This is his testimony:
Dear friends, these are difficult times, but we praise the Lord because He gives us strength to not give up! I want you to know that I spent almost three months in a prison in different camps in Turkey.
My journey started in January in the city where we currently live. I bought a fire extinguisher for the church and was going to the church’s building, when a police force stopped me and asked for my documents. I had my passport and some other papers. When I showed these, one of the police officers asked me to come in a police bus for a ‘5 minute check’. When I got in the bus, they took my belongings and phones and said: ‘We are going to check your status, this will take only one hour.’
‘You are now here, and nobody cares’
They took me to an immigration center, actually a jail. I asked: ‘Please, check my documents! Why am I here?’ They replied: ‘You are now here and nobody cares’. They put me in a container with about 15 people, where we spent the night just sitting because there was no space. Early in the morning the guards put handcuffs on our wrists and led us out to buses that were waiting. I got in a bus labeled with a city in the North-East of Turkey. After 16 hours we arrived there and spent a couple of days in a camp in that city.
God gave me the opportunity to serve the arrested people around me. I could give them hope, share the Gospel and pray for sick people. After a few days, in the morning, another big bus arrived. I learned this bus would take us to another city, in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. We spent about 12 hours on the road passing high mountains. God really protected our bus because on one turn in the road it almost rolled over. |