Kenya Mission

Evangelism in Kiberra, Nairobi, Kenya, Africa's largest slum of one million.
Evangelism in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya, Africa’s largest slum of one million.

Evangelism, healings, deliverance, bread multiplied in the slum, caring for orphans, churches planted, training church planters.

I met Francis Nyameche, a youth evangelist from Kenya, when he studied for his Bachelor of Ministry degree in Brisbane, graduating in 2000.  Since then I’ve visited him in Kenya a few times.

His father, Samson Nyameche, founded the Believers Fellowship Church in Kisumu, Kenya, with 2000 attending, and established over 30 churches.  He runs an orphanage for 50 children on his family farm.

Frank had a vision of Jesus when he was five, and was powerfully filled with the Spirit as a teenager.  He became the youth pastor in his father’s church and spoke at local markets where thousands were saved and filled with the Spirit.  Frank evangelised in many places in Africa.

Supported by his wife Lindah, Frank began Nairobi Believers Mission (NBM) church in the slums of Kibera where a million people live, jammed together in small mud brick homes with rusty iron roofs.  I’ve had the privilege of teaching leaders and speaking at meetings there.  In spite of poverty and political unrest, their churches continue to grow steadily.

Before the Kibera slum church moved into their corrugated iron shed they met in a community hall.  I taught leaders there, and spoke at their Sunday service with about 30 people.  We gave them real bread for communion, not just symbolic cubes.  The Spirit led me to give them all the bread we had, just a loaf (not five barley buns as the boy had in Scripture).

“Can I take some home to my family?” asked one young man.  That’s a hard question to answer in front of 30 hungry people.

“It’s your bread.  You can take some of your bread home if you want to,” I answered.

Then everyone took a large handful of communion bread, and most put some in their pockets to take home later.  We shared real glasses of grape juice in plastic glasses, thanking the Lord for his body and blood given for us.

After my return to Australia I heard that the bread multiplied, as those who took some home had enough for their families to eat even to two weeks later.  Francis added: “Actually the miracle continued months after we began NBM and were feeding members each Saturday afternoon with tea and bread.  God continued multiplying the food and there was always enough.”

My glimpses of revival in Kenya with Francis in the slums, with his parents in the orphanage and teaching pastors and leaders from over 30 of their churches, reminded me that God uses the weak things of this world to confound the mighty.  People with limited or no resources still see the Kingdom of God come powerfully among them.

Francis is now involved in evangelism and training church planters in the villages of Kenya.  He writes:

By His leading, I am now working with some denominational leaders in Northern Kenya to plant spiritually growing churches in the most unreached places.  Some places with a percentage as high as 98% of the people there yet to hear The Good News of the Gospel.

We are raising African missionaries or trainers who are committed to live in remote villages, teaching pastors and church planters how to fellowship in the love of Christ. We are also encouraging them to reach children for Christ. These Spirit-filled church planters may not be literate, but will be sharing mainly from the “Chronological Bible stories” a publication upon which much of the training centres. The needs in this mission field are great and we constantly pray for focus as we are easily and understandably distracted by the overwhelming lack of basic needs. We expect that as we step out in faith, God will respond in signs and wonders!

My role is to strategise, coordinate and supervise 6 trainers of church planters who will in turn train multiplying church planters for a vast region. In addition to that, I am responsible to raise funds for training material together with meeting and travel costs. God is still leading us into new ways of how to use our time more efficiently for His Kingdom purposes.

Other than that I have plans to move my family into Kisumu rural, a location 40Km South-West of Kisumu town.  With the help of our friends from DIAS (KBC), we have purchased a 10 acre plot of land by the lake,  built a 2km access road, fenced it and planted over 200 trees on it including fruit trees, pine and royal palm trees. We plan to build our home there.  We have a big vision for a facility that will house many activities that the Lord has put into our heart.  We call it the Milele Center.  Milele is Swahili for Eternity. The Milele Center is a new rural development that incorporates a largely self-sustaining home/rescue center, school for children and training center for African missionaries and church planters; for an area that lacks these facilities.

You can connect with Francis on Facebook: or email him on

Francis & Linda Nyameche
Francis & Linda Nyameche
Part of Kiberra slum, Nairobi, Kenya
Part of Kibera slum, Nairobi, Kenya
Praying for leaders in Kenya
Praying for leaders in Kenya

Francis trains church planters

Francis trains church planters

Adapted from Chapter 8 of
Looking to Jesus: Journey into Renewal and Revival
A Looking to Jesus All

And adapted from Journey into Mission, and
Journey into Ministry and Mission

0 0 Jurney M2

0 0 A Journey Mission All

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