Reviews (13) Ministry

Book Reviews

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An article in Renewal Journal 13: Ministry:

Renewal Journal 13: Ministry


Fire in the Outback by John Blacket  (Albatross, 1997)



From the Foreword by Alan Maratja Dhamarrandji of Galiwin’ku, Elcho Island.

As a Christian aboriginal, it’s a great privilege for me to acknowledge in this book some of the great things that God has done in our time.  In 1979, we had revival that began at Galiwin’ku on Elcho Island and it affected the whole of Arnhem Land.  It spread south-west to Warburton Ranges, and then north-west to the Kimberleys.  We also had teams going to north Queensland to minister and spread the revival.

This has set a course for the church at Galiwin’ku to become an outreach church. Ever since that revival, we have been going to places and sharing what God has done and what he is still doing.  I am one of the products of that revival and I’m not the only one.  There are a few of us still on fire for the Lord.  Every year, on March 14, we celebrate that spiritual awakening and pray for a fresh touch from God through the power of his Holy Spirit.  These are exciting times for the church in Australia.  We must repent more and more so that times of refreshing will come to our churches.

Since 1977-1978, I have had the privilege of working as community worker with John Blacket.  He is one of the Balanda (white man) staff who witnessed that revival from the very beginning.  My perception is that John is a different man now since the revival.  John is one of those people who can communicate to an Aboriginal person anywhere, because he has learned to listen and understand Yolngu (Aborigines), then takes the time to share with them.  I admire him for this task and particularly for his endurance and patience with people.  Now God has given him this important ministry of reconciliation and bridging of Christian Balanda and Yolngu in Australia.  We want to see unity come to the church of God right across the land, then we will see revival come to the whole of this Great South Land of the Holy Spirit.  This book is a milestone for that revival.  I would like to commend John in his careful efforts in documenting and compiling these anointed stories.  I’m sure you are going to enjoy reading this book and will be blessed by the Lord.

Chapters in Fire in the Outback
1        Gathering firewood:  The background to the Aboriginal revival
2        Lighting the fire:  The Arnhem Land Aborigines and Christianity to 1970
3        A strong wind fans the flame:  The preparation for the revival during the 1970s
4        Creating a hot fire:  The Arnhem Land Revival, 1979
5        Sustaining the hot fire:  The Arnhem Land Revival, 1979-1981
6        Igniting the tinder-dry desert:  Revival spreads to Central Australia
7        Lighting many new fires:  The rapid spread of renewal in Central Australia
8        Fuelling a raging bushfire:  The crusades across Western Australia
9        Stirring the smouldering embers:  The first years after the Aboriginal revival
10    Fighting and lighting fires:  The late eighties and early nineties in the Aboriginal church
11    The coming of rain:  The legacy of revival in today’s Aboriginal church


The Making of a Leader: Recognising the Lessons and Stages of Leadership Development. By J. R. Clinton.  Colorado: Navpress. 1988.
Reviewed by Andrew Staggs

Dr Robert Clinton has done the body of Christ a great service by researching and writing The Making of a Leader.  He skilfully deals with questions like “where do leaders come from?;  what does it take to be a leader?;  and when does leadership begin?  Clinton believes that leadership is not confined to position, title, or training, nor is it limited by experience.  It can be these things that sometimes the cloud the real issues of leadership.  In The Making of a Leader Clinton identifies the patterns God uses to develop a leader.  By studying hundreds of historical, biblical, and contemporary leaders Clinton has determined the six stages of leadership development and had established checkpoints for people to clarify where they are in the process.

By examining Clinton’s principles and case studies the reader will begin to recognise that the ministry of leadership flows from a person’s being, and that being is moulded by God throughout a lifetime.  Clinton’s book, as a result, is a book about spiritual dynamics.  The book has a focus on identifying those with leadership characteristics, directing the development of maturing leaders, recognising where people are in the development process, and counselling those who are experiencing periods of trial and frustration.

Clinton states that “leadership is a dynamic process in which a man or woman with God-given capacity influences a specific group of God’s people toward His purposes for the group.”  He also explains the use of the preferred term of “leadership development”.  Development includes all of life’s processes not just formal training.  Leaders are shaped by deliberate training and by experience.  “Leadership development” is a much broader term than leadership training because leadership training refers to the narrow part of the overall process focusing primarily on learning skills.  Leadership development includes this and much more.  Leadership development theory does what a good map is supposed to do.  It is a set of well-integrated ideas (p 24) to help:

  organize what we see happening in leaders’ lives

  anticipate what might happen in future development

  understand past events so as to see new things in them

  better order our lives

Clinton summarizes his leadership development theory (p 25) as follows:

“God develops a leader over a lifetime.  That development is a function of the use of events and people to impress leadership lessons upon a leader (processing), time, and leader response.  Processing is critical to the theory.  All leaders can point to critical incidents in their lives where God taught them something very important.”

A time-line is an important tool for analysing the life of a leader for it reveals the overall pattern of God’s work in a life.  A time-line is a linear display along a horizontal axis that is broken up into development phases.  A development phase is a unit of time in a person’s life, and they are not absolutes.  They are helpful because they force one to analyse what God is doing during a given time in a person’s life.  Clinton identifies five significant units of time labelled as sovereign foundations, inner-life growth, ministry maturing, and convergence.

Sometimes, though rarely, there is a sixth phase called “afterglow” or “celebration.”  In real life, the development of Phases III, IV and V often overlap.

In Phase I God providentially works foundational items into the life of the leader-to-be.  Personality characteristics, good and bad experiences, and the time context will be used by God.  The building blocks are there, though the structure being built may not be clearly in focus.  Character traits are embedded.  These same traits in mature form will be adapted and used by God.  Many times personality traits will be seen to correlate with the spiritual gift-mix that God gives.  Usually the boundary condition between Phase I and Phase II is the conversion experience (or an all-out surrender commitment) in which the would-be-leader aspires to spend a lifetime that counts for God.

In Phase II an emerging leader usually receives some kind of training.  Often it is informal in connection with ministry.  The basic models by which he or she learns are imitation modelling and informal apprenticeships, as well as mentoring.  There can also be formal and academic training.  Closer analysis reveals that the major thrust of God’s development is inward.  The real training program is in the heart of the person, where God is doing some growth testing.

In Phase III (Ministry Maturing) the emerging leader reaches out to others.  The emerging leader gets into ministry as a prime focus of life.  He is beginning to experiment with spiritual gifts even though he may not know what this doctrine is.  He may get training in order to be more effective.  Ministry is the focus of the rising leader at this stage.  Many of his lessons will zero in on relationships with other people or on the inadequacies in his personal life.  God is developing the leader  in two ways during this time.  Through ministry, the leader can identify his gifts  and skills and use them with increasing effectiveness.  He will also gain a better understanding of the Body of Christ as he experiences the many kinds of relationships it offers.  Ministry activity or fruitfulness is not the focus of  Phase III.  God is working primarily in the leader, not through him or her.  Many emerging leaders don’t recognise this and become frustrated.  They are constantly evaluating productivity and activities, while God is quietly evaluating their leadership and ministry potential.  He wants to teach us that we minister out of what we are.

During Phase IV the leader identifies and uses his or her gift-mix with power.  There is a mature fruitfulness.  God is working through the leader using imitation modelling (Heb 13: 7-8).  That is, God uses one’s life as well as gifts to influence others.  This is a period in which giftedness emerges along with priorities.  One recognises that part of God’s guidance for ministry comes through establishing ministry priorities by discerning gifts.

During Phase V convergence occurs.  The leader is moved by God into a role that matches gift-mix, experience, temperament, etc.  Geographical location is an important part of convergence.  The role not only frees the leader from ministry for which there is no gift, but it also enhances and uses the best that the leader has to offer.  Not many leaders experience convergence because often they are promoted to roles that hinder their gift-mix.  Further, few leaders minister out of what they are.  Their authority usually springs from a role.  In convergence, being and spiritual authority form the true power base for mature ministry.

During all the developmental phases God processes a person by bringing activities, people and problems into his or her life.  These are called process items and include integrity check, isolation, prayer challenge, power encounter etc .  The list is numerous and refers to providential events, people, circumstances, special interventions, inner life lessons and/or anything else that God uses in the leadership selection process of a person to indicate leadership potential, to develop that potential, to confirm appointment to ministry role or responsibility, or to move the leader toward God’s appointed ministry level for realised potential.  A key process item is an integrity check which tests inner character for consistency.  A successful integrity check results in a stronger leader able to serve God in a wider sphere of influence.  Integrity and faithfulness are preludes to success and giftedness.

Clinton identifies two of the major lessons of leadership development as follows:

1.  effective leaders recognise leadership selection and development as a priority function; and

2.  effective leaders increasingly perceive their ministries in terms of a lifetime     perspective.

These must be deliberately actioned for a leader to function effectively.

One of the striking characteristics seen in an effective leader is their drive to learn. They learn from all kinds of sources.  Effective leaders, at all levels of leadership, maintain a learning posture throughout life.  They also have a dynamic ministry philosophy that evolves continually from the interplay of three major factors: biblical dynamics, personal gifts, and situational dynamics.  Clinton believes that it is the ability to weave lessons into a philosophy that makes leaders effective.  One strong indicator of leadership is a learning posture that reflects itself in a dynamic ministry philosophy.  Leaders must develop a ministry philosophy that simultaneously honours biblical leadership values, embraces the challenges of the times in which they live, and fits their unique gifts and personal development if they expect to be productive over a whole lifetime (p 180).

One significant feature of the book is a comprehensive glossary of terms used by Clinton in his insightful leadership development philosophy.  These have been summarised in Appendix A.   For example, giftedness set describes the influence capacity elements of a leader.  These include spiritual gifts, natural abilities and acquired skills.  The focal element in a giftedness set refers to the dominant influence capacity elements, either spiritual gifts, natural abilities or acquired skills, that dominates the ministry efforts of a leader.  For some leaders, spiritual gifts will dominate ministry; for others, natural abilities or acquired skills will dominate.

 The Making of a Leader can be a great encouragement to lay, professional and future leaders as they begin to see the direct hand of God in their development.  They will learn of the providence of God and will sense a continuity of God’s working in their past to develop them as a leader.  There will also be a high degree of anticipation of what is going to do in the future.  The insights gained from this excellent resource will cause people to perceive themselves and others differently, and will cause people to be more deliberate in using these insights for the development and training of others.

© Renewal Journal #13: Ministry,
Reproduction is allowed with the copyright included in the text.

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All Renewal Journal Topics

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6  Worship,   7  Blessing,   8  Awakening,   9  Mission,   10  Evangelism,
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   17  Unity,   18  Servant Leadership,   19  Church,   20 Life

CONTENTS: Renewal Journal 13: Ministry

Pentecostalism’s Global Language, by Walter Hollenweger

Interview with Steven Hill, by Steve Beard

Revival in Mexico City, by Kevin Pate

Revival in Nepal, by Raju Sundras

Beyond Prophesying, by Mike Bickle

The Rise and Rise of the Apostles, by Phil Marshall

Evangelical Heroes Speak, by Richard Riss

Spirit Impacts in Revivals, by Geoff Waugh

The Primacy of Love, by Heidi Baker

Book Reviews:  Fire in the Outback, by John Blacket;  The Making of a Leader, by J R Clinton

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Renewal and Revival by Geoff Waugh

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Renewal and Revival
I make all things new

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Two books compiled in one volume

A book of Geoff’s research in renewal and revival.

Contents of Renewal and Revival


Part 1:  Renewal

1. Renewal Ministry, explores how renewal applies to our lives as we love God and love others.

2. Revival Worship, notes current developments in renewal worship and ministry.

3. New Wineskins, tackles issues about emerging churches and networks.

4. Vision for Ministry, dreams big and explores some implications of renewal in ministry and service.

5. Community Transformation, touches on the amazing current renewal transformation in communities and ecology.

6. Astounding Church Growth, surveys the explosive expansion of the church during the last century.

Part 2: Revival  

7.  Revivals to 1900

8.  20th Century Revivals

9.  1990s – Decade of Revivals

10.  21st Century Revivals

More details on Revival Index.


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Blogs about recent revival movements:

God’s Surprises – Blog
God’s Surprises – PDF
Biographical stories of current revivals in over 20 countries

Jesus’ Last Promise – Blog and Video – Pentecost
You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you

God’s Promise – Blog and Video – I will pour out my Spirit
Seeing God’s Spirit poured out in over 20 countries


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Revivals Awaken Generations

Flashpoints of Revival in Korean

Translated by Dr David Kim

Available from Dr David Kim

Available at Koorong – Australia

Also another translation is produced by Grace Publishers in Seoul, Korea.


