Reaching the Core of the Core, by Luis Bush

Reaching the Core of the Core

by Luis Bush



Dr Luis Bush, International Director of the AD 2000 & Beyond Movement writes on evangelism among unreached people groups.


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Reaching the Core of the Core, by Luis Bush:

Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism


If we are faithful to the Scriptures,

obedient to the mandate of Christ,

and unwavering in our commitment to plant churches

within every people and city,

then we will get to the core of the core

‑ The 10/40 Window.


The core of the unreached people of our world live in a rectangular‑shaped window!  Often called “The Resistant Belt,” the window extends from West Africa to East Asia, from ten degrees north to forty degrees north of the equator.  This specific region, which has increasingly become known as The 10/40 Window, encompasses the majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists ‑ billions of spiritually impoverished souls.

As we approach the end of this millennium, it is imperative that our evangelistic efforts be focused among the people who inhabit The 10/40 Window.  If we are serious in our commitment to provide a valid opportunity for every person to experience the truth and saving power of Jesus Christ, we cannot ignore the compelling realities within this region.

The 10/40 Window confronts us with several important considerations:

first, the historical and biblical significance;

second, the least evangelized countries;

third, the dominance of three religious blocs;

fourth, the preponderance of the poor;

fifth, the unreached ethnolinguistic people groups;

sixth, the least evangelized megacities; and,

seventh, the strongholds of Satan within The 10/40 Window.

1.  The historical and biblical significance

The first and most fundamental reason why committed Christians must focus on The 10/40 Window is because of the biblical and historical significance of this area.  Indeed, the Bible begins with the account of Adam and Eve placed by God in the heart of what is now The 10/40 Window.

God’s plan, expressed in Genesis 1:26, was that mankind should have dominion over the earth, subduing it fully.  However, Adam and Eve sinned against God and forfeited their right to rule.

Mankind’s sinful behaviour increased until God intervened and judged the earth with a cataclysmic flood.  Then came mankind’s futile attempt to establish new dominion in the building of the great Tower of Babel.  That effort, which also occurred in the heart of The 10/40 Window, was an open defiance against God.  Once again, God reached forth his hand in judgment.  The result was the introduction of different languages, the scattering of earth’s people, and the formation of the nations.

In The 10/40 Window we can see clearly the crucial truth expressed in Graham Scroggie’s book The Drama of World Redemption: “A World having turned from God, He left it and chose a man through whom He would ultimately by Christ reach the world.” Certainly we can see how ancient history ran its course in the territory marked by The 10/40 Window, from the cradle of civilization in Mesopotamia across the fertile crescent to Egypt.  Empires rose and fell.  The fate of God’s people Israel varied in relation to their obedience to his covenant.  It was here that Christ was born, lived a perfect life, died sacrificially on the cross, and rose triumphant over death.  The church age was ushered in, and it was not until the second missionary journey of the Apostle Paul that events of biblical history occurred outside The 10/40 Window.  Without question, this is an area of great biblical and historical significance.

2.  The least evangelized countries

The second reason why committed Christians should focus on The 10/40 Window is because it is  home to the majority of the world’s unevangelized people.  The “unevangelized” are people who have a minimal knowledge of the gospel, but have no valid opportunity to respond to it.

While it constitutes only one‑third of earth’s total land area, nearly two‑thirds of the world’s people reside in The 10/40 Window.  With a total population nearing four billion, The 10/40 Window  includes 61 countries, both sovereign states and nonsovereign dependencies.  Those countries with the majority of their land mass lying within the boundaries of The 10/40 Window are included.

Of the world’s 50 least evangelized countries, 37 are within The 10/40 Window.  Yet those 37 countries comprise 95% of the total population of the 50 least evangelized countries! Such a fact leaves no doubt that our challenge in reaching the unreached must centre on the core ‑ The 10/40 Window.

If we take seriously the mandate to preach the gospel to every person, to make disciples of all peoples, and to be Christ’s witnesses to the uttermost part of the earth, we must recognize the priority of concentrating our efforts on The 10/40 Window.  No other area is so blatantly in need of the truth that salvation is only in Jesus Christ.

3.  The dominance of three religious blocs

A third reason we must focus on The 10/40 Window is evident in the fact that it contains three of the world’s dominant religious blocs.  The majority of those enslaved by Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism live within The 10/40 Window.

Viewing the map from left to right the Muslim world can be seen most prominently in a wide band across the north of Africa into the Middle East, a bloc representing over 700 million persons.  In the middle of the map, overshadowing the subcontinent of India is the presence of Hinduism, also constituting a population of more than 700 million.  On the right side of the map is the Buddhist world, encompassing the whole of China.

From its centre in The 10/40 Window, Islam is reaching out energetically to all parts of the globe;  in similar strategy, we must penetrate the heart of Islam with the liberating truth of the gospel.  We must do all in our power to show Muslims that the highest prophet described in the Koran is not Mohammed, but Jesus Christ.  And that He is not only the greatest prophet, but the Son of God Himself who died and resurrected in order that millions of Muslims may be saved.

Overwhelmed with poverty and ravaged by disease, India is victimized even more severely by the spiritual blindness of Hinduism.  To a nation in which fattened cows roam freely among emaciated humans, we must proclaim the truth that Jesus came to give us life, and give it abundantly.

Although officially an atheistic country since the Marxist revolution of the late 1940s, China is nevertheless influenced deeply by its Buddhist roots.  Some scholars, in fact, consider China’s true religion to be a combination of atheism and Buddhism.  In actuality, religion in China is a hodgepodge which includes folklore, mysticism, animism, and occult practices.  Regardless of how one may assess the situation, the fact remains that 1.2 billion Chinese are in desperate need of Jesus Christ.  They represent the largest identifiable block in The 10/40 Window.

4.  The preponderance of the poor

A fourth reason we must focus on The 10/40 Window is because the poor are there.  Of the poorest of the poor, more than eight out of ten live in The 10/40 Window.  On average, they exist on less than $500 per person per year.  Although 2.4 billion of these people live within The 10/40 Window, only 8% of all missionaries work among them.

Bryant L. Myers, in his perceptive article entitled, “Where Are the Poor and Lost?”, states that “the poor are the lost, and the lost are the poor.” He arrived at this conclusion after illustrating that the majority of the unreached live in the poorest countries of the world.

When Christians from 170 countries gathered at Lausanne II in Manila in 1989, great concern was expressed for the materially poor.  In the second section of the Manila Manifesto, that concern was recorded in the following declaration: “We have again been confronted with Luke’s emphasis that the gospel is the good news for the poor (Luke 4:18; 6:20; 7:22) and have asked ourselves what this means to the majority of the world’s population who are destitute, suffering, and oppressed.  We have been reminded that the law, the prophets, the wisdom books, and the teaching and ministry of Jesus all stress God’s concern for the materially poor and our consequent duty to defend and care for them.”

Committed Christians cannot ignore the reality that there is a remarkable overlap between the poorest countries of the world and those which are the least evangelized.

5.  The unreached ethno-linguistic people groups

The fifth reason we must address our concerns on The 10/40 Window is because it contains the largest spiritually bankrupt ethno-linguistic mega-peoples (over one million).  In fact, over 90% of the individuals in these people groups live in The 10/40 Window.

