Good News from Kenya, Philippines and Syria

Kenya: Millionaire gives up fortune to care for street children

Charles Mully has lived a real-life rags-to-riches story. But at the height of his success, he sold it all to become a father to children living on the streets of Kenya.
His children call him ‘Daddy Mully’. Like many of those children, Mully once lived on the streets. His parents abandoned him when he was just six years old. Recalling that time, Mully says: “As a young child I woke up one day to find that I was alone, at the age of five or six years, and that was my life. No food, nothing that I could lean on… I became a street boy, a beggar.”

His amazing climb from Kenya’s slums is the focus of the new feature film ‘Mully’. Mully began his business career by using his personal car as a taxi cab. From there, he purchased a fleet of cars and then buses. He added oil and real estate to his portfolio and quickly became a celebrated millionaire.

“Sometimes it is so hard for me to measure at the level, but I can acknowledge and say, yes the Lord really lifted me so high through his favor, through the small business that I started.” Mully says. “When I look back, I see God’s grace and a plan – a good plan. He was planning for me to become an instrument for the future. When God really wants to make use of you, there is no way you can escape, even when you try to run away.”

‘God wanted me to become an instrument for the future.’

Happily married with eight children, Mully felt God calling them to sell everything. That call came in 1986 after a face-to-face encounter with children begging on the street. “God was speaking to me this way. I saw myself in their faces because I was trying to hide myself. I had never shared it with anybody. I don’t remember even one day sharing a testimony about my past. I wanted people to see me as a great man, with money, with everything.”

The Mully family started Mully Children’s Family. It has now grown to become the largest children’s rehabilitation organization in Africa. But it hasn’t been any easy process. “All this journey, together with my wife, has never been easy. Especially the rejection from our friends, the churches, they never wanted to hear about anything, they thought I was crazy.”

Despite the early criticism from those around him, more than 13,000 of Daddy Mully’s children have gone on to become doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers, and lawyers. “I see the world, I see Kenya, I see the continent of Africa being transformed through them and through Christ, who strengthens us,” Mully says.

Watch the ‘Mully’ movie trailer

Source: Charles Mully

Philippines: How a tribe changed from fear to faith

The Higaunon people used to live in fear. They lived in bondage, worshiping their ancestors and sacrificing pigs and chickens to appease the spirits. And then the gospel message changed all that. Fear turned to faith.

After hearing the gospel message, the newly saved Higaunons said, “All we could talk about was what Jesus had done for us and how we could now see the truth so clearly. We were amazed at the darkness and depth of sin that we were in before. To think that we actually worshiped God’s enemy, thinking that we were on the right track! It was such a joyful time in our lives to be set free from the terrible bondage that the spirits had held us under through fear.”

The infant Higaunon church became burdened for their fellow Higaunons in other villages. They wondered why it took so long for the gospel to reach them. “It seemed to us that 2,000 years was a really long time to bring the message to our place, and we didn’t want it to be a long time before it reached other Higaunon villages,” the Higaunon believers said. They didn’t just talk about it. They did something about it. And as a result, there are now churches in over 20 other Higaunon villages.

But the work is not done. Other villages are asking, “What about us? We want someone to come and teach us.” And the Higaunon church takes this responsibility seriously. They pray that God will raise up more laborers in their midst.

Source: Lance and Laura Ostman, Ethnos360

Syria: A growing demand for Bibles in Aleppo

The Syrian Bible Society, working from Aleppo, continues its work despite the destruction and turmoil of the war. In the relatively safe western part of the city the Bible Society’s bookshop is open every day. 

“The demand for Bibles is huge,” says George Andrea, head of the Bible Society. “Children’s Bibles are very popular. Christians and Muslims come to us with questions what the Bible says about suffering and handling the difficult circumstances they’re in.”

In 2014 the Bible Society distributed 159,000 Bibles, ten times more than in 2010 before the war started. The Bibles are imported from Lebanon.

Source: Syrian Bible Society

Joel News    # 1059 | 11/13/2017











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