Reviews (16) Vision

Book Reviews

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Jesus on Leadership by Gene Wilkes (Wheaton: Tyndale, 1998)

Review from the Foreword by Calvin Miller.

Gene Wilkes knows the literature of leadership but that is not why this book is the finest of its kind in the marketplace.  There are four major contributors to Gene Wilkes’s greatness as a scholar and teacher.  These same four forces permeate this book and make it a must for all of those who want to become informed and capable leaders.

First, Gene Wilkes loves Jesus.  Please don’t think this a mere saccharine appraisal between friends.  This simplicity provides Gene his passion to serve both God and his congregation.  Further, this love for Christ carries a subtle and pervasive authenticity that makes Gene Wilkes believable.  Whether you read him or hear him lecture, you walk away from the experience knowing that what you’ve heard is the truth – the life-changing truth from a man who lives the truth and loves getting to the bottom of things.  All this I believe derives from his love of Christ.

Second, Gene is a practitioner of servant leadership.  When he encourages you to pick up the basin and towel and wash feet, you may be sure it is not empty theory.  He teaches others what he has learned in the laboratory of his own experience.  Gene is a servant leader, and even as he wrote this book, he directed his very large church through a massive building program.  His church leadership ability, which he exhibited during this writing project, does not surface in this volume, but it undergirds and authenticates it.

Third, Gene Wilkes knows better than anyone else the literature of leadership.  As you read this book, you will quickly feel his command of his subject.  Footnotes will come and go, and behind the thin lines of numbers, ibids, and the like you will feel the force of his understanding.  No one knows the field of both secular and Christian leadership like this man.  So Jesus on Leadership is a mature essay.  It has come from the only man I know with this vast comprehension of the subject.

Finally, Gene Wilkes is a born writer.  It is not often that good oral communicators are good with the pen.  But throughout this book, you will find the paragraphs coming and going so smoothly that you will be hard-pressed to remember you are reading a definitive and scholarly work.  Books that are this critically important should not be so much fun.  Gene Wilkes is to leadership what Barbara Tuchman is to history.  You know it’s good for you and are surprised to be so delighted at taking the strong medicine that makes the world better.

Here are the chapter headings:

Down from the head table:
Jesus’model of servant leadership

Principle 1: Humble your heart
Humility: the living example

Principle 2: First be a follower
Jesus led so that others could be followers

Principle 3: Find greatness in service
Jesus demonstrating greatness

Principle 4: Take risks
Jesus, the great risk taker

Principle 5: Take up the trowel
Jesus’ power – through service

Principle 6: Share responsibility and authority
How did Jesus do it?

Principle 7:  Build a team
The team Jesus built

And some great quotes from page 2:

All true work combines [the] two elements of serving and ruling.  Ruling is what we do; serving is how we do it.  There’s true sovereignty in all good work.  There’s no way to exercise it rightly other than by serving.
Eugene Patterson, Leap over a Wall

Above all, leadership is a position of servanthood.
Max Deere, Leadership Jazz

The principle of service is what separates true leaders from glory seekers.
Laurie Beth Jones, Jesus, CEO

People are supposed to serve.  Life is a mission, not a career.
Stephen R. Covey, The Leader of the Future

Ultimately the choice we make is between service and self-interest.
Peter Block, Stewardship, Choosing Service over Self-Interest

Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
JESUS, Luke 14:11

Supernatural Missions

Supernatural Missions,
by Randy Clark
(Global Awakening, 2012)


Randy Clark has again blessed and challenged us with his compiled book Supernatural Missions.  It helps to fill a huge gap in mission literature, applying the theory and theology of mission in the Spirit’s power to world mission, including short term missions.   Randy’s accumulated wisdom and experience in doing supernatural mission around the world fills the book with convincing examples.  He demonstrates from many diverse countries how God moves powerfully on people, leaders and nations as we believe, pray and obey.

His book is enriched by similar applied theology from others involved in supernatural mission.   This includes Leif Hetland on reaching unreached people groups supernaturally, Bill Jackson’s survey of the biblical background to powerful mission, Peter Prosser’s overview of church history as mission history, Clifton Clarke’s examination of Spirit-filled and empowered mission, Roland and Heidi Baker on prophetic and loving anointing for awesome mission, Jonathan Bernis on the messianic mission of the Jews, ‘DJ’ a missionary in the Arab world on effective mission to Muslims, Bob Ekblad on holistic transformational mission, anthropologist Lesley-Anne Leighton’s call for incarnational practice in words and deeds, and Howard Foltz on current developments in mission.

You will be informed and inspired.  We have added this book to our mission text books in our degree program.

Here is the Contents of these inspiring articles:

Chapter 1 – Why Power Makes a Difference in Missions, by Randy Clark
Chapter 2 – Finishing the Unfinished Task, by Leif Hetland
Chapter 3 – The Biblical Basis for World Missions, Part 1, by Bill Jackson
Chapter 4 – The Biblical Basis for World Missions, Part 2, by Bill Jackson
Chapter 5 – Missions Through Church History, by Peter Prosser
Chapter 6 – ‘Spirit-Filled’ Missions, by Clifton Clarke
Chapter 7 – Prophecy & Missions, by Roland Baker
Chapter 8 – Power & Muslim Missions, by D.J.
Chapter 9 – The Prophetic Destiny of Israel and Jewish People, by Jonathan Bernis
Chapter 10 – Power Evangelism in Short-term Mission Trips, by Randy Clark
Chapter 11 – Primacy of Love in Missions with Power, Heidi Baker
Chapter 12 – Holistic Transformational Missions at the Margins, by Bob Ekblad
Chapter 13 – A Weaving of Anthropological Insights, by Lesley-Anne Leighton
Chapter 14 – Izsues and Trends in Missions, by Howard Folts
Chapter 15 – Development Aid as Power Evangelism: the Mieze Model, by Don Kantel

©  Renewal Journal #16: Vision (2000, 2012)
Reproduction is allowed with the copyright included in the text.

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Contents:  Renewal Journal 16: Vision

Almolonga, the Miracle City, by Mell Winger

Cali Transformation, by George Otis Jr.

Revival in Bogotá, by Guido Kuwas

Prison Revival in Argentina, by Ed Silvoso

Missions at the Margins, by Bob Ekblad

Vision for Church Growth, by Daryl & Cecily Brenton

Vision for Ministry, by Geoff Waugh

Book Review: Jesus on Leadership by Gene Wilkes

Renewal Journal 16: Vision – PDF

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