Reviews (1) Revival

Book Reviews

From Renewal Journal 1: Revival
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Cho, Paul (now David) Yonggi. 1984. Prayer: Key to Revival. Waco: Word, 158 pages.

Prayer: Key to Revival, by Paul Yonggi Cho, describes many ways to pray effectively. Coming out of the Korean church scene where early morning prayer meetings, nights of prayer, and prayer mountains set apart for continual prayer and fasting are common, it reflects a strong commitment to prayer still rare in the West.

Sections in the book cover motivation to pray, types of prayer (petition, devotion, intercession), different forms of prayer, and methods of prayer. It has chapters on personal devotional life, family devotions, church meetings, cell groups, prayer retreats, allnight prayer meetings, fasting, waiting on the Lord, persistence, prayer in the Holy Spirit, faith, listening to God, group prayer and powerful prayer.

This is essential reading for anyone serious about Christian living, discipleship and leadership. It is one of the best handbooks on prayer available today. Paul Yonggi Cho spends five hours a day in prayer. He requires that all his leaders and staff in their church of over 800,000 people pray for at least three hours a day. No wonder theyre experiencing revival with around 12,000 converts every month.

Filled with personal examples it is fascinating and timely. It challenges us to believe God and act on that belief as we pray. Read it for enjoyment. Study it for key insights. Apply it for effective ministry (G.W.).


Burgess, S. M. and McGee, G. B. 1990. Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988; with corrections 1990, 914 pages.

Every church and college library should have this comprehensive single volume encyclopedia. The 800 articles written by 65 contributors make it the best reference work on pentecostalism and charismatic renewal available.

Both a strength and a weakness is its focus on North America with some reference to Europe. Other volumes are needed for South America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific. At least the limitations make it a manageable size.

The 300 historical and contemporary photographs enhance the text. Informative articles discuss baptism in the Spirit, Bible institutes and colleges, CatholicPentecostal dialogue, the charismatic movement, Elim, Episcopal renewal, eschatology, evangelism, glossolalia, healing, Holy Spirit doctrine, the Jesus Movement, missions, prophecy, statistics, and many more issues. Failures are well documented as well as the amazing spread of pentecostalism and charismatic renewal.

Statistics cover the growth of the movement since 1900. Growth continues to accelerate with over 400 million, or one quarter of all Christians, involved by 1992. By 1990, figures were: First wave: Pentecostalism over 193 million; Second wave: Charismatic Movement over 140 million; Third wave: Mainstream Church Renewal over 33 million.

Concise biographies include those of David Barrett, Reinhard Bonnke, Don Basham, John Bertollucci, Jamie Buckingham, Yonggi Cho, Larry Christenson, Andrae Crouch, Nicky Cruz, John Alexander Dowie, David du Plessis, Tom Forrest, Terry Fullam, Kenneth Hagin, Michael Harper, Jack Hayford, Tommy Hicks, Peter Hocken, Melvin Hodges, Walter Hollenweger, George and Stephen Jeffreys, Kathryn Kuhlman, Killian McDonnell, Francis McNutt, Aimee Semple McPherson, Ralph Martin, Bob Mumford, Edward O’Connor, T L and Daisy Osborn, Agnes Ozman, Charles Parham, David Pytches, Kevin and Dorothy Ranaghan, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Michael Scanlan, William Seymour, Chuck Smith, Russell Spittler, Cardinal Suenens, Peter Wagner, David Watson, David Wilkerson, Rodman Williams, John Wimber, Maria WoodworthEtter, Thomas Zimmerman and others.

It needs an index. That would make these topics more accessable! This well written, comprehensive volume will be a major reference book for years to come (G.W.).


Jan Jongenell, ed. 1990. Experiences of the Spirit. Frankfurt am Main (also New York): Peter Lang, 280 pages.

In 1989 the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands hosted the fifth Conference on Pentecostal and Charismatic Research in Europe. The 50 participants came from ten European countries, the United States and South Africa. Experiences of the Spirit, edited by Jan Jongeneel the Professor of Missions at Utrecht, gathers 17 papers from the conference in six parts including contributions from well known charismatic authors such as Walter Hollenweger (Reformed) and Peter Hocken (Roman Catholic).

Part 1, The Search for a Pneumatology, discusses doctrines and experiences of the Holy Spirit. For example, Jan Jongeneel shows how ‘The right doctrine leads the church to doxology and the right experience leads the church to go out into the world in mission.’ Walter Hollenweger writes about priorities in Pentecostal research noting that ‘A movement which represents more or at least as many members as all the other protestant denominations taken together can no longer be considered a fringe topic in church history, missiology, and systematic theology.’ This section discusses Spiritbaptism, the charisms, and the contribution of charismatic theology to ecclesiology.

Part 2, The Message of Healing, explores theological links between vibrant revivalistic or Pentecostal spirituality and engagement for social justice and liberation. Articles cover faith healing in the Netherlands, the importance of Spiritbaptism and spiritual gifts in bringing balance to limited perspectives, and the importance of spiritual healing in the therapeutic supermarket.

Part 3, Black Spirituality, discusses South African Pentecostalism in the struggle against apartheid ideology, and argues for the significance of British Black Theologies within the African Diaspora in North America, the Caribbean, and Britian.

Part 4, The Dialogue with the Churches, notes that ‘bilingual men and women are needed, who are able to interpret both the academic rational language of western theology and the oral expression of Pentecostalism.’ Articles trace charismatic and ecumenical developments in France, and comment on Roman Catholic/Pentecostal dialogue. Peter Hocken argues for ‘the operation of the full range of New Testament gifts and ministries. To the extent they are not given scope in the historic churches, they will appear outside, and are thereby themselves reduced.’

Part 5, Short Reports, survey developments in Czechoslovakia and in Latin America.