Korean Translations are from this book Flashpoints of Revival

Flashpoints of Revival

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Great stories for messages, youth groups & study groups

This book is also Part 1 of Great Revival Stories

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Contents of Best Revival Stories

Introduction:  “I will answer” (Helen Roseveare)


1  Power from on High, by John Greenfield

Moravians impact the Wesleys and missions  

2  The Spirit told us what to do, by Carl Lawrence

2 girls start 30 churches in 2 years

3  Pentecost in Arnhem Land, by Djiniyini Gondarra

Aboriginal revival changes communities

4  Speaking God’s Word, by David Yonggi Cho

Stadium in Russia converted & official dramatically healed


5  Worldwide Awakening, by Richard Riss

Blessing still impacts millions worldwide

6  The River of God, by David Hogan

Revival transforms Mexicans




“I will answer”

God promises to answer us – again and again.

His answer is not always what we expect or even want, but bigger and better than our asking.

Call to me and I will answer you; and show you great and mighty things, you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

It shall come to pass

That before they call, I will answer;

And while they are still speaking, I will hear.

(Isaiah 65:24)

As I lay in bed last night, thinking/meditating/praying with soft instrumental worship playing on my CD, ‘it came to me’ that I would love to read a book of the best revival stories from the many issues of the Renewal Journal.  So here it is.  Being editor, I get to choose the ones I especially like.  Many more great stories are in my other books such as Transforming Revivals.  This editorial has another great story about living faith, miracles and answered prayer.

Helen Roseveare

Living Faith

Helen Roseveare, a missionary doctor to the Congo, recorded this story in her book, Living Faith.  She also wrote books about the Belgian Congo (now Zaire) revival of the 1950s.

One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labour ward; but in spite of all we could do she died leaving us with a tiny premature baby and a crying two-year-old daughter. We would have difficulty keeping the baby alive, as we had no incubator (we had no electricity to run an incubator) and no special feeding facilities. Although we lived on the equator, nights were often chilly with treacherous drafts.

One student midwife went for the box we had for such babies and the cotton wool the baby would be wrapped in. Another went to stoke up the fire and fill a hot water bottle. She came back shortly in distress to tell me that in filling the bottle, it had burst. Rubber perishes easily in tropical climates. “And it is our last hot water bottle!” she exclaimed.

As in the West it is no good crying over spilled milk, so in Central Africa it might be considered no good crying over burst water bottles. They do not grow on trees, and there are no drugstores down forest pathways.”All right,” I said, “Put the baby as near the fire as you safely can; sleep between the baby and the door to keep it free from drafts. Your job is to keep the baby warm.

The following noon, as I did most days, I went to have prayers with any of the orphanage children who chose to gather with me. I gave the youngsters various suggestions of things to pray about and told them about the tiny baby. I explained our problem about keeping the baby warm enough, mentioning the hot water bottle. The baby could so easily die if it got chills. I also told them of the two-year-old sister, crying because her mother had died. During the prayer time, one ten-year-old girl, Ruth, prayed with the usual blunt conciseness of our African children. “Please, God,” she prayed, “send us a water bottle. It’ll be no good tomorrow, God, as the baby will be dead, so please send it this afternoon.”

While I gasped inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added by way of corollary, “And while You are about it, would You please send a dolly for the little girl so she’ll know You really love her?” As often with children’s prayers, I was put on the spot. Could I honestly say, “Amen”? I just did not believe that God could do this. Oh, yes, I know that He can do everything. The Bible says so. But there are limits, aren’t’ t there? The only way God could answer this particular prayer would be by sending me a parcel from the homeland. I had been in Africa for almost four years at that time, and I had never, ever received a parcel from home; anyway, if anyone did send me a parcel, who would put in a hot water bottle? I lived on the equator!

Halfway through the afternoon, while I was teaching in the nurses’ training school, a message was sent that there was a car at my front door. By the time I reached home, the car had gone, but there, on the verandah, was a large twenty-two pound parcel. I felt tears pricking my eyes. I could not open the parcel alone, so I sent for the orphanage children. Together we pulled off the string, carefully undoing each knot. We folded the paper, taking care not to tear it unduly. Excitement was mounting. Some thirty or forty pairs of eyes were focused on the large cardboard box. From the top, I lifted out brightly coloured, knitted jerseys. Eyes sparkled as I gave them out. Then there were the knitted bandages for the leprosy patients, and the children looked a little bored. Then came a box of mixed raisins and sultanas—that would make a nice batch of buns for the weekend. Then, as I put my hand in again, I felt the . . . could it really be? I grasped it and pulled it out – yes, a brand-new, rubber hot water bottle! I cried. I had not asked God to send it. I had not truly believed that He could.

Ruth was in the front row of the children. She rushed forward, crying out, “If God has sent the bottle, He must have sent the dolly, too!” Rummaging down to the bottom of the box, she pulled out the small, beautifully dressed dolly. Her eyes shone! She had never doubted. Looking up at me, she asked: “Can I go over with you, Mummy, and give this dolly to that little girl, so she’ll know that Jesus really loves her?

That parcel had been on the way for five whole months. Packed up by my former Sunday school class, whose leader had heard and obeyed God’s prompting to send a hot water bottle, even to the equator. And one of the girls had put in a dolly for an African child – five months before – in answer to the believing prayer of a ten-year-old to bring it “that afternoon.”

“Before they call, I will answer!” (Isaiah 65:24)

Mama LukaDr Helen Roseveare (1925-), an English missionary to the Congo from 1953 to 1973, suffered terribly through the political instability in the early 1960s and as a prisoner of rebel forces for five months in 1964. After her release she headed back to England but returned to the Congo in 1966 to assist in the rebuilding of the nation.  Now retired she lives in Northern Ireland. The film Mama Luka Comes Home documents her return visit to Zaire in 1989.

Revivals abound with such stories of answered prayer and miracles.  This book contains a few of those stories.

John Greenfield’s book, Power from on High, sparkles with the vibrant evangelism and mission of the Moravian revival which flamed into the Great Awakening and Evangelical Revival of the eighteenth century.

Carl Lawrence graphically describes an example of revival in China ignited by two teenage girls.  Djiniyini Gondarra traces the humble beginnings of the Aboriginal revival in Australia.  David Yonggi Cho recounts his experience of explosive revival in communist Russia.

Richard Riss gathered extensive reports of revival awakenings in North America and England, and David Hogan testifies to amazing revivals in Mexico

We too can participate in prayer and revival in vital ways:

We can Ask God for a great harvest as we pray.

We can Believe God.  He is able to do far more than anything we ask or even think about.

We can Commit our way to God who is the Lord of the harvest.

I pray that this book will both inform and inspire you.  We can all join the millions praying “… Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  … For Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever, Amen.”

More Revival Stories

Blogs about recent revival movements:

God’s Surprises – Blog
God’s Surprises – PDF
Biographical stories of current revivals in over 20 countries

Jesus’ Last Promise – Blog and Video – Pentecost
You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you

God’s Promise – Blog and Video – I will pour out my Spirit
Seeing God’s Spirit poured out in over 20 countries


Flashpoints of Revival  (2nd ed., 2009)

South Pacific Revivals (2nd ed., 2010)

Revival Fires: History’s Mighty Revivals (2011)

Transforming Revivals (2011)

Revival (2011)

Renewal (2011)

(c) 2011  Renewal Journal articles may be reproduced with the copyright included.

Renewal Journal – Contents  – All issues with links to articles

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Global Reports

These brief global reports are snapshots from the end of the 20th century

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An article in Renewal Journal 12: Harvest
Renewal Journal 12: Harvest



An entire village in Thailand became Christians after a prayer for rain was answered, according to Sowers Ministry.  Lun Poobuanak, a Thai missionary among the Buddhists and animists in Kalasin Province, said a village leader interrupted a Christian service, promising that if the Christian God would bring rain to save their crops, all 134 village families would become Christians.  Lun and the other Christians prayed and fasted for three days, and on the fourth day, an intense cloudburst flooded the canals and rice fields.

Source: IRN News, January, 1998

Revival in an Indian Village, 1998

 Report from Dr Paul Pilai, Founder of Indian Inland Mission.

One of our mission stations in a village in central India, named Tarti, was under the grip of fear of an evil spirit that destroyed the crop every year.   Three families came to know Christ and a small church was established in a hut.  The church prayed for the safety of the crop and no damage took place last year.

The whole village is turning to Christ and a great revival is taking place there.  Most of the villagers wanted to receive Christ as their Lord and God.  They stopped all the animal sacrifices to the evil spirits and the demons.  None of the evil spirits attacked the crop or the villagers.  They are learning Christian songs and pray loud to Jesus to make the demons know that the true God is in the midst of them.   The Lord’s presence in the midst of them is known everywhere.

How meaningful it was when Elijah prayed before the Baal worshippers “let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel and that I am thy servant, and that 1 have done all these things at thy word” (1 Kings 18:36).

We praise the Lord that our ministry started in that unknown village at God’s word and command.  He proved to His servants that He is the Lord God Almighty, the only true and living God, yesterday, today and forever the same.

Indian Inland Mission Newsletter, July 1998, pages 3-4.

30,000 decisions for Jesus in New Delhi

Christ for all Nations were in New Delhi from 25 February to 1 March, 1998.

New Delhi is a city of ten million people and is the capital city of the nation of India, as well as the political nerve centre for the whole country.  In addition to this, it is known as a Hindu stronghold, a fact that is made even more significant by recent advances in the national political arena for the Hindu political party.  The CfaN team headed to this city only two weeks after the end of national general elections, to hold a Gospel outreach in the huge Jawaharlal Nehru stadium.  The event was billed as “The Good News Festival.”

The Festival was launched with a VIP banquet that was held the night before the stadium meetings began.  Two hundred and fifty local and international dignitaries attended, among them a number of ambassadors from other countries.  Reinhard Bonnke preached a direct and clear Gospel message and many leading citizens were seen to respond publicly to the salvation call.

250 churches participated

Pastors and churches from across the city joined together to host the event and Pastor Robert Jeyaraj was appointed as chairman of the event, overseeing the activities of the two hundred and fifty participating churches.  It was also planned that running simultaneously with the evening meetings in the stadium, pastors and church workers from the region would be invited to attend a Fire Conference, which would be held each day during the week.  An idea of the excitement generated by the whole event can be gauged by the fact that over four thousand delegates registered for the Fire Conference, many travelling considerable distances to be present.  Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Berg and Brent Regis handled the Fire Conference sessions.  On the final day, this particular event culminated with Reinhard Bonnke personally laying hands on the four thousand delegates before they each received a complimentary copy of the book Evangelism by Fire.  There is power in the prayers of the righteous!

Despite restrictive security measures at the stadium entrances and unseasonable cold weather, tens of thousands of people flocked to the meetings nightly to hear the Good News of the Gospel as Reinhard Bonnke preached.  The meetings were characterised by an amazing attentiveness among the large crowd, transfixed by the Word of God as the Gospel message rang out across the vast arena.  Each night the power of the Word was seen as thousands upon thousands responded positively to the invitation to receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour, to the exclusion of all other gods.  The two thousand counsellors were kept very busy, sometimes late into the night, handling the many respondents.  By the final meeting, over thirty thousand decision cards had been handed in, and these were immediately funnelled into the follow-up system to be incorporated into the local churches.  The follow-up material was available in both English and Hindi, the predominant local language.


After the presentation of the Gospel message each night, a public prayer was offered for all those who were sick.  The crowd was amazed at the testimonies that followed as people pressed forward to report what God had done for them.  Of the many hundreds healed, only a small number could be interviewed publicly due to time restraints, but the crowd shouted with joy as each person, together with witnesses, gave glory to God for their healing.  A young man by the name of Mr.  Patel came with his father to report that his right eye, which had been totally blind for five years, could now see perfectly.  Everyone rejoiced as he correctly imitated the preacher by lifting his fingers to the sky.  A woman with tears in her eyes reported that a cancerous lump in her right breast was now completely gone.  The crowd erupted in a shout of praise.  Miss Naidoo, a young Hindu woman, was brought by her relatives to show that despite the fact that she had been deaf from birth, she could now hear very clearly.  Reinhard Bonnke demonstrated this by whispering into her ear and she was able to shout out the reply.

Fanatics opposed to the Christian message were so incensed by the miracle testimonies, that they printed out special handbills denying the validity of what was happening inside the arena each night.  These they proceeded to hand out to the thousands who were standing in line at the stadium entrances.  What the people thought about it all was graphically illustrated at the close of each meeting by the fact that while thousands of the handbills lay discarded on the ground, not a single follow-up booklet was picked up by the cleaners!

