Revival Fires
Published by Renewal Journal, updated 2020
Revival Fires
Printed by Global Awakening

History’s Mighty Revivals
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Ch 7: Twenty-first Century Revivals
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Updated and expanded from Flashpoints of Revival
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Overview and Excerpts on Revivals Index
Revival Fires is an expanded version of Flashpoints of Revival
Updated 4th edition, 2020
Same text as Revival Fires 2020 edition
Foreword (from Flashpoints of Revival, 1st ed. 1998)
by Dr C Peter Wagner, Fuller Theological Seminary
Geoff Waugh and I agree that our generation is likely to be an eye witness to the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit that history has ever known. Many others join us in this expectation, some of them sensing that it will come in the next few years.
Here in America, it seems to me that I have heard more reports of revival-like activity in the past three years than in the previous thirty. This has caused revival to be a more frequent topic of Christian conversation than I have ever seen. There is an extraordinary hunger for learning more about how the hand of God works in revival.
That is a major reason why Flashpoints of Revival is such a timely book. Christian libraries are well stocked with detailed accounts of certain revivals as well as scholarly analytical histories of revival. But I know of no other book like this one that provides rapid-fire, easy-to-read, factual literary snapshots of virtually every well-known revival since Pentecost.
As I read this book, I was thrilled to see how God has been so mightily at work in so many different times and places. I felt like I had grasped the overall picture of revival for the first time, and I was moved to pray that God, indeed, would allow me not to be just an observer, but rather a literal participant in the worldwide outpouring that will soon come. As you read the book, I am sure you will be saying the same thing.
Endorsements (from Flashpoints of Revival)
God has set off fireworks of revival throughout the history of Christianity, but few of us are aware of the magnitude of his handiwork. In Flashpoints of Revival, Australian author Geoff Waugh walks us through God’s gallery of revivals, century by century, to show us that the Holy Spirit can spontaneously ignite at any time, anywhere. You will read details, historically documented facts, and personal accounts of every major move of God for the past three centuries from every corner of the globe. For revival enthusiasts or historians this book is a treasure chest. For those who think God “doesn’t do that” this book is a must-read. Outreach Magazine (COC)
Using eyewitness accounts, Australian Geoff Waugh takes us on a journey of revivals – beginning with the Moravians in Herrnhut, Germany in 1727 and continuing through the centuries to others in England, America, Canada, Africa, India, Korea, Chile and more, including Brownsville in 1995. This will leave you hungry and thirsty, hopefully crying out to God for revival in Australia. Excellent. The Australian Evangel (AOG)
A Goldmine of Inspiration: What a goldmine of inspiring details! Readers may have heard of some of the revivals described in this book, but Geoff Waugh’s comprehensive and up-to-date book provides a global perspective of the unexpected and transforming work of the Holy Spirit around the globe from the 18th century to today. Read, be inspired and encouraged – and open to ways in which the Spirit ‘blows where he wills’. Rev Dr John Olley, former principal Perth Baptist Theological College.
The first time I read this book, I couldn’t put it down. Not only were the stories researched with clear and concise data, but they provide an account of revivals that blew my mind away. As a person interested in seeing the winds of the Spirit blow in our churches and communities, I was truly impacted reading through history’s mighty revivals. Dr. Waugh’s simple yet provoking stories of men and women who dared make a difference and in being available for God was used mightily, is but a true story of this humble man of God whom I have had the privilege of working alongside following the revival winds in the Pacific. Once you read this book, you will not want to put it down as the stories comes alive again, showing us the heart of a man who is passionate about revivals and seeing God move especially in our communities. Dr Waugh’s book is a must read to all who are passionate about letting the Holy Spirit do his work in their lives, in their church and in their community. An inspirational read. Romulo Nayacalevu, Fiji lawyer and UN representative:
This work of the Rev. Dr. Geoff Waugh is of great significance. In it he has provided a comprehensive overview of the major revivals during the last three centuries. What is particularly important is the way in which we are enabled, through Dr. Waugh’s work, to see how God has acted in all kinds of ways, through unexpected people, in unexpected situations, to bring about revival. Geoff Waugh is respected for his integrity, his communication skills, and his passion for mission and renewal. Churches and Christians around the world will benefit greatly from this timely contribution. Rev Prof James Haire, Professor of Theology, Charles Sturt University, and Executive Director, Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture
Flashpoints of Revival is a good overview of the major revivals that have taken place in history, especially more recent history. It will be a compendium for historians and others interested in the subject for a long time to come. I doubt if there is a resource quite like it for logical progression and comprehensive treatment. Rev. Tony Cupit, former Director of Evangelism, Baptist World Alliance.
