Blogs Index 4: Devotional

Blogs Index 4: Devotional

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 Mama Luka

This Blogs Index 3: Devotional includes testimonies and Blogs on Prayer and Bible passages.  See also Inspiration on the Top Bar Menu for more.



The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – Blog
The Life of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – PDF




24/7 Worship and Prayeran invitation

24/7 Worship & Prayer


The Amazing Journey of 24-7 Prayer

Wonders of Worship

Israeli research – prayer is good for the body


The Windowsill
of Heaven


 Unite Pic
Global Prayer Resource Network
Join Christians praying at 11:55am daily


IB prayer passionLet’s Pray
Ideas for studies


 National Prayer StrategyThe 10 Domains
for prayer and mission
ABCs of Praying for Students & one another

How I learned to pray for the lost

Prayer for healing
How I Learned to Pray for the Sick

Isa 40,31
Prayer ~ Good for the Body as well as the Soul

Recent Devotional Blogs

Jesus’ Last Promise – Blog and Video – Pentecost
You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you

God’s Promise – Blog and Video – I will pour out my Spirit
Seeing God’s Spirit poured out in over 20 countries

Australia Day – Good News amid bad news

Australian Aboriginal Revival

The Queen’s Faith – excerpts in ten themes

The best Christmas of my life

I saw Jesus Christ – testimony

Streams of Living Water

Coronavirus brings Unprecedented Openness to the Gospel

Over 1 million respond to Good Friday service:
Good Friday 2021 broadcast reached over 200 million

Thai cave survivor Adul – Christian’s story

Christmas – Emmanuel: God with us

How December 25 became Christmas

The Shroud of Turin

Alternate chronology of the crucifixion

Argentina: The amazing transformation at Los Olmos prison:

Christian missionary tortured in prison led 40 to Christ

100 Bible Quotes: Bible verses to memorize

Bible: the most popular book worldwide

Short Words Shed Light

1967 Queen1
The Queen’s Christmas and Easter Messages
The Queen’s Christmas & Easter Messages –

The Transparent Faith of Queen Elizabeth II

Christian doctor’s winning Covid treatment
Endorsed by research and the WHO

Light in a Doctor’s Darkest Night – Coronavirus

Coronavirus and Churches

Pandemic brings churches back to life

China: How Christians respond to the coronavirus outbreak

‘Standing on our knees’ in Kharkov

The real Lord of the Flies – 6 boys shipwrecked for 15 months

Immune to Fear

Noah’s Ark Museum – now sailing

Millionaire becomes Father to thousands of orphans in Kenya

Who I Am Makes A Difference

Ethiopia: Evangelical Prime Minister wins Nobel Peace Prize

Why Israel Folau is crucial

Christianity for Australia – evangelism in 1902 & 1959

From Hatred to Love: 10 guns to kill Billy Graham

How God transformed a brutal Australian gang leader

The boy who harnessed the wind

Any Orr-Ewing
Is the Bible Sexist?

The true story behind the song “I have decided to follow Jesus”

Creationist Scientist receives favourable outcome


General Devotional Blogs

New Christian’s Guide

Bible Story Pictures & Models – Blog
Bible Story Pictures & Models – PDF

How Great Thou Art – anthology

Wonders of Worship

Easter Worship

Christmas Worship

Crucified and Risen  –  The Easter Story


Servant Songs



10 CommandsGod’s Positive Will
A Christian Perspective on the 10 Commandments

Easter Friday lamb

Christian Passover Service
The Last Supper – A retelling of the Lord’s Supper


wesley john

Voices from History


Comment about the Holy Spirit



2015 VA Tree3The Christmas Tree

the-hunt-for-terrorists-in-mosul-350x214Male friendship in the church helps vet overcome PTSD

2Ex-Muslim pastor credits Jesus for saving Aeromexico plane

key-350x200Christian Woman locked out, finds key in fish

0 Eph 4,11 hand Mnemonics and memory aids

2018Beyond Gold – Christian presence at the Commonwealth Games

Korea 4 Hallelujah Chorus – Messiah – international choirs & languages

Bieber2 Justin Bieber leads 98.5 million in worship on Instagram

atheism-kills Athiesm Kills

1 Professor’s Near-Death Experience – portals to heaven & hell

1969 moon4 Astronaut takes communion, reads Words of Jesus on the moon

How-to-Know-Twitter 5 Ways to know if something is from God

GodsWill-Twitter  5 Verses to pray when you want to know God’s will

unnamedAll Saints: How a church turned into a farm

1An amazing story from 9/11

001 How I learned to Pray for the Lost

AHow a non-believing Journalist met Jesus

logosFaith on the Frontlines

Criminal lawyer and barrister pleads for faith

Happy Birthday!

The pastor who took Jesus’ words literally


Simon Mclean train sation
Healed at the train station

Healing in Myer Store


Nazareth Village path and houses“Follow me” ~ Rabbi Yeshua

World’s largest virtual Hallelujah Chorus

Released at Easter on YouTube

See hundreds involved globally

dan-delzell-portrait-seagreen-backgroundMathematical Proof for Christianity

NRL Easter MondayNRL on Easter Monday

Easter Friday lamb







Top Ten Jesus Movies


Film Jesus

10 Obscure Gospel Moments

Most Jesus films Miss 


 novak-djokovicNovak Djokovic – a Christian of deep faith


 0Jesus’ Advice on The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying



Johan van BruggenActs 3 acted out in faith in PNG
cfan1He woke up totally healed





Mama Luka
“Before they call I will answer”
Helen Roseveare in Africa
02 St ValentineSt Valentine
Alopen Alopen: Christians who changed their world
  Dawkins RobbyGangsters in the Doorway
Interrupted by God



bloodmoons_wallpaperBlood Moons 2014-2015

Passover and Sukkot



Your Smart Phone as a Spiritual Resource




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Jesus Invaded a Buddhist Monastery


Tyler Connell, is currently in the Himalayan Mountains distributing Bibles, praying for the sick, and preaching the Good News. “We hope to get a Bible in every home in the next two years,” Tyler said. “It’s exciting to be a small part in changing history in Nepal with God!”