When the time finally came for the CfaN team to leave New Delhi, the general feeling of all involved could be summed up in the words of the Festival Chairman Rev.  Robert Jeyaraj.  AWe have seen the power of the Gospel in action during these days in Jawarhal Nehru Stadium, and we will reap the benefits for many months to come.” Only the Lord of the harvest knows the full extent of the harvest.  You, our Missions Partners, are a vital part of this harvesting team and we praise God for each and every one who is faithful in prayer and financial support.  He is the One who sees and He is the One who rewards.  To God be the glory!

Source: Asuza, Global Revival News


Responses to Words of Hope’s radio outreach efforts to Tibetan Buddhists nearly tripled in 1997.  Vice President for Broadcasting Lee DeYoung told Mission Network News on 23 February, 1998 that his group received over 700 letters from Tibetans in both 1995 and 1996.  Last year that number jumped to over 2,000.

Source: Global Revival News, March 1998.


A Christian ministry in Syria, known in the USA as Syrian Evangelistic Educational Development, reports that a great revival has broken out due to prayer and fasting by the believers of that ministry.  As a result, many Muslims have accepted Jesus as their Saviour.  Additionally, for the first time in recent history, the government has allowed this ministry to print and distribute thousands of New Testaments.  To help, contact <>.

Source: FIA News, 5 March, 1998

Cairo, Egypt

Last night they wouldn’t let me into church!  The service was supposed to begin at 7 pm, and in Egypt this meant that most people would arrive around 7:30.  So you can imagine my surprise when I arrived on time only to find dozens of people walking away from the church!

Hundreds of people were in the street trying to make their way through the gate into the church and were being told that there was no more room.   It was very difficult to fight my way through the crowds into the church courtyard which was packed full of people watching the service on a very large screen.   I finally went into the church and found one seat saved for me by a friend.

The place was absolutely packed and the worship time was in full swing even though it was only a few minutes past 7:00 pm.   I knew that every Sunday school room and meeting room in the church as well as the parking lot at the back had closed circuit television screens transmitting the service to them.  It was the first night of the Luis Palau revival meetings in this church, which is the largest Protestant church in the Middle East.  Probably more than 3000 people were packed into the compound!

In Egypt, Christian meetings have to be held in Christian facilities so it was impossible to consider renting an auditorium or stadium for this event.  But as the pastor was introducing the American Argentinean-born Evangelist, he reminded the audience that Luis would have a nightly hearing of more people than would fit in the large Cairo soccer stadium!               How was this?

Through an ingenious program developed by this particular church, the complete service is video taped and after the service dozens of people work all night to make hundreds of duplicate videos.   Early the next morning, couriers travel to all parts of Egypt to deliver one or more tapes to the 570 churches that have agreed to take part in this outreach!  It is expected that around 150,000 participated each day.

Pray for the tens of thousands of people in hundreds of churches across this country.  Also pray for God’s protection.

Source: FIA News


Despite the harsh Arabization and Islamization policy by the government, the Christian Church in Sudan is growing fast.  In the slums of Khartoum a revival has started.  Small churches, often built of clay, mushroom everywhere.  The Jesus Film is shown every night in another church.  Twenty years ago only 5 percent of the Sudanese population was Christian.  Ten years ago this number had grown to 10 percent.  Now about 20 percent of the people in Sudan is Christian!  The Anglican Church has grown from 4 congregations in 1984 to 280 now.  Because of the arabization policy a strong Arab speaking Christian Church is arising which has the fire to spread the gospel even to other countries in the Middle East.  These Christians risk severe persecution and even death.

Sudanese Muslims receive dreams

Many Muslims come to faith in Jesus through God-given dreams.  Like an influential Nuba Muslim in Sudan.  One night he received a clear dream.  He saw himself getting baptized in a Christian church, while the believers sung a beautiful hymn in Arabic.  He remembered the last part of this song very well: “Receive Jesus and you will be happy.”  Then the door of the church opened and he woke up.  “I noticed that the door of my dormitory was open, but I know for sure that I had closed it the night before.”  He shared his dream with his wife and she couldn’t sleep that night.  The next morning his son of 13 told him that he had had a similar dream.  “I was in a dark room when suddenly there appeared a light.  Then I saw daddy with a cross in his hand, where this light came from.”  When the Nuba man heard this, he decided the get baptized.  His whole family is now receiving Bible lessons.  These kinds of stories come in from all over Sudan.

More freedom of religion in Sudan

While in South Sudan a civil war is going on and the rights of Christians are trampled, Christians in the North speak of more freedom of religion.  According to an evangelist in Khartoum, the constitution was changed recently and now guarantees freedom of religion, freedom to evangelize and freedom to plant churches anywhere in the country.  He tried this out immediately: in March he held a street evangelism campaign of a few days in the north of Khartoum.  The population is mainly Muslim there.  About 3,000 to 5,000 people showed up at the campaign that included a showing of the Jesus Film.  “People were even standing on the roofs to be able to see the film,” according to the evangelist.  “The gospel was not hindered at all.  This is a miracle of God and a fruit of your prayers for us.  Just because of the war many Muslims come to faith in Jesus.”

Source: Joel News, 25 April, 1998


 “Please ensure that Bibles are distributed in all corners of this country to give every Zambian the opportunity to have the Scriptures in their respective local language,” was the challenge issued by State President FTJ Chiluba on the occasion of the Bible Society of Zambia’s (BSZ) Annual General Meeting held on Saturday March 7, 1998.

The President continued:  “The Word of God has life and power that can shape families and society.  As people search for truth they need to experience the liberating power of the Gospel.”  He pointed out that the Society’s work of translating, printing and distributing the Scriptures was of vital importance and that there was a pressing need for an increase in local fundraising.

The President said it was “embarrassing” for the church in Zambia to always rely on external assistance, and he pledged 100 million kwatcha (US$60,000) to the Bible Society to be made available during the current budget year.  He challenged all Christians in Zambia to contribute generously to God’s work.  Lack of giving to the work of God was the reason that many people failed to balance their budgets, the President said.  “You can only expect to receive God’s blessing if you give back to him from what you have earned,” he added.

The Rev Peter Ndhlovu, National Chairman of the Bible Society in Zambia, commended the Government for its commitment to the Bible cause as he thanked President Chiluba for such a challenging message.

Source: ChristianNet 18 March 1998.


 Charles Carroll reports:

One of my favorite verses is Habakkuk 1:5, where God says, “Look at the nations and watch-and be utterly amazed.   For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”  I want to give you a beautiful illustration of this.   In January someone sent me a copy of a speech given recently by Y.  K.  Museveni, president of Uganda.   Reuters news agency says Museveni has emerged as one of the most articulate champions of change in Africa (21/1/98).  I think you will find this speech both amazing and encouraging.

Remarks by President Museveni

Thank you, Your Excellencies, for the opportunity to share some thoughts about  the spiritual condition of the peoples of Africa.   As I observe the tribal differences, religious divisions, poverty and disease, lack of sufficient educational opportunities for our children, political upheaval and racial strife, it becomes obvious that the principles of Jesus Christ have not penetrated Africa enough!

It may seem strange for some of you to think that I would say this about Christ,  because I know many of you may think this is too religious and not a very  practical solution to the problems I have just mentioned.  Furthermore, I know that most of you do not think of me as a very religious man – in fact, I do not think that about myself.   My wife is a much better believer and prayer than I am, and those who have known me through the years know that I have had problems with religious people.   As I have grown older, I realize that all of the problems have not been theirs, but I do think that those of us who claim to love God ought to love one another – this is one of the most basic attributes of a follower of Christ.

As the years have gone by, however, even though I have not become a member of  any special religious group, I have decided to follow Jesus Christ with my whole  heart.   I find in him the inner strength, the precepts and the lifestyle that can help me and all the people of Uganda to solve the problems we face individually and as a nation.  It is one of the interesting facts about Jesus Christ that people in every nation of the world regardless of religion, whether one is a believer or a non-believer, consider Jesus the greatest authority on human relations in history.   His views on that subject have transcended all religions and cultures.   It is remarkable that the person of Jesus Christ is accepted by everyone – even when they are not attracted by institutional religion.

With that in mind, I want to stress at least three significant precepts that Christ taught and modelled, which if practised, will help Africa: forgiveness, humility and love.

Forgiveness – Jesus Christ is the only person ever to come up with the idea of  unconditional forgiveness, even of one’s enemies.   He went so far as to say, if you don’t forgive, God won’t forgive you.   In countries where animosity and division go back for generations and even thousands of years, how can peace come to a person, a group of persons or a nation if at some point we do not forgive and let God take the vengeance on our enemies – if that is what he decides to do?  It has also been discovered that if we do not forgive, in the final analysis, it hurts us more to hate than it does those we hate.   Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that the message of Christ on forgiveness is the only practical solution to healing a nation’s wounds and bringing unity.

Humility – This is one of the most important attributes necessary to become a  good leader.   When you observe leaders at all levels of society, throughout Africa and I suppose throughout the world, you find them being overcome by power, greed and self-interest.   Somehow, after they have attained the prominence and positions of trust, they forget the people, their poverty and need.   They forget that they could become a great instrument to help their country, and instead they begin to live like little kings and dictators.   Only with a humble spirit, one which recognizes that we who have been given opportunities greater than most are in fact servants of God and the people rather than masters, will we be able to help our countries move from Third World status and lead the people to a new day.   As the Scripture says, God resists the proud and gives help to the humble.   If you have time to pray for me, please pray that God will give me the strength, wisdom and sense to be a humble servant.

Love – It has been fascinating to me to discover that for centuries people who have been the most thoughtful, the most respected, and who have made the most  lasting contributions to the human race have all agreed that the highest and  greatest purpose for their lives has been to seek to love God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength.   These are people like Moses – the great lawgiver; Abraham – the man of faith and father of nations; William Wilberforce – the leader against the slave trade; Mother Teresa – and on and on.   Jesus Christ said the sum of all the law and prophets is to love God and love one another.   If love for God and one another were the rule and the prevailing attitude in our  nations and communities, all problems would move gradually to resolution.   Even  when love is not the rule for most of the population and only exists among the few, great things happen that give hope and life in a world starved for love and caring.

Today, as we meet together, let’s resolve to take Jesus Christ out of the religious setting in which we have imprisoned him and walk with him along the dusty roads of Africa where he feels much more at home.

Source: Awakening, 18 March 1998  <>.

Healings in Uganda

 Bishop Grivas K. Musisi, a Ugandan Christian leader claimed in an interview in the USA in April 1998 that “God has healed 223 people from AIDS” in his country.  Each one of these healings,” he says, “has been confirmed medically.”  Bishop Musisi, senior pastor of the Prayer Palace Church in Kampala, Uganda, and who oversees of 75 other charismatic non-denominational churches throughout the country, stated that he believes that God can do the same for people who are HIV positive or have full-blown AIDS in the United States.  Musisi stated: “I believe that the solution is to come back to God.  If a person can turn to God, God is willing to heal that person.  He did it to the people with leprosy and he can do it with those with AIDS.  God has been kind enough to confirm it through his Word.  It has become a calling to everyone at the church to preach and pray for the sick and see people get healed, not just from AIDS, but from many other diseases as well.  Daily, over 500 intercessors cry to God for healings at the Prayer Palace Church.”

Source: Dan Wooding  via IRN News

South Africa

  Pastor Aré J. Van Eck reports:  Our Congregation is called Nuwe Lewe Christensentrem, that is the Afrikaans for New Life Christian Centre.  We are in no way a large congregation, with attendance seldom more than 80 and normally around 35 – 45.   Part of this is due to the fact that we are in a rural area, which is church-riddled, but mostly because we are multi-racial.  Most of our attempts to try and work with other congregations fail, because we love souls more than skin colours!  What I want to share about is the way in which God is visiting us.

As for most preachers, I also went to local conferences (not being able to travel abroad) and had people like Benny Hinn, John Arnott, Rodney Howard-Browne and Randy Clark, pray over me and my wife, but always without any real manifestations.  There was the occasional “going under” but not laughing, crying or being drunk for days – just to get back home and to find that God comes and touches his people anyway.

Imagine an Afrikaans scene with Afrikaans speaking to coloured farm workers, normally the poorest people you can get, sitting cramped in a 3 roomed house (no, not 3 bedrooms, but only 3 rooms) some totally illiterate, about 16 in the one room singing Vineyard and Hillsongs which they have been taught and of which the words have been properly explained to them.  Minutes later, they

themselves start to pray, reading spontaneously out of the Word and laying prostrate under the power of the Holy Spirit, small children laughing in the Spirit, mom & dad repenting freely of hurts and sin.  Praise be to God alone.