Flashpoints of Revival has brought many hours of interesting reading. It is very informative and up to date concerning revivals both past and present. I am confident that this book will be well received by many scholars and historians. Rev Dr Naomi Dowdy, Trinity Christian Centre, Singapore.
Geoff Waugh has broken new ground by pulling together evidence of divine impacts on people in revival. He emphasises the place of prayer and repentance in our response to God’s awesome sovereignty and might. This is a book which will inspire you and help you to persist until the earth is “filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord”. Rev Dr Stuart Robinson, Crossway Baptist Church, Melbourne, Australia.
I read Flashpoints of Revival with much interest and enjoyment. The Revd Geoff Waugh has offered us a comprehensive account of spiritual renewal over the centuries. Whilst one of the truly great spiritual renewals has occurred in the latter half of the twentieth century, it finds its genesis in the Book of Acts. Amazing signs of God’s power and love have occurred in the Christian communities which have been open to revival. Those communities have seen increasing membership. The churches which have closed their minds to charismatic renewal have seen decline in membership. I praise God for the Holy Spirit movement in our time. Bishop Ralph E. Wicks, Anglican Church of Australia.
The Rev Dr Geoff Waugh is well able to write about the stories and experiences of revival. He has been a careful and sympathetic student of revival experiences in many parts of the world. In churches that need God’s power for great tasks it is important that God’s action in other places be studied. Geoff Waugh has made a crucial contribution to that task. Rev John E Mavor, former President of the Uniting Church in Australia.
I love learning about revival and this book adds to that hunger. Geoff Waugh, with great integrity and detailed research draws together much information that will inspire the reader. This is an extension of Geoff’s many years of contribution in the area of renewal and revival as editor of the Renewal Journal. Geoff has initiated renewal activities in many denominations in Australia and has participated actively as a member in the growth of Gateway Baptist Church in Brisbane. Rev Tim Hanna, former Minister, Gateway Baptist Church, Brisbane, Australia.
Dr Geoff Waugh’s work has a global relevance, which he has applied in the Australian context. As a fellow Australian I am appreciative. My appreciation is greatly enhanced by a deep respect and affection for the author. He is a competent teacher, an excellent communicator, an informed, disciplined renewalist and an experienced educator. All these qualities combine to commend the author and his work. Rev Dr Lewis Born, former Moderator, Queensland Synod of the Uniting Church.
Geoff Waugh places current outpourings of the Holy Spirit in historical context. In 1993 I said that this move of God would go round the world. It has. It is breaking out and touching millions of lives. Geoff’s work helps us understand more about God’s mighty work in our time. Pastor Neil Miers, President, Christian Outreach Centre, Australia.
A “MUST READ”: This exciting book is a powerful testimony of the Holy Spirit Revival Fire in action spanning the centuries from the 18th to the present day. Immediately engaging and easy to read, Geoff draws insights and keys that are not only relevant and pertinent from their day, but inspire our most earnest application. A “MUST READ” for all who crave REVIVAL in our time. Yvonne Le Maistre, Australian.
Contents (updated and expanded)
1. Eighteenth Century Revival: The Great Awakening and Evangelical Revival
2. Nineteenth Century Revival: Frontier and Missionary Revival
3. Early Twentieth Century Revival: Worldwide Revival
4. Mid-twentieth Century Revival: Healing Evangelism Revival
5. Late Twentieth Century Revival: Renewal and Revival
6. Final Decade, Twentieth Century: River of God Revival
7. Twenty-First Century: Transforming Revival
Final Chapters – updated
This book is an expanded version of Flashpoints of Revival, including footnotes, published by Global Awakening and Renewal Journal. The book includes most of the following contents from the Renewal Journal website Revivals Index.