Tyler and his team trekked to a village called Jhong, one of the highest villages in Nepal.“We wanted desperately to know where the Spirit was wanting us to go,” he recounted.

They split into groups of four and prayed for the Holy Spirit to direct their paths. Tyler’s group felt led to walk to the highest point of the village where they observed ancient ruins. At the moment they reached the peak, a monk appeared, smiling as he approached them.

“Hi, I’m Jems,” he said in perfect English. “We’ve been watching you guys; it is rare for anyone foreign to come to our village. Would you like to come inside our monastery?”

Tyler sensed it was a God-moment. They entered the monastery and were met by men and boys of all ages, studying under “the llama of the Monastery mountain.” They met the llama and continued to converse with their new friend, Jems, who studied under the Dalai Lama in India and learned English there.

“We are followers of Jesus,” Tyler told the monk.

“I once heard of Jesus in India, but wasn’t able to do any reading on who He was,” the man replied.
“Can we introduce you to Him through the power of the Holy Spirit and the presence of Jesus?” one asked.

“He said yes and put out his hands,” Tyler recounts. Suddenly the power and peace of God descended, his eyes got big, he began to take steps back, and began to laugh and shake his head in disbelief. “He said he’d never felt a peace or power like this. We gave him a Bible, and he insisted we come back in the morning to meet the other monks.”

Twelve hours later Tyler and his team returned. Jems said he wasn’t able to spend time with them because he had errands to run, but he invited them to meet with the other monks. They entered the monastery and were met by a monk in his late 20s.

“He invited us into the idol room, the ‘holy of holies’ for the monastery. It was dark and heavy, perfect ingredients for the Gospel to break into!” Tyler recounts.

As they sat down, one of the team received a word that someone in the monastery was injured. The man’s eyes widened. “Yes, I am injured and my back is in pain!” he replied.

They asked if they could pray for him in the name of Jesus for healing and the monk agreed. As they began to pray, a “sweet, heavy glory filled the idol room.” The man had the same experience as Jems. “I feel a peace and a power like never before!” the monk exclaimed. “It feels as though this major blessing has entered into me.”

He tested his back and discovered he was completely healed, saying it felt like a “hot and icy sensation” covered his body. The monk said he had heard of Jesus 15 years ago, when a man came to his village and told stories about Jesus, but he couldn’t read, so he didn’t fully understand who Jesus was.

“Thankfully, we had a translator and she explained the entire Gospel to him and gave him a Bible. He was grinning from ear to ear, and was so thankful, and told us he wanted to read more and was going to pray and ask Jesus to reveal Himself to him. We were overjoyed at the kindness of Jesus. We handed out more Bibles to monks and joyfully skipped down the mountain remembering with gratitude the day Jesus invaded a Buddhist monastery!”

Source: God Reports
Australian Prayer Network, Nov 2, 2015

Global Prayer Resource Network

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Global Prayer Resource Network

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Thirty-five Global Prayer leaders from seven nations gathered recently to listen to God for His direction; seeking Him together for His strategy to mobilize prayer for the nations and greater strengthening of the Body of Christ.

During corporate listening time, it was clear through multiple voices that we are living in extraordinary and critical times. We (the Body of Christ) need to be connected to one another relationally and together prepare for what is coming.

to join Christians around the Globe to

Uni✝e in Prayer at 11:55am
every day for five minutes.


STOP what you are doing,
FOCUS on the Lord,
LISTEN to what He is saying to you,
FINISH with the Lord’s Prayer at 12 noon

Pray Specifically, with Urgency, Expecting Results

Whether you are an individual or represent a Network, Church, Ministry/Organization, House of Prayer/Prayer Watch or Small Group you are encouraged to join us in this united effort.

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24/7 Worship and Prayer – an invitation


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Blogs Index 1: Revivals (briefer than Revivals Index)

Blogs Index 2: Mission (international stories)

Blogs Index 3: Miracles (supernatural events)

Blogs Index 4: Devotional (including testimonies)

Blogs Index 5: Church (Christianity in action)

Blogs Index 6: Chapters (Blogs from books)

Blogs Index 7: Images (photos and albums)


"Let us pray"

IB prayer passionPrayer a bridgePrayer


24/7 Prayer Blog


Jesus prayed, constantly


I AdoreModel prayer (‘The Lord’s Prayer’)

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.

I Worship lightAnd forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

(Matthew 6:7-13 NKJV)

Jesus’ life

HS baptism doveAt his baptism (Luke 3: 21-22)

Early in the morning (Mark 1: 35)

In deserted places (Luke 5:15-16)

All night (Luke 6:12-13)


I Thank you God2Giving thanks (Grace) (John 6:11)

On a mountain (Matthew 14:22-23)

Transfiguration mountain (Luke 9:28-29)

At Lazarus’ tomb (John 11:41-42)



communion-bread-wine2The Last Supper (Passover) (John 17: 1-26)

Gethsemane, 3 times (Matthew 26:36-45)



On the cross


Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.  (Luke 23:34)

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?  (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34; Psalm 22:1)

Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. (Luke 23:46; Ps 31:5)



J He is risenResurrected:

Emmaus (Luke 24:30-31)

Bethany (Luke 24:50-51)


Some kinds of prayer (ACTS)