I am no person of wealth, charisma or above average education.  I was a policeman for almost 18 years;  it is all of God.  We are near a black residential are as well.   Now there are small black kids that run away from home to attend church.   Some of them got spankings because of it, but they keep coming.   I am talking children from 6 years up to about 14 years of age.

When I first ministered to a very small one who reacted on an altar call, I was annoyed to found that he did not even understand Afrikaans or English.  All he said was “Jesu, Jesu.”  The moment I started to pray for him, that little heart broke.  He wept, fell under the power, and while lying on the ground, started to pray in his mother tongue, Xhosa.   I asked one of his older friends to interpret.  He was praying for a drunken mother and a father that left them on their own.

An elderly black man got saved, and asked prayer for his child that has vanished more than three years ago.   The police had closed the case as they had no leads to follow.   We prayed and within two weeks she surfaced in a town 300 kilometres from us, after being taken away by somebody who promised her a job.  They had her delivered to her parent’s house, and we had the privilege of leading her to the Lord as well!  Is God good or is he good?

Source: IRN News, 5 February, 1998


 Neil Anderson reported in March 1998.

We have just returned from a very fruitful trip to the northern provinces of China. People are on the move, and political and spiritual changes are occurring in the country.  The meetings with the believers had to be secretly held at night, because as you know in China it is against the law to meet in homes for church services.  In these houses, the rooms are very small.  In every place we went they were packed to the limit, so much so that the people were practically sitting on each other.  But it didn’t matter as the people sang and worshipped the Lord.  There were some new people there who were coming to a meeting like this for the first time.  At the end of the meetings all of them gave their hearts to the Lord.  People heard the Word with much interest and excitement.  Every night we prayed for people to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and to be healed.  All who were prayed for received the Holy Spirit, and spoke in tongues.

We were able to minister to many of the church leaders in China and listened to what God is doing in their lives and ministry.  Brother Bi, one of the key leaders of many of the house churches based in the northeastern part of China has a total of 20 full time workers working with him in 50-60 different churches in the area.  He told us this story:

In January a sister name Lan was going to see her brother, along with her little nephew.  On the way to this place, it got dark and there was no light on their path.  It was cold, foggy and nothing could be seen more than a foot in front of them.  Suddenly a bright light shown before them.  It was about 5 meters wide and this light led them all the way to her brother’s house.  As soon as they stepped in to her brother’s house, the light disappeared.  After they told this news to their family, five of them gave their lives to Jesus.

Source: Hong Kong & China Report.

Inner Mongolia

Churches in Inner Mongolia are experiencing phenomenal growth.  The region, located along China’s northern border, had 2,000 Christians in 1984, Lee DeYoung of Words of Hope radio told Mission Network News.  Today there are 150,000 believers and at least 40 large churches, he said.  DeYoung, who visited the capital city of Hohhot recently, said there is no explanation for the growth other than the work of the Holy Spirit.

Source: Global Revival News, March 1998.


 The light of Christ is beginning to dawn in Japan.  Christians say they sense “a new beginning” as churches cooperate in prayer and evangelism, Paul Ariga of the All Japan Revival Mission told Religion Today.  About 1,000 churches participated in the All Tokyo Revival Mission 18-27 September, 1998.  Charismatic, evangelical, and Pentecostal congregations worked together to plan the event.  Almost 20,000 “prayer warriors” — some from other countries — logged hours of prayers in preparation.  About 1,000 people conducted evangelism outreaches in the months before the crusade.

It was the first time that Japanese Protestants of all denominations worked together.  Workers delivered Christian literature to 3 million homes in Tokyo in preparation for the crusade.  Well-known Japanese Christian writer Ayako Miura wrote the tract, called “From Discouragement to Hope”.  Another one million tracts were distributed at street meetings in the city.

The crusade drew more than 120,000 people to 24 meetings.  About 56,000 non-Christians attended 10 evangelistic services at the Nihon Budokan, and almost 6,000 made first-time professions of faith in Jesus Christ, Ariga said.  Two outreaches were held for women and children.  About 60,000 Christians attended revival services intended to deepen their commitments to Christ and inspire them to spread their faith.

The number of responses is high for Japan.  About 2.5% of the population is Christian and most churches average 30 members, Operation World says.  There are 3,000 Protestant churches in Tokyo, a city of 30 million, and 7,700 Protestant churches in Japan.  Some cities and towns do not have a Christian church.

Most Japanese claim no personal religion, but follow the customs of traditional religions including Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism.   About 100 New Age style offshoots of those religions spring up every year.   Those influences, and Japan’s history of offenses during World War II and other eras, have created a “spiritual bondage” that hinders people from receiving God’s grace, Ariga said.

It takes the “spiritual warfare” of prayer, fasting, and confession of sins to break that bondage, he said.  About 19,000 people have been praying for Tokyo since 1992.  More than 1 million hours of prayer have been offered on behalf of the city in five years.  To prepare for this year’s crusade, leaders asked the people to add 377,750 hours — one for every square mile of the city.  About 3,000 people took part in a 40-day fasting chain prior to the event.

Ariga and other leaders have visited other nations to confess Japan’s sins against them.  He has visited Australia, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan in the past two years to ask forgiveness for the country’s brutal behavior in occupied territories.  Christian leaders in each of those nations accepted his apology and pledged to mobilize people to pray 1 million hours for Japan.

Reconciliation among Christians “breaks the bondage and the power of darkness and makes it easier for people to receive the message of Christ,” Ariga said.  “We drew so many people—more than expected—from all over the island.” Before the revival, seven of Ariga’s eight relatives in Tokyo were not Christians.  “Now I have eight relatives in Tokyo who are believers — that is the result of prayer.”

Source: Baptist Press, Religion Today; Joel News, 16 October, 1998.


In the Soviet Union, in 1989, there were 550,000 evangelicals, then by 1998 there are 2.3 million in Russia alone!

Source: Hands for Christ; IRN News.

Arctic Areas

Slavic Ministries and YWAM Norway are launching an initiative to reach the unreached living at the world’s extremes.  The Arctic, Siberia and the Caucasus are rugged regions where numerous still-unreached indigenous peoples live.  The Arctic is home to more than 20 indigenous nomadic & mostly unreached people groups.  A School of Foreign Missions (SOFM) at Borgen, YWAM’s northernmost base, in Norway’s far north, was be led by the mission’s pioneers among the nomadic Nenets in April, 1998.  Siberia, the ultimate godforsaken territory where thousands of political prisoners were sent to the gulags, and the Caucasus region, with the greatest concentration of unreached peoples in Europe, are the two other target areas of this thrust.

Source:  Europe NOW, Mon, 16 February, 1998.

Bible in 2197 languages

The Bible or portions thereof has now been printed in 2197 languages, 30 more than in 1996 reports the German Bible Society in Stuttgart.  The Bible is not only the most sold book in the world, but also the most translated.  The complete Old and New Testament is available in 363 languages. 135 groups are working on a further 681 translations.

Source: Hope for Europe, February, 1998.


 Pastor Marc Lebrun from France reports:

Our visit to Toronto in 1995 has changed our lives and put our ministry in such a dynamic that we couldn’t expect before.

When we came back the power of the spirit fell in the place and hit our little church in such a power that it is a wonder it remained.  We organized soon renewal services and many people from around the Paris area and even further visited the church.  Many were healed up, refreshed, with a new love for Jesus.  The church grew and we needed twice to move our facilities. Our revival meetings draw around 200 people and the power of the Holy Spirit is increasing toward the revival outbreak we expect to come soon.  Intercessory prayer, fasting, gifts of the spirit, have grown up and have become a normal way of life now.

The prophetic anointing is tremendous.  Lately during a four days revival with David Herzog (David is an American evangelist missionary to France) a word of knowledge revealed that some people in the crowd had a spirit of suicide.  We had a call for those people to come forward, the spirit resisted, nobody came, but when we rebuked the spirit of death, several people were hit and fell onto the ground, screaming.  Some of our people went into intercession.  Then seven people came forward and the power of death was broken.  At the altar call 13 people gave their lives to Jesus.  Some were children, youth and some adults.  A young boy was delivered from a spirit of violence and death, he saw a vision of angels, his mother says he is completely changed.  When Naomi, a 13 month old baby girl with second degree burns was healed through prayer, it resulted in the healing of all other children that were next to her in hospital.  Please pray for us.  We expect revival to explode and touch many people and churches around.  If you have France on your heart, please pray with us and let us know.

Source  via Awakening


Tessa de Ruiter from Elim Pentecostal Church in Hilversum, Holland, reports to have seen and heard angels:  On 8 March 1998 during the worship-singing I heard voices singing that I had never heard before in church.  These voices were the most beautiful ones I had ever heard, clear and pure.  I knew that the voices did not come from the congregation for I know those, who are close to the platform, very well.  After the preaching, when the invitation was given, my eyes were continually attracted to the platform, then I saw an angel on either side of the platform.  I closed my eyes quickly and was thinking: “Lord, this cannot be real…”  A voice within me said: “Look once more.”  I looked and they were still there, beautiful, with gold-blond hair, clothed in white.  In their hands they had a large golden horn, full of pure oil.  I asked the Lord what they were doing and the answer was:  “I have send them to serve and to anoint with my oil.”  I asked him what they were waiting for and the answer was: The sign to start.  “But, Lord, who will give that sign?”  The reply:  “You.  When you will go to the front and tell the people what you see, then they will begin to move.”  As a result many came forward, there were tears and Jesus touched everybody deeply – the anointing was powerful.

Source: Joel News


Youth unity initiative in Ireland

Protestant and Catholic young people joined forces in a marathon prayer walk round the borders of Northern Ireland, seeking peace for the long-divided communities.  While sectarian marches have frequently sparked violent clashes during the years of “The Troubles”, organizers of The Reconciliation Walk-Northern Ireland hoped that linking young Christians from different traditions in the trek would serve as a symbol for a united future.  The Rec Walk was for Christian young people, between the ages of 16 and 25, who wanted to walk together with other young people and pray for reconciliation, unity & peace in Northern Ireland.  The 600-mile journey started in Belfast and basically followed the border of Northern Ireland, taking participants through former trouble spots like Londonderry and Eniskillen – sites of some of the worst violence during the years of conflict.  Local youth events focusing on peace, reconciliation and unity were staged along the way.  The event was promoted by Youth With A Mission, whose Northern Ireland leader Mike Oman hopes to see up to 1,500 young people taking part – some for one week and others for the entire route.  He said that the walk was intended to build on the fragile sense of hope for the future that had been building in Northern Ireland over the past couple of years – which had largely seen an absence of violence.     Mike Oman <>

Peace Agreement

Report by Diarmuid O’Neill.

What happened in Ireland with the peace agreement on Friday the 10th of April, 1998, was something I never thought I would see in my lifetime, it was and is something amazing.  It is a wonderful opportunity that God has given the people of Northern Ireland and the people on the island of Ireland as a whole, for peace, healing and restoration.  This healing and restoration is also needed for the church of Jesus Christ in Ireland, to be a whole body the way Jesus intended it to be.

God has done an amazing thing and I hope that he will richly bless each one of you who has been praying for however long for peace in Ireland – as an Irish man I am so grateful to you and praise God for all he has done through your faithfulness.

But it’s only the beginning.  Its the dawn of a new day, the ushering in of a new era, that is if we continue to cry out to God for grace and mercy to be given out in abundance to all those involved.

God has blessed us with leaders in the political realm who were prepared to take risks and lay down some of their own ideals, aspirations, agenda’s and pride.  The church needs to learn from these men and women so that the church will do the same and will be prepared to stick its neck out and take risks and stop trying to be always politically correct.  Let us pray that from within the church will come the role models for every stratosphere of community life, especially for the up and coming generation who have known nothing but trouble and violence.  65% of the population in the South of Ireland are young people looking for answers.  New Age and alternatives to Christ flood the market place.  These young people need your prayers that the Christians in the North will share with them their new life.

God can powerfully use leaders and Christians who are prepared to say “your will – not mine be done”, and they are the type of people the island of Ireland needs right now.  Pray that God will give leaders favour with their people, so that they will be able to persuade them to vote in favour of the peace deal.

God is without a doubt blessing Ireland (North & South) in many ways during this time and he has said much about how he will bless Ireland in the future and how he will use the people of Ireland to bless again nations all over the world.  Pray that once again revival will sweep the land, remembering that it was the people of this island who kept the gospel alive while the rest of Europe was being over-run by Vandals, Barbarians and such like.  God used Irish people powerfully to bring the gospel all over Europe, may He do it again as continental Europe now, like then, sits largely in darkness and is in desperate need of Gods love and grace.