1. Eighteenth Century Revivals 1700s: Great Awakening & Evangelical Revivals
1727 – August: Herrnhut, Saxony (Nicholas Zinzendorf)
See 1st Great Awakening – Moravians (Revival Library)
1735 – January: New England, North America (Jonathan Edwards)
Video: 1st Great Awakening in America: Jonathan Edwards – J Edwin Orr
1739 – January: London, England (John Wesley, George Whitefield)
Video: 1st Great Awakening in America: George Whitefield – j Edwin Orr
1745 – August: Crossweeksung, North America (David Brainerd)
1781 – December: Cornwall, England
2. Early Nineteenth-Century Revivals 1800s: Frontier and Missionary Revivals
Video: Awakening of 1792 onwards – Edwin Orr
1800 – June-July: Red and Gasper Rivers, North America (James McGready)
1801 – August: Cane Ridge, North America (Barton Stone)
1821 – October: Adams, America (Charles Finney) See Charles Finney (Revival Library)
1837-1841 – Thouands of native Hawaiians touched by God
3. Mid-nineteenth Century Revivals 1800s: Prayer Revivals
Video: Resurgence of 1830 onward – J Edwin Orr
Video: Awakening of 1858 in America – J Edwin Orr
Video: Awakening of 1859 in Britain – J Edwin Orr
1857 – October: Hamilton, Canada (Phoebe Palmer)
1857 – October: New York, North America (Jeremiah Lanphier)
1859 – March: Ulster, Ireland (James McQuilkin)
1859 – May: Natal, South Africa (Zulus)
1871 – October: New York, North America (Dwight L Moody)
Video: Resurgence of 1882 onward – J Edwin Orr
4. Early Twentieth Century Revivals 1900s: Worldwide Revivals
1901 – January: Topeka, Kansas, North America (Charles Parham)
See Charles Parham (Revival Library)
1904 – October: Loughor, Wales (Evan Roberts)
See Evan Roberts (Revival Library)
Video: Report of the Welsh Revival
Video: The Welsh Revival – J Edwin Orr
1905 – June: Mukti, India (Pandita Ramabai)
1905 – October: Dohnavur, South India (Amy Carmichael)
1906 – March: Assam, North East India
1906 – April: Los Angeles, North America (William Seymour)
See William Seymour (Revival Library)
Video: The Azusa Street Revival – Documentary
Video: The Azusa Street Revival – Sid Roth
Video: Testimonies of miracles from Azusa Street
1907 – January: Pyongyang, Korea
1908 – China (Jonathan Goforth)
1909 – July: Valparaiso, Chile (Willis Hoover)
1914 – Belgian Congo, Africa (Charles T Studd)
1915 – October: Gazaland, South Africa (Rees Howells)
1921 – March: Lowestroft, England (Douglas Brown)
1923 – Aimee Semple McPherson – Revival Library
Video: Aimee Semple-McPherson
1927 – February: Shanghai, China (John Sung)
1936 – June: Gahini, Rwanda
See 1930s – Australia: Pinnacle Pocket Revival, North Queensland
5. Mid-twentieth Century Revivals 1900s: Healing Evangelism Revivals
1946 – June: North America (Healing Evangelists)
Video: Kathryn Kuhlman report
1948 – February: Saskatchewan, Canada (Sharon Schools)
1949 – October: Hebrides Islands, Scotland (Duncan Campbell)
Video: The Hebrides Revival 1949 (Revival Library)
Video: The Hebrides Revival – Mary Peckham testimony
1951 – June: City Bell, Argentina (Edward Miller)
1954 – April: Nagaland, India (Rikum)
1960 – April: Van Nuys, North America (Dennis Bennett)
1960 – May: Darjeeling, India (David Mangratee)
1962 – August: Santo, Vanuatu (Paul Grant)
1965 – September: Soe, Timor (Nahor Leo)
See 1965 Indonesia – Mel Tari on the Timor Revival
See 1960s Jesus People Revival
1967 – February: Pittsburgh (Catholic Charismatic Renewal)
See – Students ignite Charismatic Movement
1968 – July: Brisbane, Australia (Clark Taylor)
1970 – February: Wilmore, Kentucky (Asbury College)
Video: Revival Fire: Asbury Revival
Video: A Revival Account: Asbury College
1970 – July: Solomon Islands (Muri Thompson)
1971 – October: Saskatoon, Canada (Bill McLeod)
1973 – September: Enga District, Papua New Guinea
1973 – September: Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Todd Burke)
6. Late Twentieth Century Revivals 1900s: Renewal and Revival
See 1970s – South America: Revival Impacted Bolivia
