Renewal Journal 9: Mission
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Renewal Journals Index – 20 issues
Renewal Journal 9: Mission – PDF
1 Revival, 2 Church Growth,
3 Community, 4 Healing,
5 Signs & Wonders, 6 Worship,
7 Blessing, 8 Awakening,
9 Mission, 10 Evangelism,
11 Discipleship, 12 Harvest,
13 Ministry, 14 Anointing,
15 Wineskins, 16 Vision,
17 Unity, 18 Servant Leadership,
19 Church, 20 Life
Contents: 9 Mission
The River of God, by David Hogan
The New Song, by C. Peter Wagner
God’s Visitation, by Dick Eastman
Revival in China, by Dennis Balcombe
Mission in India, by Paul Pilai
Harvest Now, by Robert McQuillan
Pensacola Revival, by Michael Brown
Reviews: Building a Better World by Dave Andrews, Surprised by the Power of the Spirit & Surprised by the Voice of God both by Jack Deere, Secrets of the Argentine Revival, by R Edward Miller
Renewal Journal 9: Mission – PDF
Unprecedented evangelism and mission
Unprecedented evangelism and mission continue to accelerate around the world. No one can keep up with the amazing accounts of this global harvest. Similarly, the accounts of outpourings of the Holy Spirit with miracles, signs and wonders increase. Often these cause huge numbers to respond in conversions to Christ.
Jesus said this would be so. All the gospels and the book of Acts tell of the risen Lord’s commission for our mission. Each command concerning our mission in the world includes the promise of God’s presence and power essential to fulfilling our mission.
Matthew 28:18-20. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus, so we are to go and make disciples of all peoples (ethna – ethnic groups, people groups). This includes baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded. He is with us to the end of the age.
Mark 16:15-18. This controversial command includes going into all the world and preaching the gospel to everyone. Signs accompanying that involve casting out demons in Jesus’ name, speaking in new tongues, protection from evil, and placing hands on the sick so they recover.
Luke 24:46-49. Repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in Jesus’ name to all people, and Jesus said he himself would send the Holy Spirit promised by the Father, so the disciples had to wait for that. And Luke tells how it happened in his second book – The Acts.
John 20:21-23. As the Father sent Jesus, so Jesus sends us. He breathed on his disciples and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’ They did. So must we.
Acts 1:8. Jesus last promise and command was that his followers would receive power when the Holy Spirit came on them, and they would be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. This issue of the Renewal Journal tells a little of that continuing story.
David Hogan describes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit among Mexican mountain tribes.
John Piper grounds the goal and task of missions in worship. God is great, and greatly to be praised. The supreme purpose in all mission is God’s glory in everything. Ultimately all the earth shall worship him.
Peter Wagner gives a brief global sweep of the massive prayer movement in the earth today and describes some of its impact. Dick Eastman provides further examples of the current astounding harvest in mission.
Dennis Balcombe reports on the growth of the church in China with the miracles accompanying ministry there. Paul Pilai, a converted Hindu, tells of signs and wonders accompanying mission among Hindu people in India.
Robert McQuillan surveys revival developments in Argentina as well as at Sunderland in England and Pensacola in America, and Michael Brown summarises developments at Pensacola where over 60,000 have now indicated commitments to Christ since June 1995.
The backdrop and context for much of these revivals include increasing violence, families torn apart, death and moral decay worldwide. Sin abounds. However, grace abounds even more. The light still shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot put it out.
Historically, great revivals and moves of God’s Spirit have often broken through into dark times. That still happens.
We can pray and believe for powerful moves of God’s Spirit in our land, that thousands may yet come to faith with lives and families transformed.
The nineties into the 21st century proved to be fascinating decades in the history of the church, and we expect that the years ahead will see even more profound changes as the kingdom of God breaks in upon us ever more fully.
© Renewal Journal 9: Mission, 1997, 2nd edition 2011
Reproduction is allowed with the copyright included.
Contents of all Renewal Journals
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All Renewal Journal Topics
1 Revival, 2 Church Growth, 3 Community, 4 Healing, 5 Signs & Wonders,
6 Worship, 7 Blessing, 8 Awakening, 9 Mission, 10 Evangelism,
11 Discipleship, 12 Harvest, 13 Ministry, 14 Anointing, 15 Wineskins,
16 Vision, 17 Unity, 18 Servant Leadership, 19 Church, 20 Life
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Renewal Journal 9: Mission – PDF
Also in Renewal Journals Vol 2: Issues 6-10
Renewal Journal Vol 2 (6-10) – PDF