The Body of Christ, Part 2: Ministry Education

The Body of Christ

Part 2: Ministry Education

The Body of Christ, Part 2, Ministry Education – PDF

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The Body of Christ: Part 2: Ministry Education:
Part 2 of Body Ministry

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Part 1: Body Ministry and Part 2: Ministry Education

now also available in one volume:  Body Ministry

Body of Christ, Part 1

The Body of Christ: Body Ministry
Book 1 – Body Ministry, and
Book 2 – Ministry Education

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Now included as Part 2 of Body Ministry

A Body Ministry 1

Body Ministry – PDF

This is the second of the two books (also Parts 1 & 2 of Body Ministry) exploring the implications of serving the risen Lord, Head of his Church, in the power of his Spirit.



by the Rev Dr Lewis Born, former Moderator of the Queensland Synod of the Methodist and Uniting Church in Australia and Director of the Department of Christian Education.

Body Ministry and Open Ministry Education come in its right time for adult education, gospel communication, and the growth of the church.

Open Education promises to become the most commonly used adult educational methodology of the new millennium. The demand is likely to increase. This indicates that the work of Geoff Waugh is a significant contribution to the current educational enterprise. It is particularly valuable to Christian Educators. The author’s orientation is theological and his target audience is the faith community, its nurture, growth and outreach.

To this point in time the educative process has been inhibited by dependence on structured courses, the classroom and qualified teachers. Accelerated technology, as Mr Waugh observes, has made modern resources commonly available to individuals, churches and schools in every village community. By this medium Open Education for the first time in history is able to offer high quality education from the world’s best teachers to people in their own lounge, church or local group meeting place.

All this coinciding with the renewal movement has stimulated interest in theological learning to an unprecedented degree in the history of Christendom. The incredible numerical religious revival in the Asian and Latin church has been stimulated and served by modern technology.

This gives Open Ministry Education and therefore Mr Waugh’s work a global relevance, which he has applied in the Australian context.

As a fellow Australian I am appreciative. My appreciation is greatly enhanced by a deep respect and affection for the author. He is a competent teacher, an excellent communicator, an informed, disciplined renewalist and an experienced extension educator.

All these qualities combine to commend the author and his work.


Book 2: Ministry Education

This book examines developments in education for ministry with these contents:

Introduction: Ministry Education in the Body of Christ:

from traditional to open ministry education

Chanter 1. From narrow to wide: Open Education

1. Open Ministry Education

2. Distance Education

Chapter 2. From centralized to decentralized: Unlimited Education

1. Advantages

2. Problems and Solutions

Chapter 3. From classrooms to life: Continuing Education

1. Increasing Change

2. Increasing Choice

Chapter 4. From pedagogy to self-directed learning: Adult Education

1. Principles

2. Foundations

Chapter 5. From competition to co-operation: Mutual Education

1. Aims and objectives

2. Implications

Chapter 6. From closed to open: Theological Education

Bases for Change in Theological Education

Chapter 7. From general to specific: Contextual Education

1. Theology in Context

2. Ministry in Context

Chapter 8. From pre-service to in-service: Ministry Education

1. Body Ministry

2. Servant Leadership

Epilogue: The Unchanging Christ


Book 1: Body Ministry

This book follows on and builds upon the fascinating ideas in Book 1: Body Ministry, summarized here (see the book on Amazon)

Section I. Body Ministry: from few to many

Chapter 1. From meetings to ministry: Kingdom Authority

1. Church and Kingdom

2. Signs of the Kingdom

Chapter 2. From making decisions to making disciples: Obedient Mission

1. Empowering

2. Discipling

Chapter 3. From spectators to participants: Mutual Ministry

1. Clergy

2. Laity

Chapter 4. From limited to unlimited: Spiritual Gifts

1. Unity

2. Diversity

Chapter 5. From programs to growing churches: Body Evangelism

1. Program Evangelism

2. Power Evangelism

Section II. Body Organization: from some to all

Chapter 6. From figurehead to functional head: Divine Headship

1. The Written Word

2. The Living Word

Chapter 7. From firm to flexible structures: Body Membership

1. The Organism

2. The Organization

Chapter 8. From management to equipping: Servant Leadership

1. Servanthood

2. Equipping for ministry

Chapter 9. From passive to active: Body Life

1. Concern for People

2. Concern for Task

Chapter 10. From maintenance to mission: Expanding Networks

1. Congregational Structures

2. Mission Structures

Part 1: Body Ministry and Part 2: Ministry Education

now also available in one volume:  Body Ministry

These two books combine and affirm the strengths of both traditional and emerging church life in the context of current cultural and Christian developments.

Anyone interested in the church in today’s world will be interested in these books and the fascinating potential they describe.

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See details, contents, photos and reviews Amazon & Kindle.

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The Body of Christ: Part 2: Ministry Education:
Part 2 of Body Ministry

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