6.  The least evangelized megacities

The sixth major reason we must focus on The 10/40 Window is because it contains the overwhelming majority of the world’s least evangelized megacities ‑ that is, those with a population of more than one million.  Of the top 50 cities on this list, all 50 cities are in The 10/40 Window!  This fact alone underscores the need for prioritizing our efforts to reach each of these great metroplexes with Christ’s love and truth.

7.  The strongholds of Satan

Reason number seven for focusing on The 10/40 Window is that it includes numerous strongholds of Satan.  The billions of people who live in The 10/40 Window have suffered not only the ravages of poverty and disease, they have also been kept from the transforming power of the gospel.  The are poignant examples of the truth expressed in 2 Corinthians 4:4, which states that “the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

We must not view this situation with a fatalistic attitude, for we have been granted power to intervene.  In a later passage of the same letter, the Apostle Paul declares: “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world.  On the contrary, the have divine power to demolish strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:3‑4).  Although Satan has established a territorial stronghold in The 10/40 Window, we must not concede one parcel of land nor one person.  The gospel must advance!

Looking back across the pages of history we discover a heartening story about spiritual warfare in the writings of the prophet Daniel.  A fervent man of prayer, Daniel was highly esteemed by God and by the people of his generation.

On one occasion, while waiting on God in prayer, Daniel fasted on bread and water for three weeks.  Finally, a majestic angel whose appearance was as lighting brought an answer to his prayer.  He assured Daniel with the promise that “…your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words” (Daniel 10:12).  However, the angel then went on to explain how, en route to answer Daniel’s prayer, he was detained for 21 days by the demon assigned to the Persian king (Daniel 10:13).  It was only when the archangel Michael arrived to help that he was able to free himself from the battle to go to Daniel.

This fascinating passage unveils the reality and territorial nature of the spiritual battle in the heavenlies.  The angel who visited Daniel announced that he would have to return to the battle over the Persian kingdom.  Apparently, that battle still rages, for ancient Persia is now modern‑day Iran.  Still a stronghold zealously held by Satan, Iran is situated at the centre of the The 10/40 Window.

George Otis, Jr., has concluded that two powerful demonic forces, with great biblical significance, stand at the epicenter of the unreached world ‑ the prince of Persia (Iran) and the spirit of Babylon (Iraq) ‑ and both must be penetrated with the gospel before the Great Commission can be completed.  Otis observes that this will occur in the region of the Garden of Eden, where the command to “subdue the earth” was originally given.

It is evident that the forces of Satan have great power and will resist all attempts to be overcome.  If we are to storm the enemy’s territory, we must put on the full armour of God and fight with the weapons of spiritual warfare described in Ephesians 6.  To depend on anything less is utter foolishness.

The focus of the concerned Christian community 200 years ago was for the coastlands of the world.  A century later, the success of the coastlands effort motivated a new generation to reach the interior regions of the continents.  Within the past decades, the success of the inland thrust has led to a major focus on people groups.  More recently, the world’s burgeoning megacities have also become focal points of concern.  Today, rapidly approaching the third millennium since Christ, we are wise to concentrate our efforts on The 10/40 Window.

Of course, this calls for some of us to reevaluate priorities.  We must find the most innovative ways to reach billions of people within The 10/40 Window with the love and truth of Jesus Christ.  We must mobilize for a massive prayer focus on The 10/40 Window with the body of Christ worldwide.

However, it must be clearly understood that concentration on The 10/40 Window does not mean a curtailing of Christ’s work going on elsewhere around the globe.  Missionary endeavours, in evangelism, training, relief, development, church planting, and mobilization for cross cultural missions should go on unhindered.

If we are faithful to the Scriptures, obedient to the mandate of Christ, and unwavering in our commitment to plant churches within every people and city, then we will get to the core of the core  ‑ The 10/40 Window.  May God grant each of us boldness and wisdom and energy to do our part in taking on this great and eternally significant challenge.

By all means, get involved!

This article was written by Louis Bush, International Director of the AD 2000 & Beyond Movement.


© Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism, 1997, 2nd edition 2011.
Reproduction is allowed with the copyright intact with the text.

Now available in updated book form (2nd edition 2011)

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Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism

Renewal Journals:

Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism

Power Evangelism, by John Wimber

Supernatural Ministry, by John White

Power Evangelism in Short-Term Missions, by Randy Clark

God’s Awesome Presence, by R Heard

Evangelist Steve Hill, by Sharon Wissemann

Reaching the Core of the Core, by Luis Bush

Evangelism on the Internet, by Rowland Croucher

“My Resume” by Paul Grant

Gospel Essentials, by Charles Taylor

Pentecostal/Charismatic Pioneers, by Daryl Brenton

Characteristics of Revivals, by Richard Riss

Book Reviews: Flashpoints of Revival & Revival Fires, by Geoff Waugh

Contents of all Renewal Journals

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Power Evangelism, by John Wimber

Power Evangelism

by John Wimber

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Pastor John Wimber, founder and International Director of the Association of Vineyard Churches, was an international conference speaker, inspiring worship song‑writer, best‑selling author and spiritual leader to the Vineyard congregations.  He was also known as a pivotal voice in the arenas of spiritual formation and renewal.

John Wimber expressed and demonstrated for hundreds of thousands of us a strong, biblical grasp of evangelism in the power of the Spirit as an essential and integral part of the Kingdom of God, now breaking into the kingdoms of this world, but yet to be consummated at the coming of the King.

These edited comments are selected from John Wimber’s pioneering class notes of 1983-84 in the popular and controversial course ‘MC510’ at Fuller Theological Seminary on signs and wonders and church growth.  That course provided material which John Wimber and Kevin Springer then adapted for their best-selling books, Power Evangelism and Power Healing.


Evangelism is the proclamation of the Kingdom of God

in the fulness of its blessings and promise


 Evangelism is the proclamation of the Kingdom of God in the fulness of its blessings and promise, which has also been called ‘salvation’.

Jesus did more than preach the Kingdom.  He demonstrated its reality with ‘signs of the Kingdom’, public evidence that the Kingdom he was talking about had come.  We believe that signs should validate our evangelism, too.

Since ‘the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work’ (1 John 3:8), he inevitably came into collision with the prince of darkness.  The signs of the Kingdom were evidences that the devil was retreating before the advance of the King.  As Jesus put it, once the strong man has been overpowered by the Stronger One, his possessions can be taken from him (Matthew 12:29; Luke 11:22).

Signs of the Kingdom

The signs of the Kingdom reflect this.  We list them in approximately the order in which they appeared, although this is not necessarily in order of importance.

1.  The first sign of the Kingdom was, and still is, Jesus himself in the midst of his people (Luke 17:21; Matthew 18:20), whose presence brings joy, peace, and a sense of celebration (John 5:11; 16:33; Mark 2:18-20).

2.  The second is the preaching of the gospel.  There was no gospel of the Kingdom to proclaim until Christ arrived.  Now, however, that he has come, the Good News of the Kingdom must be preached to all, especially to the poor (Luke 4:18-19; 7:22).  The preaching of the Kingdom points people to the Kingdom itself.

3.  The third sign of the Kingdom is exorcism.  Evil powers are expelled.  We refuse to demythologize the teachings of Jesus and his apostles about demons.  Although the ‘principalities and powers’ may have a reference to demonic ideologies and structures, we believe that they certainly are evil, personal intelligences under the command of the devil.  Demon possession, and influence, is a real and terrible condition.  Deliverance is possible only in a power encounter in which the name of Jesus is invoked and prevails.