I Thank you Jesus childrenAdoration – worship

Confession – concentration

Thanksgiving – praise

Supplication – intercession



Ways we pray

I Kids praySpeaking – eyes closed & open

Thinking – meditating, fellowship

Writing – journal, diary



I Father son kneelSongs – worship, repentance, faith

Instruments – guitar, flute, piano

CD/DVD/smartphone – background music & worship (car, home, bedroom)


I Dance of praiseTV – prompted by news, needs

Relaxed – in bed, shower, cooking, cleaning

Active – walking, riding, cycling, dancing


B 2 Cor 5,7 live by faithIB Prayer hands linkedIn need – “Help” (eg exams, crisis)

With others – home, meetings, coffee, church




24/7 Worship and Prayer – an invitation

The Life of Jesus – Blog
The Life of Jesus – PDF











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Acts 3 cripple healed – acted out in faith in PNG

Acts 3 cripple healed – acted out in faith in PNG

From Papua New Guinea (by Johan van Bruggen)

Johan van Bruggen

Acts 3 tells how Peter and John went to worship in the temple and Peter commanded healing in Jesus’ name for a man over 40 crippled from birth.

But Peter said, ‘I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.’  And he took him by the right hand and raised him up; and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong. (Acts 3:6-7)

That still happens, worldwide. Here is an example from Papua New Guinea, reported in 1990 by Dutch missionary Johan van Bruggen, then principal of the Lutheran Bible School at Kambaidam near Goroka in the highlands on PNG.  See Late Twentieth Century Revivals

This is what happened about two months ago. A new church building was going to be officially opened in a village in the Kainantu area. Two of our last year’s graduates took part in the celebrations by acting the story in Acts 3: Peter and John going to the temple and healing the cripple.

Their cripple was a real one – a young man, Mark, who had his leg smashed in a car accident. The doctors had wanted to amputate it, but he did not want to lose his useless leg. He used two crutches to move around the village. He could not stand at all on that one leg. He was lying at the door of the new church when our Peter and John (real names: Steven and Pao) wanted to enter. The Bible story was exactly followed: “I have got no money, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!”

Well, they acted this out before hundreds of people, among them the president of the Goroka Church District and many pastors and elders. Peter (Steven) grabbed the cripple (Mark) by the hand and pulled him up. And he walked! He threw his crutches away and loudly praised the Lord! Isn’t that something? What a faith!

Their testimony was given at a meeting of elders when Kambaidam was discussed. Mark was a most happy fellow who stood and walked firmly on his two legs. He also had been involved in criminal activities, but in this meeting he unashamedly confessed his faith in the Lord Jesus.

Later I talked with them. Steven (Peter) told me that the Lord had put this on his heart during a week-long period of praying. “I had no doubt that the Lord was going to heal Mark, and I was so excited when we finally got to play-act!”

And Mark? He told me that when Steven told him to get up he just felt the power of God descend upon him and at the same time he had a tingling sensation in his crippled leg: “I just felt the blood rushing through my leg, bringing new life!”

Mark is now involved in evangelistic outreach and his testimony has a great impact.

Reproduced from Flashpoints of Revival and South Pacific Revivals.

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"This Disco is a Church"

This Disco is a Church

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“This Disco is a Church”:

See also: Reinhard Bonnke’s beginnings in Africa
See also: Immune to Fear, by Reinhard Bonnke
See also: Reinhard Bonnke’s final crusade in Africa
See also: Reinhard Bonnke – 1940-2019 – a Tribute – 2019


Living a Life of Fire

Daniel Kolenda wrote:  This book is very different. It is 628 pages crammed full of some of the most fascinating and thrilling stories you will ever read…and they are all absolutely true! It reads like a sequel to the book of ACTS and every minister will draw courage and inspiration from its pages…especially evangelists.

It is especially interesting to me because I have heard Evangelist Bonnke tell many of these stories firsthand and they are unforgettable. Here is an abbreviated excerpt of one such story from Chapter 18. Enjoy…


My phone rang. Brother Harold Horn, someone I had known since my arrival in Lesotho, said, “Reinhard, come to Kimberly and preach to us.” I said, “I will come.”

…Friday night as I sat on the platform I looked across the gathering of 200 people. Not one young person did I see in the room. Not one. I leaned over to Harold, who was near to me, and asked, “Where are the young people?” He nodded sadly, acknowledging that I had correctly seen the problem. Every head in the room was gray. I preached. The service was closed, and the people filtered out to their cars to go home. When they had gone, Harold came to me.

“Reinhard, would you like to see the answer to your question? Would you like to know where all the young people in Kimberly are?”

“Yes, I would,” I replied.

“I will show you. Get into my car, and I will take you there.”

…He drove through the streets, turning this way and that until he came to a large building at the edge of a warehouse district. The building was ablaze with gaudy neon signs. One large sign blinked out the word, disco, disco, disco…The parking lot was jam-packed to overflowing with vehicles. …As he turned off the key I could hear the boom, boom, boom, of the heavy bass beat coming through the walls of that building. The so-called music seemed to shake the very ground beneath us with an ungodly spirit. “This is a den of iniquity,” I said sadly…He nodded. “This is the latest thing, Reinhard. It is called a discotheque, a dance club. It is a craze that is sweeping the whole world right now, and young people everywhere are very attracted to it. … Let’s go inside.”

“Oh, no,” I said. “Let’s go home. I have never gone to such a place. It would be an abomination to me… But as I turned to get into the car I felt bad inside. I stopped in my tracks. This is when the Holy Spirit began to speak to me. Since I had come this far, something seemed wrong if I now turned away. But I had no idea what the Spirit wanted me to do. I just couldn’t leave.

