Discovering ASLAN – Endorsements


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Discovering Aslan – High King above all kings in Narnia.
Exploring the Story within the stories  by CS Lewis.

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* A remarkable work – quite unique
This is a remarkable work and something quite unique that I’ve not come across before (and believe me I’ve seen most ideas). There is a huge appetite for devotional type books and I’m sure that this one will appeal to many people.  Russ Burg (USA)

* Most wonderful devotional from Narnia
One of the most interesting devotionals ever! As a huge fan of all things Narnia, I am so grateful for this deeper aspect of the truths in C.S. Lewis’ stories. Geoff Waugh did a great job in crafting such a book as this. What a wonderful addition to any collection, and an inspiration to know Jesus more deeply.  Belinda S. (Amazon Customer)

* Enhance your wonder and love of Christ
You can read the Narnia tales as just good stories, but CS Lewis wanted people to see more. This book will help you see the many links with Jesus, the Lion of Judah. Use this to enhance your wonder and love of Christ.  Dr John Olley (Perth, Australia)

* Best companion work I know of
Many people have fallen in love with the timeless classics of the Narnia series. Yet few stop to think how closely the story is a parallel universe to the real world in which we live. If you want a serious and detailed look at how this works in Lewis’s work then I cannot think of any other resource of this calibre. Either for a young person who is interested in exploring more, or as a resource on a pastor’s desk, it is an invaluable companion to the original series.

* Fantastic
Fantastic, thought provoking read.  Melissa Waugh (Sydney, Australia)

* A deeper understanding of Christianity
Great study that gives a deeper understanding of Christianity. Would make a great home group Bible study.  Lyn Haack (Manilla, Australia)

* An unusual and fascinating book
Geoff Waugh explores fascinating layers of meaning in C. S. Lewis’s children’s classic. Aslan, the triumphant lion, is revealed as a reflection of Jesus. The book includes devotional meditations using Bible references.  (Amazon Customer)

* Worth your time – rich teaching
Whether you are familiar with Narnia teachings, or this is new to you, Geoff Waugh faithfully puts together the many layers of meaning in the significance of the Lion Aslan as portrayed in each of the books of the series. This is a great companion when you read, and is a stand-alone teaching on the depths of teaching that C.S. Lewis weaves into Aslan’s character. Definitely worth your time.  Steve Loopstra (USA)

* I like it
I like it. I especially like the simplicity of expression. These days, with surface thoughts the order of the day, to be guided to look for depth of thought is an invaluable prompt to search for satisfying meaning.  Lilian Fleming (Sydney, Australia)

* An invaluable companion
As a child I fell in love with the classic children’s book “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” by C.S. Lewis. It is good that it seems just as popular today. Yet many people miss the deeper references that Lewis constantly alludes to in the plot of this book. This is where the book by Geoff Waugh proves to be an invaluable companion. He shows how at nearly every step the hidden story Lewis was alluding to takes shape. If you are not familiar with the Christian background details you will be endlessly fascinated.  Rev
Philip Waugh (Springwood, Australia)

*  A great devotional
This was a great devotional that I loved reading. It goes deeper into the parallels between the Bible and the Chronicles of Narnia series by C. S. Lewis. The book first starts with some back story about C. S. Lewis, then goes on to break down each individual book one at a time in order.
This book was written very well. I think this was a great book that a lot of Narnia fans would enjoy reading just as much as I did.  Caleb (Goodreads)

* A study of Aslan
This is a terrific comparison of Aslan, the Beloved Lion of Narnia to Jesus, the Lion of Judah. The author uses many passages of Scripture to point the reader to Christ. Every time I read The Chronicles of Narnia I fall in love with Aslan and long to know my saviour more intimately. This book is a help in that direction.  Audrey (Goodreads)

* Determined to read
I have never read any of Narnia and am not a good reader but I read this book and have determined to read the Narnia series.  Stan Beattie (Rockhampton, Australia)

* Good!
Everything he writes is good! 
Myrna Moore (Amazon Customer)

* Unique and inspirational
For many children and adults alike, the stories written by C.S. Lewis, and featuring the magical land of Narnia and its incredible inhabitants, are something which have been a part of growing up for generations. Now, the stories told in the books are shown in a new light in an exciting new book, Discovering Aslan, High King Above all Kings in Narnia.
Inside this unique and inspirational book you will find a devotional commentary which describes the background to the stories and the way in which the Lion of Judah is reflected in them, through Aslan. Through references to many Bible passages, a light is shone upon the hidden story which has been concealed within the Narnia tales. The references directly correlate to passages within the Bible and are striking in their similarity.