4.  The fourth sign of the Kingdom was the healing and the nature miraclesmaking the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the sick whole, raising the dean (Luke 7:22), stilling the storm, and multiplying the loaves and fishes.  We all agree that these were not only signs pointing to the reality of the Kingdom’s arrival, but also anticipations of the final Kingdom from which all disease, hunger, disorder, and death will be banished forever.  We also agree that God is still free and powerful and performs miracles today, especially in frontier situations where the Kingdom is advancing into enemy-held territory.  Some of us think we should expect miracles as commonly as in the ministry of Jesus and his apostles (e.g. John 14:12), while others draw attention to the texts which describe these miracles as authenticating their unique ministry (e.g. Hebrews 2:3-4; 2 Corinthians 12:12).   

5.  A fifth sign of the Kingdom is the miracle of conversion and the new birth.  Whenever people ‘turn to God from idols, to serve the living and true God’ (1 Thessalonians 1:9,10), a power encounter has taken place in which the spell of idols, whether traditional modern, and of the spirits has been broken.  God’s power for salvation is displayed in the gospel (Romans 1:16), and converts who have been rescued from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God (Acts 26:18) are said to have ‘tasted … the powers of the age to come’ (Hebrews 6:5).

6.  A sixth sign of the Kingdom is the people of the Kingdom in whom is manifested that cluster of Christ-like qualities which Paul called ‘the fruit of the Spirit’.  For the gift of the Spirit is the supreme blessing of the Kingdom of God.  Where he rules, love, joy, peace, and righteousness rule with him (Galatians 5:22-23; Romans 14:17).  Moreover, love issues in good works.  Thus, if the gospel is Good News of the Kingdom, good works are the signs of the Kingdom.  Good news and good works, evangelism and social responsibility, once again are seen to be indissolubly united.

7.  The seventh sign of the Kingdom, we suggest, is suffering.  It was necessary for the King to suffer in order to enter into his glory.  Indeed, he suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow in his steps (1 Peter 2:21).  To suffer for the sake of righteousness or for our testimony to Jesus, and to bear such suffering courageously, is a clear sign to all beholders that we have received God’s salvation or Kingdom (Philippians 1:28-29; cf. 2 Thessalonians 1:5).

Kingdom principles

Evangelism involves the proclamation and demonstration of God’s reign, the Kingdom of God on the earth.  The ministry of Jesus in signs and wonders was based on his relationship with the Holy Spirit who is creative, imaginative and inventive.  Therefore, we should not try to reduce the ministry of Jesus to a group of simplistic techniques or formulas for the purpose of developing a healing ministry.

The Kingdom of God brings the reign of God into all of life, making all things whole.  Healing demonstrates God’s reign.  The following points are some key principles for Jesus’ healing work.

1.  Jesus began healing after his baptism and anointing by the Holy Spirit (Luke 3:21, 22; 4:1-19).

2.  Jesus delivered all who came to him from every kind of sickness (Matthew 8:16; 15:30-31; 17:14-21; Mark 7:31-37; John 11:43-44).

3.  The Gospel writers frequently note that Jesus’ healing works were motivated by compassion and pity for the sick (Matthew 9:36; 14:14; 20:34).

4.  Jesus seemed to be more able to heal in the presence of faith in him and in his power to heal (Matthew 8:5-13; 9:2, 27-31; Mark 5:24-43; 9:14-29; Luke 4:23-28).

5.  Jesus sometimes healed when he alone believed, but he was clearly limited by an unbelieving (negative faith) atmosphere (Mark 6:1-6; 8:22; Luke 4:23-28).

6.  Jesus seems to have healed at all times, but as he flowed with the Spirit, he was apparently aware of times when the Spirit was especially ready to move in power (e.g. ‘power of the Lord present to heal’ – Luke 5:17).

7.  Jesus was always willing to heal those who came to him with faith (Matthew 8:1-4, 5-13;  Mark 7:24-30).

8.  Frequently the Lord would heal many people, one after another, in large meetings or gatherings (Matthew 3:23-25; 14:13-14; 15:30-31).

9.  Jesus did not do miracles for those who only wanted to test him or to be entertained (e.g. the scribes and Pharisees, Matthew 12:38-42).

10.  Resistance on any grounds to healing the needy grieved Jesus (Mark 3:1-6; Luke 13:10-17).

11.  Our Lord used many patterns and methods in healing (Matthew 8:15-13; 14:34-36; Mark 7:31-37; 8:22-26; Luke 5:12-26; 6:6-10; 7:11-17; 8:42-48; John 9:1-41; 11:41-42).

12.  Jesus most often healed in public, though sometimes he withdrew, especially in negative environments, to heal privately (Mark 5:35-43; 8:22-26; Luke 4:38-39).

13.  Jesus often asked questions about the need for healing, indicating that

(a) while he sometimes received words of knowledge, other times he did not, and

(b) he wanted his focus exactly on target (Mark 5:1-13; 8:22-26; 9:14-29; 10:46-52).

14.  Our Lord did not necessarily always equate sin and sickness (John 5:9-18; 9:1-3).

15.  Sometimes Jesus had to pray more than once for the person in need to be healed (e.g. the blind man of Bethsaida – Mark 8:22-26) or had to continue to pray (e.g. Gerasene demoniac).

16.  Jesus frequently delivered the demonized and healed them of related effects using various patterns (Matthew 12: 43-45; Mark 5:1-13; Luke 4:31-37, 40-41).

17.  Very strong warnings were issued by Jesus against labelling healing in his name and by his Spirit as demonic in origin.  Such words would blaspheme the Spirit and could move him to permanent wrath (Mark 3:19-30).

18.  What Jesus saw the Father doing, he likewise did (John 5:19).

Kingdom authority

Through Jesus, the sinless Son of God, the authority or reign which was lost through our sin has been re-established for all who submit to God’s grace and reign through faith in Jesus.  These points outline the significance of Kingdom authority restored through Jesus.

1.  Authority and power are often confused.

(a) Power (Greek dunamis) is might or ability, both inherent and spontaneous.  It is often used for the word ‘miracle’ (i.e. a ‘work of power’ – Mark 6:5).

(b) Authority (Greek exousia) is the freedom and right to act (i.e. the right to exercise that power).  Exousia can be delegated.

2.  God has absolute authority; he is almighty (Luke 12:5; 1:51-52; Romans 13:1-6; Matthew 20:25-26).

3.  Through creation God gave mankind relationship, identity, and position with himself.  This gave us authority (Genesis 1;26-27; CF. Psalm 8:3-4, 6-8).

4.  Through deception and sin, mankind was deposed and lost authority, and Satan became the prince, ruler and god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4; John 8:34, 44; Luke 4:6).

5.  Jesus was sent, as a man (the second Adam) to re-establish God’s authority over the earth by disarming all powers and saving mankind out from under their authority (Luke 4:14-18; John 17:2; cf. 3:35; Matthew 7:29; 8:9; 9:6,8; 28:18; cf. Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 1:22, 27; 4:39, 41; Luke 7:1-17; John 12:31; Hebrews 2:14; Ephesians 1:20-23).