“Let’s take a look inside,” Harold suggested. Suddenly, this seemed exactly right. Everything in my spirit said yes. I nodded. “OK, Harold. Let’s just take a look at this disco.” …We came to the door and stood there. I felt the Spirit say to me very clearly, Look inside. I will show you something you do not know. I took a deep breath then opened the door. The blast of music must have knocked the hair back from my forehead. I have never heard such volume in my life. It was deafening. But it was in that instant that I received a spiritual vision of the reality of the disco. In the flash of the strobe lights, I did not see young people dancing with joy. I saw frozen images of boredom, fear, loneliness, and insecurity, one after the other, captured on the faces of those young people. The split-second flashes of light revealed these images, over and over and over again, like stop-action. Each of those haunted faces spoke to me of emptiness. Pure emptiness.

…Suddenly, I could not care less what anyone thought of me. I knew that I would preach in this disco. Nothing could deny the love of Jesus that I felt. I shut the door and looked at Harold. I heard the Holy Spirit say in my heart, Find the owner of this place. And so, I said to Harold, “Help me to find the owner of this disco.”

“What good will that do?”

“I must talk to him. Let’s find him now.”

“But what will you say to him?”

“I will ask him to let me preach in his disco.”

Harold laughed. “You won’t do that, Reinhard.”

“I will. I absolutely will.”

Harold followed me now. I inquired inside the disco, and we were led to an office at the rear of the building. The owner was a middle-aged businessman who looked to be very much a part of the rock-and-roll culture. He had long hair, gold chains around his neck, an open-collared shirt, and blue jeans. I said to him, “Sir, I’ve come all the way from Germany. I am asking you for permission to allow me to address the young people in your disco for just five minutes.” He looked at me from top to toe. “You’re a preacher,” he said. I was still dressed in my suit and tie. I nodded. He said, “If you want to preach you should preach in a church.”

“There are no young people in the church,” I said. “They don’t come to the church so the preacher must come to the young people. Now give me five minutes, only five minutes, I ask of you.”

“You’ve got to be kidding.” He shook his head in disbelief, then turned around and walked away. “There is no way, man.” He had no sympathy for my plea at all.

As he was walking, suddenly the Holy Spirit touched me. He said to me, Tell him what you saw when you looked into his dance hall. I went after the man and took him by the arm. He turned to face me again. “One question, sir,” I said, looking deep into his eyes. “Do you think the young people find what they need for life in your disco?” Slowly the face of that man changed. He looked down thoughtfully. When he looked up again he said, “It is very strange that you would say that. I have children of my own. I’ve thought many times that the disco will not give the young people what they need for life.”

“I beg you, sir, give me five minutes with them.” He was thoughtful for a moment. “OK, but not tonight. Saturday night, tomorrow night at midnight, I will give you the microphone for five minutes.” I grabbed his hand and shook it. “It’s a deal, and thank you, sir. I will be here.”

…The next night I…dressed in casual clothes. I did not want to look like a preacher just coming from church. I needed disco camouflage….When at last the clock struck twelve, the music stopped. I jumped up and onto the stage where the records were being spun. I took the microphone from the disk jockey and shouted, “Sit down, sit down, sit down. I’ve come all the way from Germany, and I’ve got something very important to tell you.” Suddenly the young people began sitting down everywhere. It was then I realized I was not in church but in a dance hall. …Most of the young people plopped right down on the floor. There they sat, smoking cigarettes and chewing gum, waiting for me to tell them something very important that I had brought with me all the way from Germany.

I started to preach one minute, two minutes; suddenly the Holy Spirit was there; I mean the wind of God blew into that disco. Suddenly I heard sobbing. I saw young people getting out their handkerchiefs and starting to wipe their eyes, crying everywhere. …I had preached enough to know that when people start shedding tears, it’s time for an altar call. I said, “How many of you want to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior? How many want to find forgiveness for your sins and enter God’s plan for your life, as of tonight?”

Every hand that I could see in that place went straight up. I said, “Alright, repeat after me.” We prayed the prayer of salvation together. My five minutes were up. My work was done. I left walking on CLOUD number nine, rejoicing, absolutely rejoicing…

A year later I returned to Kimberly. Harold met me at the airport. He said, “Get in my car. I have a surprise for you.” I got in his car. He did not say anything about it; he just drove through the winding streets until he came to the warehouse district. The car stopped. I looked out of the window. I could not believe my eyes. I wiped them and looked again. Instead of seeing the big disco sign, there was a huge white cross on the front of the building.

“This is not the surprise,” Harold said. “Come inside.”

We walked up to that door where we had stood one year ago…”Are you ready for this, Reinhard?” Harold swung the door open, and I looked into a packed house full of young people. They were chanting, “Bonnke, Bonnke, Bonnke.” I cried out with joy. They rushed to me, hugging me and shaking my hands, bringing me inside. One young man said, “Remember me? I was the disk jockey that night that you came.” Another grabbed my hand. “I was operating the light show.” Another said, “We were dancing the night away. Now we are serving Jesus.”

“After you left town, the disco went BANKRUPT,” Harold shouted to me. “This disco is a church!” He was beaming from ear to ear.

A fine-looking gentleman came up to me. “We heard about what happened to the young people here. My church has sponsored me to be a pastor to these kids.”

I stood again on that disco stage looking at those faces, so different from the ones I had seen in the strobe lights a year ago. The lights were up full now. Even more, the light of the Lord’s favor was shining on every face.

I pointed my finger to the heavens and shouted, “Jesus!” – “Jesus!” they shouted back to me as one, making the walls to tremble.

“Praise Jesus!” – “Praise Jesus!”

“He is Lord!” – “He is Lord!”

“Hallelujah!” – “Hallelujah!”

Now that disco was rocking the right way. Kimberley’s true diamonds were shining in their Father’s eyes.

Bonnke, Reinhard. Living a Life of Fire: An Autobiography by Reinhard Bonnke. Harvester Services, Inc.