Discovering Aslan, High King Above all Kings in Narnia is a rare look inside two of the world’s most popular stories – Narnia and the Bible.  The messages are as clear today as they were when first written, so take a journey of enlightenment and new understanding and get your copy of this amazing book today.  Russ Burg (USA)

All versions on one Amazon page
Basic Edition, Gift Edition (colour), 2nd Edition & eBooks


C. S. Lewis wrote:
The whole Narnian story is about Christ …

The whole series works out like this.
The Magician’s Nephew tells the Creation and how evil entered Narnia.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the Crucifixion and Resurrection.
Prince Caspian, restoration of the true religion after corruption.
The Horse and His Boy, the calling and conversion of a heathen.
The Voyage of the ‘Dawn Treader’, the spiritual life.
The Silver Chair, the continuing war with the powers of darkness.
The Last Battle, the coming of the Antichrist, the end of the world and the Last Judgment.

From the book’s Introduction:
The triumphant Lion of Judah features this way in these stories:
Creator and Sustainer in The Magician’s Nephew.
Saviour and Redeemer in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
The Way, the Truth and the Life in The Horse and His Boy.
Restorer and Commander in Prince Caspian.
Guide and Guardian in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Revealer and Victor in The Silver Chair.
Judge and Conqueror in The Last Battle.

From the Prologue:

He is the High King above all kings, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

He is the son of the Great Emperor beyond the sea, beyond the world. He spoke and sang before the creation of the world and brought the world into being.

He commands legions of creatures and people in many worlds.  Some creatures loyal to him may seem strange to us, and many of them fly.  They worship him and serve him wholeheartedly.

His word is always true.  You can depend on him totally. He never lies.

He appears unexpectedly and makes things right.  He gave his life to conquer evil and ransom the guilty rebel.  He rose again by dawn and appeared first to loving, caring young women.

He has enemies in this world and in other worlds but he defeated them and they are doomed. They tremble at the sound of his name.

All who trust in him are forgiven and set free.  He breathes life into hearts of stone.  His breath gives life.

He reveals himself to those who choose to follow and obey him, and the more they know him the more they love him.  The more you know him the bigger he becomes to you. He loves you with unending love.

He chose Peter to lead under his authority and to reign with his royal family.  They failed him at times, as we all do, but he always sets things right when anyone asks for his help, trusts him and follows him.

He has all authority in this world and in other worlds. Multitudes love and serve him now and forever. We can talk to him now and always. 

He is the subject of this book and many other books.  He calls us to respond to him, to believe in him, to love him and to live for him.

He is the Lion of Judah.

Artwork: The Lion of Judah series by Rebecca Brogan, Tasmania, Australia

Basic Paperback Edition – Amazon link

Basic eBook Edition – Amazon link

Gift Paperback Edition (colour) – Amazon Link

Gift eBook Edition – Amazon link

2nd Edition (new format) – Amazon link

All versions on one Amazon page

Book Trailer

READ SAMPLE – Basic Edition

READ SAMPLE – Gift Edition

Type Discovering Aslan in Amazon & Kindle and The Book Depository (free airmail worldwide) to find the books.

ALSO – Individual books for each of the Narnia stories:
Basic Edition, Gift Edition (colour), and eBooks

a-discovering-aslan-1-lww          a-discovering-aslan-1-lww-gift
Discovering ASLAN in ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’

a-discovering-aslan-2-pc          a-discovering-aslan-2-pc-gift     
Discovering ASLAN in ‘Prince Caspian’ – The Lion of Judah

a-discovering-aslan-3-dt          a-discovering-aslan-3-dt-gift
Discovering ASLAN in ‘The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’

a-discovering-aslan-4-sc          a-discovering-aslan-4-sc-gift
Discovering ASLAN in ‘The Silver Chair’

a-discovering-aslan-5-hb          a-discovering-aslan-5-hb-gift
Discovering ASLAN in ‘The Horse and His Boy’

a-discovering-aslan-6-mn          a-discovering-aslan-6-mn-gift
Discovering ASLAN in ‘The Magician’s Nephew’

a-discovering-aslan-7-lb          a-discovering-aslan-7-lb-gift
Discovering ASLAN in ‘The Last Battle’

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