See 1970s – South America: Almolonga, Guatemala, the Miracle City
1974 – North America (Benny Hinn)
1975 – April: Gaberone, Botswana (Reinhard Bonnke)
See also: “This Disco is a Church” – 1972
See Reinhard Bonnke’s CFAN Beginnings in Africa – 1975 |
See Reinhard Bonnke’s Final Crusade in Africa – 2017
See Reinhard Bonnke – 1940-2019 – a Tribute – 2019
Video: Reinhard Bonnke Memorial Service – 3 hours – 2020
1979 – March: Elcho Island, Australia (Djiniyini Gondarra)
See Pentecost in Arnhem Land
See Australia: Fire of God among Aborigines (John Blacket)
1979 – June: Port Elizabeth, South Africa (Rodney Howard-Browne)
1980 – May: Anaheim, North America (John Wimber)
See Anaheim Vineyard, Mother’s Day 1980
1980s – Miracles in Garbage City, Cairo, Egypt
1984 – June: Brugam, Papua New Guinea (Ray Overend)
1987 – November: Bougainville (Ezekiel Opet)
1988 – March: North Solomon Islands District, Papua New Guinea (Jobson Misang)
1988 – August: Kambaidam, Papua New Guinea (Johan van Brugen)
1988 – Madruga, Cuba
1989 – Henan and Anhul, China
See 1980s-1990s – South America: Argentina Revival
Snapshots of Glory: Mizoram, Almolonga, Nigeria, Hemet, Cali
Global Phenomona: Kenya, Brazil, Argentina
7. Final Decade, Twentieth Century Revivals: Blessing Revivals
See 1990s – South America: Brazil: Transformation through Prayer
See 1990s – South America: Prison Revival in Argentina
1992 – Buenos Aires, Argentina (Claudio Freidzon)
1993 – May: Brisbane, Australia (Neil Miers)
1993 – November: Boston, North America (Mona Johnian)
1994 – January: Toronto, Canada (John Arnott)
1994 – May: London, England (Eleanor Mumford)
1994 – August: Sunderland, England (Ken Gott)
1994 – November: Mt Annan, Sydney, Australia (Adrian Gray)
1994 – November: Randwick, Sydney, Australia (Greg Beech)
1995 – January: Melbourne, Florida, North America (Randy Clark)
1995 – January: Modesto, California, North America (Glen Berteau)
1995 – January: Pasadena, California, North America (Che Ahn)
1995 – January: Brownwood, Texas, North America (College Revivals)
1995 – June: Pensacola, Florida, North America (Steve Hill)
Video: Brownsville Revival – Steve Hill
Video: 1997 Report on the Brownsville Revival
1995 – October: Mexico (David Hogan)
See 1995 – South America – Cali Transformation
1996 – March: Smithton, Missouri, North America (Steve Gray)
1996 – April: Hampton, Virginia, North America (Ron Johnson)
1996 – September: Mobile, Alabama, North America (Cecil Turner)
1996 – October: Houston, Texas, North America (R Heard)
1997 – January: Baltimore, Maryland, North America (Bart Pierce)
1997 – November: Pilbara, Australia (Craig Siggins)
1998 – August: Kimberleys, Australia (Max Wiltshire)
1999 – July: Mornington Island, Australia (Jesse Padayache)
8. Twenty-First Century Revivals 2000s: Transforming Revivals
China, Asia, Middle East, Africa, South America.
Revival in America’s Largest University
Transforming Revivals in the South Pacific:
Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji
See also: 21st Century Revivals
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Revival Fires – Renewal Journal Publication, 2020
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God’s Surprises – Blog
God’s Surprises – PDF
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Jesus’ Last Promise – Blog and Video – Pentecost
You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you
God’s Promise – Blog and Video – I will pour out my Spirit
Seeing God’s Spirit poured out in over 20 countries
Podcast link: 21st-century revivals – Riverlife Church: Geoff & grandson Dante talk with staff about revivals they’ve seen
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This indeed is eye-opener-reading because each time one reads you will be seeing accounts of how God releases the power of revival on those that are hungry and thirsty for it. God bless you Rev Waugh.
Andrew Ojiezel, Lagos, Nigeria