6.  Having deposed Satan, Jesus reinstated those who he has brought into relationship with God through faith in him, and thereby gives us authority:

a. to proclaim the good news, ‘Our God reigns!’

b. to baptize and teach

c. to drive out demons

d. to heal the sick

e. to speak in new tongues

f. to rise the dead

g. to disciple the nations

h. to represent Jesus (saviour) to the world

(Matthew 10:8; 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-21; John 20:21; also 1 John 3:1; cf. 2 Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 2:4-6; Luke 10:19; Acts 1:8).

7.  The authority to heal is exercised and released through certain premises.  The neglect of the following premises results in a lack of authority:

a. relationship with God

b. faith in what God says and who Jesus is

c. obedience to his Spirit

d. submissive attitude

e. having a servant’s heart

f. faithful stewardship

g. speaking the word of the Kingdom.

Kingdom evangelism

The Church should announce and demonstrate the Kingdom of God.  Kingdom evangelism involves power evangelism: that means evangelism that transcends the rational through the demonstration of God’s power in signs and wonders and introduces the numinous of God.  This involves a presentation of the good news of God’s reign accompanied with the manifest presence of God.  Power evangelism is spontaneous and is directed by the Holy Spirit.  The result is often explosive church growth.

In an interview in Christianity Today, “Springtime for the Church in China,” June 18, 1982, David Adney answers this question: “How do Christians witness and evangelise [in China]?”

The most basic form of evangelism is through personal friendships in which the gospel is shared with relatives and neighbours.  The testimony of answered prayer, especially in healing the sick, has led many to faith in Christ.  In one of the large labour camps, a demented woman, whom no doctor or psychiatrist had been able to help, was placed in the same room with a Christian sister.  As a result of the Christian’s loving care and prayer the woman was completely healed.  The whole camp realized that a living God had acted.

In one area where there were 4,000 Christians before the revolution, the number has now increased to 90,000 with a thousand meetings places.  Christians in that region give three reasons for the rapid increase:

the faithful witness of Christians in the midst of suffering,

the power of God seen in healing the sick, and

the influence of Christian radio broadcasts from outside.

Power evangelism is that gospel presentation which is both rational and transcends the rational; it comes with the demonstration of the power of God, with signs and wonders and introduces the numinous of God.

© John Wimber.  Used with permission.

© Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism, 1997, 2nd edition 2011.
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Renewal Journals:

Power Evangelism, by John Wimber:

Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism

Power Evangelism, by John Wimber

Supernatural Ministry, by John White

Power Evangelism in Short-Term Missions, by Randy Clark

God’s Awesome Presence, by R Heard

Evangelist Steve Hill, by Sharon Wissemann

Reaching the Core of the Core, by Luis Bush

Evangelism on the Internet, by Rowland Croucher

“My Resume” by Paul Grant

Gospel Essentials, by Charles Taylor

Pentecostal/Charismatic Pioneers, by Daryl Brenton

Characteristics of Revivals, by Richard Riss

Book Reviews: Flashpoints of Revival & Revival Fires, by Geoff Waugh

Contents of all Renewal Journals

Now available in updated book form (2nd edition 2011)

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Also in Renewal Journals Vol 2: Issues 6-10
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Renewal Journals Index – 20 issues

All Renewal Journal Topics:

1 Revival,   2 Church Growth,
3 Community,   4 Healing,   
5 Signs & Wonders,   
6  Worship,   
7  Blessing,
   8  Awakening,  
9  Mission,   10  Evangelism,
11  Discipleship,
   12  Harvest,   
13  Ministry,
   14  Anointing,   
15  Wineskins,   
16  Vision,   
17  Unity,
   18  Servant Leadership,  
19  Church,   20 Life

Contents: 10 Evangelism

Power Evangelism, by John Wimber

Supernatural Ministry, by John White

Power Evangelism in Short-Term Missions, by Randy Clark

God’s Awesome Presence, by R Heard

Evangelist Steve Hill, by Sharon Wissemann

Reaching the Core of the Core, by Luis Bush

Evangelism on the Internet, by Rowland Croucher

Evangelism to People Groups – “My Resume” by Paul Grant

Gospel Essentials, by Charles Taylor

Pentecostal/Charismatic Pioneers, by Daryl Brenton

Characteristics of Revivals, by Richard Riss

Book Reviews: Flashpoints of Revival & Revival Fires, by Geoff Waugh

Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism – PDF


You will be my witnesses

‘Evangelism’ can be an unpopular word.  It may make us feel guilty because we don’t seem to do it very well – whatever it is!  That’s changing.  As in the early church, more and more people are gossiping the gospel, praying for their friends and seeing God change people.

‘Evangelism’ is not actually a biblical term, although ‘evangelist’ is mentioned three times: Acts 21:8 – Philip the evangelist; Ephesians 4:11 – some are evangelists; 2 Timothy 4:5 – do the work of an evangelist.  Then again, ‘altar call’, ‘making a decision’, and ‘inviting Jesus into your heart’ are not biblical terms either, useful as they may be.

Jesus called people to follow him; to deny self; to repent and believe. His followers were, and are his witnesses (Acts 1:8).  We proclaim, announce, tell, preach, gossip, share, demonstrate, and live the good news.  I’ve never forgotten the challenge a speaker to a youth rally flung out when he talked about evangelism.  He said, ‘Shut up, until you can’t.’  Maybe that was not polite, but it packed a punch.  We often lay burdens on people and try to convince them of our beliefs.  What about praying to the Lord so much that a fire burns in us and we just can’t keep quiet any more?

Better still, we too can do evangelism Jesus’ way, Peter’s way, Paul’s way, and as countless millions do now in the world – discovering the transforming power of the Spirit of God so that you just want to talk about it, pray about it, and see God touch people with his grace and power.

Contributors to this issue of the Renewal Journal take that approach to evangelism.

When John Wimber died in November 1997, he left a great legacy.  He inspired hundreds of thousands to take the Bible seriously and ‘do the stuff’ including power evangelism.  The Renewal Journal has often carried articles by John Wimber and others he influenced.  The first article in this issue of the Journal is a summary of his early statements on power evangelism from his famous course MC510 at Fuller Theological Seminary.  John White attended that course in 1984 (as did this editor) and tells in an interview with Julia Loren how it impacted his life and ministry.  Randy Clark gives global examples of power evangelism in short term missions.

Richard Heard, senior pastor at the Christian Tabernacle in Houston reports on a strong impact of the Spirit of God in their church, and Sharon Wissemann summarizes the significance of Evangelist Steve Hill’s ministry at Pensacola which has now touched hundreds of churches and thousands of people around the world.

Evangelist Louis Bush directs attention to evangelism in the nations of the 10/40 Window, and Rowland Croucher suggests ways to use opportunities the Internet provides for evangelism to the world.

Charles Taylor identifies the essentials of the gospel message.  Daryl Brenton summarizes the significance of 20 Pentecostal and Charismatic pioneers who have been powerful evangelists and leaders, and Richard Riss provides a comprehensive summary of the characteristics of revival.

Jesus described his kind of evangelism in his last promise on earth: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses … to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

© Renewal Journal 10: Evangelism, 1997, 2nd edition 2011.

Reproduction is allowed with the copyright intact with the text.