We need to keep praying that all of these things will come to pass.  That the people of Northern Ireland will be healed of all the pain and be restored. We also need to be prepared to go and just listen and be alongside them, we need to take risks and be brave and go and face the powerful emotions of hatred, anger, loss, mourning, fear, bitterness and many more besides.  This process of restoration is not just for the people of Northern Ireland, but for the people of the South of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England and beyond.  The eyes of the world are watching and God will use all that this troubled land and people have learnt through this torrid, terrible time to bring restoration and healing between peoples, churches, Catholic and Protestant, Jew and Gentile.

We need to keep praying too that nothing else will fill the void left by terrorism and intimidation by all paramilitaries.  Since the first ceasefire in 1992 the drug scene in Ireland has become drastically worse.  Believe it or not: because of the vigilante tactics adopted in the North by paramilitary organisations, the crime rate in Northern Ireland has been one of the lowest in Europe.

So please, please keep praying for Ireland North and South and all the people in it, that people’s fears of this being yet another failed attempt will not be realised.  Rather that this will be what we have been hoping and waiting for for nearly 30 years and then maybe we will be able to heal all the other wounds which stretch back over centuries!  We want to challenge the church to keep praying and fasting for this crucial time in the history of the island of Ireland – don’t stop praying, in fact pray even more.

Diarmuid O’Neill & Amaury Braga <>

Source: Joel News,  22 April, 1998.


 ‘Sowing the Seeds of Revival’ has continued over the last five months, four nights a week at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street, Westminster on Wednesday to Saturday nights since the 1st of June, 1997.  Well over 55,000 people have been through the building and over 6,000 have come forward to ‘Get right with God’. Twelve dustbins full of pornography, illegal drugs, weapons, Masonic jewellery, clothing and personal effects have been collected.  Scores have been converted to Christ and dozens baptised.  Some have been so overcome by the Holy Spirit they have been unable to get out of the pool.  Members of the House of Lords, House of Commons and staff at Buckingham Palace have been present as well as the homeless and hungry off the streets of London.  Over 500 bags of food have been distributed to the hungry and homeless over that period of time. —

Gerald Coates.  Source:  IRN –]



David Culley reports from Glad Tidings Assembly in Vancouver, Canada.

“And it shall come to pass in the last days that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh …”  We are seeing it!  For the past months Glad Tidings in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada has been experiencing the same renewal that is happening all over the world. Yesterday, we crossed over into full blown revival.  The morning service started much like any other.  The worship was annointed as usual, and we had a visiting revival minister as we often had before.  The thing that was different was the sea of turbans and saris in the building.  Vancouver is a multi-national city with a large Sikh population, and over 200 had come to our morning meeting.

Our guest minister, Charles Ndifon from Nigeria and New York, had been in Victoria, British Columbia, for some meetings a few weeks ago, and a young Sikh woman, who had been invited by her Christian husband was healed of blindness and deafness.  She went back and brought her favorite uncle, Charnjit, who was dying of cancer, and he left the meeting healed and saved.

Since then Charnjit has been witnessing to all his relatives, and when Charles Ndifon came to our church in Vancouver, this man invited his whole extended family.  Yesterday, after watching many people be healed of athsma (as an example of how simple it is for God to heal anything), and a 90 year old woman receive a new ear-drum, about 200 Sikhs came forward to give their hearts to God.  And it’s real.  They had already heard the Gospel from Charnjit, and to make sure, the altar call was translated into Punjabi.  After the service, the people were so excited to have found Jesus, and to be so accepted by these white people.  At the evening service another 104 Punjab Sikh people responded to the altar call.

We saw many miracles.  A 14 year old boy born blind saw his mother for the first time, deaf ears were opened, cancers were healed.  But the greatest miracle of all was that God now seems to be bringing in the Sikh population that we have been so unable to reach for all this time.

26 October 1998.    Source: Awakening.

British Columbia

Bob Brasset from Victoria, Canada, writes about the move of the Holy Spirit in British Columbia:

The outpourings continue.  In fact, it seems to be getting stronger.  We now meet four nights a week.  The response of the pastors in the area is simply an overwhelming gratitude for the goodness of God for deigning to visit us in such an awesome way.  There is an amazing, astounding hunger in North America right now.  People know that we are on the edge of not only Revival but a genuine Awakening: perhaps the greatest since the day of Pentecost.  This Awakening, I feel, will be characterized by the very kabod (Hebrew for weighty, laden down with treasure, riches, glory, and wealth), glorious presence of God coming and abiding in a room, a church and even a city, or a whole region (as in Charles Finney’s revivals).  The worship in our services now continues and flows for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, unabated with spontaneous songs of the Lord from worship team and congregation.  Bodies lie on the floor, prostrate in worship.  People report seeing angels.  Visions, mighty, inspiring ones, are plenteous.  Healings happen during the preaching of the word or worship without anyone praying or laying on hands.  We are not advertising this.  People are just coming.  Salvations are happening in each service – even when we don’t give specific calls.  We now have reported healings of fibromylagia, diabetes, cancer, chronic pain, ears opening, many necks and backs healed and severe allergies.

Source: Global Revival News, Bob Brasset <>

Arkansas, USA

 Revival is breaking out in the Lee County jail in Arkansas.  In just one year, chaplains and volunteer staff oversaw 161 services in the chapel and 118 services in the jail itself.  As a result 1,459 people made decisions for Christ.  Currently, 218 inmates are enrolled in Bible studies and some 6,900 individual Bible studies have been distributed.  “There is a hunger for God inside me that is more powerful than any hunger I have ever known,” said AOG Chaplain Patrick McCowan.  “The Lord is teaching me so many things in these days about servanthood,” McCowan said.

Source: The Assemblies of God News Service

Hampton, Virginia

 Ken Lawson reported:

Bethel Temple Assembly of God has been experiencing a move of the Holy Spirit since April 1996.  Church membership is 2,200.  Revival meetings are held Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.  In April of 1996 the Sunday 7:30 am service started and did not end till 3:24 pm which bypassed the 10:30 am service. Church members were repenting, numerous people converted to Christ, and many were delivered of evil spirits.

Hampton, Virginia is the oldest English speaking settlement in America.  Bethel Temple Church is racially diverese: 40% African-American, 50% white, 10% Hispanic and Asian.

In 1996 the Senior Associate Pastor, Don Rogers, had an open vision of the Holy Spirit coming to Hampton.  He saw the Spirit of the Lord coming like a storm and it blew into their church.  In his vision when this happened it blew out a glass window in the church.

Fourteen months later, in June of 1997 the Sunday service at Bethel Temple was starting.  Senior Pastor Ron Johnson was praying and asking God to come “like a pent-up flood”.  Suddenly Pastor Johnson looked at his hands and oil was dripping from his hands.  The pastor began to tell the congregation of what was happening to his hands.  The head usher told the pastor the front window of the church just blew out.

The pastor began telling the congregation of what happened.  People ran to the altar.  Many publicly repented of sins.  God’s manifest presence filled the building.  Marriages are being restored, sexually broken people healed, myriad conversions to Christ, and many being filled with the Holy Spirit.

The vision was beginning to be fulfilled.  Part of the interpretation of the glass breaking signified the Spirit of the Lord blowing into Bethel church and blowing out.  The mission of Bethel church is to proclaim God’s glory to the nation.  The breaking of the glass window is a prophetic symbol of God’s power to release the church to carry the gospel to the nations.  Also that week, several “signs and wonders” happened.  An unexplained earthquake tremor and circular rainbow 360 degrees appeared over the city.

Unity of churches in the Hampton area is growing.  Twenty churches gathered for Easter Services this year in the town’s coliseum.  According to Pastor Don Rodgers it’s unprecedented to get twenty churches to lay down the most important service of the year.  Eleven thousand people attended.

Source: Awakening, 13 April, 1998

Greenville, Alabama

 By Ken Owen, Senior Pastor of First Assembly of God Greenville, South Carolina.

In April 1995 a first wave of revival began to crest over the congregation at First Assembly of God, Greenville, South Carolina.  Nightly meetings were held for a month with Ed Nelson.  Since then a number of waves have rolled in, building into what is now a sunami of revival.

In August, 1997, the tide began to significantly deepen.  I called Ed – a director of  a mission work to unreached peoples – to return immediately.  On October 11, 1997, Ed returned to us from Asia.  The Sunday morning service flowed like a mighty river — hundreds came forward to repent of sins.  The meeting carried on through the day till 4:00 pm.  With an hour break, it began again at 5:00 pm with a large prayer meeting and evening service.  Since then there has been no let up, only an increase.

More than two thousand people have repented of sins, converts being baptized weekly.  Many miracles and healings are accompanying the revival.

People from a variety of church backgrounds and denominations are driving to the meetings from several cities and states as momentum continues to strengthen.  There has been almost no promotion of the revival, but word-of-mouth has brought thousands of people to the meetings.

IRN News, 5 February 1998.  Source:  IRN –

(c) Renewal Journal 12: Harvest, 1998, 2011.

Reproduction is allowed with the copyright included in the text.

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Contents: Renewal Journal 12: Harvest

The Spirit told us what to do, by Carl Lawrence

Argentine Revival, by Guido Kuwas

Baltimore Revival, by Elizabeth Moll Stalcup

Smithton Revival, by Joel Kilpatrick

Mobile Revival, by Joel Kilpatrick

Australian Reports – Aboriginal Revivals

Global Reports

Book Review: 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity, by Eddie Hyatt

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Australian Reports – Aboriginal Revivals

Australian Reports

Pilbra region of Western Australia,

Faith Comes Alive in the Pilbara

by Craig Siggins

Renewal Journal 12: Harvest PDF

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Australian Reports – Aboriginal Revivals:
An article in Renewal Journal 12: Harvest


The closure of a pub through lack of customers is big news in Australia.  This is what drew the media to a small town called Nullagine in the far north of Western Australia.  But the media didn’t know quite how to report the religious revival that is keeping people out of the pubs‑as well as the jails and hospitals.  Aboriginal church worker Craig Siggins wrote this account of the spiritual awakening that is changing Aboriginal communities in Western Australia.

“Kuurti yarrarni kuwarri ngangka mungkangka” (“Holy Spirit, we welcome you in this place tonight”) is the first line of a song being sung at many Aboriginal communities around the Pilbara.  It was composed by Len “Nyaparu” Brooks, also known as Kurutakurru, one of the many leaders God has raised up among the Martu Wangka, Nyangumarta and other peoples of the Pilbara.

A spiritual awakening took place in many communities last year, in 1997.  Things started at Warralong, where many became Christians and were baptised after being influenced by three Christian Aboriginal leaders.  Then just before Christmas, Kurutakurru joined two other leaders at Nullagine, and many from Nullagine and other communities became Christians and came across to the dam at Newman to be baptised.

Many communities started having meetings almost every night and prayer meetings every day.  Leaders travelled to different communities for the meetings and to encourage people, sometimes holding meetings at night after a funeral service when hundreds of people were gathered.  Some meetings went on for eight hours or more as people shared in song, testimony, prayer, Bible reading and preaching.

When Franklin Graham visited Perth in early February, over 200 Martu people travelled the 1150 km for his meetings.  It was like one long church service all the way there and back.  Everyone was bursting to sing and witness to the people in Perth.

When we got back there were more meetings and baptisms, even from communities that had previously rejected Christianity.  Old people, Aboriginal elders, were turning to Christ and being baptised.  Four hundred people gathered at the Coongan River near Marble Bar for three days of meetings, with many more being baptised.

Police, hospitals and others have noticed a decrease in alcohol-related incidents.  The media has begun to take notice.  Nullagine, which had the record of being the arrest capital of Australia, became news when the pub went broke, apparently because so many had given up the grog.  ‘A Current Affair’ came up and did a television spot at Nullagine.

Amazingly, a simultaneous and apparently quite separate revival began at about the same time among the Pintubi people and others across the border in the Northern Territory.  A team from Kiwirrkura, just on the WA side of the border, travelled across the desert and joined up with the Pilbara meetings, arriving early for our Easter Convention held in a wide dry river bed near Newman.  More than 1000 people from different communities and Christian traditions came together to celebrate.

Why the revival?  It is nothing more or less more than a work of the Holy Spirit.  It has similarities to the revival that spread to many Aboriginal communities in the early ’80s, which reached the Pilbara but never really took hold.  Like that revival, people have had dreams and visions.  Recently Mitchell, a leader from Punmu, got up and read from Acts 2 about Joel’s prophecy and said it was being fulfilled.  Not long ago, people told me they had seen a cross in the sky one morning.  And like the ‘80s revival, it is the Aboriginal people taking the Wangka Kunyjunyu (Good News) to their own people in their own way and their own language.

