The Last Reformation – movies

The Last Reformation – movies

Last Reformation

Link to movies –
The last Reformation: The Beginning
The Last Reformation: The Life

Global: The adventurous life of following Christ

“Die with Christ, rise with Christ. Holy Spirit, come, set her free and fill her up.” An outdoor baptism in the ocean forms the dynamic opening scene of the new movie ‘The Last Reformation: The Life’

This movie is the sequel to ‘The Last Reformation: The Beginning’ – featured in JNI 983 – that has inspired many people around the world. The first film received close to a million views on Youtube and has been featured on different TV stations around the world.

‘The Life’ is the second documentary of three about ordinary disciples of Jesus who have been inspired and activated by the Book of Acts. The film covers a phenomenon that has not been covered much in the mainstream media: thousands of ordinary Christians, without theological training, that go out on the streets, heal the sick, preach the Gospel and baptize people in bathtubs, lakes, rivers and oceans.

In this film we don’t see stereotypical street evangelists, trying to convert people by shouting the Gospel at them. Instead, we see non-assuming Christians in everyday life situations and on the road to new destinations, offering a relaxed and quick prayer for healing. People with various forms of injury and pain seem to receive instant relief. “Pain, go now, in Jesus’ name!” they say, immediately followed by the question: “Can you feel any difference?” And the surprising look on people’s faces: “Wow. Seriously, it doesn’t hurt anymore! I can move it!”

Danish evangelist and producer Torben Søndergaard says about his project with film director Leo Akatio: 

“Just as with the first movie, we experienced how God led the whole process of filming and producing. While the first movie laid the foundation of the gospel of Jesus – how to become a new creation in Christ, this movie focuses on the daily walk of a disciple of Christ. It shows that following Jesus is difficult, but also rewarding. When we remain faithful to Jesus’ words, we will see victories.”

“This movie will inspire, convict and challenge you to become everything God created you to be,” says Søndergaard. “From the living room of a rockstar, to a homeless man on the streets in Brazil. You will experience the movement that is growing all around the world as people discover what it truly means to be disciples of Jesus. This film shows things that probably have never been captured on video before, such as the impressive moment when mambo musician Lou Bega and his entire household was overcome with the Holy Spirit and got baptized in water. This will remind you of stories from the book of Acts.”

Click to watch this interview with Torben Søndergaard.
Click to watch this interview with director Lebo Akatio
What you will see:

The movie features the collective conversion and baptism of a whole extended family in Germany, tourists visiting the tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem and experiencing the risen Christ on location, Torben Søndergaard and his team members teaching others ‘on the job’, a bedouin boy in the desert near the ancient city of Petra who receives instant healing and starts following Jesus, an honest assessment that not everyone the team meets receives healing or is receptive to the Gospel, the role of persecution in the life of Christians, and the transformational experience of a homeless man living on the streets in Brazil.

In 1999, German-born David Lubega (a.k.a. Lou Bega) took Perez Prado’s 1949 instrumental “Mambo No. 5” and recut it as an irresistible dance-pop jingle. It became an unlikely hit, topping charts around the world. This video clip is of the kid’s Disney version of his song. Today, instead of “a little of bit of Minnie in my life” Bega wants all of Jesus in his life. He says about his conversion: “It is way better than winning a Grammy nomination, or becoming a football world champion or whatever. This is just the real deal.”
About The Last Reformation

The Last Reformation is a network of Christians that started in 2011 with a book of the same name, and has grown into a group of thousands of believers who are committed to making disciples in their daily life. The network hosts training weekends called Kickstarts, in which ordinary people get equipped to live the uncomplicated and supernatural life Jesus and his disciples had. Additionally, the network has 5 full-time Pioneer Training Schools and 3 Jesus Cafés in different countries. The group believes in Bible-based teaching, hands-on discipleship training, and that everyone who believes in Jesus can follow his commands to heal the sick, cast out demons, and baptize others in His name.

Founder Torben Søndergaard is convinced the church needs a new reformation. “This new reformation is about rediscovering the Book of Acts.”

Source: Torben Søndergaard, The Last Reformation

Joel News International: # 1077 | April 14, 2018

Click to watch the full movie ‘The Last Reformation: The Life’

This article is in Blogs Index 3: Miracles










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