See also: 17-year-old Evangelist sparks Revival in South Africa
See Reinhard Bonnke’s Beginnings in Africa – 1975
See Reinhard Bonnke’s Final Crusade in Africa – 2017
See Reinhard Bonnke – 1940-2019 – a Tribute – 2019
Video: Reinhard Bonnke Memorial Service – 3 hours – 2020

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“This Disco is a Church”:

See also: Reinhard Bonnke’s beginnings in Africa
See also: Immune to Fear, by Reinhard Bonnke
See also: Reinhard Bonnke’s final crusade in Africa
See also: Reinhard Bonnke – 1940-2019 – a Tribute – 2019



Before they call I will answer (Isaiah 65:24)

Mama LukaLiving Faith by Helen Roseveare

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Before they call I will answer (Isaiah 65:24)

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During the prayer time, one ten-year-old girl, Ruth, prayed with the usual blunt conciseness of our African children. “Please, God,” she prayed, “send us a water bottle. It’ll be no good tomorrow, God, as the baby will be dead, so please send it this afternoon.”

While I gasped inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added by way of corollary, “And while You are about it, would You please send a dolly for the little girl so she’ll know You really love her?” 


Helen Roseveare, a missionary doctor to the Congo, recorded this story in her book, Living Faith.  She also wrote books about the Belgian Congo (now Zaire) revival of the 1950s.

One night I had worked hard to help a mother in the labour ward; but in spite of all we could do she died leaving us with a tiny premature baby and a crying two-year-old daughter. We would have difficulty keeping the baby alive, as we had no incubator (we had no electricity to run an incubator) and no special feeding facilities. Although we lived on the equator, nights were often chilly with treacherous drafts.

One student midwife went for the box we had for such babies and the cotton wool the baby would be wrapped in. Another went to stoke up the fire and fill a hot water bottle. She came back shortly in distress to tell me that in filling the bottle, it had burst. Rubber perishes easily in tropical climates. “And it is our last hot water bottle!” she exclaimed.

As in the West it is no good crying over spilled milk, so in Central Africa it might be considered no good crying over burst water bottles. They do not grow on trees, and there are no drugstores down forest pathways.”All right,” I said, “Put the baby as near the fire as you safely can; sleep between the baby and the door to keep it free from drafts. Your job is to keep the baby warm.

The following noon, as I did most days, I went to have prayers with any of the orphanage children who chose to gather with me. I gave the youngsters various suggestions of things to pray about and told them about the tiny baby. I explained our problem about keeping the baby warm enough, mentioning the hot water bottle. The baby could so easily die if it got chills. I also told them of the two-year-old sister, crying because her mother had died. During the prayer time, one ten-year-old girl, Ruth, prayed with the usual blunt conciseness of our African children. “Please, God,” she prayed, “send us a water bottle. It’ll be no good tomorrow, God, as the baby will be dead, so please send it this afternoon.”

While I gasped inwardly at the audacity of the prayer, she added by way of corollary, “And while You are about it, would You please send a dolly for the little girl so she’ll know You really love her?” As often with children’s prayers, I was put on the spot. Could I honestly say, “Amen”? I just did not believe that God could do this. Oh, yes, I know that He can do everything. The Bible says so. But there are limits, aren’t there? The only way God could answer this particular prayer would be by sending me a parcel from the homeland. I had been in Africa for almost four years at that time, and I had never, ever received a parcel from home; anyway, if anyone did send me a parcel, who would put in a hot water bottle? I lived on the equator!

Halfway through the afternoon, while I was teaching in the nurses’ Training School , a message was sent that there was a car at my front door. By the time I reached home, the car had gone, but there, on the verandah, was a large twenty-two pound parcel. I felt tears pricking my eyes. I could not open the parcel alone, so I sent for the orphanage children. Together we pulled off the string, carefully undoing each knot. We folded the paper, taking care not to tear it unduly. Excitement was mounting.

Some thirty or forty pairs of eyes were focused on the large cardboard box. From the top, I lifted out brightly coloured, knitted jerseys. Eyes sparkled as I gave them out. Then there were the knitted bandages for the leprosy patients, and the children looked a little bored. Then came a box of mixed raisins and sultanas—that would make a nice batch of buns for the weekend. Then, as I put my hand in again, I felt the . . . could it really be? I grasped it and pulled it out – yes, a brand-new, rubber hot water bottle! I cried. I had not asked God to send it. I had not truly believed that He could.

Ruth was in the front row of the children. She rushed forward, crying out, “If God has sent the bottle, He must have sent the dolly, too!” Rummaging down to the bottom of the box, she pulled out the small, beautifully dressed dolly. Her eyes shone! She had never doubted. Looking up at me, she asked: “Can I go over with you, Mummy, and give this dolly to that little girl, so she’ll know that Jesus really loves her?

That parcel had been on the way for five whole months. Packed up by my former Sunday school class, whose leader had heard and obeyed God’s prompting to send a hot water bottle, even to the equator. And one of the girls had put in a dolly for an African child – five months before – in answer to the believing prayer of a ten-year-old to bring it “that afternoon.”

“Before they call, I will answer!” (Isaiah 65:24)

Helen RoseveareDr Helen Roseveare (1925-), an English missionary to the Congo from 1953 to 1973, suffered terribly through the political instability in the early 1960s and as a prisoner of rebel forces for five months in 1964. After her release she headed back to England but returned to the Congo in 1966 to assist in the rebuilding of the nation.  Now retired she lives in Northern Ireland. The film Mama Luka Comes Home documents her return visit to Zaire in 1989.