Aboriginal leaders empowered by the Holy Spirit are leading the revival.  These leaders would like to see the revival reaching the wider Kartiya (non‑Aboriginal) society.  But for these shy desert people to reach out to Kartiya in these days of Mabo, Wik and the struggle for reconciliation will only be by the hand of God.

Reprinted with permission from On Being ALIVE Magazine, PO Box 434, Hawthorn Victoria,  3122,  Ph:  61 3 9819 4755, No. 5, June 1998, pages 8‑10.

Spiritual Awakening in the North-West

 Craig Siggins

Aborigines baptised with Dan Armstrong

Craig Siggins gives a more detailed account of the Pilbara revival in this article.

Beginnings at Elcho Island

Revival!  In some Christian circles it is like the Holy Grail – something to be sought after at all cost.  But perhaps few realise that a revival did come to Australia – or that there is again a revival happening right now.  Perhaps few realise this because both revivals began in remote areas among Aboriginal people.

In 1979 a revival began on Elcho Island off the Northern Territory.  In 1981 it came to the Warburton Ranges in Western Australia, and then spread to many Aboriginal communities around Australia.  I was privileged to have been a witness to that revival.

In 1981/82 at the height of the revival in Western Australia I was teaching at the Christian Aboriginal Parent-directed School at Coolgardie.  All of the students became Christians and there were prayer, praise and testimony meetings most nights.  My present work as a pastor/missionary is a direct result of that revival.  The revival has been well documented in Ian Lindsay’s Fire in the Spinifex and John Blacker’s Fire in the Outback.  The effect of that revival nearly 20 years on is still strong in many communities – Aboriginal Christian leaders, committed Aboriginal Christians and Gospel seeds sown in many places and many lives, including the Pilbara.

Resistant people respond

My wife, Lyn, and I came to the Pilbara in 1993, settling in the town of Newman.  Our vision was to see a strong, indigenous Aboriginal church raised up amongst the Martu Aboriginal people of this area.  But we had not expected to see it so soon.  We had expected a long, slow struggle before anything of significance developed.

Some communities were strongly anti-Christian.  At one community we were told by some white Christians not to be too overt in our Christian witness.  Two years later Aboriginal leaders from our Parnpajinya Church at Newman baptised many from that community.  At another community a clause against teaching Christianity was written into the school constitution.  Two years later we were having Christian meetings on the school verandah.  Aboriginal people told me how some of the old men had threatened Christians with spears.  Some of these same old men have now accepted Christ.

Against all expectations we found the Martu people to be really open to the Gospel.  The seeds were sown by the 1981 revival, by the witness of the Apostolic Church and by the work of the late Jim Marsh, a gifted linguist with a pastoral heart, much respected by the people.

Winter rains refreshing

We began our own language efforts modestly, by walking up to Aboriginal people and speaking a few words we had picked up in the Goldfields and then, with practice, gradually expanding our vocabulary.  Church also began slowly, but some believed and then were baptised.  We thought things were happening too quickly, even then, so we didn’t rush to baptise anyone.

Teams of Aboriginal Christian men from the Plibara Aboriginal Church of Roebourne (Apostolic) came over from time to time and helped.  Leaders developed.  More were baptised.  I became committed to taking teams from Parnpajinya (Newman) to various communities.  Gifts were developed.  More and more became Christians and were baptised, but the revival hadn’t really come as yet.  It was like the winter rains refreshing us before the main summer rains came.  Communities – too many to cope with – were crying out for visits.

One of our leaders – Kerry Kelly (KK) – had gone to Warralong and teamed up with a couple of other strong Christians.  Warralong has a community that had been opposed to Christianity.  But the Spirit moved there and many were baptised.  We had Christian meetings (the first ever).  At one meeting nearly the whole community came forward to dedicate or re-dedicate their lives to Christ.  KK, less than two years old as a Christian, became one of the main leaders at Warralong and for the revival.  In 1996 I had taken KK over to a Men’s Training Camp in the Northern Territory.  This interaction helped solidify KK in his Christian walk.  KK often leads at the Lord’s Supper, and when many communities come together this has been a unifying factor.

At Parnpajinya (Newman), just before and after Christmas 1997, many people were coming to the Lord and we were having multiple baptisms at the Ophthalmia Dam.  This was about the time the revival really took off.  People from Jigalong and other communities were also coming to be baptised, including some of the old men.  Many nights we were having meetings that went to early in the morning.  Some communities were having meetings every night and prayer meetings every day!  Some still are.

The ‘arrest capital’ of Australia

Nullagine, which had the dubious distinction of being called “the arrest capital” of Australia, asked us to come there, which we did.  Len (Nyaparu*) Brooks, known as Kurutakururru, Walter Crusoe (Wari) and Billy (Nyaparu*) Landy took up the leadership at Nullagine.  Many people there who had become Christians were asking to be baptised.

So one weekend I drove the old church bus to Nullagine, picked up as many people as could be squashed into the bus and, two flat tyres later, drove back to Newman.  Many were baptised.  Our practice is to have two doing the baptising together – usually one who knows the words to say and another who might be a learner.  For cultural reasons, we have men baptising men and women baptising women.  So we picked out two men and two women from each community.  When the baptisms finished, we found out the lady leader from Nullagine doing the baptisms hadn’t been baptised herself, so we turned around and baptised her!

After that we travelled again to Nullagine and baptised a number of people there, including people from remote communities and some more of the old men.   Parnpajinya, Nullagine, Punmu and Warralong, with some from Jigalong and Parnngurr, were spearheading the revival.  I travelled around with leaders such as Alistair (Jaliku) Sammy, Chrissie Sailor, Clarrie Robinson and Lizzie Jones to different communities encouraging the believers and holding meetings that at times went for hours.  Sometimes hundreds would stay on after a funeral and all join together for a Christian meeting.  In October 1997 1 had taken Clarrie Robinson and Willie Bennett to a Men’s Training Camp in the Northern Territory.  The topic was ‘Preaching’.  Clarrie came back and began preaching for the first time.  Willie went back to Kiwirrkurra near the Western Australia / Northern Territory border.  Incredibly, a revival had sprung up at Kiwirrkurra and other Pintubi communities in the Northern Territory at about the same time as the Western Australia revival, but quite unconnected.  Willie Bennett became a leader of that revival.

A week-long revival

Someone heard that Franklin Graham was coming to Perth for a Festival, and the Aboriginal Christian leaders decided it would be good to go to hear him.  The only thing was, Perth was 1150 kilometres away!  But people chucked in money and somehow over 200 people crammed into 4 coaster buses, 2 mini-buses and a motley fleet of assorted 4WDs and other vehicles and got to Perth (and back!).

We were there for a week, but it was like one long revival meeting.  We sang and prayed all the way down and had meetings every morning and night where we were camped (when we weren’t listening to Franklin!) Kurutakurru, a gifted singer and songwriter himself, had the idea of singing outside to the crowds waiting to get in the Burswood Dome where Franklin was speaking.  So we arrived early each night, gathered in a group and sang away in English and Martu Wangka to the kartiyakaja (white people).  They seemed to appreciate it.  The style was a bit different to the precision programming that happened inside the Dome, though!

When we got back, some communities had the idea of holding a mini-convention before our main Easter Convention.  After some hesitation (over finding a place with enough water for baptisms!) a gorge near Warralong was chosen.  Over 50 people were baptised including some old men who had been opposed to Christianity previously.  Two old men and an old lady, too crippled to enter the water, knelt down while water was poured over them with a cup (this was after some discussion as to whether such a baptism was okay).  It was a stirring witness! Meetings went on morning and night.  Even a rain storm and lightning strike one night didn’t dampen the enthusiasm.

A pub with few patrons

Our Easter Convention (1998) was a wonderful time of celebrating Jesus.  Over 1000 people came, including many new Christians from communities that had never come before.  The meetings went nearly non-stop over the Easter period.  Singing is a prominent feature of the revival.  There is a real sense of joy that comes out in song.  Many new songs have been written and many old songs translated into Martu Wangka, Nyangurnartu and other languages.  Everywhere you go you bear kids singing and tapes playing songs of the revival.

So many people were becoming Christians and giving up the grog that the pub in Nuilagine lost a lot of its business and went into receivership.  The story made news around Australia.  Nyaparu Landy and I were interviewed on Perth radio!  A Current Affair went to Nuilagine.

But the revival has not stopped.  The Martu people themselves are reaching out to other Martu people.  Neilie Bidu from Yandeyarra came back, fired up from

hearing Franklin Graham, to reach out to his own community.  He began a small prayer meeting and then invited Kurutakurru and other leaders from Warralong and Punmu to help him.  So they went to Warralong and many there became Christians.  Yandeyarra people in turn have reached out to Banjima people near Tom Price.  Other communities have also been reached, including some that were closed to Christianity.  Some of these communities had turned away Crusade teams from the 1981 revival.  Now they have turned to the Lord.

Why revival, and why now?

Only the power of the Holy Spirit can explain this revival.  It is a miracle, an incredible revival happening.  Mitchell Biljabu, a leader from Punmu, has likened it to the prophecy of Joel in Acts 2.

I asked Milton Chapman, another leader from Punmu what, apart from the Holy Spirit, is bringing about the revival.  He replied that it was Aboriginal leaders bringing the message of Good News to their own people.  Many have responded to the powerful witness of changed lives.  Alistair and Chrissie wrote their testimony for Today magazine and said: “For a long time we were drinking and gambling…  We started to think about Mama (Father) Godwe gave our hearts to the Lord.  We have kept following Mama God right up to now.”  

The example has had a strong impact on their extended families, nearly all of whom have become Christians.  Prayer has been another major factor in the revival.  The Martu pray simple and sincere prayers for all sorts of things.  The prayer meeting at Nullagine every morning helped keep the believers strong.

Some excesses and difficulties

But there have also been some excesses and difficulties in the revival.  Some still struggle with alcoholism and some have gone back to the drink.  Many are new Christians with little knowledge of Christianity.  Even the leaders are in the main untrained.  Some are illiterate.  And other groups have come in with different ideas and practices that have caused division even within families and have led to much debate and argument, some of it bitter.  One is a legalistic group that stresses the keeping of the 10 commandments, especially the fourth (keeping the Sabbath).  Another is a fairly extreme charismatic group.

Then there are issues of a more cultural nature.  Some couples who have become Christians are married the wrong way in a tribal (though not biblical) sense, including some leaders.  What to do?  What to do about some of the tribal laws and ceremonies?  Reject them all?  Keep some?  These are big issues to be worked through.

We are encouraging the leaders to read the Bible for themselves and to come to solid biblical conclusions as they struggle through these issues with the help of the Holy Spirit, but it will take time.  Pray for the people and the revival!

Used with permission from Vision, the magazine of the Australian Baptist Missionary Society, July 1998, pages 12-15.

Grog replaced by Gospel

 Reports by Mairi Barton

 Mairi Barton is a reporter with The West Australian newspaper in Perth.  These reports were written in April 1998.

A religious revival among Aboriginal people in the remote North‑West town of Nullagine ‑ once labelled the arrest capital of Australia ‑ has drastically reduced the number of arrests and jailings.

Police in Nullagine, 184 km north of Newman (in WA), claim drunken domestic fights which once dogged the community have virtually disappeared and the residents seem happier and healthier.

The only sufferer is the local pub, the Conglomerate Hotel, which once kept six staff busy.  Last month the lessee went into receivership after the town’s 100 to 150 Aboriginal people turned to Christianity in November.

Since then, the Aboriginal community has reduced the number of arrests to just a handful and there have been no jailings.  They gave up alcohol and labelled the hotel “the devil’s place”.

Instead of going to the bar each night to drink, they sit happily in circles under the stars, pray and sing gospel songs at the Yirrangkaji community on the outskirts of the town.

When The West Australian visited last week, they were eager to share their new‑found love of God and talk about the positive changes they have made to their lives.

Gary Marshall, who leased the hotel and adjoining shop for 2 years, said the arrival of religion spelt disaster for his business, but he did not hold it against the Aboriginal people.

“I couldn’t sit here and say it was a bad thing,” he said.  “If they are better off, then it’s a wonderful thing.”  …

The two men believed responsible for their religious conversion ‑ local Aboriginal men who left town a couple of years ago and returned late last year as changed men, keen to share the Christian message ‑ were out of town.

Senior Constable Mal Kay, the officer in charge at Nullagine, said the drop in crime could be explained in part by the fact that the population dropped every time big groups from the community left town to attend religious meetings around the Pilbara and in Northam.

Most arrests in town in the past have been assaults and woundings stemming from alcohol.