Contents of all Renewal Journals


See also

Billy Graham (1918-2018) – in his own words

Christianity for Australia – evangelism in 1902 & 1959

From Hatred to Love: 10 guns to kill Billy Graham
How God transformed a brutal Australian gang leader


Power Evangelism in Short-term Missions

A Jesus the Model Globe

The Disciples’ Mission and Ministry
Chapter 2 of Jesus the Model for Short Term Supernatural Mission

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The New Song, by C Peter Wagner

The New Song

by C Peter Wagner

Dr C. Peter Wagner, formerly Professor of Church Growth at Fuller Theological Seminary, author of numerous books, was President of Global Harvest Ministries and Co-ordinator of the United Prayer Track for the AD2000 and Beyond Movement. This article was published by Global Harvest Ministries as ‘Getting Ready to Sing the New Song’.


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 A church for every people

and the gospel for every person


The Bible tells us that one day four living creatures and twenty‑four elders are going to surround the throne of the Lamb and sing a new song: ‘You have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation’  (Rev. 5:9).  What a song!

If the motto of the A.D. 2000 Movement is fulfilled, that song will be sung pretty soon.  I have the faith to join A.D. 2000 in believing that there, in fact, will be ‘A church for every people and the gospel for every person.’

Does it require faith to say such a thing?  It definitely does.

Speaking as a professional missiologist, I can, with great assurance, affirm that there is no known human theory of missiology today that could bring about such a result in such a short time.  If that is the case ‑ which it is ‑ the only way it could possibly happen is through a mighty move of the sovereign hand of God.

Prayer Moves the Hand of God!

What is it that moves the hand of God more than anything else?

Prayer!  In fact, in the verse just before the words of the new song, the ‘prayers of the saints’ are highlighted (see Rev. 5:8).

Nothing could be more important for fulfilling Jesus’ great commission to ‘make disciples of every nation’ than mobilizing massive prayer for world evangelization.  Since we founded Global Harvest Ministries and the United Prayer Track in 1991, the burning passion of Doris’ and my hearts has been to see more of God’s people praying in one accord for the lost of the world than ever before.

We are not generating the worldwide prayer movement.  God is doing it.  I like what Eddie Smith of the U.S. Prayer Track once said: “Our job is not to get people praying, but to get praying people!”  Never before in history have there been so many Christians praying on all the continents.

Our assignment from God is to see that as many of them as possible are praying for the lost ‘with one accord,’ as Luke put it in Acts 2:1.  When we first began we thought we were stretching our faith to believe that we could get one million praying for the same nation or city at the same time.

But our faith was too small.  Much more than this has actually taken place, by the providence of God.

Millions Praying In One Accord

In October 1993, 21 million were praying in one accord for the 62 nations of the 10/40 Window [10 to 40 degrees north between Africa and Asia].  In October 1995, 36 million were praying in one accord for the 100 Gateway Cities of the 10/40 Window.  We are confident that in October 1997 there will be 50 million praying in one accord for the 146 Gateway Clusters of 1,739 major unreached people groups.

I am confident that you will be praying in one accord with Doris and me and millions of others.  In fact, you may even be a member of one of the 17,390 local churches (10 per unreached people group) or a member of one of the 34,780 home cell groups (20 per unreached people group) committed to praying for one of the groups past October 1997 and through the end of the year 2000.

The Lights Are Coming On!

If you are like many others who pray, you want to know if your prayers are being answered.    The answer is yes!

When the A.D. 2000 Movement began in 1989, darkness prevailed across the 10/40 Window.  But we have been praying in one accord for seven years now, more and more each year.  It would be discouraging if the same degree of darkness persisted.  But it has not.

Lights have been coming on in many significant parts of the 10/40 Window since we have been praying.  We are getting reports that some of the 1,739 unreached people groups are now reached, but we are not tooled to start deleting names as yet ‑ so let’s keep praying for them all in the meantime.

The three most formidable anti‑Christian forces in the world are Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.  I have some good news for those who want to see multitudes among these peoples move from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God.  Remarkable things have been happening in this decade of the 1990s.

1.  Buddhism.

My observations lead me to believe that the principalities over Buddhism are ‘on the run.’  This is the first large wall, after Communism, to come down in our generation.  For years Buddhism has been taking a hit in South Korea, and more recently, on even a greater scale, in mainland China.

I visited Thailand, the strongest Buddhist nation in Southeast Asia, twice this year and I was amazed at the growth of Christian churches.  Many Thai leaders point to 1993, more or less, as the turning point.

Why not?  Twenty‑one million were praying for Thailand in one accord.  The video for the 1995 Praying Through the Window II featured a Thai pastor, so Thailand got more prayer than most places.  Numerous Thai leaders said, ‘Peter, for the first time in all of history, it is easy to lead a Thai person to Christ!’  Thailand will be a key to evangelizing Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam.

2.  Hinduism.

The principalities over Hinduism are ‘badly battered.’  Nepal is the only Hindu kingdom in the world, and it has recently become one of the brightest lights for the gospel in all of the 10/40 Window.  Although it is still supposed to be a crime to convert to Christianity, some changes were made in the constitution in 1990, and churches are being multiplied from north to south and from east to west.  Laws are not being enforced.  Reports tell us that there are probably

200,000 believers there, possibly 300,000.

The light has just come on in the Indian Himalayan state of Sikkim where some are saying that 20 percent or even 30 percent may now be Christian.  Surprising reports are coming in from many other sections of previously resistant North India.  Probably Nepal will be a key to breaking through the Buddhist strongholds in Bhutan and Tibet.

3.  Islam.

The strongest principalities are those over Islam, but I see them as ‘scared stiff.’  They have been shaken by the large numbers of Muslims coming to Christ in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim country.  They are fully aware of the power of light being released through our annual ‘Praying through Ramadan’ effort.  And, most of all, they are frightened, as they well should be, by the massive Reconciliation Walk tracing the routes of the First Crusade from 1996 through June of 1999 with a message of repentance for the sins of our ancestors during the First Crusade 900 years ago.  Nothing could weaken the principalities keeping Muslims in darkness more than this initiative.

Our prayers are working, and the world is changing as a result.  Now is the time to pray as never before.  Let’s double and triple our efforts.

The heavenly choirs may not quite be ready to sing the ‘new song,’ but they probably should begin choir practice, because the time to sing the song before the throne of the Lamb seems to be right around the corner!

(c)  C. Peter Wagner.  Used with permission of Global Harvest Ministries.

Some books by C Peter Wagner

Leading your Church to Growth (1984)

The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit (1988)

Your Church can be Healthy (1990)

Spiritual Power and Church Growth (1990)

Prayer Shield (1997)

Churches the Pray (1997)

Breaking Strongholds in Your City (1997)

Church Growth and the Whole Gospel (1998)

Church Quake (1999)

Your Church can Grow (2001)

Your Spiritual Gifts can help your Church Grow (2005)

Praying with Power (2008)

Warfare Prayer (2009)

Discover your Spiritual Gifts (2010)

© Renewal Journal 9: Mission, 1998, 2nd edition 2011
Reproduction is allowed with the copyright included.

