Kingdom Life in Mark

Kingdom Life in Mark

Kingdom Life in Mark

Kingdom Life in Mark – PDF

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Kingdom Life in Mark – Blog
Kingdom Life in Mark – PDF

Kingdom Life in Luke – Blog
Kingdom Life in Luke – PDF

Kingdom Life in JohnBlog
Kingdom Life in John PDF

A Preface to the Acts of the Apostles – Blog
A Preface to The Acts– PDF

Kingdom Life in Mark

Relational Bible studies on every Gospel reading for the year of Mark in the Common Lectionary (Year B).

Part I, The life and ministry of Jesus: Preparation – the coming of Jesus the Messiah, Commencement – the figure of Jesus the Messiah, The mystery of the Son of God, The way of the Son of Man, The fulfilment of the mystery.

Part II, The death and resurrection of Jesus: Preparation for the passion of Jesus, Resurrection appearances of Jesus, The coming of the Holy Spirit, The Godhead.


Kingdom Life in Mark



Preparation: The coming of Jesus the Messiah

  1. The coming of the Lord                 Mark 13:32‑37
  2. John the Baptist                             Mark 1:1‑8
  3. The Messiah                                  John 1:6‑8, 19‑28
  4. Mary’s Son                                     Luke 1:26‑38
  5. Infancy and childhood of Jesus     Luke 2:22‑40
  6. Reflections on the birth of Jesus   John 1:1‑18

Commencement: The figure of Jesus the Messiah

  1. The baptism of Jesus                     Mark 1:4‑11
  2. The call of Andrew and his friend   John 1:35‑42

The mystery of the Son of God

  1. The call of the first disciples         Mark 1:14‑20
  2. A Sabbath day in Capernaum (1) Mark 1:21‑28
  3. A Sabbath day in Capernaum (2) Mark 1:29‑39
  4. The cure of a leper                       Mark 1:40‑45
  5. The cure of a paralytic                  Mark 2:1‑12
  6. The question of fasting                 Mark 2:18‑22
  7. Violation of the Sabbath                Mark 2:23‑3:6
  8. Serious criticism of Jesus            Mark 3:20‑35
  9. The parables of the kingdom        Mark 4:26‑34
  10. The calming of the storm             Mark 4:35‑41
  11. Jairus’ daughter; a woman’s faith Mark 5:21‑43
  12. Jesus rejected at Nazareth          Mark 6:1‑6
  13. The mission of the twelve            Mark 6:7‑13
  14. Compassion for the crowds        Mark 6:30‑34


  1. The feeding of the five thousand John 6:1‑15
  2. The bread of life (1)                     John 6:24‑35
  3. The bread of life (2)                     John 6:35,41‑51
  4. The bread of life (3)                     John 6:51‑58
  5. Incredulity and faith                     John 6:55‑69
  6. Jewish customs                           Mark 7:1‑23
  7. The cure of a deaf mute               Mark 7:31‑37

The way of the Son of Man

  1. Peter’s confession                           Mark 8:27‑38
  2. Passion & resurrection prophesied Mark 9:30‑37
  3. Instructions for the disciples            Mark 9:38‑50
  4. What God has joined together         Mark 10:2‑16
  5. The problem of wealth                     Mark 10:17‑3
  6. The sons of Zebedee                       Mark 10:35‑45
  7. The cure of Bartimaeus                   Mark 10:46‑52
  8. The first commandment                  Mark 12:28‑34
  9. The scribes; the widow’s mite        Mark 12:38‑44
  10. The last things                                Mark 13:24‑32

Conclusion: The fulfilment of the mystery

  1. Christ the King                             John 18:33‑37


Preparation for the Passion of Jesus

  1. The transfiguration                          Mark 9:2‑9
  2. The temptations                              Mark 1:9‑15
  3. The meaning of the cross               Mark 8:31‑38
  4. Teaching about the cross (1)         John 2:13‑22
  5. Teaching about the cross (2)         John 3:14‑21
  6. Teaching about the cross (3)         John 12:20‑33
  7. Palm Sunday and the crucifixion Mark 11:1‑11; 15:1‑39

Resurrection Appearances of Jesus

  1. The empty tomb                             Mark 16:1‑18
  2. Easter evening                               John 20:19‑31
  3. Emmaus postscript                       Luke 24:35‑48

Observations about Jesus

  1. Jesus the Good Shepherd             John 10:11‑18
  2. Jesus the true vine                         John 15:1‑8
  3. Jesus present among his people   John 15:9‑17
  4. Jesus prays for his people             John 17:11‑19

The coming of the Holy Spirit

  1. The day of Pentecost                     John 15:26‑27; 16:4‑15

Conclusion: The Godhead

  1. The Trinity                                 John 3:1‑17

Appendix 1: Studies arranged according to lectionary readings

Appendix 2: Studies arranged according to gospel readings

See also

Kingdom Life in Mark

Lent to Easter and Pentecost

Lectionary readings

 Mark Lent

Kingdom Life in Matthew – Blog
Kingdom Life in Matthew – PDF

Kingdom Life in Mark – Blog
Kingdom Life in Mark – PDF

Kingdom Life in Luke – Blog
Kingdom Life in Luke – PDF

Kingdom Life in JohnBlog
Kingdom Life in John PDF

A Preface to the Acts of the Apostles – Blog
A Preface to The Acts– PDF

A Kingdom Life The Gospels

Kingdom Life: John 

Kingdom Life in John

A A Preface to The Acts

A Preface to the Acts of the Apostles


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