A USB Stick of these 20 Renewal and Revival Books is available for $50. Use the PayPal button, right, and send a Comment at the bottom of this page including your mailing address. You can use this material for your publications and media as long as you acknowledge the copyright as the Renewal Journal – renewaljournal.com. Blessed to bless.
You can add many of these books to your Amazon Cloud library for free by uploading them from links on the Welcome page. Usuallly a free book is offered each weekend.
Revival Books
Revival Fires
Flashpoints of Revival
South Pacific Revivals
Anointed for Revival
Renewal Books
Looking to Jesus
Light on the Mountains
Jesus the Model for Short Term
Supernatural Mission
Body Ministry
Learning Together
in Ministry
Church on Fire
Keeping Faith Alive Today
Signs & Wonders
Living in the Spirit
Your Spiritual Gifts
Fruit & Gifts of the Spirit
Leader’s Goldmine
General Books
An Incredible Journey by Faith
You Can Publish for Free
The 20 Issues of Renewal Journals are available on a USB Stick Library as well. You may also copy the Renewal Journals from the web pages, so long as you acknowledge the copyright as the Renewal Journal – renewaljournal.com.
Later on, other Devotional and Bible Study books may also be available on a USB Stick Library including the Lion of Judah series and the Kingdom Life series.
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