Now available in updated book form (2nd edition 2011)
Contents of all Renewal Journals

Amazon – Renewal Journal 9: Mission

Contents: 9 Mission

Renewal Journal 9: MissionThe River of God, by David Hogan

The New Song, by C. Peter Wagner

God’s Visitation, by Dick Eastman

Revival in China, by Dennis Balcombe

Mission in India, by Paul Pilai

Harvest Now, by Robert McQuillan

Pensacola Revival, by Michael Brown

ReviewsBuilding a Better World  by Dave Andrews,  Surprised by the Power of the Spirit & Surprised by the Voice of God both by Jack Deere, Secrets of the Argentine Revival, by R Edward Miller

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Renewal Journal 9: Mission


8 Awakening


Also in Renewal Journals Vol 2: Issues 6-10
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Renewal Journals Index – 20 issues

All Renewal Journal Topics:

1 Revival,   2 Church Growth,3 Community,   4 Healing,   
5 Signs & Wonders,   
6  Worship,   
7  Blessing,
   8  Awakening,  
9  Mission,   10  Evangelism,
11  Discipleship,
   12  Harvest,   
13  Ministry,
   14  Anointing,   
15  Wineskins,   
16  Vision,   
17  Unity,
   18  Servant Leadership,  
19  Church,   20 Life

Contents: 8 Awakening

8 Awakening

Speaking God’s Word, by David Yonggi Cho

The Power to Heal the Past, by C Peter Wagner

Worldwide Awakening, by Richard Riss

The “No Name” Revival, by Brian Medway

Review: Fire from Heaven, by Harvey Cox

Renewal Journal 8: Awakening – PDF


God’s Visitation

We live in a day of God’s visitation.  It has become a worldwide awakening.  Amid much persecution and difficulty, the church grows in astounding ways especially in China, Korea, Africa, Latin America and North India.  Now western countries report renewal and revival in many places.

Jesus wept because so many in his time missed the day of their visitation (Luke 19:41-44).  May we not miss our day of visitation.  As with all previous awakenings (including the early church and major revivals) it is disturbing, controversial and unpredictable.

This issue of the Renewal Journal touches on a few issues and examples of the current awakening.  David Yonggi Cho of Korea tells about moving in spiritual authority by speaking the word God gives.  Peter Wagner describes powerful spiritual weapons now being used by the church, especially in corporate repentance.  Richard Riss provides a comprehensive survey of the present awakening in its varied expressions.  Brian Medway of Canberra discusses the “no-name” revival now spreading through the earth, which also fits the Australian zeal for equality. 

Outpouring of God’s glory

The outpourings of God’s Spirit continue, not only with increasing and astounding signs and wonders in the >third world= but increasingly in the West.  Even the news media have taken notice.  Unprecedented unity among leaders in renewal and revival has emerged in many places, including Australia.  Ministers pray together.  Prayer groups seeking revival multiply.  Churches co-operate to win, nurture and equip people.  Repentance, humility and forgiveness increase.  Renewal and refreshing seem to be spilling over into touches of revival.

“Renewal has changed us forever,” notes Philip Le Dune, associate pastor of Sunderland Christian Centre in the north east of England.  “When God pinned a local gangster to the floor of the church one evening, only God knew that he and his wife were soon to be employed by the church as youth workers.  Jim & Marie now hold daily meetings with the people from the local community who are increasingly coming to see SCC as “theirs” (SCC Email Bulletin, 20 August 1996).

All the centres of renewal heading into revival include persistent and widespread prayer, co-operation between churches, humility, repentance, and the overwhelming impact of the Spirit of God including controversial signs and wonders.  Mixed in with it all is human frailty and strong opposition, as in the early church. 

Toronto in Canada, Melbourne in Florida, Pasadena in California, Holy Trinity Brompton in London, Sunderland in north-east England, and now Pensacola in Florida became household names in renewal and revival.

26,000 conversions in the first year

Reports of revival at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, north-west Florida, drew increasing crowds from around the world.  They recorded 26,000 conversions in its first year.  Many people are ignited there and take fires of revival home.  So revival spreads.

Some of the leaders at Pensacola, including Lindel Cooley the worship leader, had received a deep impact of the Spirit in their lives.  Before the current outpouring of God=s Spirit burst on them, the church had been continually praying for revival, and their worship services had extended in depth and length.

“When church would be over,” reported Cathy Wood, “you know how they play music as you exit – well that didn’t work now…  We would try to walk out but we’d get a few pews away and stop again.  The worship wouldn’t stop so we could go home.  Many times Lindel would have to wave his hands at us and say go home!  It would be 10:00 or 11:00 and church started at 6:OO.  Wow … I love remembering!  Then on Father’s Day [18 June 1995], Steve Hill a missionary to Argentina with the Assemblies of God came to give testimony of how God refreshed his life in London at a meeting and after that service … all heaven came down and has remained….  As thousands continue to come we know the Lord is not finished….  Over 1/2 million in combined attendance.  Wherever the Lord is, we know the devil is looking in, so we pray for discernment whenever the flesh arrives; but at the same time … many of the things we have done in the Spirit now such as shaking, falling, jerking, were things we didn’t really believe in either.  Now that God has touched us … we don’t know what’s next and we don’t want to be God police and stop someone who is manifesting a true touch of God. …  Many thousands have been saved – over 30 thousand counting the backsliders” (Email from Cathy Wood, 31 July 1996).

2 Chronicles 7:14 still applies!  We can humble ourselves and pray and seek God’s face and repent.  God promises to hear, forgive, and heal the land.

© Renewal Journal 8: Awakening, 1997, 2nd edition 2011

Reproduction is allowed with the copyright included.

Now available in updated book form (2nd edition 2011)

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Renewal Blessings  Reflections from England  by Sandy Millar & Eleanor Mumford

Reflections from England

Rev. Sandy Millar and Mrs Eleanor Mumford of London comment on refreshing from the Lord experienced in England.

Reminiscent of Revivals

Rev. Sandy Millar (Now Bishop), then Vicar of the prestigious inner-city Anglican church, Holy Trinity Brompton, comments on renewal and refreshing which commenced in May 1994 in their church.


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Also in Renewal Journals bound volume 1 (Issues 1-5)
Renewal Journal Vol 1 (1-5)


The manifestations themselves are not as

significant as the working of the Spirit of God

in the individual and the church


This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel! (Acts 2:16) Or, as the old version puts it: ‘This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel.’

This … is … that!

The immediate responses to the pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost included amazement and amusement. Some, Luke tells us, made fun of them and said, ‘They’ve had too much wine’ (v. 13). Why would anyone who wanted to be taken seriously suggest they’d drunk too much? Presumably because they looked drunk, sounded drunk and generally behaved as though they were drunk!

It is interesting that St Paul too in his letter to the Christians at Ephesus links and contrasts the effects on the body of alcohol (‘Do not get drunk with wine which leads to debauchery…’) with the effects of being immersed with the Spirit of God (‘… but be filled with the Spirit’) which leads to ‘speaking to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Ephesians 5:18-20).

Paul wasn’t at Pentecost but many times he’d seen people genuinely filled with the Spirit. Indeed he seems to have been able to tell pretty quickly whether disciples were or were not filled with the Spirit!

He may have been thinking of his visit to Ephesus described in Acts 19 when he asked what we would think of as a rather direct question: ‘Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?’ To which he got back an equally direct and honest answer, ‘No we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit. And, as we all know, ‘on hearing this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus and, when Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied’. Luke adds that there were about twelve men in all.

Astonishing outpouring

Since about Tuesday of two weeks ago, we have begun to see an astonishing outpouring of the Spirit of God upon our own church and congregation. It seems to be a spontaneous work of the Holy Spirit and there are certainly some very surprising manifestations of the Spirit very excitingly reminiscent of accounts of early revivals and movements of God’s Spirit.

