17-year-old New Christian sparks Revival in South Africa
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17-year-old Evangelist sparks Revival in South Africa
Renewal Journal – a chronicle of renewal and revival: www.renewaljournal.com
By Reinhard Bonnke, posted 9 December 2019 on YouTube.
I’ve been for 40 years in Africa – my very favourite continent. What I have seen God do in Nigeria defies all description. So mighty. So glorious. So fantastic.
When I was a young evangelist there, about 30 or 31 years of age, I was in what they then called the Northern Transvaal of South Africa.
I had a crusade there. It was a small crowd, there were only 8,000 people, and it was in an open field of elephant grass – it’s as tall as an elephant. We had our open space. There was no road. I had to drive my car through that elephant grass to arrive.
I just had preached. I just had led a few thousand people to the Lord. We saw mighty miracles of God.
I still wanted to be alone a little bit. All had gone, and I was there. The generator was still running. I switched it off. It was a pitch-black night. No star in the sky, no moon, no nothing. I could hardly see where my car was.
I saw it then, got in, switched the lights on, and drove away through that high grass.
Suddenly there was a young man in front of me and he flagged me down. I stopped the car. I pulled the window down. I said to him, “Is there something wrong?”
H came and said, “No, there’s nothing wrong, but I knew you would pass here. I found Jesus as my Saviour in this crusade, and I knew you would come past here, and that I would meet you here, because I want to receive the Holy Spirit!”
I said, “What is your name?”
He said, “My name is David.”
I said, “How old are you?”
He said, “I’m 17 years of age.”
It touched me so much. I got out of the car and left all the lights on so that I could see what I was doing, laid my hands on him, and that moment it was as if lightning struck him. That was electricity. He was bending backwards, forwards, and burst out in new tongues. It was absolutely wonderful, something I had witnessed already so often, so often.
He said, “Thank you very much. I’m now going to my home village.”
And I went to the home of the people with whom I was staying.
Now here’s the point – 4 weeks later back at home I hear people saying there is a revival in Northern Transvaal.
I said, “Who’s the preacher?”
They said, “You will not believe it but it’s just a boy! Mighty miracles are happening through that boy.”
I said, “What’s his name?”
They said, “His name is David.”
I was preaching in another area. Then I already had a trailer and this time I also had a tent that could hold 10,000 people. And one afternoon there was a knock on my door. I opened. He said to me, “Sir, do you remember me. I’m David.”
I said, “Yes. I remember you very well.”
He said, “I’ve come to tell you what happened when I left you that night.”
He said, “Early in the morning, at the crack of day, at dawn, I approached my home village. And then I saw a mother.” That was a very polite word, courtesy, among the Africans there.
“A mother came towards me and she carried her child, and the child was crying, wailing, whimpering.” He said, “I knew that mother and I knew that the week before she had lost her first child to a fever. Now the second child was just as feverish.”
He said, “Suddenly, the love of God gripped me! And although by our custom I could not have spoken with her, I approached her and I said ‘Mother, can I pray for your child?’ And she said, ‘Anything. Yes, of course!’”
He said, “I prayed for that child.”
Immediately the child stopped crying and said “I’m hungry Mum. I’m hungry.” The kid was totally healed.
The mother was so happy she ran to the chief and said, “Chief, you know how I buried my first child. My second was just about to die when David prayed for my child and he is now completely well.”
The chief said, “What! I have a daughter who’s very sick. She was born a cripple. I have seen the best doctors in South Africa and nobody was able to help her. Call David, to pray for my daughter.”
He said he was called and went to that chief’s house. And the chief said to him, “There in that hut is my daughter. She’s never walked. Go in that hut and pray for her that your Jesus will heal my daughter.”
He said, “I went into that hut and when my eyes got used to the darkness I saw the girl.”
He said, “She had twisted legs, completely twisted, like spaghetti, you know.” And there she was.
He said, “I spoke to her about Jesus. I laid hands on her, and when I started to pray, suddenly,” he said, “we heard cracking noises.”
He said, “And suddenly we realised the bones were straightening.”
He said, “The chief waited outside and his daughter walked out. For the first time in her life she walked and the chief was screaming. Everybody was screaming.”
And the chief said, “David, for the next 10 days you are going to preach here to all my people.”
You know, in Africa when the chief speaks you’d better obey. And people came from all over.
He said, “They came from all over! And I preached every day for 10 days.”
I said, “David, you told me you just got saved in my meeting. What on earth did you preach?”
He said to me, “Maruti, I preached every sermon of yours!”
I said, “Hallelujah! Then you have preached the Gospel.”
People got saved. Pastors moved in and baptised those people in water. This is what God can do.
Clear the decks. God has something great for you in mind.
Open the window and shoot in Jesus’ name.
See also
Reinhard Bonnke’s beginnings in Africa
Reinhard Bonnke 1940-2019 – Legacy of Harvest
Reinhard Bonnke’s final crusade in Africa
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17-year-old Evangelist sparks Revival in South Africa
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