Revival summaries – Biblical Principles

Flashpoints of RevivalRevival Fires

Summaries about revival
from Flashpoints of Revival
and Revival Fires

Also used as teaching resources,
eg. you can use these in PowerPoint

Jesus’ last promise – Acts 1:8
——You shall receive power (dunamis – dynamic, dynamite)  when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and
—You shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

Peter’s first text – Joel 2:28-32 (Acts 2:17-21)
17  I will pour out of my Spirit on all flesh …
—18  I will pour out My Spirit in those days …
Old Testament Revival texts
2 Chronicles 7:14
If My people who are called by My name
—will humble themselves
—and pray
—and seek My face
—and turn from their wicked ways,
—I will hear from heaven
—and will forgive their sin
—and heal their land.
—Psalm 85:6
—Will You not revive us again,
That Your people may rejoice in You?
—Habakkuk 2:14
—For the earth will be filled
With the knowledge of the glory of the Lord,
As the waters cover the sea.
—Habakkuk 3:2
—O Lord, I have heard Your speech and was afraid;
O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years!
In the midst of the years make it known;
In wrath remember mercy.
‘Revivals’ in the Old Testament
—1  Jacob’s household (Genesis 35:1‑15)
Jacob returns to Bethel – idols removed – God worshipped, covenant name Israel reaffirmed
—2  Asa (2 Chronicles 15:1‑15)
Prophet Azariah preaches – idols removed – temple restored, covenant reaffirmed – sacrifices
—3  Joash (2 Kings 11‑12; 2 Chronicles 23‑24)
Priest Jehoiada restores boy king Joash – Queen Athaliah killed, temple restored – faithful to covenant under Jehoiada
—4  Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:1‑8; 2 Chron 29‑31)
Destroyed idols (& bronze snake) – restored temple worship, saved from Sennacherib – Samaria fell
—5  Josiah (2 Kings 22‑23; 2 Chronicles 34‑35)
Ruled from 8 to 39 – cleaned up temple, Torah found and read – repented – saved from destruction
—6  Haggai and Zechariah with Zerubbabel (Ezra 5‑6)
Prophets challenged people – Leaders rebuilt temple – Temple rededicated – Passover restored
—7  Ezra with Nehemiah (Nehemiah 9:1‑6; 12:44‑47)
Repentance and confession worship restored, reforms established
—8  Jonah
Prophet preached for repentance – King and people repented, city was saved from destruction


Characteristics of Old Testament ‘Revivals’
—1  They occurred in times of moral darkness and national depression;
—2  Each began in the heart of a consecrated servant of God who became the energizing power behind it;
—3  Each revival rested on the Word of God, and most were the result of proclaiming God’s Word with power;
—4  All resulted in a return to the worship of God;
—5  Each witnessed the destruction of idols where they existed;
—6  In each revival, there was a recorded separation from sin;
—7  In every revival the people returned to obeying God’s laws;
—8  There was a restoration of great joy and gladness;
9  Each revival was followed by a period of national prosperity.

Characteristics of Revival in Acts 2 – Pentecost
—1. Sovereignty: Acts 2:1,2 – the day of Pentecost .
—God chose the time, place, people; & came suddenly.
—2. Prayer: Acts 1:14; 2:1 – constantly in prayer, in one place –
—They gathered together to pray and wait on God.
—3. Unity: Acts 2:1 – in one accord  – They met in unity with love and humility.
—4. Filled: Acts 2:4 – as the Spirit gave utterance –
—Filled with the Spirit, using gifts of the Spirit.
—5. Preaching: Acts 2:14 – heed my words – Peter preached with anointed boldness.
—6. Repentance: Acts 2:38 – repent and believe –
—Large numbers were convicted and repented.
—7. Evangelism: Acts 2:40-41 – three thousand –
—New believers were baptised and witnessed.
—8. Miracles: Acts 2:43 – many miracles and wonders –
—People were filled with awe at God’s great power
—9. Community: Acts 2:44-47 – close fellowship –
—Evangelism and commitment to one another continued.
—10. Growth: Acts 2:47 – the Lord added … daily – Daily witnessing, conversions.
Church Growth in Acts

—Acts 2:41  ‑ 3,000  added
—Acts 4:4    ‑ 5,000  believed
—Acts 5:14   ‑ multitudes of both men and women
—Acts 6:7    ‑ disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem
—Acts 8:1    ‑ persecution arose ‑ all scattered
—Acts 9:31    ‑ churches were multiplied
—Acts 11:21    ‑ a great number believed
—Acts 11:24    ‑ a great many people were added to the Lord
—Acts 12:24    ‑ the word of God grew and multiplied
—Acts 16:5    ‑ the churches increased in number daily
Hindrances to Revival
—(Adapted from How to Experience Revival by Charles Finney, Ch 8)
—1  PRIDE:  When Christians become proud of their ‘great revival’ it will stop.
—2  EXALTING SELF OVER GOD:  Some, under pretence of publishing things to the praise and glory of God, have in fact published things that seemed to exalt themselves.
—3  PREJUDICE:  A revival is likely to stop when Christians lose the spirit of brotherly love.
—4  BEING MECHANICAL: A revival will cease when Christians become mechanical in their attempt to promote it.
—5  EXHAUSTION:  A revival will stop when the church grows exhausted through its labour.
—6  SELF RELIANCE: When Christians do not feel their dependence on the Spirit revival stops.
—7  DECLINE:  A revival will decline and cease unless Christians are frequently revived.
—8  CONFLICT:  Revival can be put down by the continued opposition of the old school combined with a bad spirit in the new school.
—9  NEGLECTING MISSIONS: Another thing that hinders revival is neglecting the claims of missions.
10 NEGLECTING SABBATH: If the church wishes to promote revival it must sanctify the Sabbath.
ABC of your identity in Christ
ABC of your identity in Christ

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