Some of the manifestations include prolonged laughter, totally unselfconscious for the most part, and an inexpressible and glorious joy (1 Peter 1:8). For some it is prolonged weeping and crying with a sense of conviction and desire for forgiveness, purity and peace with God. For others it seems to be a silent reception of the Spirit of God sometimes leading to falling down and sometimes standing up, sometimes kneeling, sometimes sitting.

There are great varieties of the manifestations of the Spirit. They are breaking out both during services and outside them in homes and offices. At times they are easy to explain and handle, and other times they are much harder and more complicated!

We had been hearing for several days of the movement of God’s Spirit in the Vineyard Church in Toronto, Canada, and a number of people have come to us from there telling us about what was going on and of what they thought it all meant.

For that reason Jeremy Jennings and I decided to go to Toronto at the beginning of this month just for two and a half days to see what we could learn and what conclusions, if any, at this stage it was possible to draw. The manifestations are quite extraordinary and would undoubtedly be alarming if we hadn’t read about them previously in history.

That’s really why I started where I started in this article. You don’t get accused of being drunk just because you speak in tongues. And many of the manifestations of this modern movement of the Spirit of God carry with them many of the symptoms of drunkenness. Laughter, swaying about, slurred speech, movements which are difficult to control … all sometimes continuing for long periods of time.

The manifestations themselves of course are not as significant as the working of the Spirit of God in the individual and the church. The manifestations are the symptom and therefore of course it is to the fruit that we look rather than the signs.

Times of refreshing

The church in Toronto first experienced these symptoms on January 20th (1994) and since then they have been ministering to an increasing number of outside people: ministers and church members from all over America, Canada, now Europe and even further afield.

Meetings go on night after night (every night except Monday) and include a pastors’ meeting on a Wednesday from 12 to roughly half-past three in the afternoon. Their understanding is that God seems to be pouring out his Spirit, refreshing his people and drawing them closer to himself, revealing his love to them and a deep sense of preciousness in away that kindles their own sense of the love of God, their love for Scripture, and their desire to be involved in the activities of the Spirit of God today.

So this is primarily a movement toward God’s people. Naturally we expect it to flow out and over into a movement that will affect the rest of the world but for the moment it’s God’s deep desire to minister to his church – to refresh, empower, and prepare them fora wider work of his Spirit that will affect the world to which the church is sent.

Charles Finney (1792-1875) – one of history’s greatest evangelists – records his experience of the Holy Spirit immediately following his conversion:

The Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemed to go through me body and soul. I could feel the impression like a wave of electricity, going through and through me. Indeed it seemed to come in waves and waves of liquid love… And no words can express the wonderful love that was shed abroad in my heart. I wept aloud with joy and love; and I do not know but I should say, I literally bellowed out the unutterable gushings of my heart. These waves came over me, and over me, and over me, one after another until I recollect I cried out ‘I shall die if these effects continue to pass over me’.

During the ministry of Jonathan Edwards in the 1735 revival in New Hampshire, he described some of the effects of the spontaneous work of the Spirit of God. ‘The town seemed to be full of the presence of God,’ he wrote. ‘It was never so full of love, nor of joy, and yet so full of distress, as it was then.’

He describes something which happened during one of his sermons in New Jersey on March 1st 1746: ‘Toward the close of my talk, divine truths made considerable impressions upon the audience, and produced tears and sobs in some under concern and more especially a sweet and humble melting in sundry that, I have reason to hope, were truly gracious.’

During the Cambusland revival in Scotland in 1742, Doctor Alexander Webster described some of the effects of the preaching there: ‘There were two kinds – the outcrying and trembling among the unconverted and the ecstatic joy among believers… indeed such joy was more a part of this work than the sorrow over sin. It appears that many believers found themselves so moved by a sense of the Saviour’s love to them and, in turn, by their new love to him, as to be lifted almost into a state of rapture.’

I could go on and on – and probably you could add your own accounts that you’ve read about in history. There are more than one in the Acts of the Apostles.

I think it’s important that we should stay close to the Lord and be grateful for every sign of his grace upon us. Don’t let’s get too caught up with the symptoms of his Spirit, but more with him and his love for us.

Let’s encourage those who think they have experienced nothing (it may or may not be true) – and let’s above all continue to pray that through this outpouring of God’s Spirit he will build a church worthy of him: holy, equipped, and full of love and grace towards him and the outside world.

Meanwhile let’s pray that it may continue. And continue to pray for one another.


The current move of the Spirit

Mrs Eleanor Mumford , wife of the pastor of the South West London Vineyard church, comments on her visit to Toronto in this edited version of her message at Holy Trinity Brompton on Sunday morning 29 May 1994.


This whole move of the Lord

is all about Jesus


I have just been to a church in Toronto in Canada. I heard that there were things going on. I wanted to go and get into the middle. I went because I knew I was bankrupt and that I was longing. And I went with a spirit of tremendous expectancy.

So the first night I went forward and this delightful pastor said to me, ‘Do tell me who you are and what you’ve come for.’

I said, ‘I’ve come for all that you’ve got. I have two days and I’ve come from London.’

So he looked at me with a glint in his eye and then proceeded to pray for me on and off for the next two days.

At the same time there was a young Chinese pastor who arrived at Toronto from Vancouver where he was pastoring and he came fasting. The darling man looked as if he’s spent his whole life fasting and he was the most wonderful and godly man. As he arrived at the church the Lord spoke to him clearly and said, ‘You can forget about your fasting. This is a time for celebration.’

Indeed it was.

An ordinary little church

The Airport Vineyard church in Toronto is a funny little place. It’s just a very ordinary little church set in an office block on the end of the runway of the airport. Even that in itself, I thought, was gracious of the Lord because so many of us can get there so easily. It takes 10 minutes from the check-out to the church!

It was a very ordinary place. I was reminded when I went in there of how the people in the crowd said at Pentecost: ‘Are not these Galileans? Are these not just terribly ordinary people?’

I went in and I thought, ‘Well, God bless them, these are just ordinary people like me.’

It’s just to do with Jesus, and yet the attitude and the sense of expectancy was enormous. As the worship leader strummed his rather tuneless guitar, he stood up and said, ‘What have you come for?’

We all said, ‘We’ve come for the Lord. We’ve come for more of God.’

And he said, ‘Well, if you’ve come for God you’ll not be disappointed.’

From that moment on that was the truth.

There was just a beauty on those who were ministering there – the leaders and the pastors and the worship leaders – the sort of beauty that I guess the people saw in Acts when they looked at the disciples and they said, ‘These people have been with Jesus.’

These Canadians were just men and women who had spent 130 days in the company of Jesus who was pouring out his Spirit on them. They shone with faces like Stephen. It was beautiful to see.

I saw the power of God poured out in incredible measure and it was all accompanied by phenomena.

Great Awakening

Jonathan Edwards, a great man of God during the eighteenth century who was part of the Great Awakening in America, wrote this in his journal of a similar outpouring of the Spirit of God at that time: ‘The apostolic times seem to have returned upon us, such a display has there been of the power and grace of the Spirit.’

He wrote of fear, sorrow, desire, love, joy, tears, and trembling, of ‘groans and cries, agonies of the body and the failing of bodily strength.’

So I thought, ‘Well, none of this is new. It may be unusual but none of it is new.’

Edwards also wrote, ‘We are all ready to own that no man can see God and live. If we see even a small part of the love and the glory of Christ, a foretaste of heaven, is it any wonder that our bodily strength is diminished.’

That is indeed what happened to many of us despite ourselves.