Part 6, Epilogue, evaluates the conference from ecumenical and missiologial perspectives in papers written by staff members of the Faculty of Theology of Utrecht University. It includes suggestions for improving ecumenical commitment and communication in the interface between charismatic renewal, ecumenical developments and social engagement.

The book explores significant missiological and ecumenical issues positively, identifies unresolved problems, and indicates areas needing further research. Most papers are written by scholars involved in pentecostal and charismatic ministry and teaching. The book strongly emphasises the mission of the church in the world.

It is a welcome contribution to current dialogue on the global rise and growth of this significant movement which is radically influencing the nature of contemporary Christianity. It should find a place in every church and theological college library (G.W.).


Jan Jongeneel, et. al. eds. 1992. Pentecost, Mission and Ecumenism: Essays on Intercultural Theology. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Walter J. Hollenweger. Frankfurt am Main (also New York): Peter Lang, 380 pages.

These 26 articles were written by students and colleagues of Walter Hollenweger to honour his work. He retired in 1989 from his position as Professor of Mission at the University of Birmingham, where he had been apppointed in 1971 as the first Professor of Mission in an English university. A Swiss theologian, he is well known for his pioneering work in pentecostal studies, especially his book The Pentecostals (1972; 2nd ed. 1976; 3rd ed. 1988) based on his doctoral research at Zurich.

His Ph.D. students included Arnold Bittlinger, Peter Hocken and James Haire. Part of a tribute from James Haire is included (p. 37):

Research students came before everyone else. Work was corrected and returned within days. Criticisms and suggestions were precise and for the aid of the researcher… Most of all, I remember those moments when tears came to his eyes, whether in interviews or in teaching… when the magnitude and indescribable depth of the Grace of God became apparent to him. Here was a person beyond denomination or cultural background for whom God’s action was quite overwhelming.

The book is arranged in three parts.

Part 1 covers the biography of Professor Walter Hollenweger, with six articles describing the wide range of his interests and abilities. For example, his doctoral study of pentecostalism ran to ten volumes, and he learned twenty foreign languages in those six years of research in order to read the sources in their original tongue! His study of this movement throughout the world increased his appreciation of oral and narrative theology.

Part 2 deals with historical case studies and statistics on pentecostalism and charismatic renewal in missiological and ecumenical perspective. Articles range from the beginnings of pentecostalism to its world wide influence, including an article by Martin Robinson on the work of David du Plessis, one by James Haire on Indonesia, and one by David Barrett on signs, wonders and statistics in the world today.

Part 3 gives missiological and ecumenical reflections on inculturation and encounter. Writers include Jan Jongeneel, Charles Kraft, Peter Staples and Peter Hocken. The various articles discuss the impact of pentecostalism and charismatic renewal on mission and liturgy, on ecumenical theology and the ecumenical movement (G.W.)


Geoff Waugh, ed. 1991. Church on Fire. Melbourne: Joint Board of Christian Education, 176 pages.

Over the last 30 years, the face of the church in Australia has changed dramatically. Hundreds of ministers and churches have been transformed and radically redirected by their experience of charismatic renewal.

In both city and country, among Catholics and Protestants, in large churches and small churches, there has been a renewed baptism of fire.

In Church on Fire, Geoff Waugh, Director of Distance Education at the Uniting Church’s Trinity Theological College in Brisbane, has brought together stories from all over Australia of what the Holy Spirit has been doing.

The book begins with the exciting record of the revival among aborigines in the Northern Territory in 1979 and the years that followed. This is followed by numerous personal testimonies and then examples of renewal and revival in local churches.

The final section includes a number of observations on charismatic renewal by a wide range of people including such well known names as Hamish Jamieson, Arthur Jackson, Rowland Croucher and Dan Armstrong.

For anyone who wants some insight into the charismatic movement, this is a valuable resource. (Barry Chant).

This review is reprinted by permission from New Day, September 1992, PO Box 564, Plympton SA 5038.

Additional note: Contributors to Church on Fire are Aboriginal Renewal: Djiniyini Gondarra, John Blacket Personal Renewal: JohnCharles Vockler, Owen Dowling, Charles Ringma, Dorothy Harris, Gregory Blaxland, David Todd, Barry Manuel, Ruth Lord Church Renewal – Examples: Barry Schofield, John Lewis, Vincent Hobbs, Phil Audemard, Brain Francis, David Blackmore, Bob Dakers, Geoff Waugh Church Renewal Observations: Barry Chant, Hamish Jamieson, Tom White, Lazarus Moore, Glen Heidenreich, Rowland Croucher, Arthur Jackson, Don Drury, Don Evans, Peter Moonie, Dan Armstrong


Video Reviews

Making God Known into the 21st Century. Youth With A Mission.

This 14 minute, lively and well edited promotional video describes the activities of Youth With a Mission (YWAM) in Australia, including the outreaches. Loren Cunningham, the International Director and Steve Aherne the Australian Director comment briefly. The video shows the wide range of YWAM training and minitries including Discipleship Training Schools, church planting, worship, street evangelism, drama, mime and dance, and modules of study available from their University of the Nations through bases around the world, including Australia. Copies may be borrowed from YWAM bases or purchased from Australian Religious Films, 258 Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge N.S.W. 2063.


Global Perspectives. Youth With A Mission.

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) produces a bimonthly international news video describing their work around the world. The 30 minute video, produced in America, is a professionally produced bulletin, interesting and informative. It gives clips of YWAM teams in many different countries, medical and mercy missions to worn torn and famine areas, outreaches at international events such as the Olympics and World Expo, and a summary of major YWAM outreaches around the world. Contact your nearest YWAM base for this valuable current resource (G.W.)

(c) Renewal Journal 1: Revival (1993, 2011), pages 51-95
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