Mother sees her life in a new light

Mother‑of‑two Lisa Dalbin used to be a weekly visitor to the Nullagine police lockup for assault, anti‑social behaviour or just to sober up.  The 26‑year‑old would spend her pension on alcohol, get jealous over her man and find herself in punch‑ups with women who were her friends when she was sober.  That was before she found Christianity and gave up drinking last November.

“We pray and sing every morning and every night,” she said.  “We have church meetings every Wednesday and Saturday.”

Miss Dalbiii has worked off her fines through community work, picking up rubbish and working in the children’s kitchen ‑ where the children have breakfast, shower and change into their uniforms before school.

Her favourite drink used to he port and she freely admits that it made her act mad.  She does not miss it.  She is happier, has money in her pocket to go shopping and takes better care of her sons, aged five and eight, now she is sober.  She is even studying to get her driver’s license, a privilege which seemed out of reach to her a few months ago.  The only time she sees the police now is when they stop to say hello in the street.

Her cousin Phillip Bennell, 39, who spent much of his youth behind bars because of alcohol‑related strife, has also been sober for about four months since “he saw the light”.

God is his master now, not grog, he says.  “To follow the Lord is good, you know.  It keeps you away from trouble.  Alcohol is a killer for anybody, but especially the Aboriginal people.  I was one of the worst blokes, locked up all the time away from my kids.  I spent 21 years of my life in and out of prison.”

Mr Bennell said it would be easy for him to turn back to drink, but he did not want to because he had realised the damage it could do.  “I had two feet in the grave and what I was doing was adding a final nail in the coffin,” he said.  “But when I found the Lord I gave it all away.  I didn’t want to die a young bloke.”

He said he no longer wanted to drink because he had a 12‑year‑old daughter and her life was more important to him than alcohol.

Mr Bennell said the footpath outside the Conglomerate Hotel had been the site of many arguments and brawls, but now the community held prayer meetings across the road.  If they ventured into the pub, it was only to get a cool drink.

“There used to be a lot of tough drinkers at the reserve,” he said.  “They gave it away because they found a bit of peace and a better way of life.  A lot of people here want their health, and their children brought up in a good environment.

The West Australian.  Used with permission.

(c) Renewal Journal 12: Harvest, 1998, 2011.

Reproduction is allowed with the copyright included in the text.

See also Pentecost in Arnhem Land, by Djiniyini Gondarra

See also Fire of God Among Aboriginies by John Blacket

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16  Vision,
   17  Unity,   18  Servant Leadership,   19  Church,   20 Life

Contents: Renewal Journal 12: Harvest

The Spirit told us what to do, by Carl Lawrence

Argentine Revival, by Guido Kuwas

Baltimore Revival, by Elizabeth Moll Stalcup

Smithton Revival, by Joel Kilpatrick

Mobile Revival, by Joel Kilpatrick

Australian Reports – Aboriginal Revivals

Global Reports

Book Review: 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity, by Eddie Hyatt

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The Gathering of the Nations, by Paula Sandford



Paula Sandford wrote as a founding leader of the Elijah House ministry and co-author with husband John of books on emotional and inner healing.

The glory and fear of the Lord
will be known all over the world

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The Gathering of the Nations, by Paula Sandford:
An article in Renewal Journal 11: Discipleship:

I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids; until I find a place for the LORD, a dwelling for the Mighty One of Jacob. … Let us go into his dwelling place; let us worship at his footstool.  Arise, O LORD, to thy resting place; thou and the ark of thy strength.  Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy godly ones sing for joy.
Psalm 32:4,5,7,8,9.

Though we are one body, as seen in Ephesians 4:4-6, we in the church have come together with many individual agendas.  This generation of people has often been called the “bless me” generation.  We need healing, comfort, wisdom, spiritual and emotional nurture, material provision, protection, ability to overcome problems in our lives, power to defeat the enemy, answers to our questions, direction, a place to belong, an opportunity to serve in a way that would somehow make a difference, and much more.

We also come to worship and praise the Lord.  But how diversified our expectations and priorities can be!  How disappointed, critical, and angry we can become when our personal agenda is not fulfilled.

The Lord is returning for His Bride, the Church.  That’s us.  A husband should be able to rest in His wife’s heart.  He laid down His life for us – and we wear His robe of righteousness.  But He also called us to lay down our lives for one another.  Only as we let Him purify our hearts can we come into unity and the kind of harmony in which the Lord Himself can rest in us, individually and corporately.

Many in the Body of Christ are beginning to change their focus, repenting of self-centred seeking, and consciously choosing to seek God’s presence and to bless the Lord for His sake.  The Lord is doing something that even goes beyond those personal choices, and blessing a new kind of “fellowship” in Him.

From June 27 through June 30, 1996, I attended The Gathering of the Nations, at the Memorial Arena in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.  More than 2,000 people from many nations, races, cultures, and denominations came together to worship and seek the face and glory of the Lord, to tune into His heart, to listen to His voice, and to respond to His leading.

A meeting without an agenda

Personal agendas were set aside.  No musicians were appointed beforehand to lead worship, no speakers invited, no topics chosen, and no projects planned.  A group of “fathers in Christ” and other leaders met daily to pray for session-by-session direction.  They also reviewed and discerned which words should be shared from the larger body.

Musicians were chosen who were young and old, native and white, representing varieties of cultures.  Speakers were appointed on very short notice, and the order and content of their messages were built well, one upon another, always with exhortation to focus on the Lord: “We are here to bless the Lord and to follow His direction.”  By divine direction, the Holy Spirit indicated at a 6 p.m. leaders meting that He wanted communion served to the entire gathering; it was done in reverence and order less than two hours later.

A chief of the local indigenous people gave a gracious welcome to the assembly.  He was not a Christian, but he spoke appreciatively of the spirit he felt in the worship, unlike what he had experienced before in Christian meetings.  Prayers of blessing were said for the Indian children, and people who chose to give for the education of Indian children – including the restoration of native language – came to tables at the front of the auditorium to leave gifts totalling nearly $27,000.

A crowd of teenagers sat on the concrete floor in front of the stage, attentive and prayerful during 2- and 3-hour sessions.  When the Indian member of the Canadian parliament greeted the gathering, the young people came up on the stage to pray blessing for him, and he prayed blessing for them.  The teens then prayed for the babies in the congregation.

The days progressed with repeated encouragement to drop agendas, focus on the Lord Jesus, and to seek the face of God in preparation for the return of the Lord.  There was strong emphasis on humility, trust, honour, and the glory of the Lord.  Anointing was increasingly powerful, and I think that some half-expected a cloud or pillar of fire to appear, or a heavenly bomb to drop, leaving nothing but ashes.  In a sense that did happen on the final day.

During the final evening session, two pastors spoke on fathering. I also spoke, but on the topic of mothering, with emphasis on nurturing, repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, freeing young people to become all they can be, and what it is to honour parents.  Two powerfully anointed teen-age boys stood to repent on behalf of the teens for rebellion, and to express forgiveness toward parents.  Fathers and mothers all rose to repent publicly for sins against their children.  Then the Lord broke people open wide, and repentance was spoken for all manner of sins.  Gut-level weeping and wailing was heard all over the auditorium.  Some were on their faces on the floor, while many were praying for one another.  Then parents prayed blessing for their children, and children for parents.  This continued until after midnight.

After prayers of forgiveness and healing, the musicians began to play celebration music, and when I left with others to go to bed there were still 500 to 600 people dancing in the ashes of repentance for joy in the Lord.  The agenda of the Lord’s seemed to be fulfilled, without our help at all!  May He continue to do that in all of our lives, and wherever His Body gathers together.

Gems from the last day of The Gathering of the Nations

Maturity comes from discerning the Spirit of God and walking in a healthy fear of God.

  • The Lord is taking us into a revelation of who He is.
  • Our emotions must be brought into the purpose and will of God.
  • We need a teachable heart, ever growing, and listening, and welcoming correction.
  • Counsellors must lead to the centrality of Jesus.
  • You can’t function in authority if you carry a spirit of rebellion.  Repent for your generation.
  • The enemy hits you in the area of your anointing.
  • Whatever your abuse or wounding, the Lord will transform it into your power.
  • The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.
  • The glory and fear of the Lord will be known all over the world.

The world will not take note of who you are, but when the Spirit moves they’ll know God

Used by permission from Elijah House News.

(c) 2011, 2nd edition.  Reproduction allowed with copyright included in text.

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16  Vision,
   17  Unity,   18  Servant Leadership,   19  Church,   20 Life

Contents: Renewal Journal 11: Discipleship

Transforming Revivals, by Geoff Waugh

Standing in the Rain: Argentine Revival, by Brian Medway

Amazed by Miracles, by Rodney Howard-Brown

A Touch of Glory, by Lindell Cooley

The “Diana Prophecy,” by Robert McQuillan

Mentoring, by Peter Earle

Can the Leopard Change his Spots? by Charles Taylor

The Gathering of the Nations, by Paula Sandford

Book Review: Taking our Cities for God, by John Dawson

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Standing in the Rain: Argentine Revival, by Brian Medway

Standing in the Rain: Argentine Revival

by Brian Medway



Pastor Brian Medway wrote as the senior pastor of Grace Christian Fellowship in Canberra.

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Standing in the Rain: Argentine Revival, by Brian Medway:
An article in Renewal Journal 11: Discipleship:


 It’s hard not to get wet in Argentina.

You can’t help being affected by the climate of revival.

It may take a paradigm shift or two, but if you are open to God,

you’ll definitely get soaked by the revival rain.

 It’s hard not to get wet in Argentina.  In Australia it is relatively easy to stay dry.  I’m not talking about the weather, but about the effects of Holy Spirit revival.

In October and November of 1996 I was one of twenty-five Australians who attended the International Institute conducted for the last seven years by Harvest Evangelism.   Ed Silvoso, the Founder and President of Harvest Evangelism has visited Australia a number of times during the past five years and has introduced a strategy for reaching cities, regions and the nation called,  “Prayer Evangelism.”

Argentina has been experiencing a revival for the last eleven years that has increased in impact each year.  The struggling evangelical churches in Argentina prior to the revival would rejoice if one or two new converts were added to their churches in any single calendar year.  These churches were always small and very segregated.  They were generally hated by the Catholic Church and were often persecuted by the pro‑Catholic governments.  This was the established status quo.

These evangelical/pentecostal churches had their share of dedicated and gifted leaders with every brand and emphasis in the protestant spectrum.  They had good examples of everything: the right message, examples of fine theology and healthy spiritual ethos.  Mission organizations from many nations had sown faithfully and persistently.  But there was little power to impact the ruggedly proud and fiercely independent Argentine hearts.  The cities and provinces remained seemingly impervious to their efforts.

Now things have changed.  In more than sixteen city regions of the nation, the church overall is seeing consistent growth after the proportions of the parable that Jesus taught about seed and ground.  Each year they are seeing “a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown” (Matthew 13:23).  It is now customary for the whole church in a city to see an increase in people being added to the church of 100% per year.

We spent fifteen days in Argentina for three major reasons:

a)        to attend the International Institute,  a gathering of Christian leaders from every part of Argentina and most nations of South America,

b)       to receive a commitment from wonderful South American Christian pastors and leaders to pray for a million hours for revival in Australia

c)        to visit with leaders in some of the cities and gain some understanding of the practicalities of reaching whole regions for Christ.

Factors leading to revival

Our expectations were exceeded on every count.  What I wanted to know was,  “How did a fragmented unattached bunch of small churches ever begin to see revival?” There are probably many reasons: sovereign ones and human ones.  I can’t do much about the sovereign matters, except be fully committed to them. I wanted to see what identifiable human factors may have led to the church in a nation seeing revival.  Here are three that were observed.

1.  Unity through relational networks has given the ministry of the church greater authority.

It’s hard to know who’s who in Argentina.  Just looking at people in a crowded room would not give a clue as to who were the most anointed leaders, nor which “tag” they wore.  I’m not implying that it was an insipid example of people striving to find their “lowest common denominator.”   It was fiery and focused.   It’s just that you couldn’t pick the Baptists from the Pentecostals.  It seems that they have made a strong commitment to proclaim absolutes, not interpretations, when they come together.

As Ted Haggard says,  “Inside the walls of our churches, let’s teach and practice the full menu of what we believe. …. outside the church we must focus on the absolutes. …  The result is that the non‑Christian community hears the same basic absolutes from … a variety of churches.”  What is similarly encouraging is that because the major leaders have not bought the western cultural value of status and importance,  they have less to protect and therefore more to give away.  We had the great joy and benefit of receiving and receiving. “Recibe! recibe! recibe”  was often heard.

