we wouldn’t dare. I would recommend this book to all, the story of a man who is truly sold out to His King and Master – the Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. Waugh’s personal journey and convictions are a testimony to people like me who are trying to be available to God’s call. Dr Waugh remains a mentor and a friend and “Looking to Jesus” is the simplest way of describing Dr. Waugh’s faith journey. His testimony will challenge us all about our priorities and the true meaning of obedience. A STRONGLY recommended read.


Essential reading
Review by Jo Ioane,  Pastor.

I have been blessed to be one of Geoff Waugh’s students in the COC Bible College in Brisbane. This book was such a blessing. It showed how God has been such a huge part of Geoff’s life since he was a young boy. It was really inspiring to read the book and to realize all the amazing things God has done through Geoff, that he is not just a teacher on revivals, he is really someone who lives it! I highly recommend this book. We need more fathers in the faith who have walked with Jesus for so long and who have seen real moves of the Holy Spirit to share with us and encourage us like Geoff does in this book. This is not just a biography, it is a book that will teach and inspire you in your walk with God.


The Contents:

Preface: thanks

Introduction: Waugh stories – an overview

1. Beginnings: state of origin – growing up in NSW, Australia

2. Schools: green board jungle – learning and teaching

3. Ministry: to lead is to serve – theological college and pastorates

4. Mission: trails and trials – pioneering teaching in Papua New Guinea

5. Family: Waughs and rumours of Waughs – Family life in PNG and Australia

6. Search and Research: begin with A B C – exploring Israel and studies

7. Renewal: begin with doh rey me – charismatic renewal in Australia

8. Revival: begin with 1 2 3 – teaching revival leaders in many countries

Conclusion: begin with you and me – looking ahead

The author, an Australian Baptist minister, worked with many denominations including teaching Baptist ministry students in Papua New Guinea, and teaching Methodist and Uniting, Anglican and Catholic, and pentecostal students in Australia. Revival experiences include teaching church and revival leaders in many countries including in Africa, Asia, and the South Pacific. The book considers implications of truly being one in the Body of Christ in the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

See details, contents, photos, and reviews for revival books on Amazon & Kindle.

Free postage worldwide on the Book Depository

Geoff’s grandson Dante wrote a brief biography of Geoff in primary school, published as King of the Granny Flat


King of the Granny Flat – PDF

Pioneer Mission in PNG

Light on the Mountains is an expanded version of Chapter 4 (Mission) in Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal and Revival.

Light on the Mountains – PDF

Journey into Mission is an expanded version of Chapter 8 (Revival) in Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal and Revival.

0 0 Jurney M2

Journey into Mission – PDF

Journey into Ministry and Mission: Renewal and Revival

Condensed from Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal and Revival,

and Journey into Mission

0 0 A Journey Mission

Journey into Ministry and Mission – PDF

Snapshots of God’s surprises during our short-term mission trips
A summary of Journey into Mission
Expanded from chapter 8 of Looking to Jesus
God’s Surprises – PDF

Blogs and videos about information in these books

Jesus’ Last Promise – Blog and Video – Pentecost
You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you

God’s Promise – Blog and Video – I will pour out my Spirit
Seeing God’s Spirit poured out in over 20 countries










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