Healing Prayer in Myer Store


By Simon Mclean

Last night I went to Myer in the city to pick up shoes for Jordan’s wedding. I met the two ladies pictured. They helped me with getting the right sizes.

Once I was all sorted with the shoes I asked Alyssa if she had pain in her arm. She said she didn’t but she had pain all through her back be cause she was pregnant. And asked me why.

I said “can I show you something cool? Take my hand!”
She cautiously took my hand while Olga looked on.
“In Jesus name pain go right now! Muscles relax,” I said.
Then I asked her to bend and try it out. She bent down and came back up wide eyed. I asked her what was happening..
She said “It’s gone! I couldn’t do that with out pain before!”
I said “Don’t be nice to me! Be honest. Is there even a little bit of pain?” She said “No! I’m being honest! It’s all gone! What happened!?”

Then Olga said “My turn! Do it to me!”
I asked her what is causing her pain and she told me that she hurt her hamstring about a year ago. So I took her hand and said the same thing. And asked her to try it out. She said there was no change, so I prayed again. Still no change. “Alyssa! You pray!” I said. So Alyssa put her hand on her shoulder and said the same quick prayer that I did. I asked Olga to try it out again. “It’s gone down! ” she said!

They both asked what was happening. So I told them a bit of my story before and after Jesus and how what was happening to them is because the love of Jesus for them. I then said “Jesus healing you guys is his way of inviting you into a personal relationship with himself where this which just happened becomes normal! Where you talk to Jesus and he actually talks back because he is in love with you!”

Then Olga said “Jesus talks to you?”
“Yes,” I said. She then said “what’s he saying about me?” I smiled and said “I’ll ask!” Instantly I saw a snow covered train line with a little house next to it. So I said “When you were little in Russia (she told me she was Russian earlier in the conversation.) did you live right next to a train line?” She said yes. Alyssa eyes go even wider and said “Oh my God!”

Olga said “tell me something else.”
I then said “Did you recently lose a white dog?” She said she did and asked again for something else. I felt God say to me that she’s got something she wants to share. So I said “Olga, I feel like you have something you want to tell me?” She then said “I wanted you to tell me about my brother.” She then told me that her brother died two years ago and she was struggling with it. I then got to tell her about how God did not take her brother. And that he’s a loving Father and he was with her through even those hardest times.

Then Alyssa said “tell me about me! ” I smiled and said “I see dark water… What happened when you were little?” She said “OH MY GOD! I nearly drowned when I was 6 years old! I am terrified of water even today!”

I then got to share with them about how Jesus knows everything about them and how much he loves them! They both said “So how do we give our lives to Jesus?” I told them what to pray when they got off work because they said they couldn’t do it right there because it was super busy.

They both asked me for my contact details and what church I go to so they could find out more about Jesus!

Opportunities to administrate the kingdom of Heaven are everywhere if you just stop a second. (This happened because I got a wrong word of knowledge.)
[Simon’s impression was that Alyssa had pain in her arm.]

Geoff Waugh's photo.
Photo: This is Alyssa and Olga.

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