The truth is that this whole move of the Lord is all about Jesus. I was there for only 48 hours. I never heard anybody talk about the devil. I never heard anybody talk about spiritual warfare. I never heard a principality or a power mentioned. We were so preoccupied with the person of Jesus that there was really no time. There was no space for talk of the opposition because there was just a growing passion for the name of Jesus and for the beauty of his presence among his people.

So I went scurrying back to the Scriptures and scurrying back to church history and it’s all happened before. It’s all in the book and there’s nothing that I saw – however strange or unusual – that I haven’t since been able to read about in the Bible.

Jonathan Edwards’ wife had an intimate acquaintance with her carpet for 17 days during the time of the Great Awakening. For 17 days she was unable to make their meals or take care of the family or look after the visitors.

She said after 17 days that she had a delightful sense of the immediate presence of God – of ‘his nearness to me and of my dearness to him.’

I thought to myself when I came home, that’s what this is about. It’s about his nearness to me and my dearness to him.’ Wonderful, wonderful things are going on.

Pastors renewed

During the time I was there I saw all sorts of people coming and going. There were many very weary pastors who turned up with their even more weary wives, and they were so anointed by the Lord.

There was one very sensible middle-aged man who’d been in pastoral ministry for years and when he spoke to us after having been there for several days he was just behaving like an old drunk. It was funny. Once he stood up and talked about the intimacy that he’d gained with Jesus. Then the leading pastor said to him, ‘Well thank you, Wayne, for telling us about this. May we pray for you?’

He said, ‘I’d be glad for you to pray for me.’

They prayed for him and down he went and he rolled on the floor for the next two hours and no-one took any notice. He just continued to commune with his God.

I saw another young pastor who talked at the pastors’ seminar that I went to. He was a very all-together young man – quite serious minded and godly and thrilled with everything but very much in control and very anxious when he came and not at all sure of what he’d come to.

For a day or two he just watched and he just basked in the presence of the Lord. After a day or two he started to twitch and he was a little embarrassed. Then he started to shake and he was very embarrassed. Then after a while of shaking and laughing in the presence of the Lord he decided, ‘Who gives a rip? Who cares what people say?’

A verse in Psalms says, ‘gladness and joy shall overtake me.’ This young man had been overtaken by the gladness of the Lord. But he had a sense of responsibility and felt, ‘I’ve got to keep my church on the road.’

So he decided that the obvious thing to do was to go into the office and to type out the church bulletin, the news sheet.

‘Someone’s got to keep a grip round here,’ he said to himself.

So he went to type out the bulletin and as he got to announcing the seminar. The title of it was ‘Come Holy Spirit’.

He typed, ‘Come Holy Spirit’ and fell under the power of God.

There was another young man who was a youth worker who arrived and he was worn down with ministry. His wife had said to him, ‘Why don’t you go to Toronto?’ She thought he was getting far too straight and serious.

So he came to Toronto and arrived the night that I did. That night he fell on the ground and he laughed and laughed. I thought he would have died. The next day he spoke about what God had done for him and the refreshment that had come to his soul. Then they said to him, ‘Would you like us to pray for you again?’

He said, ‘I think so.’

So we prayed and down he went and just laughed his way through hour after hour of the pastors’ seminar.

And you think to yourself, ‘What is this?’

But this is just the refreshing of the Spirit of God. It talks in the book of Acts about times of refreshing from the Spirit of the Lord, and that’s what God is doing.

He’s pouring his Spirit out upon us. He’s sending his joy and he’s refreshing our spirits just because he loves us.

I’m not even sure that he’s equipping us. I’m not even sure it’s all about being better this, better that, better ministers. It think it’s just his love for us. It’s about his nearness to me and my dearness to him.

Joy and refreshing

I could tell you heaps of stories. There are stories about people who are ringing one another up and getting led to Christ over the phone.

There was a story about a young woman who’d lain on the floor and laughed for two hours. Then she got up and decided she was peckish and went off to a little fast food restaurant. She sat down. Opposite, she saw a whole family sitting at a table and, completely out of character, she went to them and said, ‘Would you like to be saved?’ And they all said yes! The whole family was led to Christ.

I went to the Dolphin school [a Christian school in Clapham] the other day and talked to them about what the Lord had been doing and I prayed for them. The Lord fell on those children aged five years old and they were laughing and weeping for the lost and crying out to the Lord. The teachers were affected and the parent were rolling around.

I thought, ‘God, this is a glorious thing you’re doing. This is fantastic.’

Jesus is breaking down the barriers of his church because he’s coming for a bride, and he wants his bride to be one.

We’ve been meeting with Baptist pastors this week. We’ve been meeting with New Frontiers pastors. We’ve been meeting with the Anglicans. And God is pouring his Spirit out on us all and it’s a glorious thing.

I was reminded of that verse in the Psalms (133:1,3), ‘How blessed it is when brothers dwell together in unity … for there the Lord commands the blessing.’

He doesn’t just invite it, or suggest it. He commands a blessing on us when we dwell together in unity – when we love one another and we love one another’s churches and we bless one another’s people.

So God is moving, not just on this funny little church at the end of the runway. He’s moving across the denominations. He’s moving across the land. He’s moving across London and England in a fantastic way. And he’s moving across the world.

Greater love for Jesus

What are the perceived results so far?

For myself, there is a greater love for Jesus than I’ve ever known, a grater excitement about the Kingdom than I ever thought possible, a greater sense that these are glorious, glorious days in which to be alive. I’m thrilled about the Scriptures and I’m going back to the Word and finding that it’s all been there from the very beginning.

I’m excited about church history. I have a heightened sense of what’s been going on up to this point.

I have an ever stronger sense of the whole church than ever before. The Lord said to them in Toronto right at the beginning, ‘This is not about the Vineyard; this is about the Kingdom.’ This is not about any one church. This is about the Kingdom, and about the Bride of Christ. Right across the church Jesus’ passion for his Bride is beginning to be understood.

I’ve also discovered that I’m desperate to give this away. I haven’t had this appetite for ministry for years. I mean, I’ve always been enthusiastic but I’ve not had this passion before. I’ve just found that there’s a greater recklessness in me than there’s ever been before because God is coming upon us, and the joy of the Lord is coming on the church and Jesus is restoring his joy. And his laughter is like medicine to the soul.

In our church the people are getting freed and the people are getting healed. We’ve got people who have gone down on the floor and got up healed. Nobody ever knew they were sick and they got better without us even naming the words.

The Lord is coming with mercy and kindness.

The prodigal son went to look for parties but he discovered that the best party was in his father’s house. Isn’t that the truth?


(c) HTB in Focus, 12 June 1994, the monthly paper of Holy Trinity Brompton Anglican Church in London. Renewal Journal #5 (1995:1), pp. 24-31.


© Renewal Journal #5: Signs and Wonders, 1995, 2nd edition 2011
Reproduction is allowed with the copyright intact with the text.

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Renewal Journal 5: Signs & Wonders – Editorial

Words, Signs and Deeds, by Brian Hathaway

Uproar in the Church, by Derek Prince

A Season of New Beginnings, by John Wimber

Preparing for Revival Fire, by Jerry Steingard

How to Minister Like Jesus, by Bart Doornweerd

Renewal Blessings, Reflections from England 

Renewal Blessings, Reflections from Australia

The Legacy of Hau Lian Kham, by Chin Khua Khai

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