Helen Roseveare tells this story on YouTube

Additional comment – from C S Lewis, Miracles

When we are praying about the result, say, of a battle or a medical consultation the thought will often cross our minds that (if only we knew it) the event is already decided one way or the other. I believe this to be no good reason for ceasing our prayers. The event certainly has been decided—in a sense it was decided ‘before all worlds’. But one of the things taken into account in deciding it, and therefore one of the things that really cause it to happen, may be this very prayer that we are now offering. Thus, shocking as it may sound, I conclude that we can at noon become part causes of an event occurring at ten a.m. (Some scientists would find this easier than popular thought does.) The imagination will, no doubt, try to play all sorts of tricks on us at this point. It will ask, ‘Then if I stop praying can God go back and alter what has already happened?’ No. The event has already happened and one of its causes has been the fact that you are asking such questions instead of praying. It will ask, ‘Then if I begin to pray can God go back and alter what has already happened?’ No. The event has already happened and one of its causes is your present prayer. Thus something does really depend on my choice. My free act contributes to the cosmic shape. That contribution is made in eternity or ‘before all worlds’; but my consciousness of contributing reaches me at a particular point in the time-series.

From Miracles
Compiled in A Year with C.S. Lewis

See also:
How God used a package sent 5 months earlier to save a baby’s life

See also: Best Revival Stories – Editorial

See also: Inspiration – Story 16

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Brazil: Evangelical Revolution

Brazil: Evangelical Revolution

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Brazil: Evangelical Revolution

See also – Revival in Brazil: transformation through prayer

Brazil – and much of Latin America and the Caribbean – is in the midst of what believers proudly call an ‘evangelical revolution’. According to the IBGE, Brazil’s census board, the country’s Catholic population fell from around 89% in 1980 to 74% in 2000, while its Pentecostal flock grew from 3% to 10%.

A public expression of this new evangelicalism is the ‘March for Jesus’. Over half a million Christians gathered in Rio de Janeiro in early June this year. The annual event was held under the slogan ‘I belong to Jesus. I am a champion’, in honor of the participants’ faith and the 2014 FIFA World Cup, which Brazil is hosting this year. Another ‘March for Jesus’ is planned in Sao Paulo on 12 July, a day before the World Cup final. This one is expected to draw 2 million participants. It’s the country’s largest religious gathering, and more popular than the Salvador Carnival.

March for Jesus, Brazil
March for Jesus, Brazil

Cesar Romero Jacob, a political scientist at Rio’s Catholic University, said Brazil’s evangelical revolution has gripped two key areas: remote regions in the Amazon and the deprived outskirts of Brazilian cities. A ‘state vacuum’, where poverty, violence, alcoholism and prostitution proliferated, has laid the foundations for the boom. “If the Catholic church and the state are absent, somebody else will occupy the space,” says Jacob. “Pentecostalism occupied it. The first movers often are mothers who are worried about their husbands becoming alcoholics, their daughters becoming prostitutes or their sons becoming drug traffickers. The church helps to hold their family nucleus together.”

“It is Jesus who cures. She is an instrument”

Brazil’s evangelical revolution also sees miracle healers take centre stage. Take Alani dos Santos, a ‘child healer’ better known as the Missionarinha or Little Missionary, who is reputedly capable of healing the sickest of congregants with a touch of her hands. Twice a week, bandage-clad and cancer-ridden believers flock to one of her church services in search of a miracle. “Thousands of people have been touched,” says her father, Pastor Adauto Santos, 44, a former hairdresser and car thief who runs what is one of Rio de Janeiro’s most talked-about churches. “She’s a normal kid – apart from this gift,” he says, adding: “It is Jesus who cures. She is an instrument.”

But there is also growing opposition to Brazil’s evangelical ‘success preachers’ and the increasing use of infant evangelists, as the motives are not always pure and self-enrichment is common. While many question why Brazil’s poorest citizens should pay a tenth of their meagre wages to churches, Cesar Romero Jacob says the decision is often pragmatic. “My theory is that people are paying to be citizens in a place where they can,” he says. “In this environment they feel they are someone. It is a form of leisure, a place where you can find work, where you feel protected.”

It’s a typical contrast in Brazil: while the number of evangelical believers in Brazil continues to grow and Brazil has become a missionary-sending nation, still 20% of the population lives in slums. As the world’s attention is on Brazil this month, it’s a good moment to pray for the advance of the Gospel in this nation.

March for Jesus
Prayercast Brazil
Vocativ: the little missionary

Source: Tom Phillips, Prayercast, Vocativ, Jessica Martinez, March for Jesus


Brazil: Serving Christ in the favelas

Since his inauguration last year, pope Francis has been consistently working for the poor, boldly pointing out the need for social justice in countries with huge rich-poor gaps. During his first overseas trip to Brazil last year he challenged priests to bring the message of the Gospel to the world’s slums. “It is in the favelas that we must go to seek and serve Christ,” he told thousands of bishops, priests and seminarians from around the world gathered for a mass at Rio’s St Sebastian Cathedral. “We cannot keep ourselves shut up in parishes, in our communities, when so many people are waiting for the Gospel.”

“In many places, the culture of exclusion, of rejection is spreading. There is no place for the elderly or for the unwanted child. There is no time for the poor person on the edge of the street,” he added. “Let us courageously look to pastoral needs, beginning on the outskirts, with those who are farthest away, with those who do not usually go to church. They too are invited to the table of the Lord.”


One of the priests who has faithfully ministered in the slums of Rio is Father Renato Chiera. He has been a priest for 46 years, and for 36 of those he has lived in the slums. For nine years he saw children get murdered in drug wars. But the final straw came when he found 30 dead people in his parish. In 1986 he decided to build a shelter for homeless teens, the ‘Casa do Menor’. “We have many teenagers who have committed murder,” he says. “That destroys their already low self-esteem, and they see no future. They usually don’t have a family and they try to find a replacement in gangs or drug cartels.”

The ‘Casa do Menor’ now has 25 centers all over Brazil, providing medical care, education and sports. With the 2014 FIFA World Cup taking place in Brazil, Father Chiera hopes part of the spotlight will be on children at risk who try to escape a world of drugs and violence.