The other result is that the key leaders around the nation love each other enough to form a very strong relationship bond.  They can give leadership to the church and help to acknowledge what God is saying and doing because they can speak with a voice that comes from being one in heart and soul.

In the cities, the pastors talk collectively about the church in the city.  They actually think of themselves as one church even though they form different congregations with sometimes very different flavours.  They give leadership to the church in the city from the perspective of a very jealously guarded unity.  The pastors of the larger churches don’t dominate and operate independently and the pastors of the smaller churches don’t feel threatened.  We saw it, heard it and felt it.  It was the kingdom of God right enough.

This unity is not just for enjoyment value.  It has given the church in a given locality greater authority.  It is not to be measured in political or social terms, but spiritual.  The powers of darkness have little power to blind the minds of unbelievers when the church operates in unity.

2.  Uncompromised commitment to evangelism has created a sharper focus

Whatever the strategies to be used, the underlying strength comes from a heart to reach the people who are lost from God.  There are meetings in the churches just about every night.   There is very little emphasis on home groups and home group structures.  Mostly people come to the meetings: teaching, prayer, evangelistic.  The message is preached like any regular evangelical pastor would preach it in Australia.  It would be more demonstrative of course as reflecting the culture, but there is no “secret” message associated with the revival.

People in Argentina are coming to Christ in one of two main ways:

They come in thousands to the altar rail of Carlos Annacondia crusades.  This little dynamic Argentine exudes a measure of faith that has nothing to do with presentation, and everything to do with heart – from spending a lot of time in the presence of God no doubt.

People are also coming to Christ through the prayer supported lifestyle of the average members of the churches.  So much of it is one to one.  If anything this seems to be the growing edge.

As the pastors and intercessors knock out the enemy missile launching sites, the regular soldiers are able to take captives with much greater frequency; I wouldn’t say ‘automatically’,  but I would say ‘more readily’.  They can do this not because they have a level of faith much in excess of that of the average believer in Australia, but because they are focused on evangelism.  It is their chosen lifestyle focus.

This focus allows all the activities of the church to be measured more objectively.  We tend to measure programs on how they will affect the members.  They tend to measure programs on how they will affect the non‑members.  The ministry of evangelism gets the first second and third bite of the cherry in Argentine churches.  People will sacrifice anything.  The pastoral staff of a church all sold their cars at one time in order to make possible a particular evangelistic ministry.  They mean business.  That’s the bottom line.

3.  A commitment to the harvest has uncovered important principles of prayer and spiritual warfare

South America in general and Argentina in particular have become synonymous with prayer and spiritual warfare.  Sometimes this has been a bit controversial in its expression.  I discovered something in Argentina that helped me to put this in a clearer context.  Basically the principles of things like “spiritual mapping” have come from the experience of evangelism, not from a study of spiritual warfare.

No finer example of this process could be found than the experience of Baptist leaders Victor Lorenzo and his father Eduardo.  They had begun to evangelize and found that they have had little impact in some places.

A typically ‘Australian’ conclusion would be to say that it was a ‘hard place’.  These men would be more likely to say that ‘no harvest’ was not an option.  When they looked for the reason for no harvest they began to find that the hardness was due to the exercise of some form of demonic power or influence.  They would give themselves to dealing with the powers as the Bible describes those encounters.  As a result, hundreds and even thousands of people were saved and added to the church.

There were places where successive attempts to plant churches had totally failed. When they began to deal with the spiritual forces of darkness that held these areas in bondage, the same attempts were successful.  This evidence was compelling, but the process was even more enlightening.   The spiritual warfare comes out of a bold commitment to preach the gospel, not out of a textbook on spiritual warfare.

This is the emphasis of the New Testament of course.  Spiritual warfare is not a department of the church where people hive off and play with demons.  Evangelism and spiritual warfare are the same thing.  It’s just that they have discovered that evangelism is more than communication, it is warfare.  The evangelists must be committed to the intercessors and the intercessors must be committed to the evangelists.  The apostles and prophets must work together with the pastors and teachers and they must all work together with the evangelists.  God is raising up these ministries within regions.  Not only in South America, but on every continent.

Conclusion: Not exactly new, but very, very different !

There were some compelling conclusions for me.   The first was the realization that there is really nothing there that’s mysterious or new.  It is different but not new.  The difference will be found in the measure.

  • While we tend to fill our shelves with books and tapes on prayer, they tend to fill heaven with bowls of incense (Rev. 5:8;  8:3,4).
  • While we tend to spend our time reading “fishing” magazines, they tend to spend their time boldly proclaiming the kingdom of God.
  • While we tend to skirt around the edge of our community picking up the few “strays”  and adding them to the church, they tend to focus on “binding the strongman” (Mark 3:27) and robbing the whole house.
  •  While we tend to languish in our cultural and ecclesiastical baggage, they tend to take seriously the matter of finding every way they can to become one, so that the world will know.

That’s exactly what is happening.   The difference in Argentina is that they are so much further down the same road.  They have put in the effort, and paid the price.  They have very little excess baggage.  They set aside non‑essentials.  They have more energy for the main event on the program.  The result is that the kingdom of God is coming not only to Argentina, but to the rest of the world.  As they continue and as they pray for the nations of the world, their  “faith is being reported all over the world”  (Romans 1:8).

It’s hard not to get wet in Argentina.  You can’t help being affected by the climate of revival.  It may take a paradigm shift or two, but if you are open to God, you’ll definitely get soaked by the revival rain.  In Australia we are still looking to the sky for rain.  Our main danger is that when the rain comes we are just as likely to take out two umbrellas, a full length driz‑a‑bone and some gumboots just in case we might get wet.  Wet theology and wet and crinkled church traditions are so messy.  I wonder what the weather man will say on TV tonight? Praise the Lord !

Reprinted by permission from New Day, February 1997, pages 18-20.

(c) 2011, 2nd edition.  Reproduction allowed with copyright included in text.

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16  Vision,
   17  Unity,   18  Servant Leadership,   19  Church,   20 Life

Contents: Renewal Journal 11: Discipleship

Transforming Revivals, by Geoff Waugh

Standing in the Rain: Argentine Revival, by Brian Medway

Amazed by Miracles, by Rodney Howard-Brown

A Touch of Glory, by Lindell Cooley

The “Diana Prophecy,” by Robert McQuillan

Mentoring, by Peter Earle

Can the Leopard Change his Spots? by Charles Taylor

The Gathering of the Nations, by Paula Sandford

Book Review: Taking our Cities for God, by John Dawson

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Transforming Revivals

Transforming Revivals

Transforming Revivals – PDF

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Great stories for messages, youth groups & study groups

This book is also Part 2 of Great Revival Stories

Great Revival Stories

A survey of transformed communities and ecologies, including a chapter by George Otis Jr.  Chapters are compiled from articles in the Renewal Journals.

See Transforming Revivals, in Issue 11: Discipleship.

See Snapshots of Glory, by George Otis Jr in Issue 17: Unity.



Introduction  – Australian Aborigines

1  Solomon Islands

2  Papua New Guinea

3  Vanuatu

4  Fiji

5  Snapshots of Glory, by George Otis Jr


Appendix:  Revival Books



Transforming Revivals transform ecology (the land) as well as individuals, churches, communities, and even nations.  They are the literal fulfilment of God’s promise: If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

The first chapters of this book survey transforming revivals in Australia and the South Pacific islands – selected from my book South Pacific Revivals (2nd edition, 2010).

Then in Chapter 5 this book expands to cover global transforming revivals researched and documented by George Otis Jr and the Sentinel Group.  See their website.

As you read these stories, you too can pray for revival, including asking God to touch you in new ways.  This is God’s purpose right now, everywhere.  God promised to pour out his Spirit on everyone – not just on good people, and not only on church people.  Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would fill us with power to be his witnesses.

That can happen as you read this book.  I pray that it will.

Some photos from the book

South Pacific Mission Team in Honiara
Missioon Team with Sir Peter & Lady Margaret Kenilorea
Sir Peter & Lady Margaret Kenilorea
Rev Ratu Vuniami Nakauyaca reports on Fiji transformations
Fiji artifacts
Idols destroyed in Fiji
Rev Walo Ani reports on PNG and Vanuatu
Dedicating the ocean to God
Cali, Columbia
Almolonga, Guatemala
Abundant harvests in Almolonga
Jesus is Lord of Almolonga
Algodao de Jandaira – transformed after 24 years drought
Baptised in the dam
Steve Loopstra with Vitoria who had dreams about the unknown town
Eneas & Simnone Araujo, pastors at Valentina Baptist Church in Joao Pessoa, north east Brazil
George Otis Jr

George Otis Jr reports on global transformation in one chapter here, and in many books and the Sentinel Group Transformation DVDs –

Renewal Journal – Contents  – All issues with links to articles

Book Depository – Transforming Revivals (free postage worldwide)

Amazon & Kindle – ‘Look inside’, reviews, details


Blogs about recent revival movements:

God’s Surprises – Blog
God’s Surprises – PDF
Biographical stories of current revivals in over 20 countries

Jesus’ Last Promise – Blog and Video – Pentecost
You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you

God’s Promise – Blog and Video – I will pour out my Spirit
Seeing God’s Spirit poured out in over 20 countries


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Reviews (10) Evangelism

Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism

Book Review: Flashpoints of Revival & Revival Fires

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Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism

Flashpoints of Revival
1st edition, 1998; 2nd expanded edition, 2009





Korean edition:
Revivals Awaken Generations




Revival Fires (2011) is a further expanded, updated version now available through Randy Clark’s Global Awakening website.
Global Awakening Bookstore



Revival Fires – updated
Revival Fires – PDF
Stories of over 50 powerful revivals
Amazon edition


 Review from the Foreword by Dr C. Peter Wagner (1998)

Geoff Waugh and I agree that our generation is likely to be an eye witness to the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit that history has ever known.  Many others join us in this expectation, some of them sensing that it will come in the next few years.

I have heard more reports of revival‑like activity in the past three years than in the previous thirty.  This has caused revival to be a more frequent topic of Christian conversation than I have ever seen.  There is an extraordinary hunger for learning more about how the hand of God works in revival.

That is a major reason why Flashpoints of Revival is such a timely book.  Christian libraries are well stocked with detailed accounts of certain revivals as well as scholarly analytical histories of revival.  But I know of no other book like this one that provides rapid‑fire, easy‑to‑read, factual literary snapshots of virtually every well‑known revival since Pentecost.

As I read this book, I was thrilled to see how God has been so mightily at work in so many different times and places.  I felt like I had grasped the overall picture of revival for the first time, and I was moved to pray that God, indeed, would allow me not to be just an observer, but rather a literal participant in the worldwide outpouring that will soon come.  As you read the book, I am sure you will be saying the same thing.


Comments on Flashpoints of Revival

Geoff Waugh’s comprehensive and up-to-date book provides a global perspective of the unexpected and transforming work of the Holy Spirit. Read, be inspired and encouraged.      Rev Dr John Olley

The first time I read this book, I couldn’t put it down.  Not only were the stories researched with clear and concise data, but they provide an account of revivals that blew my mind away.  An inspirational read.        Romulo Nayacalevu, Fiji

This work is of great significance.  It is a comprehensive overview of the major revivals during the last three centuries. Churches and Christians around the world will benefit greatly from this timely contribution.    Rev Prof Dr James Haire

It will be a compendium for historians and others interested in the subject for a long time to come. I doubt if there is a resource quite like it for logical progression and comprehensive treatment.     Rev Tony Cupit

It is very informative and up to date concerning revivals both past and present. I am confident that this book will be well received by many scholars and historians.      Rev Dr Naomi Dowdy

This is a great reference book providing information of when, where and how God has touched regions and people groups with his manifest presence over history. Many of these events are included and reported on providing the reader with an overview and insight into when revival has broken out and its impact on people, church and society.      Martin Mitchell (Amazon)

© Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism, 1997, 2nd edition 2011.
Reproduction is allowed with the copyright intact with the text.
Now available in updated book form (2nd edition 2011)

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Renewal Journals:

Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism

Power Evangelism, by John Wimber

Supernatural Ministry, by John White

Power Evangelism in Short-Term Missions, by Randy Clark

God’s Awesome Presence, by R Heard

Evangelist Steve Hill, by Sharon Wissemann

Reaching the Core of the Core, by Luis Bush

Evangelism on the Internet, by Rowland Croucher

“My Resume” by Paul Grant

Gospel Essentials, by Charles Taylor

Pentecostal/Charismatic Pioneers, by Daryl Brenton

Characteristics of Revivals, by Richard Riss

Book Reviews: Flashpoints of Revival & Revival Fires, by Geoff Waugh

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