Source: Pope Francis, Renato Chiera

Global: Good news for the slums

Today one billion of the earth’s people live in slums. Ashley Barker calls the church to action to prioritize urban slums and to impact them with the good news of Jesus Christ. Who will stand with the slum dweller until ‘justice rolls down like a river and righteousness like a never ending stream?’ she asks in this Lausanne World Pulse article.

Source: Ashley Barker

Joel News Intertnational 910, June 26, 2014


Renewal Journal 1: Revival
Renewal Journal 1: Revival

Renewal Journal: 2 Church Growth
Renewal Journal 2: Church Growth

Latino Reformation ~ shifting the religious landscape

1Revival in BrazilTransformation through Prayer

Evangelicals Grow from 7% to 45% in 7 years

RuibalRevival Impacted Bolivia









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Brazil: Evangelical Revolution

See also – Revival in Brazil: transformation through prayer

He woke up totally healed, by Daniel Kolenda

He woke up totally healed

by Daniel Kolenda

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He woke up totally healed:

cfan1Have you ever drifted off to sleep . . . and suddenly woke up totally HEALED?  When you’re sitting in the presence of God, it can happen.

In fact, that’s exactly what took place on night 3 in our Great Gospel Campaign in Accra, Ghana.

It was one of those nights that is hard for me to describe. As always, our emphasis was on the preaching of the Gospel of salvation, to which many thousands responded.

But when the Gospel is proclaimed the inevitable result is miracles.  Even though I hardly said anything about healing, the Holy Spirit loves to confirm the lordship of Jesus and manifest His Kingdom through supernatural demonstrations.

“And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.”  (Mark 16:19-20)

And on this one particular night, we saw so many hearings: A man blind for ten years healed. A woman with an issue of blood healed. A deaf man healed. A lady threw her walking stick away. A woman took off her neck brace. I even danced with the woman who had been crippled.

But the most moving testimony came at the very end. A man, who had been deaf for almost two years, had just arrived in town by train. He had a long lay-over for his next connection so he unwittingly ventured into the city center (Independence Square, where our campaign was being held).

He was a Muslim. He had no intention of coming to a Gospel meeting. He could not understand anything that was going on anyway … so he laid down and went to sleep. (He was about to make a divine connection.)

When he woke up, to his utter amazement, he could hear!  He came to the platform and stood before me trembling, overcome with emotion. He had a look of shock on his face. “My name is Mohammed,” he said, and he  proceeded to tell me his story.

I asked him if he knew who had healed him and he said it is “The messenger of the Almighty God  .. Jesus.” The whole thing was so raw and fresh. I could see he was struggling to come to terms with what he had just realized. “Jesus is, Jesus is … he is a God,” he said, as though the thought had just occurred to him.

He said, “Even the Koran says if you do not believe in Jesus Christ you are not a good Muslim.” He seemed to be trying to justify this to himself.

But I wanted to make it clear for the thousands watching this unfold. “Jesus is not just a messenger.” I said, “He is the SON of the living God. He is the Way, He is the Truth and He is the Life…”

He jumped up and down and shouted, “I thank God. I thank. God. I can hear. I can hear.” By the end of our conversation, he seemed to be settled and completely sure, but he desperately wanted to get the message to his wife.

So he boldly announced the name of the city where he lives and in his own words he said, “My wife is not watching this  … but I persuade anybody who knows me and sees my face    …  that my name is Mohammed (he also shouted his last name) and you can tell my wife that Jesus is the Son of God. And tell her that I am healed. I am healed. I can hear. I can hear.

I wish you could have seen the crowd. No football team has ever received such enthusiasm – they were jumping and dancing and shouting with joy unspeakable and full of glory. It is a moment I will never forget.  YOU HELPED TO MAKE THAT MIRACLE MOMENT HAPPEN for that dear man. Your prayers and your financial support make you a key part of EVERY single miracle o salvation and healing in our meetings.

cfan2There are more men and women (just like Mohammed) who need to find out that Jesus is the SON of God; that He can save their souls; forgive their past; and heal their hurts.

Please ask the Lord what you should give and sow into this soul-winning soil … and make your next gift a personal act of obedience to His leading in your heart.

You have no idea just how much your prayers and gifts matter. But God does … and He sees and knows how to supply, bless and multiply every seed that you sow …  according to His word.
(2 Cor 9:8-10)

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, 2014

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He woke up totally healed:

He woke up totally healed, by Daniel Kolenda

Alpha Conquers Prisons

p2aUK: Alpha conquers prisons

Drug kingpins, armed robbers and murderers. They find Jesus through Alpha, an introductory course to the Christian faith that is quietly spreading throughout Britain’s prisons. Its techniques are so powerful that it’s transforming the most brutal inmates.

Michael Emmet, drug smuggler

Take Michael Emmett, an international drug smuggler, sentenced to 12-and-a-half years. Together with his father he served time in HMP Exeter. There, he befriended the chaplain, mainly so he could use the phone to call his then girlfriend, Daniella. To curry favour, Emmett went to chapel on Sundays.

‘Oh, that’s Alpha. That’s what we want to get in the prison.’

One day, in the autumn of 1994, he was reading a copy of the Mail On Sunday and saw a picture of Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB), the church in Kensington, west London that introduced Alpha. The photo showed queues of people outside, hundreds of them. He went down to show the chaplain. “Oh, that’s Alpha,” the chaplain explained. “That’s what we want to get in the prison.”

Alpha was created at HTB in 1977 as a refresher course in Christianity for lacklustre churchgoers, but vicar Nicky Gumbel re-nosed it to appeal particularly to agnostics. With great success – Alpha started converting hardened nonbelievers into committed Christians by their thousands. The course now operates in 169 countries at more than 66,000 locations (mostly churches, ranging from Catholic to Evangelical). Over 24 million people are Alpha alumni.

‘Perhaps the Holy Spirit could convert more troubled criminals?’

Its crucial feature is an emphasis on the Holy Spirit, which is explored on a weekend away that typically involves guests having religious experiences. “I think that’s why it works,” says Gumbel. “We used to be a bit embarrassed about the Holy Spirit because it sounded weird. Now we live in a world that’s much more open: the part young people find hard is the Bible and authority, but if they can have an experience of God that’s fantastic.”

Back in 1994, Alpha might have been in the public eye but it certainly wasn’t in the prison system. Exeter prison’s chaplain was excited about its potential, though, because of recent stories about congregations being spontaneously overcome by the Holy Spirit. If it was that effective, perhaps it could convert more troubled criminals? Inmate Emmett suggested they invite Gumbel to come down to the prison. Instead, Gumbel sent a team to hold a service.

‘People started to cry, people started to laugh.’

And so it was that one autumn day, a chapel full of criminals who had largely been cajoled along by Emmett and his father, found themselves stomping their feet and singing about Jesus. But the most surprising moment was yet to come. One of the Kensington cohort said a prayer, “Come, Holy Spirit.” Right then, Emmett’s father fell over. “And before I managed to get to him,” Emmett recounts, “I had this overwhelming sense that God is real, a feeling of an introduction, and it really filled me up. I can remember the words coming out my mouth, ‘It doesn’t have to be like this no more.’ People started to cry; people started to laugh. My dad was on his back. He’s never been the happiest of souls, and he was laughing and laughing.”

After Exeter, Emmett was transferred to three further prisons: Swaleside, Maidstone and Blantyre. He brought Alpha to all of them and, because he had clout, the sessions were well attended. Others, in turn, took it with them when they were transferred, and it spread stealthily throughout the system, becoming – by accident – an important rehabilitation tool. Once Emmett was released, he volunteered to help export it to further jails in Hong Kong, South Africa, and South Korea. “God could not have chosen a better messenger,” says Gumbel, of Emmett. “St Paul was a bright guy, which was what was needed in the Roman world, and in the prison world Michael was the classic guy to choose.”

‘Today, 80% of prisons in the UK offer Alpha.’

Today, 250,000 inmates worldwide have completed Alpha; in Britain, it is offered in 80 percent of prisons. Those who take it, and also sign up for the help of its sister charity Caring For Ex-Offenders (CFEO) – which meets ex-cons at the prison gate, links them with a church and mentors them closely – have a reoffending rate of just 17 percent, compared to the national average of 58 percent for those serving less than 12 months.


Shane Taylor, one of the six most dangerous prisoners

Another inmate changed through Alpha is Shane Taylor, convicted for two attempted murders and provoking prison riots. He was treated as a Category A prisoner. He spent most of his days in segregation. For months at a time, his food would be delivered through a secure hatch in his door, and he would be escorted to the showers by officers in full riot gear. He was put on the “ghost train”, as inmates call it, getting moved from maximum security jail to maximum security jail. Whenever he was put back on a wing, he would inevitably start trouble. His standard tactic was to retreat to his cell after a fight, strip naked so he was less easy to restrain, and wait to do battle with the officers. The Home Office came to know him as one of the six most dangerous prisoners in the country.

‘God, if you’re real, come into my life, because I hate the way I am.’

He did his Alpha course in 2005, while at HMP Long Lartin, and it actually happened by mistake. One day an officer opened his door and said he had to go to an educational class. When he arrived he was told he wasn’t on the list, and directed to the chapel. It was midway through Alpha. He sat at the back for a moment and was considering leaving when a fellow inmate told him to stay for the free coffee and biscuits. Tempted, Taylor signed up immediately.

Its message of forgiveness came to attract him. “I had always thought there were good and bad people,” he says. “I thought I was bad, so I was going to hell no matter what I did.” A few weeks later, when the course had reached its Holy Spirit session, the chaplain prayed for him in tongues. “I remember feeling daft, but he asked me to pray as well. And I just said, ‘God, if you’re real, come into my life, because I hate the way I am.’ Then the chaplain and I started talking and I started feeling an energy in my stomach. This feeling rose up and I stopped talking. I started to feel my eyes bubble up, and just sobbed and sobbed. I knew God was real then.”

As ferociously as he had thrown himself into violent crime, he became a zealous Christian. The officers were, obviously, incredulous. He lost friends, too. “People would mock me and I wouldn’t care.” Unwavering, he helped out on two further Alphas. The officers began to accept they had been proved wrong.

‘He pulled a knife on me and I just flipped and tried to grab him into my cell.’

That’s not to say there weren’t relapses. “I had an incident with an inmate where he pulled a knife on me and I just flipped and tried to grab him into my cell,” he recalls. “After, I shut the door and fell to my knees and started crying. I thought, ‘I’m still the same person.'” The chaplain reassured him that simply being penitent meant he had changed. Things take time.

This year Taylor is about to start working for CFEO, promoting the charity in the northeast. He’s repentant for his crimes, which, if pressed, he puts down to a combination of mental illness and a chaotic childhood (“There’s no excuse for what I’ve done, though. I wish I had never done it”), and has been out for seven years without re-offending.

It’s impossible to imagine where he’d be now, if he hadn’t ended up in the chapel that day. “I’ll tell you what was on my mind before I became a Christian, what I was planning to do after I got released. There were two prison officers that I was going to find. I was going to tie these officers up, brutalize them a bit, and kill their families in front of them. I was going to say to them, ‘Look what you’ve done.’ And then kill them, too.” Happily, he encountered Jesus in time.

See also 1994 May, London – Holy Trinity Brompton (Eleanor Mumford)

Source: Charlie Burton

Joel News International, June 2014

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